Who should be next in line for balancing?
Original Spidey (I just got my 5th blue cover from that tournament last week so it's pretty much time for him to be nerfed, always the way!). Blue made more expensive but one of his other abilities made more useful (the purple turned into a damage ability maybe?)
Not many people seem to have Original Magneto with 5 red so it's not urgent as such but for consistency they may as well up the cost of that but maybe up the power a bit as well.
After that I think just buff some lesser-used characters and fix some abilities that perhaps were poorly thought through- like Moonstone's purple, which desperately needs to not be random and desperately needs to destroy a chosen tile whether or not there's a swap, or IM40's red which really doesn't need the drawback of self-draining AP when you compare it to 2* Wolvie's red or Patch's red, or The Hood's black- how many countdown tiles do you think anyone is ever going to have active at once, really? Reduce the cost on some abilities which just cost too much to have much effect by the time you can use them, if you even get to use them (Captain America's yellow comes to mind, Loki's black, Moonstone's black, GSBW's red, etc). Add a heal on a 2* and a 3* character so people have more options (either on a new character or by adding it as a 3rd ability or a replacement ability on an old one.0 -
My Hood is currently sitting at 1/2/2 waiting for some covers but I'd be tempted to buy them and start focusing on leveling him if his black gets a much needed boost. His blue ability is so strong and yellow ain't no slouch. He needs a slight buff though.0
Psykopathic28 wrote:Ok here's my argument for buff iron man / nerf OBW.
OBW pink lvl 5- 11ap cost
Steals 4 of every ap color = potential 24ap
IM40 - yellow lvl 5 - 14ap cost
Steals 12 assorted ap
Stuns self for 2 turns.
If the argument is made that the skills should be left at lvl 3, I make the argument no skills should have negative effect by levelling it.
Edit: note that OBW's also STEALS ap, while IM40 merely generates AP.
But he can go 56 levels higher and has a ridiculous amount of health.
Other than the obvious characters that need the nerf stick, I think the biggest change that should happen is the total removal of health packs. Two currencies to open people's wallets isn't enough? Just auto heal the team after each battle and you'll stop seeing every other roster with OBW in it. And make the game immeasurably more fun to boot.0 -
soenottelling wrote:I believe and thr devs believe heavily is statistics to determine the nerfs. They have a goal in mind and will slowly trim things outside of that line (both buffs and nerfs). The questions for obw are: 1. Does her ap.stealing fit the ap stolen per an ap ratio d3 is looking for and 2: is the strike tile double dip something they wanted.
I don't know, but @8 purple she grabs 3 ap of 5 colors for 8/15 for a 1.875 ap stolen.to.ap used ratio. That doesn't seem exorbitant at a glance. The heal is fine and there really are no healing comparisons. So the last power is espionage. To me, the issue isn't double dipping on strike tiles but on how MUCH she can possibly double dip. A boosted patch dropping 6 300 damage strike tiles and her damage output is insane. Easy way to stop this is to simply cap how high she can double dip or to change the power to not double dip bit do more base damage.
So to me,.the only appropriate nerf if any would be to lower the MAX output of her double dipping on strike tiles. That said, she is a defensive liability unless the opponent cascades purple early and she gets a steal or two out. Offensively she outs herself out there in order to match which I think is a fair tradeoff for non-support like damage, though that damage might need a little trimming at the top. She sees so much use because black and purple.are rather scarce.colors.
@psycko... They actually generally seem to.add one character every 2 weeks or so. Only reason there was such a large gap between hulk and ares was because of the winter vacation season. I expect the new xmen character to be released with (likely Friday) the next pve.
Wow. This topic blew up while I was at class. Lol
I thought ICEIX said the goal was 1/month but I could be mixed up there.
The 8/15 ratio is a little more extreme than it seems though.
That's -15 to me +15 to them for 8ap.
That can make 1 team sitting on empty while 1 team gains 3-4 attack abilities. The ability just devastates.0 -
Just randomly thought of a cool way to juice up ragnarok a green a bit.
What if it did quadruple damage for every critical tile destroyed by the ability.
Ability typically does 200-400 damage.
1 critical x4 = 800-1600 damage
2x critical (very rare) x8 = 1600-3200 damage.
Doctor doom would be nice to have like a trap like daredevils.
Something like this
10 pink ap
Places 1 trap tile on basic pink tile
If you match it. Front opponent is stunned for 1 turn. If your opponent matches it front opponent is stunned for 2 turns. Other enemies are stunned for 1 turn.
Upgrades could reduce ap cost and at lvl 4/5 could even have some minor AoE damage when trap goes off.0 -
Psykopathic wrote:
Doctor doom would be nice to have like a trap like daredevils.
Something like this
10 pink ap
Places 1 trap tile on basic pink tile
If you match it. Front opponent is stunned for 1 turn. If your opponent matches it front opponent is stunned for 2 turns. Other enemies are stunned for 1 turn.
Upgrades could reduce ap cost and at lvl 4/5 could even have some minor AoE damage when trap goes off.
Nice! But Dooms traps actually go off in the comics, so that would be a good twist. Actually a countdown timer with a trap could be devious enough for Doom0 -
Psykopathic wrote:Doctor doom would be nice to have like a trap like daredevils.
Something like this
10 pink ap
Places 1 trap tile on basic pink tile
If you match it. Front opponent is stunned for 1 turn. If your opponent matches it front opponent is stunned for 2 turns. Other enemies are stunned for 1 turn.
Upgrades could reduce ap cost and at lvl 4/5 could even have some minor AoE damage when trap goes off.
Could work.
Doombot - 12 pink
Transforms a random basic pink tile in a trap tile (imagine a bot with pink leggings). If you match it the bot is destroyed creating a distraction, front enemy stunned for 1 turn and you gain 1 AP of each colour thanks to the scattered pieces. If the enemy team match it they´re engaged on a battle with him, stum them 2 turns meanwhile you advance your plans.
Level 2: -1 AP cost
Level 3: the bot is strong enough to damage your enemies. Creates a 3 turn countdown tile which damages enemy team every turn for a little amount. When it activates you gain 1 AP of each colour.
Level 4: -1 AP cost
Level 5: the bot releases a huge explosion when destroyed. When the countdown tile activates it deals a medium amount of damage to enemy team and you gain 1 AP of each colour.
OP0 -
For me I would rather respecing be in the game before any more character alterations are done so the complaints about having to re-farm all the covers for that character no longer exist. The easiest way to do this for me is to make it so you can 'activate' all 15 covers but only actively use 13. Using this method you could change how the 13 points are distributed on the fly as much as you want which could promote more build testing with no negative. The people who don't want to use them can sell them like they do now and people like me who want versatility so they can change builds can use them and have it.
Some of you have mentioned adding 3rd abilities to characters which I support, however I would want a respec option to exist first because most of the 1* and some of the 2* I have maxed at 10 so if a 3rd was added I would have to trash the whole thing and start over if I wanted more than 3 in the new ability(not a big deal for 1* since they drop like candy but 2* is a bit more finicky with certain characters).0 -
Minor buff suggestion for 2-4 star characters
19/__/14/__/12/__ - 6996 - 4 -- Invisible Woman (Classic) -- Using Force Bubbles also shields team for 1 turn.
__/12/__/11/15/__ - 5075 - 3 -- Black Widow (Grey Suit) -- Let Deceptive Tactics convert environment tiles.
__/_7/_7/11/__/__ - 5800 - 3 -- Daredevil (Man Without Fear) -- Red/Blue, at level 4 -- If enemy countdown tiles exist, lowest value is disarmed as trap is set.
14/13/20/__/__/__ - 7250 - 3 -- Iron Man (Model 40) -- Reduce lvl 4&5 Recharge AP costs by 1&2.
__/_6/__/__/10/__ - 7111 - 3 -- Ragnarok (Dark Avengers) -- Reduce AP costs to 5&9.
14/__/PA/__/__/_9 - 4350 - 3 -- The Hood (Classic) -- Add some health. Intimidation -- also destroys (lvl) random environment tiles.
__/14/__/__/10/PA - 9788 - 3 -- The Hulk (Indestructible) -- Increase healing rate. Lower AP cost for Red Smash by 1AP.
__/_8/__/__/_8/_7 - 5800 - 3 -- The Punisher (Dark Reign) -- Judgement -- let Punisher pick the 3x3 block.
10/10/__/__/_5/__ - 5340 - 2 -- Ares (Dark Avengers) -- Rampage "if Ares is below xx% of max health" -- increase each by 10%.
__/__/__/PA/__/16 - 2190 - 2 -- Bullseye (Dark Avengers) -- Decrease Murderous Aim to 16AP.
19/11/12/__/__/__ - 4450 - 2 -- Captain America (Modern) -- Drop AP cost of Sentinel of Liberty to Yellow 15 AP, increase defense strength, and allow targeting of any tile.
__/__/__/PA/__/PA - 2920 - 2 -- Daken -- Passive -- Revel in Chaos. Gain 1AP in PGB when either team destroys 20 tiles. (more gain for less tiles at higher levels)
__/10/10/PA/__/__ - 2670 - 2 -- Hawkeye (Modern) -- Allow placement of countdown tiles, on any tile. He should have the best aim.
__/_8/_6/__/_9/__ - 3560 - 2 -- Magneto (Marvel NOW!) -- Iron: Allow blue to be picked. Polarity: Allow any tiles to be picked. Magnetic: allow red to be picked.
__/11/__/_5/__/17 - 4450 - 2 -- Moonstone (Dark Avengers) -- Drop Control Shift cost to 15AP
_7/__/_9/13/__/__ - 3560 - 2 -- Spider-Man (Bag-Man) -- Halve all AP costs. Add healing to Snarky Remark.
PA/__/11/__/12/__ - 2670 - 2 -- Storm (Classic) -- Increase her health.
12/_8/__/__/14/__ - 5340 - 2 -- Thor (Marvel NOW!) -- Call the Storm: add "Adds 3 red tiles."
PA/12/__/__/_6/__ - 3560 - 2 -- Wolverine (Astonishing X-Men) -- Increase health. Increase healing rate outside of combat.
Had an idea for Doctor Doom to make him extremely popular
Purple -- 15 AP Reinforcements
Doctor Doom further demoralizes the enemy team. Doom's team is each healed for 500 health points, and if only a single opponent remains under 30% health, he claims the battle.
Level 2 -- Claim battle against single opponent under 40% health, 1000 health points healed.
Level 3 -- Claim battle if power points over 120, 1500 health points healed.
Level 4 -- Claim battle if all opponents under 50% health, 2000 health points healed.
Level 5 -- Claim battle if power points over 100, team fully healed.0 -
OBW should be next, one of the reasons wolvie and thor got nerfed was that everybody was using them and they wanted more variety, same thing is happening with obw now, it's getting boring having to fight her on every single fight.0
dolfanpescao wrote:OBW should be next, one of the reasons wolvie and thor got nerfed was that everybody was using them and they wanted more variety, same thing is happening with obw now, it's getting boring having to fight her on every single fight.0
OBW just needs Aggressive Recon to be changed so that it's constant cost of 11 purple. I'm pretty sure everyone who opposes this change have Aggressive Recon at level 3 because I've seen all your teams with Aggressive Recon level 3 OBWs. It's arguably a bigger threat on defense than level 5 because you only need 2 matches to hit Aggressive Recon level 3 most of the time on defense. In the current meta game OBW is played like an all offense/no defense character but she's better at defense with AR at level 3 than level 5 because there's actually a chance she'll get AR3 off before dying.0
She needs NONTHING changed now that we have psylcoke c; .0
I'm not done complaining about IM40. Hehe
Despite his Ap used/gained ratio being awful and stunning himself
It hasn't really been mentioned too much that his ap comes after countdown tiles that are easily destroyed sometimes resulting in little to no ap. Most other ap stealers / generators have a guaranteed return.0 -
I'm against nerfing any characters. However I am for boosting IM40 who currently sucks for doing anything other than tanking(by which I mean absorbing hits).0
I think a gentle down massage of OBW (say to a max steal of 3AP per at lvl 5, no double dip with strike tiles) with an up of IM40 (maybe to 4AP per or reduce countdown/stun to 1) would bring both better into balance.0
After looking at the two recent 3* with AP steal it's pretty clear Aggressive Recon is way overpowered (and assuming Psycloke's ability doesn't turn into something crazy like 'steal 30 AP of all colors at level 5', though even that is arguably weaker than Aggressive Recon if the CD stay as 3 turn CD because you can at least try to stop it). Combined with Espionage it basically means each of your move cancels out two moves of the other side, and since all the super cheap abilities are nerfed or will be, you don't even have an option to get rid of your AP most of the time. Likewise The Hood is likely going to get more powerful as time passes simply because there are less and less abilities that allows you to get rid of AP quickly. Right now OBW is balanced by the virtue of existence of Spiderman. As annoying as she is, at least you're not facing Spiderman so you sort of suck up her overpowered ways because you could always be fighting Spiderman instead. AP steal abilities in general needs to be evaluated. If Daredevil and Psylocke is supposed to be the norm for AP stealing abilities then OBW/The Hood is too strong, and if it's the other way around then those characters are way too weak. In the interest of gameplay, the AP steal abilities should be nerfed because there's nothing fun when you're sitting without enough AP to do anything because OBW got 2 purple matches early, or just in general against The Hood. There used to be a time that requires such strong AP steal abilities when you have the 2 AP Thunderclap and the 3 AP Feral Claws, but we're no longer in that era.
Also, I think in the general interest of gameplay, they need to rebalance the 1* characters with ridiculous abilities that are supposed to be balanced by their lack of levels. Modern Storm is an obvious example, but even Juggernaut is actually quite powerful. No I don't know of anyone using Juggernaut at the high end either, but there's something wrong when Juggernaut is consistently one of the strongest DA at level 230, and part of is because his green is one of the best cascade/board clear skill in the game. It's almost like some 1* are given ridiculous skills because devs figure nobody will ever use them past the prologue. The fact that if there's a 'bad guys PvE' people would rightfully be most afraid of a level 230 Modern Storm should tell you something. It's one thing 1* should be viable, but it's another when they're likely the character you most definitely do not want to see if they're boosted.0 -
Juggernaut maxes at level 40 - he being a real challenge is only possible in PVE.0
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