Roster progress report, and plans for your roster



  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,593 Chairperson of the Boards

    Hmm...1.76 million iso needed to champed all 5 which is not as bad as I feared. I wonder if Deadpool ever found any more Iso and he can tell me where to look?

  • DrClever
    DrClever Posts: 584 Critical Contributor

    @DAZ0273 said:
    Anybody who says it is impossible to catch up on these guys I can assure you that is not the case.

    Agree. Didn't think it would be doable but once you get into the swing of it the covers do rack up.

    I'm now only short on four:
    Ghost Rider (534 151 shards)
    Moon Knight (434 55 shards)
    Odin (523 120 shards)
    Vulture (122 365 shards)

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    Retro feeders and those blank shards in the vaults help immensely, those are fairly recent developments.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,593 Chairperson of the Boards

    @DrClever said:

    @DAZ0273 said:
    Anybody who says it is impossible to catch up on these guys I can assure you that is not the case.

    Agree. Didn't think it would be doable but once you get into the swing of it the covers do rack up.

    I'm now only short on four:
    Ghost Rider (534 151 shards)
    Moon Knight (434 55 shards)
    Odin (523 120 shards)
    Vulture (122 365 shards)

    Sweet! I was surprised but I have really racked up the Classics this past year, most from not very much.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,593 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Bowgentle said:
    Retro feeders and those blank shards in the vaults help immensely, those are fairly recent developments.

    Those blank shards are awesome. It helped with Banner shards in the Gamma thingy vault too which enabled me to finish Banner & Onslaught. And the new Bonus shards are the real deal.

  • JasonLikesToTravel
    JasonLikesToTravel Posts: 35 Just Dropped In

    @JasonLikesToTravel said:

    @JasonLikesToTravel said:

    @JasonLikesToTravel said:
    Still free-to-play so hard to judge the speed of progress against others who've splashed out on HP's, CP's, shards and covers. Nevertheless, happy to have finally got my last 3* last night. A good time to update (day 179)

    Currently at 72 roster slots
    5's: 6 to date (Gamora, Apoc, Shang Chi all two covers. Kingpin, Ronan & Ultron with 1). 
    4's: 5 rostered with Ikaris champed (been in a lot of events so got the covers and shards to champ him quite easily). 
    s: All 47 rostered - 38 champed
    2s: 13/14 farming. Still only Bagman not rostered
    s: Just Spiderman for DDQ

    Next step is to start building my 4 and 5 collection to help with PVP in particular but also improve SCL I can get a decent placement in in PVE. 

    Quite a while since my last update. Remain a F2P player, today is day 429 so now over a year of playing the game.

    Roster slots: 134
    5s: 24 rostered. Gargantos and Thor highest with 6 covers each.
    's: 48 rostered. Three champed (Wolverine X Force, Ikaris, Spider-Man Oscorp)
    3s: All 49 champed. Thor at 257 so close to farming my first 3!
    2s: 13/14 farming, still no Bagman
    s: None rostered. No longer a need since the DDQ changes.

    Plans going forward are to keep pace with the 3 releases and catch up with the missing 4s. Hopefully I'll get a few more 4s champed too.

    Quite a while since the last update. Still free-to-play but made good progress since the last update.

    Roster slots: 220
    5s: 51 - MThor the highest with 10 covers
    s: 101 rostered. 42 champed - Deathlok the highest at 289.
    3s: 55/56 rostered. Just need Spider-Rex who was released in the last few days.
    s: 13/14 rostered, still no Bagman
    1*s: None rostered.

    Farming both my 2s & 3s where I can as very much in the ISO drought now.

    Currently 82 characters left to roster so only plan is to continue chipping away at that and hopefully add some more covers to existing 5*s to make SCL10 easier.

    Shang Chi (5 covers) and MThor (10 covers) are doing a lot of the heavy lifting in both PVE and PVP to allow me to progress at SCL10

    Edit* Should add, day 673

    Time for another update. It'll be interesting to compare come the end of the year after all the anniversary stuff.

    Today is day 740. A little over the two year mark now - still F2P.

    Roster slots: 243
    5s: 62 - MThor the highest with 11 covers
    s: 111 rostered. 54 champed, Wolverine X-Force the highest at 292
    3s: All 58 rostered. Continuing to farm.
    s: 12/14. Ares and Bagman not rostered. Just sold and waiting to re-recruit.
    1*s: None rostered

    66 characters left to roster. I'd like to keep chipping away at the 5*s. Playing at SCL10 has really helped progress there since the last update.

    Still a long way off having everyone rostered but getting there slowly.

  • turbomoose
    turbomoose Posts: 818 Critical Contributor

    Progress report on quests promote 207/250 2* into champ im guessing these weren’t backdated like shards as I have done 2*s way more times than 250

    4s into champ 153/250
    s into champ 84/100
    3s into champ 160/160 wonder why 3s stopped at 160 when the others go up to 250

    10 quests left to complete in all

    ISO currently 13560537 in credit 14015 HP

    1337 CP
    7189443 red iso in credit 53/63 owned

    380 characters in roster only 1*s unowned
    Every character champed at least once except for omega red and vulture

    Not bad for 9.5 years work

  • Carnifex
    Carnifex Posts: 122 Tile Toppler
    edited September 2023

    Posted this on Reddit yesterday as it was my four year anniversary, and seemed a good time to do a roster report so I can look back on it next year.

    Roster report - Shield Rank 185, Day 1461. HP - 65k, CP - 10.6K, ISO - yes please

    T100 alliance and usually a Bugle Pittance per month for bonus rewards, but may get the occasional cheap bundle.

    I am not a competitive player, but I would say I'm more than casual too, stuck somewhere in the middle of the both. I'm mainly PVE, playing SCL10, and I complete all PVE events everyday and hit every node until the timers reset. Because of life, I can't always hit the last 2 clears of each node but I make sure I finish in the top 200. Always finish my Deadpool Dailies (all nodes) and only play PVP for 25 wins.

    All characters rostered, excluding 1 star characters. 356 roster slots.

    5s - 24 characters champed, highest level is Shang-Chi at 468. Four other characters sitting at 13 covers, all other 5s sitting between 2 and 10 covers.

    4s - large portion of them champed, sitting at 27 left to champ. All characters waiting on the ISO have minimum 13 covers + 10 saved covers, excluding Peni.

    3s - All 'original' 3 star characters are max champed with a dupe. Since the release of new 3 star characters, I haven't max champed or duped any as of yet. Some are nearing max and will get duped when possible. I'm not prioritising this though.

    2s - I keep Thor, Mags and Storm at 144 for Deadpool Dailies, but are duped. All other 2s get flip farmed.

    Supports - Post Red ISO. All supports are levelled as high as they can be. I have three R5 supports (Chimichanga, Arc Reactor & Atlantis), 11 R4 supports, and the rest between R1-3. Currently hoarding tokens for the rework system in case of shards.

    Current goals:

    • Finish champing the 4 star tier. I was hoping to complete that by the end of this year, but I reckon I'll fall a bit short.

    • Pulling on the LL train, so making sure I get the latest to 13 covers each, or close enough to finish with feeders. Not prioritising champing unless a new meta comes along. Only using LL tokens to do this, hoarding all CP for anniversary.

    • Hoping for a decent anniversary vault. If Shang (my most used character) is featured with hopefully Okoye, I'll hoard break all my CP and aim to get him to level 500 (or as close to as possible), and additional levels on Okoye are always good.

    • After anniversary, start the long goal of 450 champing all 5s.

    I'm probably not making the best use of my resources with the choices I'm making, but I don't feel like I'd be making any regrets.

    please feel free to mention if I missed anything too, by the way.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,593 Chairperson of the Boards

    I am going to pause chasing the Classics I am trying to champ for a while as now I have a backlog of 5 ready to champ (Banner, Rescue, Jeff, Magneto, Doc Ock) but without the iso to do so and find myself 62 shards away from completing Omega Red. I'm not sure who to go after Retro-wise next. Also undecided about Venom-Dino and whether to go back and hoard once I have finished Omega or chase him. He might still get a feeder so...

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    @DAZ0273 said:
    I am going to pause chasing the Classics I am trying to champ for a while as now I have a backlog of 5 ready to champ (Banner, Rescue, Jeff, Magneto, Doc Ock) but without the iso to do so and find myself 62 shards away from completing Omega Red. I'm not sure who to go after Retro-wise next. Also undecided about Venom-Dino and whether to go back and hoard once I have finished Omega or chase him. He might still get a feeder so...

    He'll get Devil Dino during anniversary, and we all need to act surprised.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,593 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Bowgentle said:

    @DAZ0273 said:
    I am going to pause chasing the Classics I am trying to champ for a while as now I have a backlog of 5 ready to champ (Banner, Rescue, Jeff, Magneto, Doc Ock) but without the iso to do so and find myself 62 shards away from completing Omega Red. I'm not sure who to go after Retro-wise next. Also undecided about Venom-Dino and whether to go back and hoard once I have finished Omega or chase him. He might still get a feeder so...

    He'll get Devil Dino during anniversary, and we all need to act surprised.

    It is my suspicion also.

    That is Omega Red champed for Class of 2023. B)

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,593 Chairperson of the Boards

    So we didn't (thus far anyway) get a de-Limited Devil Dino for Anniversary with a Venom-Dino feeder so this has left me short on completing him but only by around 170 shards which should be doable fairly easily. I have Omega champed and Vulture covered, so Latest is pretty much under control. I'm not going to bother pulling when Miles rotates in so nothing to do there for a while until I see what next two 5* look like.

    I have fully covered Jeff, Magneto and Rescue slowly creeping up near to being 450'ed but Doc Ock is still sitting at 255. Ideally I would like to spend iso on getting them all champed along with Vulture over the next season or so. I also have Peni to champ. Double iso will not be forever so hopefully I can pour some of that in to these projects above.

    All the new 3's are champed after Omega Red proved ridiculously hard to get 3 red covers for. My 2farm is building back up too and my 3 farm is just waiting on covers for those not at 13 before they get champed. I am working on a dupe for 3* Deadpool who will be my first 3* base character project to ascend.

    Ascended wise I am concentrating on my two ascended 1* Spidey's at 2* level- I am adding covers to one and keeping the other at base level in the hope that I can get them combined and ready to ascend so I can then get started on being ascended 3* One * Spidey, of which I have one waiting who I can then start adding covers to. Then the long slog to getting a 4* version. I don't care about maxing rewards so will not bother maxing out both versions at each stage unless something happens that makes rewards completely unmissable.

  • fractalvisions
    fractalvisions Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker

    @fractalvisions said:

    @fractalvisions said:

    @fractalvisions said:

    @fractalvisions said:
    All classic 5s rostered! It took me a lot longer than hothie, but I got there.
    Day: 1357SR: 147
    569/70 rostered (and just 200 more shards needed to roster Kamala Khan)21 @ lvl 330, with 1 fully covered.
    All rostered 70/126 champions
    PlansI'm still focusing ISO on champing 4s for now, but may put a little into my most used 5s sometime soon.
    For the time being, I'll spend my CP on special stores. I just spent what I had (~250) on the new release store and got two covers for Mighty Thor, so I think that worked out well.

    Time for a post-anniversary (and 4th year personal anniversary) update.

    Day: 1460
    SR: 155

    All except Arcade rostered.
    24 @ lvl 330 including
    13 covers: Apocalypse
    12 covers: Shang-chi
    11 covers: Colossus, Kitty Pryde, Dr. Thor
    10 covers: Scarlet Witch

    85/131 champions

    Still focusing on those 4s, but getting ever closer to the point where I may start levelling (and even champing?) 5s. Particularly as Colossus, Kitty and Shang all have saved covers now.

    New Year update:

    Day: 1525
    SR: 160

    All rostered.
    26 @ lvl 330 including
    13 covers: Apocalypse, Colossus, Dr. Thor, Shang-Chi
    12 covers:
    11 covers: Kitty Pryde, Dr. Strange
    10 covers: Ghostpool, Cyclops, Scarlet Witch

    92/134 champions

    Shardmas has resulted in me having 3 more 5*s ready to champ, but also means that I have a much longer list of excuses (i.e. 4*s that I'd like to get champed) to avoid moving to 5* land. :wink:

    I've now reached 300 roster slots, so seems like a good time for an update.

    Day: 1684
    SR: 171

    All rostered.
    34 @ lvl 330 including
    13 covers: Apocalypse, Colossus, Dr. Strange, Dr. Thor, Scarlet Witch, Shang-Chi
    12 covers: Kitty Pryde
    11 covers: Crystal, Cyclops, Deadpool, Electro, Knull, Riri
    10 covers: Kamala Khan, Magik

    109/140 champions

    Still got some more 4*s with 10+ saved covers who are my focus at the moment. I'm pleased to see that I am champing 4*s at a faster rate than they are being added.

    Post anniversary update.

    Day: 1815
    SR: 181

    All rostered and all except Peggy has at least 1 cover in each colour.
    46 @ lvl 330 including
    13 covers: Apocalypse, Colossus, Cyclops, Deadpool, Dr. Strange, Dr. Thor, Electro, Kang, Knull, Prof. X, Scarlet Witch, Shang-Chi
    12 covers: BRB, Kitty Pryde, Riri
    11 covers: Abigail Brand, Big Wheel, Carnage, Crystal, Kamala Khan, Magik, Okoye, Venomosaurus Rex, Wong, Yellowjacket
    10 covers: Emma Frost

    122/145 champions

    ...or lack thereof. Not sure I can be bothered with ascension. I started collecting 1*s just to try it out, but the extra work on roster management is just sapping the fun out of it. I got a few ascended 1*s so I guess I'll max champ those before selling them. Otherwise, maybe I'll try it out with 4*s once I have some of those max champed, so in about a decade.

  • JasonLikesToTravel
    JasonLikesToTravel Posts: 35 Just Dropped In

    @JasonLikesToTravel said:

    @JasonLikesToTravel said:

    @JasonLikesToTravel said:

    @JasonLikesToTravel said:
    Still free-to-play so hard to judge the speed of progress against others who've splashed out on HP's, CP's, shards and covers. Nevertheless, happy to have finally got my last 3* last night. A good time to update (day 179)

    Currently at 72 roster slots
    5's: 6 to date (Gamora, Apoc, Shang Chi all two covers. Kingpin, Ronan & Ultron with 1). 
    4's: 5 rostered with Ikaris champed (been in a lot of events so got the covers and shards to champ him quite easily). 
    s: All 47 rostered - 38 champed
    2s: 13/14 farming. Still only Bagman not rostered
    s: Just Spiderman for DDQ

    Next step is to start building my 4 and 5 collection to help with PVP in particular but also improve SCL I can get a decent placement in in PVE. 

    Quite a while since my last update. Remain a F2P player, today is day 429 so now over a year of playing the game.

    Roster slots: 134
    5s: 24 rostered. Gargantos and Thor highest with 6 covers each.
    's: 48 rostered. Three champed (Wolverine X Force, Ikaris, Spider-Man Oscorp)
    3s: All 49 champed. Thor at 257 so close to farming my first 3!
    2s: 13/14 farming, still no Bagman
    s: None rostered. No longer a need since the DDQ changes.

    Plans going forward are to keep pace with the 3 releases and catch up with the missing 4s. Hopefully I'll get a few more 4s champed too.

    Quite a while since the last update. Still free-to-play but made good progress since the last update.

    Roster slots: 220
    5s: 51 - MThor the highest with 10 covers
    s: 101 rostered. 42 champed - Deathlok the highest at 289.
    3s: 55/56 rostered. Just need Spider-Rex who was released in the last few days.
    s: 13/14 rostered, still no Bagman
    1*s: None rostered.

    Farming both my 2s & 3s where I can as very much in the ISO drought now.

    Currently 82 characters left to roster so only plan is to continue chipping away at that and hopefully add some more covers to existing 5*s to make SCL10 easier.

    Shang Chi (5 covers) and MThor (10 covers) are doing a lot of the heavy lifting in both PVE and PVP to allow me to progress at SCL10

    Edit* Should add, day 673

    Time for another update. It'll be interesting to compare come the end of the year after all the anniversary stuff.

    Today is day 740. A little over the two year mark now - still F2P.

    Roster slots: 243
    5s: 62 - MThor the highest with 11 covers
    s: 111 rostered. 54 champed, Wolverine X-Force the highest at 292
    3s: All 58 rostered. Continuing to farm.
    s: 12/14. Ares and Bagman not rostered. Just sold and waiting to re-recruit.
    1*s: None rostered

    66 characters left to roster. I'd like to keep chipping away at the 5*s. Playing at SCL10 has really helped progress there since the last update.

    Still a long way off having everyone rostered but getting there slowly.

    Decent progress over the last couple of months.
    Today will be day 806 - still F2P.

    Roster slots: 277
    5s: 70 - MThor the highest with 12 covers
    s: 132. 67 champed (around half) - Wolverine X-Force the highest at 295
    3s: All 60 rostered. Continuing to farm.
    s: 13/14 - no Bagman. Farming.
    1s: 2/8 - Received ascended Storm (2) and Spiderman (3*).

    Only have 38 characters left to recruit. I'm not interested in ascending characters yet so I'll sell the two 1*s once they've hit their max level.

    All of my 4s have the shards to recruit once I have a roster slot available so my main plan for the rest of the year is to get those on to my roster. It'd be nice to get some of those missing / obscure 5s too.

    A little ambitious maybe but I'd like to hit 300 roster slots by the end of the year.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,593 Chairperson of the Boards

    I find myself at somewhat of a crossroads.

    I now have Jeff, Captain Marvel, Rescue, Hela, Doc Ock, Killmonger, Venom Dino and Wasp (yeah...) fully covered and awaiting iso and am working on Gamora who is 4/4/4. I sort of think I need to pause on finishing the 5* classics until I can get caught up a bit in champing them because I hate having this log jam. At the Latest 3 are kinda not very good and I already have Vulture champed, Peggy is 3/5/3 and Miles is 3/1/4 so under control and not a priority to be racking up there.

    I also need to champ Peni and Bong but also again, iso.

    So I am thinking at maybe targeting Classics but more for the 4s than the 5s and any 5 champ levels.

    What I really want is iso and mighty/elites/heroics so I can try and get some stuff for ascending! Which feels very strange and not at all correct!

    I am not sure whether ascending stuff is a step too far and is taking away from my enjoyment of the game as it feels like I am getting nowhere with it and that is a bit annoying. It feels like real life repeating in this game with the inflation costs associated with ascension - roster spots, iso to max dupes to non champ level, hundreds of covers, max characters that now don't get sold and recycled. Thanks for ruining my little escape from real world misery MPQ!

  • Scofie
    Scofie GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,468 Chairperson of the Boards

    @DAZ0273 said:
    I find myself at somewhat of a crossroads.

    I now have Jeff, Captain Marvel, Rescue, Hela, Doc Ock, Killmonger, Venom Dino and Wasp (yeah...) fully covered and awaiting iso and am working on Gamora who is 4/4/4. I sort of think I need to pause on finishing the 5* classics until I can get caught up a bit in champing them because I hate having this log jam. At the Latest 3 are kinda not very good and I already have Vulture champed, Peggy is 3/5/3 and Miles is 3/1/4 so under control and not a priority to be racking up there.

    I also need to champ Peni and Bong but also again, iso.

    So I am thinking at maybe targeting Classics but more for the 4s than the 5s and any 5 champ levels.

    What I really want is iso and mighty/elites/heroics so I can try and get some stuff for ascending! Which feels very strange and not at all correct!

    I am not sure whether ascending stuff is a step too far and is taking away from my enjoyment of the game as it feels like I am getting nowhere with it and that is a bit annoying. It feels like real life repeating in this game with the inflation costs associated with ascension - roster spots, iso to max dupes to non champ level, hundreds of covers, max characters that now don't get sold and recycled. Thanks for ruining my little escape from real world misery MPQ!

    Definitely pull Classics for a bit. The rewards generated really accelerate the roster. Favourite one of your lower level 5*s so you get them closer to Champing if you want, but when the Iso starts flowing, you'll want those 5 Champ rewards.

  • Carnifex
    Carnifex Posts: 122 Tile Toppler

    @Carnifex said:
    Posted this on Reddit yesterday as it was my four year anniversary, and seemed a good time to do a roster report so I can look back on it next year.

    Roster report - Shield Rank 185, Day 1461. HP - 65k, CP - 10.6K, ISO - yes please

    T100 alliance and usually a Bugle Pittance per month for bonus rewards, but may get the occasional cheap bundle.

    I am not a competitive player, but I would say I'm more than casual too, stuck somewhere in the middle of the both. I'm mainly PVE, playing SCL10, and I complete all PVE events everyday and hit every node until the timers reset. Because of life, I can't always hit the last 2 clears of each node but I make sure I finish in the top 200. Always finish my Deadpool Dailies (all nodes) and only play PVP for 25 wins.

    All characters rostered, excluding 1 star characters. 356 roster slots.

    5s - 24 characters champed, highest level is Shang-Chi at 468. Four other characters sitting at 13 covers, all other 5s sitting between 2 and 10 covers.

    4s - large portion of them champed, sitting at 27 left to champ. All characters waiting on the ISO have minimum 13 covers + 10 saved covers, excluding Peni.

    3s - All 'original' 3 star characters are max champed with a dupe. Since the release of new 3 star characters, I haven't max champed or duped any as of yet. Some are nearing max and will get duped when possible. I'm not prioritising this though.

    2s - I keep Thor, Mags and Storm at 144 for Deadpool Dailies, but are duped. All other 2s get flip farmed.

    Supports - Post Red ISO. All supports are levelled as high as they can be. I have three R5 supports (Chimichanga, Arc Reactor & Atlantis), 11 R4 supports, and the rest between R1-3. Currently hoarding tokens for the rework system in case of shards.

    Current goals:

    • Finish champing the 4 star tier. I was hoping to complete that by the end of this year, but I reckon I'll fall a bit short.

    • Pulling on the LL train, so making sure I get the latest to 13 covers each, or close enough to finish with feeders. Not prioritising champing unless a new meta comes along. Only using LL tokens to do this, hoarding all CP for anniversary.

    • Hoping for a decent anniversary vault. If Shang (my most used character) is featured with hopefully Okoye, I'll hoard break all my CP and aim to get him to level 500 (or as close to as possible)

    Feels like a good time to update this even though its only been a couple of months. This morning I hit a big milestone.

    Day 1521, Shield Rank 194, HP 7.9K, CP 498

    So from my last post it's obvious I've spent my CP and HP hoard. I had a really good anniversary, and managed to get my level 469 Shang to level 541! 72 levels! I also got Okoye to level 500. My goal at this time was to only get Shang to level 500, so I absolutely smashed that target.

    A week after anniversary ended, I finished champing the 4* tier. The double ISO month and the metaessential vaults really helped here, I honestly thought I would be completely this goal around January. I champed around 24ish 4 star characters in just one month.

    This morning, however, day 1521. I claimed my unused milestone rewards, equally three levels. I also pulled some classics to get some shards to tip me over the edge, but I joined the 550 club. Shang is now level 550! Bonus shards really helped me achieve this milestone and I wouldn't have gotten there without them.

    Super happy and just wanted to express myself here! Just need to set myself some new goals now :)

  • Scofie
    Scofie GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,468 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Carnifex said:

    @Carnifex said:
    Posted this on Reddit yesterday as it was my four year anniversary, and seemed a good time to do a roster report so I can look back on it next year.

    Roster report - Shield Rank 185, Day 1461. HP - 65k, CP - 10.6K, ISO - yes please

    T100 alliance and usually a Bugle Pittance per month for bonus rewards, but may get the occasional cheap bundle.

    I am not a competitive player, but I would say I'm more than casual too, stuck somewhere in the middle of the both. I'm mainly PVE, playing SCL10, and I complete all PVE events everyday and hit every node until the timers reset. Because of life, I can't always hit the last 2 clears of each node but I make sure I finish in the top 200. Always finish my Deadpool Dailies (all nodes) and only play PVP for 25 wins.

    All characters rostered, excluding 1 star characters. 356 roster slots.

    5s - 24 characters champed, highest level is Shang-Chi at 468. Four other characters sitting at 13 covers, all other 5s sitting between 2 and 10 covers.

    4s - large portion of them champed, sitting at 27 left to champ. All characters waiting on the ISO have minimum 13 covers + 10 saved covers, excluding Peni.

    3s - All 'original' 3 star characters are max champed with a dupe. Since the release of new 3 star characters, I haven't max champed or duped any as of yet. Some are nearing max and will get duped when possible. I'm not prioritising this though.

    2s - I keep Thor, Mags and Storm at 144 for Deadpool Dailies, but are duped. All other 2s get flip farmed.

    Supports - Post Red ISO. All supports are levelled as high as they can be. I have three R5 supports (Chimichanga, Arc Reactor & Atlantis), 11 R4 supports, and the rest between R1-3. Currently hoarding tokens for the rework system in case of shards.

    Current goals:

    • Finish champing the 4 star tier. I was hoping to complete that by the end of this year, but I reckon I'll fall a bit short.

    • Pulling on the LL train, so making sure I get the latest to 13 covers each, or close enough to finish with feeders. Not prioritising champing unless a new meta comes along. Only using LL tokens to do this, hoarding all CP for anniversary.

    • Hoping for a decent anniversary vault. If Shang (my most used character) is featured with hopefully Okoye, I'll hoard break all my CP and aim to get him to level 500 (or as close to as possible)

    Feels like a good time to update this even though its only been a couple of months. This morning I hit a big milestone.

    Day 1521, Shield Rank 194, HP 7.9K, CP 498

    So from my last post it's obvious I've spent my CP and HP hoard. I had a really good anniversary, and managed to get my level 469 Shang to level 541! 72 levels! I also got Okoye to level 500. My goal at this time was to only get Shang to level 500, so I absolutely smashed that target.

    A week after anniversary ended, I finished champing the 4* tier. The double ISO month and the metaessential vaults really helped here, I honestly thought I would be completely this goal around January. I champed around 24ish 4 star characters in just one month.

    This morning, however, day 1521. I claimed my unused milestone rewards, equally three levels. I also pulled some classics to get some shards to tip me over the edge, but I joined the 550 club. Shang is now level 550! Bonus shards really helped me achieve this milestone and I wouldn't have gotten there without them.

    Super happy and just wanted to express myself here! Just need to set myself some new goals now :)

    Nicely done! As of Day 3654 I think, my highest is 487 (SC also) but given he was on 4 covers before last anniversary, I'm good with that!

  • Jash735
    Jash735 Posts: 97 Match Maker
    edited November 2023

    What 5* should I champ next? If you don’t see them, they are already champed. Okoye is being champed tomorrow when I get the rest of the iso. Kamala is favorited right now and only needs 580 shards and some iso.

    I’m leaning towards either SW or Electro…

  • Scofie
    Scofie GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,468 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Jash735 - do you play PvE, PvP or both? Who do you see in PvP?