Stop giving 20 ISO rewards first, discussion and musings



  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    Malcrof wrote:
    people want more free stuff in less time, or the highest rewards for the least time spent.. doesn't happen in real life, won't happen in a free game either... feel free to tilt at windmills though.
    Nah, I'd just feel free to go play a game like Marvel Future Fight that doesn't sneer at its players behind a never-ending RNG excuse wheel.

    Can we not have a rational discussion about the rewards : effort ratio in this game without someone playing the 'entitled whiners' card?
  • Well.....the node gives me 1p, and the only reward i've got is a crit boost, I tried 9 times. So.....160 iso, yupiiiiii. Let's see if i can get the CP before the event ends
  • CaptainFreaky
    CaptainFreaky Posts: 451 Mover and Shaker
    I'm guessing the Dev's will fix this at about the same time as they fix what they admitted was an issue with the TU in 4* DDQ....oh wait....
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    Here is the way I think nodes in PVE should award points. I think there should be 3 rewards that go first then a random ISO, standard token or AP boosts. For trivial nodes 40 iso and max 3 AP boosts. For easy nodes 60 ISO and 4 AP boosts. Normal 100 ISO 5 AP boosts 2 standard tokens. Hard 150 ISO 5 AP boost or 2 standard tokens. Lastly a deadly node gives a min 250 ISP, or 5 AP boost or 5 standard tokens.
    The premis is the harder the node the better the rewards possibility.
  • grunth13
    grunth13 Posts: 608 Critical Contributor
    Just did the bp, pyro, im40 node in wakanda 20 times to get that cp. Beat that node to get 1 point at least eight times. That's just plain ridiculous, or I'm just ridiculous for actually doing it.
  • Jam_Adams
    Jam_Adams Posts: 486 Mover and Shaker
    sorry if already mentioned

    but one thing I think is bogus is to earn only a single reward for the "Join Forces" node. after you beat one of those nodes, you'll only earn one of the four possible rewards, then it locks. granted, the four rewards are of similar magnitude (70-250 iso, standard token, etc.), but if the devs are going to lock any node after a victory, why not make it the CP node, and allow us to grind the Join Forces node for all four rewards?
  • I just had to grind the Kingpin essential down to less than 30 points just for one CP. I don't see myself doing that in the future.

    I get it that the dev's have to be cautious about their precious economy, but it's just silly (and/or lazy) to design a reward like that.

    I had to grind it down to 9 points! Ridiculous.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    I just had to grind the Kingpin essential down to less than 30 points just for one CP. I don't see myself doing that in the future.

    I get it that the dev's have to be cautious about their precious economy, but it's just silly (and/or lazy) to design a reward like that.

    I had to grind it down to 9 points! Ridiculous.

    I've ground 3 of those nodes down to 1 and then played 2,3 and 1 match on top of that before I got the CP. However on some of the other ones I got it first time. It's frustrating when you have to grind but that doesn't happen all the time so maybe we should just have a handful of sugar with our lemons eh?
  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,299 Chairperson of the Boards
    simonsez wrote:
    udonomefoo wrote:
    Explain to me WHY it needs to be 50% instead of 100% until all rewards are gone and then I'll maybe accept that answer.
    The devs keep telling us that randomness makes the game more fun. Can't you feeeel the enjoyment??

    I think they're basing this theory on lab experiments on rhesus monkeys, not from the feedback of 10,000 people who are actually playing the game.

    Randomness is what they believe will drive their profits because it has so far but that is only true up to a certain point in a game like this. You will have whales and casual players who will spend so much money on the game in real world dollars. For the economics of the game, in 3* land it was more feasible based on the price of the in-game currency and the fact everyone was still in the same relative game space (using 3* characters in this case). That will shrink in 4* and especially 5* land due to increased $$$ you need to spend in the real world to see results. For those who don't whale it, once they don't feel they are receiving rewards (or in this game progression) they will move on to another game. It is simple economics.

    I imagine that MPQ isn't dissimilar from other mobile based games where approximately 50% of its revenue comes from whales, however they only make up approximately 6% of a player base. The other 50% of revenue comes from moderate players (of which I am) who make up just under 50% of the player base. The remaining 45% of players usually don't pay a dime to play a free mobile game. Some of those 45% don't spend a dime due to principle (hey it says it's a free game) but most probably don't get engaged enough to move into the moderate player base. I know most game designers focus on keeping the whales happy first since it is a much smaller player base and easier to customize to and they usually account for at least 50% of revenue. The issue though is that it is extremely hard to convert moderate players to whales since there are only so many gamers willing and able to drop the levels of money mobile game developers seek. I know the ideal goal for MPQ was to get to the mythical $1 per day per user but that by definition would be a super whale in mobile terms (someone spending $30/mo. on a game whereas a whale is usually classified as someone spending $10/mo. on a particular mobile game). I think the developers would be better served attempting to get another 20% of those non-payers hooked and pushed into the moderate player base as that is where you will get additional players in general. At this point in the game, you are not going to be adding many more whales to your player base so at best you will see your revenue flatten and eventually fall as your overall player base falls through attrition. So the argument for faster progression is more than just an in game issue, it is also a potential financial issue for the company. New and current players who see progression are more likely to stay. Right now 3* land is a vast void of progression that requires a long grind to advance in and as the game as evolved the company needs to think about ways to make sure it keeps the player base growing or worst case stable.
  • Nick441234
    Nick441234 Posts: 1,496 Chairperson of the Boards
    This is really starting to bug me too! I've done the Let's Dance battle 4 times now and got 1 of the rewards, the other 3 being 20 iso-8. The battle is hard enough against level 208's without being gifted rubbish for beating it!
  • I started the final node last night around 1hr20m before the end of the event. I hit the node until it was worth one point, then hit it another 5-7 times, and by the end of the event, I still didn't have the CP. By that point, I had no one decent and alive in my roster to start the Hunt, so I had to get creative with crummy characters like Bullseye. #thumbsdown
  • ghostride23
    ghostride23 Posts: 22 Just Dropped In
    Playing the Hunt Alaska, I've played Jean Grey's essential well pass 10 plus times and no CP point yet. 1 point and 20 iso for fighting Ares, Venom, and Rag over and over and over. This is really ridiculous.
  • T-rom12
    T-rom12 Posts: 8 Just Dropped In
    Playing the Hunt Alaska, I've played Jean Grey's essential well pass 10 plus times and no CP point yet. 1 point and 20 iso for fighting Ares, Venom, and Rag over and over and over. This is really ridiculous.

    I'm in the same boat as you and I can't help but wonder if this method of grinding specific nodes down to 1 so quickly will mess up my chance of a Legendary. I don't think it will, but playing these nodes that give CP up to 20 times each not only messes up my maximum point earning, but also (and more importantly), my roster (and health packs) end up getting wasted.
  • I have 6000 much needed ISO just sitting there in Ant-Man Growth Industry but it's hard to muster the effort to replay some difficult nodes for only 20 ISO when there are still 3 lots of 500 ISO there.
  • Agree.

    20 ISO is a not funny joke, it's utterly NOTHING enemystrike.pngeattack.png
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hey, wanna know what's more annoying? Having a one-time only node with CP in it and not getting the CP. And then no longer being able to *try* to get the CP 8I
  • jredd
    jredd Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    the 20 iso reward never bothered me until now, because there wasn't anything worth playing the node beyond 3-5 times.

    now, the cp reward exposes the absolute uselessness of the random reward system.

    i'm not so out of it to know that giving things away is bad for business, and make no mistake, this game is run like a business to maximize profits. (and there's nothing wrong with that).

    i think the thing that angers a lot of people (paying customers included) is there is never an urgency to build up some goodwill amongst customers.

    people have had issue with the 20 iso reward (a drop in the bucket) for a long time now. how hard would it be to bump it up to 50? and if you don't want to do it across the board, have a graduated reward system. if you've spent at least 50$ the default reward goes to 50 iso. 100$+ the default reward is 100. this way, players who have invested their $ see some extra in-game benefit for supporting the game.

    now, as for the randomness of the node rewards, have it set up so there are 4 'choice' rewards and 4 'basic' rewards. that way, players know if they play the node 8 times they'll get all the rewards.

    how many people have quit playing this game because they feel they are left out to dry over these issues? i'm of the opinion that more people will become repeat purchasers if their concerns are addressed as quickly as possible. how do you expect someone to continually put money into something when implementing changes in this game moves at a snail's pace, if at all?

    'thanks for the money...' door slams in face.
  • Nick441234
    Nick441234 Posts: 1,496 Chairperson of the Boards
    Florida is an even bigger joke for handing out 20 ISO. It genuinely seems like they've ramped up the odds of you only getting 20 ISO as it seems to be all I'm getting now. Previous events I've usually always had green ticks by all the subs by the time they finished. Now I'm barely getting even one green tick by the time it ends.

    Daken is horrendous at level 224 (Chemical Reaction does 1600 damage even without any strike tiles on the board), so to barely get through these fights with only one character left and it almost being dead and then be rewarded with 20 ISO is really starting to irritate.
    STOPTHIS Posts: 781 Critical Contributor
    This **** is **** frustrating. I've beaten this Jean node 10 times over 2 days and I've only gotten ONE reward, 250 iso. The 2 CmdPts are just sitting there mocking me. The Ares node as only given me 1 CmdPt, so I'm 1 for 4 despite clearing sub several times. I might end up getting more CmdPts from placement than from these nodes.
  • Ya'll are just trying to be so greedy. 20 iso is your base pay! You should be sending thank you cards to the developers whenever you don't pull 20 iso rather than expecting to pull the grab bag rewards! /s