DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • I fully understand that in MPQ, a position is not eternal, and if I had real life issues (which I had recently since I was on the toilet, but I still played a lot) and could not play as much (temporarily or permanently), I would ask for a position in other Alliances. That's what most of the players do in other Alliances too. They understand they can't be a burden to 19 people.

    I took the time to understand bowgentle's character and strategy towards the Alliance. It taught me a lot in my personal life too, believe or not. And I'm grateful to him for all that I've learned.

    I've never been a lapdog, my forum posts prove it. I just learned how to respect HailMary as a twerker because he spends a lot of time and energy and first and foremost, he is ambitious and leads by example. Very few salamanders can say the same. He has to take decisions, be they harsh, that's his role.

    The first days in the Alliance were difficult for me, that's true, but what's a few days when so many events are upcoming. The Pants-Off-Dance-Off deserves my respect, and once again, believe it or not, no one ever earned that from me. And I'm high in the hierarchy professionally.

    One has to read between the lines so as to understand TU1. The P.I.M.P(.) has indeniably (sic) leader skills as well as emotional intelligence, and this is quite rare. He's the kind of person you love or hate. You can't be neutral. The recent success of the Alliance is just the result of his skills, like it or not.

    I've been in several Alliances in the past, and no line chat like this has shown so much dedication to his team. I can only speak by experience. Most Alliances are boring even if they claim otherwise. Because it takes a lot of time to entertain a team. I once wanted to create one, but I've given up. Too much time and energy.

    I'm very happy to be in this team, be it for a long time or not. Nothing is set in stone in MPQ, and as a veteran, you should know that.
  • Is this the first time an alliance thread was locked? I always thought it would be us icon_e_sad.gif
  • Is this the first time an alliance thread was locked? I always thought it would be us icon_e_sad.gif

    I thought all of the _JUST_ alliance threads were locked. GET IT? GET IT?
  • HairyDave
    HairyDave Posts: 1,574
    j12601 wrote:
    Is this the first time an alliance thread was locked? I always thought it would be us icon_e_sad.gif

    I thought all of the _JUST_ alliance threads were locked. GET IT? GET IT?
    Subtle like a brick to the face.
  • I don't get it icon_e_sad.gif
  • Dreylin
    Dreylin Posts: 241
    j12601 wrote:
    Is this the first time an alliance thread was locked? I always thought it would be us icon_e_sad.gif

    I thought all of the _JUST_ alliance threads were locked. GET IT? GET IT?
    Can't decide whether to thumb up or down...
  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    j12601 wrote:
    Is this the first time an alliance thread was locked? I always thought it would be us icon_e_sad.gif

    I thought all of the _JUST_ alliance threads were locked. GET IT? GET IT?
    We have the best trolls.
  • j12601 wrote:
    Is this the first time an alliance thread was locked? I always thought it would be us icon_e_sad.gif

    I thought all of the _JUST_ alliance threads were locked. GET IT? GET IT?
    We have the best trolls.


    And where you went Bowgentle, why Im seeing Kitty instead of you? Not that Im complaining cause she looks much better than you icon_redface.gif

    Btw you wrote post which dissapointed me a little, bout crash and gambling icon_e_wink.gif
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Malcoran wrote:

    And where you went Bowgentle, why Im seeing Kitty instead of you? Not that Im complaining cause she looks much better than you icon_redface.gif

    Btw you wrote post which dissapointed me a little, bout crash and gambling icon_e_wink.gif
    Yeah, I got my due punishment for that comment in the previous PVP where I was pushed out of T5 by someone who entered t5 in the last hour icon_lol.gif
    This game has a funny way of punishing you for comments lol.
  • Bowgentle wrote:
    Yeah, I got my due punishment for that comment in the previous PVP where I was pushed out of T5 by someone who entered t5 in the last hour icon_lol.gif
    This game has a funny way of punishing you for comments lol.

    Lol, I ALMOST feel sorry for you icon_razz.gif And I realize your intentions but I had spontaneous 24 hours of drinking with my friends during weekend (without sleeping, dont judge me, Im from Poland! icon_lol.gif ) so barely woke up to grind pve and then this damn crash totally screwed me in pvp. So it wasnt gambling in my situation icon_e_wink.gif
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Malcoran wrote:
    Bowgentle wrote:
    Yeah, I got my due punishment for that comment in the previous PVP where I was pushed out of T5 by someone who entered t5 in the last hour icon_lol.gif
    This game has a funny way of punishing you for comments lol.

    Lol, I ALMOST feel sorry for you icon_razz.gif And I realize your intentions but I had spontaneous 24 hours of drinking with my friends during weekend (without sleeping, dont judge me, Im from Poland! icon_lol.gif ) so barely woke up to grind pve and then this damn crash totally screwed me in pvp. So it wasnt gambling in my situation icon_e_wink.gif
    LOL, you crazy Poles icon_e_biggrin.gif
    Seriously, you got me grinning from ear to ear now, imagining a drunk Pole getting up completely on autopilot to play MPQ and then cursing like a sailor for half an hour because the server went down.
    Thank you for that story icon_lol.gif
    And I'm sorry you got screwed in the LT tourney, stuff happens icon_e_smile.gif
  • Ok I lied, I slept for 15 minutes. But then Ive heard "Sorry but I would prefer to not seeing you sleeping here", when I opened my eyes I saw owner of the bar so I replied as gentleman - "Sorry, it wont happen again madam, can Ive another beer please?" icon_lol.gif

    And its ok, hope this wont screw my top50 season only. Even if it was worth it, you arent forgetting days like those fast icon_e_smile.gif

    And damn you Army of Wubs, saw TU1 and HailMary several times, your alliance cost me so much ISO icon_evil.gif
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Malcoran wrote:
    And damn you Army of Wubs, saw TU1 and HailMary several times, your alliance cost me so much ISO icon_evil.gif
    I'll be shielded for at least the next 90 minutes, if you see me again.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Behind the scenes of a top 10 alliance: DjangoUnbuffed

    Category 5 PVP, T-15 hours until the finish
    Line conversation *

    Bow: This'll be a bloodbath. I'll better go to 1200 just to be safe. Sucks to have to budget an 8hr shield every time because Euro.
    HM: I like DP (phrasing).
    Jamie: I'm in a death bracket. I recruited half of these guys.
    The Valeyard: Me too. Sucks.
    TU1: Hey check out these Line stickers! There's poop too!
    Prof: Can't check the scores now, my wife will kill me if I touch my phone again in the next 20 minutes.
    Ender: I'll push later.
    OSU: Me too.
    coolbond: Check out this totally disgusting dish I found!
    BK: *ninja sounds*
    Tempestos: We used to have these brackets all the time when I was active in season 1!
    AK: I'm in Noob's bracket!
    j: Need to get some X-Men into my nodes!
    iPat: I'm shielded out already. 1142 surely will be enough for T5.
    Grael: I'll match 3 with my left hand and draw with my right hand. No problem.
    A_B: C. D. E.
    Gozu: Screw death brackets, I'm going out drinking.
    Spider-America: Finally found you guys! I thought it was weird that there hasn't been a single line in the in-game chat the last two weeks!
    Silence from Joker and RKD.

    15 hours later:
    Everyone: Hey, we made 7th in the tourney with an average of 1247 per player!

    *) might not be totally accurate
  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    Mostly accurate account B. You forgot though the constant freaking out over how high the scores needed to be to top 5.
  • Bowgentle wrote:
    Behind the scenes of a top 10 alliance: DjangoUnbuffed

    Category 5 PVP, T-15 hours until the finish
    Line conversation *

    Bow: This'll be a bloodbath. I'll better go to 1200 just to be safe. Sucks to have to budget an 8hr shield every time because Euro.
    HM: I like DP (phrasing).
    Jamie: I'm in a death bracket. I recruited half of these guys.
    The Valeyard: Me too. Sucks.
    TU1: Hey check out these Line stickers! There's poop too!
    Prof: Can't check the scores now, my wife will kill me if I touch my phone again in the next 20 minutes.
    Ender: I'll push later.
    OSU: Me too.
    coolbond: Check out this totally disgusting dish I found!
    BK: *ninja sounds*
    Tempestos: We used to have these brackets all the time when I was active in season 1!
    AK: I'm in Noob's bracket!
    j: Need to get some X-Men into my nodes!
    iPat: I'm shielded out already. 1142 surely will be enough for T5.
    Grael: I'll match 3 with my left hand and draw with my right hand. No problem.
    A_B: C. D. E.
    Gozu: Screw death brackets, I'm going out drinking.
    Spider-America: Finally found you guys! I thought it was weird that there hasn't been a single line in the in-game chat the last two weeks!
    Silence from Joker and RKD.

    15 hours later:
    Everyone: Hey, we made 7th in the tourney with an average of 1247 per player!

    *) might not be totally accurate

    This is pretty spot on. Great job guys on the finish!
  • exept that i havent posted any "unique" foods during the previous pvp
  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    What's a Nubian?
  • Professa D
    Professa D Posts: 111
    Bowgentle wrote:
    Behind the scenes of a top 10 alliance: DjangoUnbuffed

    Category 5 PVP, T-15 hours until the finish
    Line conversation *

    Bow: This'll be a bloodbath. I'll better go to 1200 just to be safe. Sucks to have to budget an 8hr shield every time because Euro.
    HM: I like DP (phrasing).
    Jamie: I'm in a death bracket. I recruited half of these guys.
    The Valeyard: Me too. Sucks.
    TU1: Hey check out these Line stickers! There's poop too!
    Prof: Can't check the scores now, my wife will kill me if I touch my phone again in the next 20 minutes.
    Ender: I'll push later.
    OSU: Me too.
    coolbond: Check out this totally disgusting dish I found!
    BK: *ninja sounds*
    Tempestos: We used to have these brackets all the time when I was active in season 1!
    AK: I'm in Noob's bracket!
    j: Need to get some X-Men into my nodes!
    iPat: I'm shielded out already. 1142 surely will be enough for T5.
    Grael: I'll match 3 with my left hand and draw with my right hand. No problem.
    A_B: C. D. E.
    Gozu: Screw death brackets, I'm going out drinking.
    Spider-America: Finally found you guys! I thought it was weird that there hasn't been a single line in the in-game chat the last two weeks!
    Silence from Joker and RKD.

    15 hours later:
    Everyone: Hey, we made 7th in the tourney with an average of 1247 per player!

    *) might not be totally accurate

    Well played, sir. If I dissapear from the chat and stop posting scores i think it's safe to notify the authorities of my disspearance and name my wife as the number one suspect clearly having the most motive, although she may try to claim MPQ-rage-induced temporary insanity...