Your latest fun team combination
@BriMan2222 said:
@dianetics said:
This one isn’t life changing but if The Hunter is boosted and there is nothing else going on… like this week.Hunter, 5may, 5Emma all with yellow supports. Kong SP//DR Vintage Shield.
Hunter just cuts through everything with yellow and May changes a yellow every turn.
Just a thought, but you could use half thor instead of 5may. Then he's passively building up yellow for hunter and red for Emma's passive.
Probably. But I think he's terrible and I hate having the retreat a bunch before my clears. This is just a stopgap team to use when the boost week is not good.
I prefer the control and being able to choose going light. Putting a yellow out each turn give you a higher chance of going light, verse the randomness of thor which could send you dark with a bad cascade.
I did not put a lot of thought into this or try to min max it. I just threw something out there and it worked well so I tossed it out there.
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Still not entirely sure what she does, but I was running (5* Agatha 2/2/3 no levels)/nightcrawler (4* ascended to 5)/Sersi for awhile to make a crit spam team since they can control the board on 3 colors. I’m sure Agatha’s blue does more than add a couple tiles of the chosen color but I can’t be bothered to screenshot the power and zoom in to see what that is. Anyway it works pretty well for hitting a match-5 on most turns, and Sersi’s countdowns hit pretty hard when they go off.
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Fatpin and Hotpool putting in work
Just let Hotpool tank
Here’s a recent turn 24 -
Madness! I just got a 945k strike tile with this combo.
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Add prowler
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@ThaRoadWarrior said:
Add prowlerProTip:
The team wants less villains and more supports that fortify friendly tiles.
The less friendly strikes the better. If you have 1 fat tile it blows up crazy fast. If you have many tiles then it is slower.0 -
Good find. I tried it out it simulator, I got the strike tile to 96,208,848
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Shang-Chi with 5 star Agatha and either Namor is absolutely ridiculous. I prefer the 3 star version because 5 cost crit creation and 125% of match damage in bottom rows being dealt to a random enemy is just so good, especially if you run Krakoa on him as support, because 2 black and green AP boosts guarantee you a crit creation first turn. If you run 2 blue and purple AP boosts you're guaranteed to be able to get Agatha's 3 cost blue off turn one as well unless there is somehow not a single blue match to be gained.
5 star Namor is also incredible with that 45% increase to cascade match damage synergizing with Agatha's increase to match damage with each match and Shang-Chi's own personal match damage increase, especially since the active is only 6 and makes cascades more likely. I don't have him at 13 covers yet, so this is theory on my part, but if you use Atlantis as a support and a single green and black AP boost there's a good chance you'll be able to cast it on turn one, and it makes your match 5's grant a green, black and purple AP as well, which is great for Shang-Chi, and if you run Snack Cart on Agatha you gain a purple every time you use on of your abilities - so that's two bonus purple if use you use them to make a match 5. Put Chimichanga on Shang-Chi and you've got good odds to grab 2 bonus purple and red AP with matches in their color, casts of Agatha's blue creating a match 5 opportunity in purple with the 4-5 purple tiles you create per cast of it can end up giving you 4 bonus purple with one ability cast, 5 if you use it twice, so you're gaining over a full cast of Shang-Chi's purple in one turn easy. Or you can spam it creating blue tiles to keep firing it until you've made 6 matches and gain 1 purple on every cast and 1 purple on ever match 5 you get from spamming it, or grab 3 purple AP with 2 casts on green and a match 5 with any luck, plus 6 green minimum from the match 5, allowing 2 casts of Namor's cascade creating green ability at least if you started with at least 6 green from boosts and Atlantis, and a generation of 5 purple even without any matches or tiles getting destroyed by match 4's that might occur in the process. With any luck at all you should only ever need to let the enemy have one turn max- as long as there is a blue match on the board you're set to go on your second turn. You could also gamble on getting at least one blue and remaining under 6 matches from cascades, use 2 blue and purple AP boosts, a green and black AP boost or two, and start the game with a cast of the board shake green if you get the 5 green at start from Atlantis, in which case you'll be up to 4 purple on turn one regardless of which color you plan to focus.
You could even swap Quantum Realm onto Shang-Chi instead of Chimichanga, giving you good odds at starting with 5 purple. So with the 2 blue, purple, and green from standard AP boosts, and, if you're lucky, the 5 purple and green AP from supports that leaves you with 7 purple, 7 green and 2 blue at start. One cast of SC's crit creation will get you at least one cast of Agatha's blue, and leave you with at least one purple, then Agatha's blue cast will leave you with at least 2 purple and the option to use the green board shake for at least 1 more purple, so 3 minimum, regardless of the color you choose for Agatha's blue even before the AP that might be gained off the casts active effects on the board or lucky match 5's. I'd choose blue for Agatha's cast, hopefully getting you a match in blue to use it again and go up to 3 purple, shifting the board towards blue by 4 and possibly 1 extra purple as long as the snack tile isn't created on an already present purple, each time. Repeat the process til you hit 6 matches (you can always swap to red or purple or green when advantageous, especially if you get at least 6 blue before you hit 6 matches), charging up at least one purple every cast. With any luck by the time you've reached the point where you can't keep spam casting the blue, or make a match 5 naturally, you'll have enough purple for crit creation again, maybe even enough red to cast SC's destroy 5, and create a match 5, gaining 2 bonus purple and a green. If all goes well, you can keep alternating between Agatha's blue and SC's red and purple as advantageous, gaining bonus purple every cast and bonus green and purple on every match 5, until you've hit the six matches that trigger the swap and run out of available match 5's. At that point you can start dropping Namor's board shake into rotation with SC's abilities, til you run out of AP and match 5 options. Finally you can cast Agatha's blue if you have the 6 for it and return it to the 3 cast option once you reach 9 blue and can cast the 3 cost version at least once, but you're probably better served saving that til you've run out of other options or stored up at least 12 blue as you don't want to waste available match 5's or opportunities for using SC's abilities to create good matches or cascade matches from Namor's green to fill up your 6 matches before you can get at least a couple uses of the 3 cast version out.
So theoretically you can ramp up to winfinite with insane damage on turn one, and you've got a really good chance at doing it as soon as you have 6 blue AP, as long as you can hit that on the first few turns.
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I thought I would share this now since I guess the cat is out of the bag. I have been running this team almost exclusively in PvE and PvP since Namor was released.
I have seen some people run this and I highly recommendCol5 / 3-4May / 3Namor
Namor double dips from 3mays boosts.
This team just deletes things. It pretty wild to watch when you make a match 4 first turn.
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I’m playing around with (all unboosted) 4 to 5 Johnny Blaze (5* power stone)/4 to 5 Nico(3* chewie support)/ 3* vampire jubilee (5* chimichanga) to create foolish attack tile strength. Jubilee pumps all friendly attacks by 35% at the start of the turn. Nico will pump all SAPs by 917 every turn assuming you have more than the enemy. Ghost rider creates 2x attacks of 3154 each on green, a power that gets cheaper as the board floods with attacks, and on red he makes a repeater that creates 2x 1667 attacks every 2 turns. Both powers do base damage, and since he tanks most things those powers have a realistic degree of firing for free anyway.
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It's been too long since someone posted here, so I figured I'd share my favorite 1 n Done team.
Are you sick and tired of the enemy team having a chance to make moves? Well then, this is the team for you:
Agatha5 (3,5,5)
Support: Any, but I recommend anything that starts with pink or blue AP. I use Quantum RealmBeast4 (ideally ascended) (5,5,3)
Support: Refreshment Cart, rank 1+Gorgon5 (3,5,5)
Support: Krakoa, rank 3+- Start the match with 4 blue AP from Krakoa and hopefully additional AP from Aggy support.
- Throw Aggy pink if available. This will create 2 repeaters, 1 pink refreshment countdown and give 1 blue AP.
- Throw Aggy blue twice (choose BLUE). This will immediately generate blue from the cart and create more countdown tiles.
- At this point there is already a very high percentage chance that your cart countdowns and or Aggy blue made matches. Most matches made contain special tiles that Beast provides additional AP for. Continue to throw Aggy pink (or rarely yellow) to generate more blue.
- The blue infinite should be solidly in effect by now. Win the match.
- In my experience, the enemy team almost never gets their turn one. If you want a higher percentage chance they don't, take 1 or 2 blue in to the fight.
- Look for match 5s in between every cast of Aggy blue.
- If Beast is ascended, this goes much faster (for both his match boost and triggering Aggy's boost).
- If for some crazy reason you need to make a match early on: If there are no match 5's, ALWAYS choose blue, even over other match 4s, the infinite is everything.
This team can easily dispatch any team (including frog teams) with the exception of: Strange and Sinister (your ability spam will get you killed, don't do that!).
You can fight Chasm, just remember, you will eat that initial damage. If your Beast is only 4 (and survives), you can heal a lot back with Aggy, but if he's 5, there's no time.This is the ultimate offensive team: crush everyone without health packs or real need for boosts, but be prepared to get slapped back after.
Yes, you can swap Gorgon and to a lesser extent, Beast. You really just need Mutants with blue as their strongest color. Beast however amps the AP gain and massively increases the damage at 5 (Baku, Jugs and Colos don't stand a chance). I prefer Gorgon for his stun, healing and cheap / fun abilities, but consider Professor5 (very fun and match 4s get more AP) or ascended Northstar if you have him.
Other lesser qualifiers: Magneto, Polaris, Prof4, Angel (even sad useless Cable gets a W here).It does work in a pick 2, but much less likely on turn 1. Make sure you take the Cart over Krakoa if you have to choose. The blue on every ability throw is more important than starting with it for the infinite.
- Once over 10 blue AP start having fun with other colors and abilities (you can't lose the infinite at this point).
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@WhiteBomber said:
It's been too long since someone posted here, so I figured I'd share my favorite 1 n Done team.Are you sick and tired of the enemy team having a chance to make moves? Well then, this is the team for you:
Agatha5 (3,5,5)
Support: Any, but I recommend anything that starts with pink or blue AP. I use Quantum RealmBeast4 (ideally ascended) (5,5,3)
Support: Refreshment Cart, rank 1+Gorgon5 (3,5,5)
Support: Krakoa, rank 3+- Start the match with 4 blue AP from Krakoa and hopefully additional AP from Aggy support.
- Throw Aggy pink if available. This will create 2 repeaters, 1 pink refreshment countdown and give 1 blue AP.
- Throw Aggy blue twice (choose BLUE). This will immediately generate blue from the cart and create more countdown tiles.
- At this point there is already a very high percentage chance that your cart countdowns and or Aggy blue made matches. Most matches made contain special tiles that Beast provides additional AP for. Continue to throw Aggy pink (or rarely yellow) to generate more blue.
- The blue infinite should be solidly in effect by now. Win the match.
- In my experience, the enemy team almost never gets their turn one. If you want a higher percentage chance they don't, take 1 or 2 blue in to the fight.
- Look for match 5s in between every cast of Aggy blue.
- If Beast is ascended, this goes much faster (for both his match boost and triggering Aggy's boost).
- If for some crazy reason you need to make a match early on: If there are no match 5's, ALWAYS choose blue, even over other match 4s, the infinite is everything.
This team can easily dispatch any team (including frog teams) with the exception of: Strange and Sinister (your ability spam will get you killed, don't do that!).
You can fight Chasm, just remember, you will eat that initial damage. If your Beast is only 4 (and survives), you can heal a lot back with Aggy, but if he's 5, there's no time.This is the ultimate offensive team: crush everyone without health packs or real need for boosts, but be prepared to get slapped back after.
Yes, you can swap Gorgon and to a lesser extent, Beast. You really just need Mutants with blue as their strongest color. Beast however amps the AP gain and massively increases the damage at 5 (Baku, Jugs and Colos don't stand a chance). I prefer Gorgon for his stun, healing and cheap / fun abilities, but consider Professor5 (very fun and match 4s get more AP) or ascended Northstar if you have him.
Other lesser qualifiers: Magneto, Polaris, Prof4, Angel (even sad useless Cable gets a W here).It does work in a pick 2, but much less likely on turn 1. Make sure you take the Cart over Krakoa if you have to choose. The blue on every ability throw is more important than starting with it for the infinite.
- Once over 10 blue AP start having fun with other colors and abilities (you can't lose the infinite at this point).
I use variations of this in pick 2 all the time. Basically anybody whose blue is their strongest color with refreshment cart. Agatha usually gets Leapfrog.
Ideally you want someone whose blue is stronger than Agatha's so you can speed it up with her boosting ability and match damage. Partners who fit the bill are Riri, Cable, Doctor Strange, Vulture, Silver Surfer, Prof X, and Evo.
I think Riri, Silver Surfer, and Prof X are the best pairings for this combo.
In pick 3, I've already moved away from it since it is painfully slow.2 -
Here’s one for your DDP clears so you don’t have to keep a roster of 3s and 4s.
2Are3, Max Thanos 3, 1 3May and 1 3May4.
Use 3may4 when you can. Switch to 3May for the other node.
Use green support generators. Cull Obsodian on Thanos. Atlantis on Ares. Yaro Root on May.
Start the match use onslaught with Ares, win.2 -
@dianetics said:
Here’s one for your DDP clears so you don’t have to keep a roster of 3s and 4s.
2Are3, Max Thanos 3, 1 3May and 1 3May4.
Use 3may4 when you can. Switch to 3May for the other node.
Use green support generators. Cull Obsodian on Thanos. Atlantis on Ares. Yaro Root on May.
Start the match use onslaught with Ares, win.I like how the higher level people think it's a choice to keep a roster of 3's and 4's. They're just 1's to you folks, huh?
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@Borstock said:
@dianetics said:
Here’s one for your DDP clears so you don’t have to keep a roster of 3s and 4s.
2Are3, Max Thanos 3, 1 3May and 1 3May4.
Use 3may4 when you can. Switch to 3May for the other node.
Use green support generators. Cull Obsodian on Thanos. Atlantis on Ares. Yaro Root on May.
Start the match use onslaught with Ares, win.I like how the higher level people think it's a choice to keep a roster of 3's and 4's. They're just 1's to you folks, huh?
Not at all. They get Ascended. They problem with DDP is you can't use the Ascended ones in some of the nodes so you have to keep a roster of some non-ascended 3/4 if you want to do those nodes.
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@Borstock said:
I like how the higher level people think it's a choice to keep a roster of 3's and 4's. They're just 1's to you folks, huh?Would you prefer I stop sharing teams and stop posting?
Because, I could totally do that.2 -
@LavaManLee said:
@Borstock said:
@dianetics said:
Here’s one for your DDP clears so you don’t have to keep a roster of 3s and 4s.
2Are3, Max Thanos 3, 1 3May and 1 3May4.
Use 3may4 when you can. Switch to 3May for the other node.
Use green support generators. Cull Obsodian on Thanos. Atlantis on Ares. Yaro Root on May.
Start the match use onslaught with Ares, win.I like how the higher level people think it's a choice to keep a roster of 3's and 4's. They're just 1's to you folks, huh?
Not at all. They get Ascended. They problem with DDP is you can't use the Ascended ones in some of the nodes so you have to keep a roster of some non-ascended 3/4 if you want to do those nodes.
It honestly creates kind of a neat challenge.
I retired from competitive DDQ around the time ascension launched -- I ascended absolutely everyone and I just couldn't compete with the top speedrunners anymore (I do have an entire folder full of screenshots of me at #1 on the DDQ leaderboard).
Now I just do DDQ with whatever nonsense is lying around. These fights are really really easy. You can do them with whatever. So I enjoy cobbling together some whatever team and trying it out.
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There is competitive DDQ?
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@DAZ0273 said:
There is competitive DDQ?It was a joke (but I do actually have that folder of screenshots!).
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