4* DDQ: Professer X vs Carnage Edition



  • _M4ru_
    _M4ru_ Posts: 91 Match Maker
    0/1/0 on 3rd try icon_e_smile.gif got blueflag.pngicon_ironman.pngicon_e_surprised.gif
  • jffdougan
    jffdougan Posts: 733 Critical Contributor
    My 2/1/0 level 90 did it on the 2nd try for mr 3rd red StarLord.
  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    5/5/2 level 206 Prof for me. I boosted but I didn't really need to. Invis tile was tucked in the corner so I whittled him down with the attack tiles. He got a green off that destroyed the invis tile, but I had another one ready.

    Got an iceman purple with the token so that was nice.
  • Handoftheking26
    Handoftheking26 Posts: 183 Tile Toppler
    So from these posts, I'm guessing my 3/1/0 actually has a shot! Unlike last time when even multiple covered Quills were getting destroyed. So my 0/2/2/ SL didn't have a prayer.
  • Won with 0,1,1 Prof X on 1st try. I was super lucky icon_lol.gif
  • CrimsonHulk
    CrimsonHulk Posts: 22 Just Dropped In
    I thought this match was going to be much tougher than it actually was. My lvl. 111 Xavier is at 2/2/1 so at first I didn't think I had a chance but I used the appropriate boosts to get his invis. tile out ASAP and the rest was a cakewalk. I had a little scare near the end when his green attack managed to eat my invis. tile and I told myself "Oh great, here it comes." but it never did. My next match sealed the deal, my two attack tiles were doing about 1400 damage a turn by that point.

    Got a icon_cyclops.pngblueflag.png from the token, bringing him to 0/2/1...he has a long way to go.
  • Nightglider1
    Nightglider1 Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
    kalex716 wrote:
    Got a red Thing.

    Might want to see a doctor about that. <badum-bum>
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    Embarassed to say my 2/1/1 lvl 90 has failed 5 times icon_redface.gificon_lol.gif

    I should have won on the very first try. Started out with 2 purple match 5s and then got called into a meeting. By the time I came back, my phone had to restart the game so I lost that one. All others carnage gets lucky with green when I get him near 3k health and then Iron Man stuns me and then it's game over.

    Not frustrating really though, because I know I'll win, it's just a matter of time. Lots of time when it's 15k at 150 per turn. icon_lol.gif
  • My buddy got it first try with a 0/1/0 level 70. I will try soon!
  • TheWerebison
    TheWerebison Posts: 431 Mover and Shaker
    Got it my 3rd try with my 131 4/1/0 Prof. I was really dreading this one, with a useless yellow ability, and a purple that would only be half useful if the enemy didn't create tiles for you.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    5/4/4, 221. Took 3 tries, because I'm clearly terrible.

    Really, the game mocked me by ruthlessly denying purple via RNG. Even gave me a match 5 in each of the first two just to get my hopes up. Only the third time was I able to get invisible sustainably, then yeah, it's a breeze.
  • Arimis_Thorn
    Arimis_Thorn Posts: 541 Critical Contributor
    Tarouza wrote:
    2/1/1 lvl 94 Xavier boosted purple/blue and all, stayed invis the whole time won my 1st try. Easiest one to date for me

    Yep, this, except mine is 4/2/2 so it went event faster.

    Downside - I pulled a Red DP4, which is 1 of the few 4* powers I already have maxed out. RNGsus thinks he's hilarious.

    Oh well. Easy come, easy go.
  • 4/1/1 like most here beat it easily. Nice change up from the stress inducing Starlord match.

    Pulled another OML yellow! 0/2/2 now, just need a black to be pretty good.
  • NuPhoenixX
    NuPhoenixX Posts: 11 Just Dropped In
    0/2/0 Professor X.

    Cleared it without taking any damage my first go.

    The result? blueflag.pngicon_silversurfer.png

    Aw yeah.
  • amusingfoo1
    amusingfoo1 Posts: 597 Critical Contributor
    My Prof X is only 2/0/1 lvl 90 - managed to get him down to halfway with a couple of match 5s but no joy. I think just having one purple cover would be enough to win this icon_e_sad.gif

    Yes. I saw someone on the scoreboard near me who had won with 0/1/0. And I beat it with both my games: 0-3-1@111 (took two tries, because I was forced to match my invis tile the first time) and 1-1-0@70 (three tries).
  • AaronTheLuigi
    AaronTheLuigi Posts: 187 Tile Toppler
    Go figure... I have a 0/2/0 PX and have been unable to connect to the game servers for about 24 hours now... in spite of the fact every other thing on my computer requiring internet is functioning as intended.
  • fun_and_gun
    fun_and_gun Posts: 120 Tile Toppler
    won on 2nd try with 2/2/2 lvl 100 px with no boost
  • Darknes21
    Darknes21 Posts: 321 Mover and Shaker
    Finally after 12 tries! CarnageRage sucks! PX 0/1/2 @ 90...boosted b/p +2, b/p 50% and y/r 50%

  • Cymmina
    Cymmina Posts: 413 Mover and Shaker
    Nothing but fail fail fail with 0/1/0 ProfX so far. Every single match, my invisible tile gets nuked by Carnage Rules and is followed up by the Ultra Freon Beam team-up.
  • CT1888
    CT1888 Posts: 1,201 Chairperson of the Boards
    My 2/0/0 Prof X? Not so good. Was funny trying though icon_e_biggrin.gif