CareBearStare Alliance Thread



  • Ugh, I am taking this one thread in S&F way too personally. Someone told me to quit if I didn't like the way things were now, I mean how dare I make suggestions!
  • DecoyDuck
    DecoyDuck Posts: 620
    Ugh, I am taking this one thread in S&F way too personally. Someone told me to quit if I didn't like the way things were now, I mean how dare I make suggestions!

    Do you need us to downvote someone, carpet-bomb style?
  • No no, it just amazes me how I can try to make a suggestion based on someone else's complaint, knowing full well it will likely never come to fruition. Throw in an exaggerated analogy to make my point and someone will always jump at opportunity to yell 'you sir are wrong, kindly go die in a fire for daring to suggest things be less competitive'
  • DecoyDuck
    DecoyDuck Posts: 620
    Stare! Unstable ISO8 PVE - we got rank 44! That thing was BRUTAL! Great job to our 60K+ crew.
    Tonzil, Grimm, RWTD, Enoc99, and adamL take the top spots! Thanks to Milkrain for the literal and figurative boost! Boom!
  • user311
    user311 Posts: 482 Mover and Shaker
    Good job on that PVE. Top 50 thats pretty good. I was able to squeak out a top 200 on my own which equated to a yellow CptMarvel or better yet 500 iso. I've swapped with Kamu for the weekend (CBS membership pending) & spent my last HP giving BP another black cover. Gonna be tight tonight with no HP to shield up. Any tips on a good pair with him for defense? Running Hood/LT at the moment.
    I will be updating the WarRoom figures later today. Also, there is now a PVP spreadsheet in the WR. Berk, Centurion, User, feel free to update it with the Caves numbers, as I can not see you guys.

    Also, I need a STARE of epic proportions! I have a job interview tomorrow for an Office Manager position downtown! I am very confident that I will get it, but it doesn't hurt to ask for positive energy. Maybe I'll get more that I am asking for salary wise. LOL. icon_lol.gif
  • user311 wrote:
    Good job on that PVE. Top 50 thats pretty good. I was able to squeak out a top 200 on my own which equated to a yellow CptMarvel or better yet 500 iso. I've swapped with Kamu for the weekend (CBS membership pending) & spent my last HP giving BP another black cover. Gonna be tight tonight with no HP to shield up. Any tips on a good pair with him for defense? Running Hood/LT at the moment.

    How strong is your BP? I wouldn't use Hood. When I see hood I just laugh, because this is how my fight pans out.

    Step 1: I take black and enemy hood doesn't steal because there is not enough on the board.
    Step 2: Enemy collects random colours.
    Step 3: Roar of panther = Hood dead for sure and Punisher's retribution will mop up Hulk/Thor/Random Beefcake.

    Ideally, you want to support BP with two heroes without black abilities. Now that I say that I wish I had swapped out punisher for Falcon, just to insure that all black will go to roar of the Panther.
  • user311
    user311 Posts: 482 Mover and Shaker
    Milkrain wrote:
    How strong is your BP? I wouldn't use Hood. When I see hood I just laugh, because this is how my fight pans out.
    Well the team is all 125 right now I think. BP is 95 and I assume the PVP boost is 30 levels. I think rage is doing 2500pts or so. Both BP and Hood are tanking yellow for LT which is kind of reverse logic since we normally want the biggest guy out front. Its working I guess I just checked the phone and I had a defensive win. I know Hood is a squishy klepto but I was running LDaken instead earlier this morning but he died faster and I took more damage than with Hood. I've been trying to play dumb like the AI to see if I can figure out how it would play my team (so saving AP to string abilities rather than spam the same one).

    In other great news I see that Capt Marvel is the reward for the Starfall. So congrats to the Bears for now your PVE hard work will be doubly rewarded and perhaps an extra 2000ISO for me?
  • agarber
    agarber Posts: 29 Just Dropped In
    user311 wrote:
    BP is 95 and I assume the PVP boost is 30 levels.

    PVP boost is always 50% I think. And this is both for usual PVP and for Lightning Rounds. So 95lvl BP should be boosted to by 47-48 levels (142-143 total).
  • Ugh, I was hoping for a bit of a breather, but with hoods on the line in one hand and more sentrys into marvels on the other....
  • user311
    user311 Posts: 482 Mover and Shaker
    Seems like this is playing out like the SheHulk release. There was an event I missed out on rewards and then a PVE which gave rewards. Will be interesting how Starfall goes sinces theres so many people out there with maxed Sentrys. C.Storm and OBW are good counters to that. I think even Hulk is a decent defense to the sentry attack. So you all tonight.
  • RWTDBurn
    RWTDBurn Posts: 291
    Milkrain wrote:
    user311 wrote:
    Good job on that PVE. Top 50 thats pretty good. I was able to squeak out a top 200 on my own which equated to a yellow CptMarvel or better yet 500 iso. I've swapped with Kamu for the weekend (CBS membership pending) & spent my last HP giving BP another black cover. Gonna be tight tonight with no HP to shield up. Any tips on a good pair with him for defense? Running Hood/LT at the moment.

    How strong is your BP? I wouldn't use Hood. When I see hood I just laugh, because this is how my fight pans out.

    Step 1: I take black and enemy hood doesn't steal because there is not enough on the board.
    Step 2: Enemy collects random colours.
    Step 3: Roar of panther = Hood dead for sure and Punisher's retribution will mop up Hulk/Thor/Random Beefcake.

    Ideally, you want to support BP with two heroes without black abilities. Now that I say that I wish I had swapped out punisher for Falcon, just to insure that all black will go to roar of the Panther.

    I feel the same way about hood. I know he's very useful when you're playing with him but he's not very effective defensively. Target him first and his hit points are too low to keep him alive long enough to do anything. I think using him is just asking to get countered. I thought about supporting BP with Punisher and Doom to maximize the black available, but I've had too much fun with my "Paws with Claws" team of Lazy Daken/BP/Patch. Daken and patch combine well since matching green towards Berserker Rage also creates attack tiles and with their healing abilities the can take just as much abuse as any of the Beefcakes. Unleash Berserker Rage followed by Roar of Panther and game over. Another added advantage with the true healing of the 2 is that I only have to use a health pack on BP for the most part. Add in that people don't seem to want to counter attack this team much and I can stay unshielded longer getting in a few more fights.
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    @ Milkrain: your explanation about BP was well thought out and well put. Will put to test icon_e_smile.gif Jan very rarely changes her team, she always plays the same two chars + required one.

    @ Tonzil: have a nice retirement, and a good rest! I hope the cave treats you well, and there's beer for bears icon_e_smile.gif

    @ Everyone: congrats! We're glad to see you have been scoring high since S3, so keep going strong.

    Sorry for being somewhat absent lately, but due to SF's current situation we're a little overwhelmed right now. But we're always watching you climb up the charts icon_e_smile.gif

    EDIT: Oops, almost forgot...STARE STARE STARE! CONGRATS BEARS!
  • A few things:

    My BP sucks and even though I tried various teams, we just kept getting stomped.

    I open the Sentry tourney and I'm up against maxed teams. I ALMOST beat Sentry, maxed LThor, maxed Hoof with loaner Sentry, Lv. 125 LCap, and 2* Daken. The matches last long enough that I can get off at least one Sentinel of Liberty and a Peacemaker, which pretty much negates World Rupture. I'll keep you guys posted.

    I'm going to be busy this weekend, but I should still be able to play. I will start PVE either tonight or tomorrow.

    I joined the WarRoom. icon_e_smile.gif
    I restarted my im40 at 1/1/1 his yellow feeds the red very nicely

    Before True Healing, I had IM40 at 2 yellow, but after, I just decided to go 3 yellow. I rarely use him, however, I can see how Recharge would kill at that low level.
  • Also, I need a STARE of epic proportions! I have a job interview tomorrow for an Office Manager position downtown! I am very confident that I will get it, but it doesn't hurt to ask for positive energy. Maybe I'll get more that I am asking for salary wise. LOL. icon_lol.gif

    So I got the job! Thanks for the STARES! I meet with the Regional Manager on Monday to discuss salary and my new office!
  • Gratz John!!

    I was waiting and waiting and noone was around to let in me into the cave. icon_e_sad.gif

    I met up with some nice folks in "the best" alliance. Banne hanging out there for the weekend.

    Missed those final moments of panic - are we going to make top 50 or not... icon_e_smile.gif

    Starfall, well it still sucks. Adam and I are in a tough bracket...

    Hope for the best results for you guys by the end of tonight.

    Stare on Bears!
  • DecoyDuck
    DecoyDuck Posts: 620
    We're gonna rolling 19/20 tonight for this event. I know it's not optimal, but we can do it everyone pitches in. We've done it plenty of times in the past (it's known as the Panduras protocol). As you all can see from the patch notes and such, the game is evolving and we'll need to evolve as well.
  • RWTDBurn
    RWTDBurn Posts: 291
    I for one look forward to the changes. They actually sound pretty cool and we finally can at least understand why the developers haven't been creative in the current PvP and PvE events as they are spending their time making some pretty big changes to the gameplay with the team up abilities.

    As for tonight, I'm confident that even with 19 we'll find a way to pull through and finish in the top 100. Stare! Stare-Stare!!!!
  • agarber
    agarber Posts: 29 Just Dropped In
    Hi Bears!

    Finally, I am decided to quit MPQ completely. Thank you guys for these weeks of nice playing and chatting, I really liked that and I never knew online gaming could be so fun. But still as before I understood that online games are not for me because they ruins my family/work time management balance.

    So I wish everyone all the best! STARE ON!

    P.S. I am not sure that it reasonable for me to go to the Cave, since I am going to delete the MPQ from my phone and leave only Facebook copy, so I do not plan to play completely...
  • agarber wrote:
    Hi Bears!

    Finally, I am decided to quit MPQ completely. Thank you guys for these weeks of nice playing and chatting, I really liked that and I never knew online gaming could be so fun. But still as before I understood that online games are not for me because they ruins my family/work time management balance.

    So I wish everyone all the best! STARE ON!

    P.S. I am not sure that it reasonable for me to go to the Cave, since I am going to delete the MPQ from my phone and leave only Facebook copy, so I do not plan to play completely...

    I completely understand this decision and have had to quit other games for the same reason in the past, namely World of Warcraft. Goodluck!

    I'm back to work today after a week and a half off with the new baby. I'm ridiculously tired. My play time is likely to go down a bit going forward but I'll do my best.

    Nice to see we pulled through and ranked pretty well in the Sentry tourney last night. I was planning to get one last battle in at the very end there but couldn't keep myself awake, they're ending 1am for me now! icon_evil.gif
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