Stop giving 20 ISO rewards first, discussion and musings



  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    GrimSkald wrote:

    Anyway, my guess is to fix the "20 Iso" issue is a non-trivial coding change and they have other priorities. We don't know how difficult it would be to change - for all we know it could involve a serious dedication of resources.

    I assume this is true since they said in the monthly video a few months back that they don't like it either and would like to change it. It can't be an economy issue, there's no way. They've shown repeated tight-fisted tendencies, but I can't imaging that's what this is.

    Though, the fact that it was set up this way to begin with and was done in a way that it's not easy to unravel does say something about the design.
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,704 Chairperson of the Boards
    udonomefoo wrote:
    Though, the fact that it was set up this way to begin with and was done in a way that it's not easy to unravel does say something about the design.

    It does, but I'm not sure I can blame them for that. I do think that PVE as it currently exists is a very different animal from that they original intended. I don't know how many people here were around for the "first time completion bonus?" I suspect they didn't really intend for people to hit these nodes as much as we do. Trouble is, changing the game to be closer to what they intended is very hard - not only do they have to code the changes, but then they have to deal with the player backlash about how things are different.
  • rossmon
    rossmon Posts: 130 Tile Toppler
    One of our commanders had to play the last node of the first sub 26 times to get the command point. That's a lot of wasted health for 1 (score) point per run after awhile.
  • jackstar0
    jackstar0 Posts: 1,280 Chairperson of the Boards

  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    rossmon wrote:
    One of our commanders had to play the last node of the first sub 26 times to get the command point. That's a lot of wasted health for 1 (score) point per run after awhile.
    The odds of that happening are less than 1 in 50,000. Given that this board is littered with anecdotes of in-game events that are highly statistically unlikely, I'm less inclined to think that he was exaggerating, and more inclined to chalk this up to yet another instance where "random" things in the game are clearly NOT random.
  • Honestly, this should be the most up voted thread in the history of this forum.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm treating cps as a 50hp equivalent. I estimate if they let us buy LTs for hp they'd probably put a 1250 price tag on them (roughly half of a selected cover upgrade) and that would translate to 1cp being worth roughly 50hp. so you have to ask yourself, how much is 50hp worth? then allocate resources accordingly. don't go all out and spend premium boosts to do so - not worth it. is it worth iso boosts for 6-8 passes at it - I'd say probably so, but at least it gives you a worth/value to base decisions on. 1 cp is great, but not absolutely critical to your progress. by the same token, if you miss t50 in a pve sub (for 50 hp), not the end of the world, but is nice when you get it.
  • Yes, yes, a million times yes. Please for the love of your customers please change this. I cannot express the amount of anger I had earlier. It took me 17 times to finally get it on one node. Then after 4 or 5 times clearing it AFTER the second node was at 1 point I had quit trying. Bad luck or not people should not go through that. The fun had cease to exist when the first node was close to 1 point. Players should not feel the way I was feeling because of a game lol. I was soooo angry, and am still a little bitter that I couldn't get the second one. Please change this!!!!!
  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    Make everything overpowered!

    That 20 ISO is overpowered ISO which is why it occurs so often.
    This too shall pass!

    The 20 ISO bonus hasn't been discussed for a while so the player base must be happy with it, kind of like True Healing Unless this get to 71 pages and locked then it is just a non starter. Or it could just get shoved into suggestions to be lost forever.
  • Konman
    Konman Posts: 410 Mover and Shaker

    Just as a frame of reference, this is a thread I started in Feb 2014 about this issue. Lots of things have changed about the game in that period of time, but the "20 Iso Nonsens" is not one of them.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thanks mod for allowing this to gather upvotes and comments before trigger-happily moving it to nowhere land. This is an issue that devs need to know players care about.
  • cyineedsn
    cyineedsn Posts: 361 Mover and Shaker
    Pylgrim wrote:
    Thanks mod for allowing this to gather upvotes and comments before trigger-happily moving it to nowhere land. This is an issue that devs need to know players care about.

    Yeah, thumbs up for giving this thread a chance to live and garner support, before sending it to the suggestions section, which is the equivalent of being sent to the Shield in Battleworld.
  • Ir0nF1sh
    Ir0nF1sh Posts: 52 Match Maker
  • I was soooo annoyed with this today, I actually was planning to post something tonight, and when I log on, to my wonderful surprise I am obviously not alone!!!!! Please make this change happen!
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    And then this happens
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    The devs decided not allow us to sell covers for CP so instead they did some formula that gave us CP in our daily supply that we would have averaged if sold by covers.

    How about the devs take that idea and apply it to the 4/4 rewards, meaning that take the average amount of 20 Iso a player earns from multiple node battles and apply the Iso amount to the two Iso rewards. Replace both the 70 and 140 to 250 Iso. Once we reach 4/4 rewards (or 6/6), we don't earn any other rewards.

    This could be the work around. No more 20 Iso again.
  • Interestingly, the fact that after the first win "20 ISO" is 50% and any of the other 3 are combined 50% seems to me like it would make things easier to fix, or at least improve. If they were just subbing in 20 ISO for taken rewards, perhaps some code change would be necessary. But like this, there must be a 1st-pass check "20 ISO or reward?", which then pushes into un-taken rewards if RNGesus so declares. Just change the odds parameter of that check to 99% reward and 1% "20 ISO". Done and dusted with nothing but a parameter change.
  • OrionKannan
    OrionKannan Posts: 42 Just Dropped In
    Would love to up vote...I do not see an option to do so

    so...umm.... UPVOTE?
  • 20 iso is super frustrating, esp. after beating some hard node. 4 rewards should always go first.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    Crowl wrote:
    I know this point has been raised many times in the past but it is going to seriously piss off far more players now that some nodes offer CP as a prize, it is idiotic that people are able to grind down a difficult node to 1 while still not getting this reward rather than 20 iso.

    Yep, this never bothered me as much as it has the last couple days hunting for the CP in some of the hardest nodes, having to do them over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.....(that's how many times I did final node in sub 2 to get the CP)