4* DDQ: Professer X vs Carnage Edition



  • 2/1/1

    start with 2 pink 5 matches!

    Then a slow slow wait as my tile sits in the bottom corner. Carange up to 15 Red AP by the end, but I managed it first time

    Pulled a Prof X yellow for my trouble, so 2/1/2 now!
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    I beat Carnage on my second try with a 4/2/1 level 120 Professor X. The reason I lost the first time was because red kept coming down. Strangely he does not use his red when you're invisible but he ended up matching my invisibility tile and killed me. Second time was no problem.

    I probably didn't even need to level him that high but I wanted to make sure. This is the second time I've beat *4 DDQ (first time Devil Dino).

    I pulled redflag.pngicon_deadpool.png . My first 4* DDQ, I would have rather pulled someone I already have. Hate buying roster slots but at least I'm not locked out of a future PVE essential.
  • Isay_Isay
    Isay_Isay Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
    edited November 2015
    5/3/4 lv. 170, got it first go. Once you go invisible, it actually benefits you to chase Carnage's colors unlike some matches (*cough*Star Lord *cough*)
    It's interesting that Carnage's red doesn't go through invisibility but Thor's green does, and it's due to how they're described.

    A bunch of people in my alliance mentioned the same thing, does he need a target in order to use it?
  • Lopan15
    Lopan15 Posts: 225 Tile Toppler
    Lvl 170 3-5-5 first try but only had 38 health left. Got cyc blue. This fight was much better/fun compared to the last one.
  • StevO-J
    StevO-J Posts: 752 Critical Contributor
    My lvl. 70 0/2/0 PX did it on the 4th try, +2 P/B boost and + 40% all match damage. Got half way on the 2nd try when Carnage Rules got my Invis. tile and that got me blasted in the face with his TU (otherwise his red would have gotten me anyway).

    Second time I got the LT from 4* DDQ, first one was IW with pretty much the same tactic: get invisible and deny useful AP to opponent. Seeing the covers on my 4*s I'll most likely not get a LT from these fights in the coming months, no big deal as I'm pleasantly surprised I was able to get this one.

    Good luck to anyone trying with a 0/1/0 PX. Read a post earlier where someone did it, so keep trying!
  • Tatercat
    Tatercat Posts: 930 Critical Contributor
    My prof is only 3 covers, 2/0/1 or 1/0/2, I keep forgetting which. All I know is no purple, no chance, no problem! Did one try just for giggles, it went as well as you would think. I knew this would be a pass for me, but it sounded like a fun one, the puzzle aspect is back. More like these, please. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    First try with a 4/1/2 level 108. No match 5's at all, but I went invis very quickly. As soon as I realized he couldn't use red, I prioritized green for the rest of the match. He got off two Carnage Rules, but only one the first one caught my invis tile. The second one sped things up because it added more attack tiles for me. When I got up to 17 purple while invis, I tried to create a second invis tile with the hopes that it would set off Alien Instincts, but it doesn't let you. Still, one try, one LT, one icon_silversurfer.pngredflag.png !!
  • Nightglider1
    Nightglider1 Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
    2/2/1 - no boosts. Easy grind. Pulled my first XF Deadpool cover from the leg. (Yes, I know that 5* JG is coming, but I still need to round out my 4* roster so I said "heck with it - open the token!")
  • Konman
    Konman Posts: 410 Mover and Shaker
    1/1/2 ProfX, took 2 tries with no boosts. Surprisingly easy for such an under leveled character. Got a purple Jean Grey (Jailbait)
  • jojeda654
    jojeda654 Posts: 1,162 Chairperson of the Boards
    After missing out on the Ant-Man (2/2/0) and Star-Lord (2/1/2) nodes, I was able to win with my lvl 170 5/1/2 PX on the first try, no boosts. But it wasn't a completely boring fight.

    I managed to gather enough purple for Blind Spot, which made me confident about winning the match. However, I forgot that I had the base Blind Spot, which doesn't buff tiles, meaning I couldn't rely on them. Luckily, two turns later I made a match 5. After Carnage's turn, the board shuffled, placing my Invisibility Tile in a perfect match-5. This put it in a tight spot because I had no purple AP, so while I could deal significant damage, I could be left exposed. I decided to risk it, because there were two purple tile next to each other on the top row. That paid off, because another purple tile dropped next to them, making a match 3 and giving me enough to placed another Invisibility Tile. I won the match a few turns later, without having Carnage use any of his actives.

    Ended up getting a yellow PX from the Legendary Token, taking him up to 5/1/3. Sure wish it was a purple cover.

    We'll see how the Kingpin node goes, mine is 1/2/3.
  • ammenell
    ammenell Posts: 817 Critical Contributor
    how do 0/1/0 px' win that match?
    it seems just winnable, but either his green destroys the inv-tile or his red one shots me

    his red is strange - its fatal for my lvl70 px, but carnage doesn't fire it 95% of the time. then again, it appears to be random. he did wait until he got 20 red ap, at that point i thought i only have to care about green, but THEN he fired it.
    whats up with that?

    some of you have a similar covered px, doesnt he just nuke you with his red?
  • Pinko_McFly
    Pinko_McFly Posts: 282 Mover and Shaker
    Took 3 tries with a 1/1/2 lvl 94.
    On successful try, used +2 B/P AP, 125% Critical Boost (gotta use it somewhere), and 100% match damage (just to speed it up).
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    5/2/2 professor here @170.

    First try. Very easy. Went invis on the 4th turn and slowly ratcheted up my attack tiles until victory.

    Oddly, carnage got a massive cascade late in the match giving him 16 red (and wiping out one of my 2 attack tiles). But he never used his red attack even though it took me two more turns to finish the match. Not sure why that happened, but I think he could have downed me with aoe damage.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    My 5/3/5 215 level got him in the second try. I was just on the brink of winning the first time, I had like 5000 hitpoints left, and he had like 700, and then I got distracted an he got a match-5 destroying my invisibility tile, and then he fired red and green in the same turn and obliterated me O_O

    Second try was easy, no surprises icon_razz.gif
    Vhailorx wrote:
    5/2/2 professor here @170.

    First try. Very easy. Went invis on the 4th turn and slowly ratcheted up my attack tiles until victory.

    Oddly, carnage got a massive cascade late in the match giving him 16 red (and wiping out one of my 2 attack tiles). But he never used his red attack even though it took me two more turns to finish the match. Not sure why that happened, but I think he could have downed me with aoe damage.

    Thing is red needs a target, it is like Call the Storm, so if he doesnt have a target he cant cast the ability. This makes this fight so much easier (but if you loose your invis tile then you are done).
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    2 tries. 3/1/4 px at 145. first try got no match-5s and a green removed my tile and the teamup got me. second had 2 match-5s that helped. got a jean blue out of it. jean at 4/3/2 now and oh so close to usability with 1 more purple. might start leveling her after I finish maxing witch.
  • I've got a l70 purpleflag.png Professor, I don't see me winning this one unless I get extra luck and stay invisible the all time..
  • Just beat him with my 0 bluetile.png 2 purpletile.png 0 yellowtile.png level 86 Professor X on the first try no boost. I was able to go invisible by 3rd turn was down too 860 life out 3133. Then I just kept matching my colors too strengthen the tiles that carnage gave me. By the time the match was over one tile was at 850+ and the other was at 400+ since the previous one was destroyed by carn's green. Easiest one yet. Played this one on a whim. Didn't think I would win lol.
  • Took my 2 tries with my 0/1/1 PX. Used B/P boost +2 and match damage +50%. Just kept stockpiling purple- he matched my invisibility tile a couple times but I always had enough to stick out another the next turn and just outlasted him.

  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    used boost purple AP and boost all AP because I figured at 0/4/0 the board was going to be so so purple dry that I'd probably only get one purple match.

    I got one on the second or third turn, and my next didn't come until about six turns later. But that's okay because I was able to go invisible, and at 0/4/0 (Lv120), he buffs the fists Carnage so helpfully gives him quite nicely.

    By that 7th turn Carnage was losing about 1200 health/turn.
  • +1 AP to All, +1 AP Purple Got the invisibility tile second turn and went invisible the entire round losing 0 damage. Long match though.