CareBearStare Alliance Thread
Milkrain wrote:I'm also the type of person to play games for too long. More recently this has included Borderlands 2 and X-com but in the past I played FFX twice and registered 600 hours. My first game platform was an Amiga, then Gameboys and eventually PC and Playstation 2 and now PS3. My pile of shame (unplayed games) is HUGE. I still have wrapped PS2 games that I haven't gotten around to. Never mind the fact that half the PS3 games I own I've not found the time to play. It's all because I get obsessed with the games that I do play.
I put 370 hours on Borderlands 2, and Steam sales destroy me both morally (more unplayed games) and financially.
My first game platform was an msx computer. Games had to be loaded via a tape recorder instead of discs.0 -
To Purinxa and Milkrain, thanks for sharing your stories/experiences with gaming ^^, it made me reminisce about my experiences also from when I was younger, some of the experiences I had forgot about for a while and some of my experiences were simular to your also. I'm not really sure of what you mean though when you asked if I flip flopped as a kid? For me one of the first games I ever played saw in a supermarket and played was the first Super Mario Brothers. I was probably 6 years old at the time and I remember whenever I went with my dad to that market I would always beg him for a quarter so I could play that game -lol-. Some days I wouldn't eat lunch either just to save that money and go play that game after schools with my older brother. On my 8th birthday that was the year the 8 bit Nintendo had come out and it came with the Super Mario Brothers game so just like your experience of excitement and joy from that day you got your $80 game I felt exactly the same way when I got Super Mario Brothers and could play it at home. I'm surprised that game and system still works considering I got it in 1986. Those were the good old days of growing up for me ^^. Me and my brother played the hell out of that game too just like you would with your games! -haha- and let me tell you back then the selection of games you could buy wern't that big, well just say like 1 game came out each month and no adays it seems like 20 new games come out each month. And ya I think back then my parents would only buy us maybe 2-3 games a year so we played the hell out of whatever games we were fortunate/lucky enough to get. I still remember too of opening new games on the car ride home and being excited reading the instruction booklet to the game just like you did.
I think alot of us here will have similar experiences of how we first got into gaming up to this day of what stuff we still enjoy playing. A lot of the gamers of today are around the age of 30's or in there 40's cause we were the ones that grew up playing the Atari system or Nintendo/Amiga -lol-. I don't know how old you are Purinxa but in my life experience I've noticed alot of my friends just seem to hit a certain age where they stop gaming I guess cause it no fun for them anymore and they grew out of it. Others thats gotten married and have kids and work full time also quit or just don't have time to play anymore or barely any time to play, thats life for you sometimes man... But then again you will have some true gamers like some of us here that are still gaming in our 30's and 40's and make time for it in our busy lives just cause we still enjoy playing games and will never grow out of it ^^. I mean I've noticed at being 35 year old now I've slowed down some on gaming even though I still play way to much -lol-. But I've noticed stuff like I get burned out more easily now if I am playing something for countless hours and I can't start trying out a new game too late at night cause my mind gets stubborn and will get sleepy easy if I try to learn a new game too late at night -lol-. This stubbornest also comes with being selective of what I play -lol-. I normally will stick with a few games I still love playing the hell out of and games I already know how to play and am real good at playing including this Marvel Puzzle Quest ^^. So ya for your youngsters in our alliance don't worry it aint that bad gaming when your older, you just start to slow down a little but can still have the same amount of fun ^^. You will just be more picky of what games you want to play the older you get since you've already played so many of them in your life. A nice thing about being older too is when you start working and can start buying your own games. I will say maybe for the last 12 years or longer I've been collecting games on Steam since I mainly play stuff on my computer now adays. I always buy games on Steam when they are on sale if it seems like something fun I would want to play and like I said I think its become like a hobby of mine so I like having a big collection/seclection of games I can choose to play anytime I want -lol-. So because of that I probably have like over 300 games on Steam but I've only probably only played like 40 of those games I've gotten. All I can say to that is too many games that come out now adays compared to back then and not enough damn time to play everything now adays -lol-.
Ok I'm done sharing some of my life experiences of gaming up to the age I'm at now and about reminiscing ... and what you younger people can expect as you get older. I hope alot of you here can relate to what I wrote here and have a smile on your face when you think back about some of the fun stuff you went through in your own experiences when you were younger ^^.
Oh well back into the game for me, need to play Punisher pvp to help our alliance get ranked higher before I get some sleep. Hope everyone has a good day ^^ and see you guys and gals either on here or in the game. Take care all0 -
ichijuan wrote:I put 370 hours on Borderlands 2, and Steam sales destroy me both morally (more unplayed games) and financially.
My first game platform was an msx computer. Games had to be loaded via a tape recorder instead of discs.
lol ichijuan, I like what you said about Steam sales. Its like a hobby of mine to collect games I want on Steam when they go on sale so because of that I have over 300 games on Steam and probably only have played 40 of em.0 -
purinxa wrote:Tonzil, so you joined into the main bracket late, right? If my hypothesis is correct, you'll have an easy time ranking high
Yeah, Ranking wasn't so hard, because of Rubberbanding.
I entered with 24 hours left in the first 2 subs. I completed every node once (easy and hard). Once those were all done, I went and "messed up a few times" and caused my teams to die. Boo-hoo! It was funny, because seemingly it was not my A-team evrey now and again that would be put up for sacrifice...
I than hit the essential nodes 1 or 2 more times, just to get points, always targetting the highest point nodes... Really did not do much. Was more concentrated on getting 5K points in season 1 and getting to over 700 points in Ao1... Check.
After the first 2 subs... I managed just shy of 25K. 6th in Easy and 3rd in Hard. 64th in the main, 2K points from first place.
* * * * * *
From the 10 pack (reward)
- Red DD
- Red X-Force
- Blue Steve Rogers
- 3 Purple Moonstones
- Yellow Ares
- 2 Bullseyes
- Red Daken
That translates to me as: 3750 ISO...
Very sad...0 -
Any one remember the Sega Channel. I think about that all the time.0
Tonzil wrote:
* * * * * *
From the 10 pack (reward)
- Red DD
- Red X-Force
- Blue Steve Rogers
- 3 Purple Moonstones
- Yellow Ares
- 2 Bullseyes
- Red Daken
That translates to me as: 3750 ISO...
Very sad...
That's amazing.
I got my 10-pack and I don't remember exactly but it was roughly:
- 2 Cap America (2*)
- Daken
- Moonstone
- Ares
- Bullseye
- Loki
- Patch
- Thor 2*
I only needed Patch.
Tonzil; I would have traded for your 10-pack any day of the week.0 -
Milkrain wrote:Tonzil wrote:
* * * * * *
From the 10 pack (reward)
- Red DD
- Red X-Force
- Blue Steve Rogers
- 3 Purple Moonstones
- Yellow Ares
- 2 Bullseyes
- Red Daken
That translates to me as: 3750 ISO...
Very sad...
That's amazing.
I got my 10-pack and I don't remember exactly but it was roughly:
- 2 Cap America (2*)
- Daken
- Moonstone
- Ares
- Bullseye
- Loki
- Patch
- Thor 2*
I only needed Patch.
Tonzil; I would have traded for your 10-pack any day of the week.
YAR! Unfortunately, your 10 pack would have suffered the same fate as mine...
In there, there really is nothing I need.
Psylocke, Black Panther, Hood... Those are the Covers I have been looking for, for a while.
They seem to be cycling through the covers right now though. I guess they are trying to get the "new players" older covers. Hulk, Pun, Loki, Rag, Doom... Those covers I have not seen in an event reward in a while... Well, Hulk and Pun, yes, but the rest no... Seems they are prepping a "Baddies" tournament.0 -
I've never had the feeling like covers are being cycled. My 3* have been all over the place.0
Milkrain wrote:Tonzil wrote:
* * * * * *
From the 10 pack (reward)
- Red DD
- Red X-Force
- Blue Steve Rogers
- 3 Purple Moonstones
- Yellow Ares
- 2 Bullseyes
- Red Daken
That translates to me as: 3750 ISO...
Very sad...
That's amazing.
I got my 10-pack and I don't remember exactly but it was roughly:
- 2 Cap America (2*)
- Daken
- Moonstone
- Ares
- Bullseye
- Loki
- Patch
- Thor 2*
I only needed Patch.
Tonzil; I would have traded for your 10-pack any day of the week.
I crossed the 5000 mark earlier as well, my 10-pack was slightly underwhelming (but much better than the 8 Bagmen I was expecting) .
Red MNThor : Useless - Already cover-maxed
Purple Bagman : Added to my now 1/0/1 Bagman, but still useless because...Bagman (Tried to use him in the final LR to tank - five defensive victories in a row. Seems he can't even fail properly)
Red Modern Cap : Useless - Already cover-maxed
Purple Modern Hawkeye : Useless - Already cover-maxed
Black OBW : Useless - Already cover-maxed
Red and Yellow Ares : Useless - Already cover-maxed
Purple Daredevil : Useless - Already cover-maxed
Black HT : I'll take it
Red IM40 : Nice surprise(Haven't been able to get/pull many covers for him)
Satisfied overall, but would have REALLY loved a blue IW since I can never seem to place 1st in a tourney that's offering her.0 -
ichijuan wrote:Milkrain wrote:I'm also the type of person to play games for too long. More recently this has included Borderlands 2 and X-com but in the past I played FFX twice and registered 600 hours. My first game platform was an Amiga, then Gameboys and eventually PC and Playstation 2 and now PS3. My pile of shame (unplayed games) is HUGE. I still have wrapped PS2 games that I haven't gotten around to. Never mind the fact that half the PS3 games I own I've not found the time to play. It's all because I get obsessed with the games that I do play.
I put 370 hours on Borderlands 2, and Steam sales destroy me both morally (more unplayed games) and financially.
My first game platform was an msx computer. Games had to be loaded via a tape recorder instead of discs.
600 hours in Borderlands 2 =/
"Sample program" sounds like a kick-**** game
Also, compared to Tonzil and AgCenturion I feel like I got **** with my 10-pack. Only two 3* and you both got more.0 -
I don't remember Sega Channel at all... I think my flirtation with Sega ended with the Sega Master System... Altered Beast... Space Harrier... Outrun...
Man, you guys are serious about hoarding games! I have a couple unopened games (Fire Emblem:Awakening being the latest, I think) but not as much you ballers.
Last week, the forum buzz was all about community burn out. This week, it seems to be about scaling making the game not fun anymore. I still think the game is fun, but the scaling is taking its toll. My scaling isn't out of control like Tonzil's, but the idea that doing well in pve battles ramping up the scaling (perhaps subconsciously) make me NOT want to jump in and dominate all the pve nodes. Cause I'd be tacitly hurting myself. And gamers don't like to hurt themselves. That's why it took me so long to finally give Hulk his 5th black cover... I don't want to take damage (though a 100 health for a forest environmental is WELL WORTH it).
Furthermore, there is confusion about how to help your personal scaling situation. Leaving with less health than when you started? Suiciding your roster? Retreating? A problem is that the results of my attempts aren't directly noticeable or correlat-able. So I can never know if what I'm doing is having any effects in this sea of variables. Plus, any noticeable effects probably won't show up for many hours... that is, if community scaling doesn't impact you first. All that makes it harder to associate my actions with outcomes. We got a lot of science folks in the Care Bear midst. Is there a better way to say that?
How you all doin'? Game still fun? Even a little? Don't tell me the chatline is best part of the game (cause sometimes maybe it is!)0 -
Still fun. My roster has changed completely in the past months. I used to be a MN.Mags/C.Storm/featuredHERO kind of guy. Then I went Thor/OBW for a while. Then I changed it to OBW/C.Storm. Later I started running Psylocke/BlackPanther and now it's Punisher/Psylocke. The change has been nice. My 3* transition is in full swing and I'm really enjoying it. I used to frown at attack tiles but now I swear by them.0 -
When I say flip flopping between games, I mean changing games really quickly. Like play Zelda for a few weeks, done. Play Sonic, done. Play Mario Kart, done. Maybe go back to Zelda, but it will never hold your attention for a long time.
The steam behaviour of hoarding games and not playing them is a worldwide phenomenon. On my first steam sale I bought maybe 3 games and was excited. Then the next one, I bought a whole bunch. Hey, a 10 pack of indie games that I'm clearly never going to play? Sure, why not? It then just keeps growing and you never get around to playing them. So you just slow down your purchasing, right? Nope, this 5-pack is just too good a deal to pass up, let's just get it despite the fact that I have 3 years worth of games already in my library. I'm sure every single person on this entire forum (not just this alliance) has pretty much the same story.
I'm 28 and I'm a Nintendo boy all the way. Too young for the Atari. Nintendo products are invincible and I'm certain they would survive a flood, hurricane or volcano eruption. Have you ever seen a NES or SNES that doesn't work? Sure, maybe you have to shake it, blow into it, kick it or toss it around the room a few times to get it to work, but hey it will eventually work.
I was never into Sega. I played some of the big games like Golden Axe, Streets of Rage, Sonic etc. (oh yeah! and Michael Jackson's Moonwalker...) I was too much of a Nintendo fanboy to take Sega seriouslyBoogerbear wrote:I mean I've noticed at being 35 year old now I've slowed down some on gaming even though I still play way to much -lol-. But I've noticed stuff like I get burned out more easily now if I am playing something for countless hours and I can't start trying out a new game too late at night cause my mind gets stubborn and will get sleepy easy if I try to learn a new game too late at night -lol-.
For me it's not so much burnout as it is just me tolerating less ****. I used to be so incredibly patient (hence my playing the hell out of games that I hated). For instance, nowadays, I get annoyed at RPGs with insane encounter rates and weird difficulty curves, yet that was the norm back in the early 90s and before. I never ever moaned about it, I just dealt with and lived with it
I think my tolerance for bad games is just a lot lower. I still get entrenched with great games the same way I used to, but I think I'm more analytical now so I'm quicker to spot really annoying things and I'm less likely to tolerate it.0 -
Army of One... the rest of the alliances started paying less attention... CareBearStare snuck into top50! Congratualations everyone. Loki covers for all!
Next event has Doom covers as the reward... these last set of covers seem to be not the most desirable... but remember, Season 1 scores. We might make top 100 for that (un-useful) Fury cover!
I wasn't able to play at the last moment, and I don't have the recap screen for this event (glitch?) so I don't know exactly where we all landed at the end. I got top5, but last I checked, Nemek was #1 and I was #2 about 200 points behind. Maybe I got pushed back a bit, but it doesn't matter.
Stare. Stare stare stare.0 -
I like that we do well in the weird tourneys. We rocked DA. We rocked the tourney that gave Loki as a reward. We just play for the sake of playing instead of chasing rewards. We barely made it in the tourney that offered C Mags, yet we completely rock the Loki reward
I also love the God of Lies thread with people being surprised at the sanity of CBS members. Berk and his near max Loki, and people being surprised that Ben's Loki is high enough to tank for the rest of his team.
Unfortunately I don't need Doom black anymore. I'm at 5/3 (5/4 after this tourney) but I want the score for Season 1 overall score. Anyone else think Nick Fury is way too good of a reward for Season 1? I just love the concept of Seasons, but chasing the Nick Fury reward is just sucking the fun out of it0 -
My Doom's fully covered, but I'm willing to put some effort in for the Alliance and season rewards. I suspect I'll aim to end up around where I did for Army of One (which was ~761 and ~15th place). Finishing up 90-91; got to get to 92...
I'm still annoyed at how useless my ten pack was. All 2*s; not one useful cover.0 -
Ben Grimm wrote:My Doom's fully covered, but I'm willing to put some effort in for the Alliance and season rewards. I suspect I'll aim to end up around where I did for Army of One (which was ~761 and ~15th place). Finishing up 90-91; got to get to 92...
I'm still annoyed at how useless my ten pack was. All 2*s; not one useful cover.
Earlier i killed my entire roster in the pve, i hope they're healed now because i want to get that 10-pack so i can join you guys with those 10 2* covers im feeling i'll get.
My doom is 5/2, i think? So a blue one will be a nice adittion.0 -
I'm excited about the 10 pack. I need them OBW covers0
Ok! lets open that 10-pack live!
1st one is....... 3*!!
Blue Hood! Good start!
2nd.. 2* boo, i have all i want of those
green cstorm
3rd.. 2*
red wolvie
4th.. 2*
red hawkeye
5th.. 2*
Puprle hawkeye
6th.. 3*!!.......
7th.. 3*!!! im on a roll!!!
Another blue hood!!! nice!!
8th 2*
Blue Cstorm
9th 2*
Yellow Cstorm
10th 2*
Purple Moonstone
Well, it wasnt terrible.
With the iso i lvled LazyThor to 113, 2 lvls to his softcap.0
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