Roster progress report, and plans for your roster



  • BriMan2222
    BriMan2222 Posts: 1,401 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2024

    @skittledaddy said:

    BriMan2222 said:

    skittledaddy said:

    BriMan2222 said:

    skittledaddy said:
    Hit my ultimate personal stretch goal this anniversary - getting 100 Saved covers on three meta 5s.
    Current total Saved Covers/Shards on my top soft-capped 5s:
    Okoye - 100
    MThor - 106
    Shang Chi - 100
    My next highest is BRB at only 65 Saved Covers.

    Running out of reasonable goals to keep me motivated, to be honest.

    So then is the goal to champ those 5's and get them instantly to 550?

    Nope. I'm a soft-capper to the end.

    Then what is the purpose of the goal to get all those saved covers if you don't do anything with them?

    Like many goals, I did it just to see if I could. To see if it was even possible to obtain such a threshold without the benefit of 5* champs.
    I won't pretend that it doesn't make sense. Very little about my playstyle does. I'm just here to share with the few other soft-cappers left that it is possible, even if it is insane.
    I have zero interest in learning a "new" game by entering 5* Land. None whatsoever. I'm closer to retirement than I am to ever taking that step. My "car" runs just fine without hitting top gear.

    I went from never expecting I could champ all the 4s, to never expecting I could fully-cover all the 5s, to never expect I could get 100 saved covers on a single 5 (let alone on three). Short of simply adding more 5s to the 100 saved covers list, there is effectively nothing else for me to play for and still uphold my desired identity of a F2P soft-capper.

    I find this part confusing as well. If you're thinking about quiting then why not champ those 5's and see if jumping into the top tier of play revitalizes your interest. If not, you were gonna quit anyway so nothing lost. If so, you found a new way to play and have fun. To each their own, that's just my view.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,479 Chairperson of the Boards

    @BriMan2222 said:

    @skittledaddy said:

    BriMan2222 said:

    skittledaddy said:

    BriMan2222 said:

    skittledaddy said:
    Hit my ultimate personal stretch goal this anniversary - getting 100 Saved covers on three meta 5s.
    Current total Saved Covers/Shards on my top soft-capped 5s:
    Okoye - 100
    MThor - 106
    Shang Chi - 100
    My next highest is BRB at only 65 Saved Covers.

    Running out of reasonable goals to keep me motivated, to be honest.

    So then is the goal to champ those 5's and get them instantly to 550?

    Nope. I'm a soft-capper to the end.

    Then what is the purpose of the goal to get all those saved covers if you don't do anything with them?

    Like many goals, I did it just to see if I could. To see if it was even possible to obtain such a threshold without the benefit of 5* champs.
    I won't pretend that it doesn't make sense. Very little about my playstyle does. I'm just here to share with the few other soft-cappers left that it is possible, even if it is insane.
    I have zero interest in learning a "new" game by entering 5* Land. None whatsoever. I'm closer to retirement than I am to ever taking that step. My "car" runs just fine without hitting top gear.

    I went from never expecting I could champ all the 4s, to never expecting I could fully-cover all the 5s, to never expect I could get 100 saved covers on a single 5 (let alone on three). Short of simply adding more 5s to the 100 saved covers list, there is effectively nothing else for me to play for and still uphold my desired identity of a F2P soft-capper.

    I find this part confusing as well. If you're thinking about quiting then why not champ those 5's and see if jumping into the top tier of play revitalizes your interest. If not, you were gonna quit anyway so nothing lost. If so, you found a new way to play and have fun. To each their own, that's just my view.

    It also opens up the "bonus" of ascension - the joy of 4a5 Juggs and R4G5 for example in PvE clears is very satisfying. Might as well try it and if you hate it and are gonna quit anyway nothing lost.

    But indeed each to their own.

  • fractalvisions
    fractalvisions Posts: 323 Mover and Shaker

    @fractalvisions said:

    @fractalvisions said:

    @fractalvisions said:

    @fractalvisions said:

    @fractalvisions said:
    All classic 5s rostered! It took me a lot longer than hothie, but I got there.
    Day: 1357SR: 147
    569/70 rostered (and just 200 more shards needed to roster Kamala Khan)21 @ lvl 330, with 1 fully covered.
    All rostered 70/126 champions
    PlansI'm still focusing ISO on champing 4s for now, but may put a little into my most used 5s sometime soon.
    For the time being, I'll spend my CP on special stores. I just spent what I had (~250) on the new release store and got two covers for Mighty Thor, so I think that worked out well.

    Time for a post-anniversary (and 4th year personal anniversary) update.

    Day: 1460
    SR: 155

    All except Arcade rostered.
    24 @ lvl 330 including
    13 covers: Apocalypse
    12 covers: Shang-chi
    11 covers: Colossus, Kitty Pryde, Dr. Thor
    10 covers: Scarlet Witch

    85/131 champions

    Still focusing on those 4s, but getting ever closer to the point where I may start levelling (and even champing?) 5s. Particularly as Colossus, Kitty and Shang all have saved covers now.

    New Year update:

    Day: 1525
    SR: 160

    All rostered.
    26 @ lvl 330 including
    13 covers: Apocalypse, Colossus, Dr. Thor, Shang-Chi
    12 covers:
    11 covers: Kitty Pryde, Dr. Strange
    10 covers: Ghostpool, Cyclops, Scarlet Witch

    92/134 champions

    Shardmas has resulted in me having 3 more 5*s ready to champ, but also means that I have a much longer list of excuses (i.e. 4*s that I'd like to get champed) to avoid moving to 5* land. :wink:

    I've now reached 300 roster slots, so seems like a good time for an update.

    Day: 1684
    SR: 171

    All rostered.
    34 @ lvl 330 including
    13 covers: Apocalypse, Colossus, Dr. Strange, Dr. Thor, Scarlet Witch, Shang-Chi
    12 covers: Kitty Pryde
    11 covers: Crystal, Cyclops, Deadpool, Electro, Knull, Riri
    10 covers: Kamala Khan, Magik

    109/140 champions

    Still got some more 4*s with 10+ saved covers who are my focus at the moment. I'm pleased to see that I am champing 4*s at a faster rate than they are being added.

    Post anniversary update.

    Day: 1815
    SR: 181

    All rostered and all except Peggy has at least 1 cover in each colour.
    46 @ lvl 330 including
    13 covers: Apocalypse, Colossus, Cyclops, Deadpool, Dr. Strange, Dr. Thor, Electro, Kang, Knull, Prof. X, Scarlet Witch, Shang-Chi
    12 covers: BRB, Kitty Pryde, Riri
    11 covers: Abigail Brand, Big Wheel, Carnage, Crystal, Kamala Khan, Magik, Okoye, Venomosaurus Rex, Wong, Yellowjacket
    10 covers: Emma Frost

    122/145 champions

    ...or lack thereof. Not sure I can be bothered with ascension. I started collecting 1*s just to try it out, but the extra work on roster management is just sapping the fun out of it. I got a few ascended 1*s so I guess I'll max champ those before selling them. Otherwise, maybe I'll try it out with 4*s once I have some of those max champed, so in about a decade.

    Time for another post anniversary update.

    Day: 2116
    SR: 199

    America Chavez overtook my 5s, so I started levelling the ~35 I like the most to 345. I'll probably start levelling them further as ISO resources permit.
    20 of them are now at 13 covers.

    167/179 champions
    I'm becoming less motivated to champ the rest, so will probably only do so when one is a feeder or looks particularly fun. This'll allow me to use my ISO on the 5s.

    I've picked up a bunch of ascended characters from vaults so I'm obviously going to work on those but otherwise don't feel I have the ISO to spare to go all in on ascension.

  • cooperbigdaddy
    cooperbigdaddy Posts: 408 Mover and Shaker

    Day: 2002
    SR: 190
    In game name: Willy Coops (not cooperbigdaddy, which is my forum name, it was complicated, I'm sorry!)

    During the anniversary, I opened over 200 tokens I had been saving and did a lot of spending of CP on Legendary stores to raise some of my meta/most wanted 5*s. Here's an update and I'm feeling good!

    Champed 5*s:
    Okoye, Doctor Strange, Shang-Chi, BRB, Agatha, Colossus, MThor

    13 cover 5*s (whether 13 covers or covers+shards>=13):
    Chasm, Deadpool, Electro, Kitty, Kang, OML, Golden May, Hotpool, Jubilee, Kaine Parker, May Parker, Nova, Phyla-Vell, and Silver Surfer.

    All 4*s rostered and almost all 13 covers or champed. No 4->5 ascensions yet, but my first aims will be Juggs, Polaris, Grocket.

    OmegaRed is 143 shards away from 13
    5Hawkeye is at 12 and I currently have Ronin and 3Hawkguy favorited to get 5HE to 13.
    And then the 5*s I plan on working on soon are Riri, SW (both at 1 cover, Riri with 2400 shards)

    I'm definitely on the LL train of opening for max covers on each of the oldest ones before they leave the LL store.
    Also, I only level up my unchamped 4s if they have a Crash or if they feed a 5 I'm currently chasing with shards or they help with a meta I just learned about.
    Also also, I'm finally feeling like I can do both PVE to progression and beyond easily and PVP to 25 and SHIELD Simulator a decent amount against harder teams now.

    Current alliance is NJLEarthPVE, in case anyone has any other advice, haha!

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,479 Chairperson of the Boards

    I am working on getting through my remaining unchamped 5's and managed to tick off Black Suit Spidey in time for his boost list. The most surprising thing is that OK, he is sorely in need of help but he was actually usable boosted which was a very nice surprise! I actually used him more than Jesus Cap who was also boosted! Now rebalance the hell outta him!

    I also yesterday added Nova to my champs. I have heard mixed things but I had plenty of saved covers so I figured why not?

    So let's see, who does that leave?

    Fully covered need iso:

    Big Wheel
    Black Widow
    Spider-Man: Peter Parker
    Doctor Octopus
    Miles Morales (Monster Face)
    Daken (Old Man Samurai guy)
    Captain America (First Avenger)
    Iron Man
    Green Goblin

    Not fully covered


    So getting there slowly but being under 20 makes it start to feel that I might get to a point where I am sort of post-iso in so much as I can pick and choose ascension! Of course I still have the short measure of some 10 - 11 million iso for this lot! The 4's are not an issue as I think I only have 2 not champed not counting today's release.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,479 Chairperson of the Boards

    I champed Green Goblin so I had a Dark Avenger 5* and also champed Iron Man and Mephisto, so it is coming down. I also now have three 500+ characters in Shang, Jane and Kitty with Okoye knocking on the door. That has put me in 550 territory but it isn't too bad so far. After I cover and champ Namor I might go after First Cap next now he has a couple of saved covers. 4* wise on Annihilus is fully covered with 3000+ shards plus covers but he is terrible so will be a purely champ level investment. I also ascended Car4l and champed Purple Man.