Your latest fun team combination



  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited December 2021
    I think playing with charged tiles is a niche play style, and there weren’t a lot of options for it until that brief flurry of 4*s came out going hard on them, and now Shang-Chi leaning way into them. Not that it’s the right way to do things, but rather than looking for Negasonic shaped niches to fill, when a character like that comes out it really triggers that part of my brain that wants to start with the niche and build it out. I feel like every time I mention charge tiles being worth triple AP and doing 3x match damage there is always a “oh wow, they do that?” Response which I feel means that whole mechanic is pretty widely overlooked by the player base.

    incidentally, here is a thread from 2018 wherein I pitch a Flaptain based team back in my 4* days.
  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,256 Chairperson of the Boards
    Everyone who was around when 4thor was released remembers. 

    The problem is, after that massive debacle they realized charged tiles are way too good, and started powering down anyone who used them for anything.
  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,256 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think playing with charged tiles is a niche play style, and there weren’t a lot of options for it until that brief flurry of 4*s came out going hard on them, and now Shang-Chi leaning way into them. Not that it’s the right way to do things, but rather than looking for Negasonic shaped niches to fill, when a character like that comes out it really triggers that part of my brain that wants to start with the niche and build it out. I feel like every time I mention charge tiles being worth triple AP and doing 3x match damage there is always a “oh wow, they do that?” Response which I feel means that whole mechanic is pretty widely overlooked by the player base.

    incidentally, here is a thread from 2018 wherein I pitch a Flaptain based team back in my 4* days.
    For a very long time, we used a Flaptain team (which had a name that I can't remember) in PvE -- Phoenix/Flaptain/3* Scarlet Witch.

    This was probably in 2016?  Remember we had very few 5* back then and also PvE was roster-scaled, so every node was like 300,000HP for 5* players. 

    You'd use Flaptain's passive to set off SW's tile fast, creating purple and match-5s for Phoenix to turn into red/strike tiles/tile buffs.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    I’m convinced there is some Flaptain/Ronan combo waiting to be discovered. Maybe with Hawkeye. His passive CD shortening is pretty great.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    I didn’t realize Worthy Cap had a 9 tile cap on his blue; was that part of his nerf? I was wondering how he’d play with Throg and Carbage but now I don’t think it’s worth it. I feel like he was uncapped originally?
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    I was thinking how to maximise Negasonic's random destruction ability. This led me to this thought: destroy some random tiles to trigger other character's ability under x condition. Thus, C5rol/Negasonic/Polaris was created and I gave it a run. The idea was to use C5rol green to destroy charged tiles so that a random friendly strike tile gets destroyed (via Negasonic) to gain 2 yellow aps (via C5rol). I fired Photonic Rush and she didn't destroy charged tiles created by Negasonic. Experiment failed. 

    Add Negasonic to the list of characters who can differentiate friendly charged tiles from non-friendly charged tiles.

  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think it’s Danver5 who is distinguishing them in that scenario, no? Same as Star Lord. Negasonic is interesting though - if you fire her green to make that CD, and then fire her yellow and it happens to swap the CD, it just eats it.

    man I wish I could find something interesting to do with Danver5’s passive though. Polaris/Hood is the most obvious except that Hood has that hard stop on his turn which kills the combo. Maybe Wa5p/Danver5/Polaris? Is there enough Call the Swarm board shake there to be circular?
  • MoosePrime
    MoosePrime Posts: 969 Critical Contributor
    I was thinking how to maximise Negasonic's random destruction ability. This led me to this thought: destroy some random tiles to trigger other character's ability under x condition. Thus, C5rol/Negasonic/Polaris was created and I gave it a run. The idea was to use C5rol green to destroy charged tiles so that a random friendly strike tile gets destroyed (via Negasonic) to gain 2 yellow aps (via C5rol). I fired Photonic Rush and she didn't destroy charged tiles created by Negasonic. Experiment failed. 

    Add Negasonic to the list of characters who can differentiate friendly charged tiles from non-friendly charged tiles.

    Probably hard to set up, but does Photonic Rush destroy charged tiles that an enemy created, while at the same time not destroying charged tiles that an ally created?
  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,256 Chairperson of the Boards
    Starlord green does the same thing with charged tiles, it's really bizarre.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited December 2021
    My bad, C5rol should be added instead. 

    It's not easy to find enemy who creates charged tiles for 5* players. It should be easier on 3* or 4* land. I assume C5rol can destroy enemy created charged tiles because they aren't tagged under"friendly".

    C5rol/5* Storm/Polaris can do winfinite if I didn't remember wrongly. It has been a long time since I last used this team.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    How would that work? 5torm’s yellow can convert some team up to a chosen color, is that enough to keep the green moving?
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    This team setup is slow. How it works is that you spam strike tiles via Polaris, then you use Storm's yellow to create more green. Once you have ~15 green aps, destroy non-green tiles that have the most number of friendly strike tiles. Each friendly strike tiles destroyed gives you 2 yellow aps. So, it will be better to choose tiles with at least 5 friendly strike tiles to keep the chain moving. Once you fired Storm's green twice, your yellow aps will be super charged. What tiles to destroy depends on the setup of the board. Generally speaking, destroy tiles that can set up green matches. The winfinite is board dependent. It will be better to use this team in pve since supports can help you to increase starting green/yellow ap. It works in pvp against enemies who don't create non-strike tiles before Polaris. But it's a slow setup.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited December 2021
    Starlord green does the same thing with charged tiles, it's really bizarre.

    I don't think it's wierd so much keying off information that is hidden from the user.  All charged tiles have an ownership attribute tracked by the game. So every charged tiles is either a friendly or enemy special tile, but that attribute has absolutely no effect on how the tiles themselves behave. It isn't even tracked by the UI and it's not possible for the player to figure out which is which without manual tracking, but the game still knows and applies powers appropriately.
    For me this is most relevant for 4* gamora.  Her passive can proc with friendly purple charged tiles on the board, so you can use coulson's purple to swap/charge 2 purple tiles to fill out the board for gamor when running 5Hawk/coulson/g4mora. It won't proc with enemy purple charged tiles.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    For those trying out Ultron team, positioning is important. Go for Ultron/Valkyrie/Polaris.

    Anyway, here is another new winfinite team: Echo (5/5/3) and MODOK (5/3/5), facing against Colossus/5witch/Apocalypse.

    Initially, I made videos with other characters like Domino, 4* and 5* Prof X but the video went pretty long (~5.5 minutes). My 5* Prof X is poorly covered, that's why his Signal Boost is doing 2* damage. If I had him champed, I wouldn't go with Shang Chi. Shang Chi cut down the time by at least 50% though.

    Other subsitutes for Shang Chi, as mentioned above, are Domino, 4* and 5* Prof X. I find that Domino gives a more consistent result due to her ability to increase black by 100%. I think Sersi would be another good play with this team.
  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited December 2021
    That is a pretty great team. I admire your commitment to finding good combos to characters that are derided as trash tier in their forum. 

    SC did a lot of work in that video due to combo points at 3/5/5. I’m not as sure Prof X would have been better. You healed SC quite a bit at the end, which was important since you almost lost him.  But I found myself curious as to whether you would have been able to nuke multiple opponents out of existence with his purple. You eventually killed of Colossus, but I find with that build I can usually end two opponents if I place the critical in the right place. I admit that Colossus/Wanda teams still give me a bit of trouble because of their damage reduction. 
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think that every character has potential to be good and useful and I like to find synergies for all characters that I've champed or covered decently. That's what make me excited. 

    When I used the team with Prof X/Domino against Apocalypse/Colossus/Wanda, it took more than 5 minutes to beat them due to damage reduction from both Wanda/Colossus. So, Shang Chi was put in place to reduce the effectiveness of those damage reductions and speed up the play. I would have featured Domino/Prof X if I were not dealing with defensive meta team. It's normal for SC to be near death against meta team since he's tanking every hit. If I play against non-meta team, the average health left would be 30-40k.

    5* Prof X should be better than SC because Wanda's repeater would have been destroyed during those cascades. There are mutiple cascades when you do a colour switch red <-> black, so Prof X Signal Boost would trigger multiple times and deal at least 8000 damage per cascades. If only I had him champed...  :D
  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think that every character has potential to be good and useful and I like to find synergies for all characters that I've champed or covered decently. That's what make me excited. 

    When I used the team with Prof X/Domino against Apocalypse/Colossus/Wanda, it took more than 5 minutes to beat them due to damage reduction from both Wanda/Colossus. So, Shang Chi was put in place to reduce the effectiveness of those damage reductions and speed up the play. I would have featured Domino/Prof X if I were not dealing with defensive meta team. It's normal for SC to be near death against meta team since he's tanking every hit. If I play against non-meta team, the average health left would be 30-40k.

    5* Prof X should be better than SC because Wanda's repeater would have been destroyed during those cascades. There are mutiple cascades when you do a colour switch red <-> black, so Prof X Signal Boost would trigger multiple times and deal at least 8000 damage per cascades. If only I had him champed...  :D
    Yeah that makes a lot of sense. Wanda’s repeater being destroyed before the combo got going helped a lot. Related, against Doc Ock in the S6 event I often used SC to create match-4s to target specific tiles, but it was a bit rng dependent. 
  • TheEyeDoctorsWife
    TheEyeDoctorsWife Posts: 831 Critical Contributor
    Not sure if it’s been mentioned , but I’m using Heimdall/ Valkyrie/ Polaris and it takes about 4 turns to winfinite stun lock. Obviously Apoc/Mutant is the only Achilles heel so far . It has no defense value but the retals are fast and easy .
  • hothie
    hothie Posts: 210 Tile Toppler
    edited December 2021
    I know I'm late to the party on this one, but I never realized the synergy of Be4st with BRB.

    Be4st's black creates protect tiles, which feeds BRB's ap generation. And Be4sts's green creates blue charged tiles, which further compounds onto the blue ap train.

    Add in Polaris, and in the Evergreen pvp it has been steamrolling through some very good teams. With all of the green I'm firing Be4st's green often, and I can usually get enough blue ap to stun-lock them early and roll to victory. And that's with my BRB only being 0/1/1, I don't even have his green to fire.
  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited December 2021
    hothie said:
    I know I'm late to the party on this one, but I never realized the synergy of Be4st with BRB.

    Be4st's black creates protect tiles, which feeds BRB's ap generation. And Be4sts's green creates blue charged tiles, which further compounds onto the blue ap train.

    Add in Polaris, and in the Evergreen pvp it has been steamrolling through some very good teams. With all of the green I'm firing Be4st's green often, and I can usually get enough blue ap to stun-lock them early and roll to victory. And that's with my BRB only being 1/1/0, I don't even have his green to fire.
    I have been targeting those (there are quite a few BRB, Polaris, Th4nos out there too) teams with Blob, Polaris, and Teen Jean (sometimes Thanos), haha. Blob has been pretty awesome in Evergreen with Polaris dominating everybody's MMR. Teen Jean helps with the extra green tiles that keep dropping (I had almost forgotten about Polaris Cascades), not to mention there are a few Hulk bombs out there.  If this was a regular event Jean would quickly become meta. I'm still working out how to take out Hammer Juggs, Polaris, Grocket without eating health packs