The greatest flaw of Legendary Tokens



  • Dauthi
    Dauthi Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    Pylgrim wrote:
    Yesterday I opened my legendary token from defeating blade in Elektra's DDQ. Surprise, surprise, it was Invisible Woman. The count so far is:

    12 legendary tokens opened
    5 x-forces
    3 invisible woman
    1 Elektra
    1 Star Lord
    2 covers that I actually needed.

    I have only 12 4* covers maxed. That means that I need (several copies of) 42 others!! The disappointment and anger product of opening one of these real hard to get tokens to be humiliated by bad luck over and over cannot be conveyed with words. This is your premium prize, the highest goal to strive for; you need to minimise luck factor from tainting the experience. As many, including myself have suggested in the past, this would be easily solved with an already existing feature, the vault. Can we please get a dev's insight on this?

    Those who know me know I've been a long-time supporter of the game and devs, but let me tell you that this issue, even more that any anniversary mishaps, is what is quickly killing my desire to keep playing.

    Changed Topic to better reflect content

    I really should have kept track of mine too, I wonder if legendaries have skewed odds that have higher chances at older characters, the logic being to catch newer players up with older ones. At one point I got 4 Nicks in a row, which my alliance had to hear me rage about for days icon_eek.gif . I have gotten a lot of IWs and several Xforces too.
  • El Satanno
    El Satanno Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've said it elsewhere, but here is as good a place as any to know, since complaining is fun:

    The problem is not the legendary tokens. They're great. Really, I mean that. Great. Maybe not exactly what the game needed, but for what they are, they are great.

    The problem is that fully half of your standard top-tier rewards, namely the 4* characters themselves (not counting 5* as those are a totally different animal), are not even remotely robust enough to warrant inclusion into the tokens. What absolutely needs to happen is that every 4* character needs to be reworked so that the only complaint possible about legendary tokens is pulling a sixth cover. We're busting our **** to get hands on what ought to be nothing but a pleasant surprise, yet we have characters that are:
    • Unquestionably worse than 3* (Star-Lord, Elektra, Invisible Woman, Devil Dino)
    • Roughly equal to unboosted 3* (Mister Fantastic, Ant-Man)
    • Roughly equal to boosted 3* (Wolverine, Thor, Professor X, Faptain)

    None these categories should exist at this level of play. ZERO. As long as there is such difficulty in procuring and developing the 4* characters, there is absolutely no excuse for them to be anything but at least as good as the best boosted 3* characters. It's absurd that this has been allowed to happen at all, in the past or in the present.

    And that my friends, is the greatest flaw of legendary tokens.
  • Xenoberyll
    Xenoberyll Posts: 647 Critical Contributor
    I'm at 31 Legendaries with no 5 star cover so far (yeah, i waited until OML was out to improve my chances). 15 of them were covers i could train, though "needed" would be saying too much.

    IMHO the greatest flaw is that Legendary tokens are relatively hard to get but they can turn your cheer and your effort into utter disappointment and emptiness with just one tap when the cover you get is your 17th Elektra Purple.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    El Satanno wrote:
    The problem is that fully half of your standard top-tier rewards, namely the 4* characters themselves (not counting 5* as those are a totally different animal), are not even remotely robust enough to warrant inclusion into the tokens.
    I can't disagree that there are clear tiers when it comes to 4*s, but honestly, I don't care. If you already have a max hb/jg, you really don't "need" anything else anyway, so I'm happy to get any 4* I don't have covered, even if it is just a Mr. F. It's nice to have new toys to play with. The problem is that the odds of getting something you don't have covered are too small for most of the players who are capable of hitting 1300.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,328 Chairperson of the Boards
    El Satanno wrote:
    I've said it elsewhere, but here is as good a place as any to know, since complaining is fun:

    The problem is not the legendary tokens. They're great. Really, I mean that. Great. Maybe not exactly what the game needed, but for what they are, they are great.

    The problem is that fully half of your standard top-tier rewards, namely the 4* characters themselves (not counting 5* as those are a totally different animal), are not even remotely robust enough to warrant inclusion into the tokens. What absolutely needs to happen is that every 4* character needs to be reworked so that the only complaint possible about legendary tokens is pulling a sixth cover.

    But... this is exactly what my complaint is! So why are you initially dismissing it, just to later acknowledge it?
    We're busting our **** to get hands on what ought to be nothing but a pleasant surprise, yet we have characters that are:
    • Unquestionably worse than 3* (Star-Lord, Elektra, Invisible Woman, Devil Dino)
    • Roughly equal to unboosted 3* (Mister Fantastic, Ant-Man)
    • Roughly equal to boosted 3* (Wolverine, Thor, Professor X, Faptain)

    None these categories should exist at this level of play. ZERO. As long as there is such difficulty in procuring and developing the 4* characters, there is absolutely no excuse for them to be anything but at least as good as the best boosted 3* characters. It's absurd that this has been allowed to happen at all, in the past or in the present.

    And that my friends, is the greatest flaw of legendary tokens.

    How is that a flaw of the LTs instead of a flaw of the 4*s? (which, yes, definitely it is a flaw). It is a flaw of the 4*s and since the LTs deal in 4*s, they get affected, but I'm talking of a flaw directly related to the design of the feature. As others have said, I'm much happier opening a cover of a weak 4* that I don't have that the 10th cover of a strong character I already have maxed. At least it feels like some sort progress!
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    2 token_legendary.png today, 2 covers I have to sell. 71% chance of pulling a usable cover and I keep pulling covers I no longer need
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    2 for 2 usable for me today. icon_nickfury.pngyellowflag.png and icon_silversurfer.pngblueflag.png
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    Adding my sad thrombone to the symphony! 7 legendaries opened today, 4 of them iso. Got cyc, dpx and thing, not as bad as it could be, but I'm now below average on 5*s with 2/33.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,328 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have to say that I am quite disappointed that the new feature to help the 4* transition (Command Points) makes use of Legendary Tokens without addressing this flaw. Thought that killing yourself in an event to get that last LT progression reward just to open the 4326658th IW felt bad? Imagine collecting Command Points via slow drip through several days... just to open the 4326659th IW.
  • Mikaveus
    Mikaveus Posts: 202
    Man, it's been a while since I posted, but I just had to vent. Maybe give others a chance to vent as well.

    Some really shady/suspicious coding going on when:
    3 out of 4 legendary tokens give you skills you've already maxed

    I'm an established 3* looking to transition to 4*. Currently have decent covers on X-Force, Invisible Woman, and Nick Fury - three of the oldest characters. I also have EIGHTEEN poorly covered 4* characters with their myriad of skills needing increasing.

    EIGHTEEN. Multiple that by 3 and we're talking 54 possible skills that could've used a boost. And I draw 3 out of 4 legendary tokens that are useless to me.

    That's some serious bull droppings right there. It would be hilarious if it wasn't for the hours wasted grinding nodes to nothing.

    Thank the gods Fallout is releasing this month. **** this game. icon_twisted.gif
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,328 Chairperson of the Boards
    There's already a thread for discussing this.

    That said, I don't think it's intentional shady coding, just the result of allowing fickle luck to handle what should be the best reward experience in the game.
  • Mikaveus
    Mikaveus Posts: 202
    Man, it's been a while since I posted, but I just had to vent.

    Some really shady/suspicious coding going on when:
    3 out of 4 legendary tokens give you skills you've already maxed

    I'm an established 3* looking to transition to 4*. Currently have decent covers on X-Force, Invisible Woman, and Nick Fury - three of the oldest characters. I also have EIGHTEEN poorly covered 4* characters with their myriad of skills needing increasing.

    EIGHTEEN. Multiple that by 3 and we're talking 54 possible skills that could've used a boost. And I draw 3 out of 4 legendary tokens that are useless to me.

    That's some serious bull droppings right there. It would be hilarious if it wasn't for the hours wasted grinding nodes to nothing.

    Thank the gods Fallout is releasing this month. **** this game. icon_twisted.gif
  • Mikaveus
    Mikaveus Posts: 202
    Pylgrim wrote:
    There's already a thread for discussing this.

    That said, I don't think it's intentional shady coding, just the result of allowing fickle luck to handle what should be the best reward experience in the game.

    Thanks man. I'm going to move my post there. I still have to question the math. Poor luck can only account for so much. I have only 5 maxed skills between IW, NF, and XF. That's 5 out of 63. That's 8% chance of getting them. 92% chance for something entirely useful.
  • madsalad
    madsalad Posts: 815 Critical Contributor
    I was just complaining to my alliance about this today as I opened my 4th useless Y IW cover. I've had to probably sell 8 4* covers (G XFW and Y IW) the only - ONLY - two 4* covers I have maxed. It is some serious ****. I have at least one cover one every other 4* except X23 so why not show me some love? It the same as when I have multipe 3* toons who are not maxed but I keep getting the same 3* covers over and over again. Why give me IF, Like Cage or Cyclops when you can give me my 30th Sentry or Punisher?
  • Skygazing
    Skygazing Posts: 165 Tile Toppler
    Similar experience here. I've now cracked 19 and 6 have been useless. Ran the math on my roster and I've only got about 14% chance of cracking useless covers, yet my current rate is closer to 32%. But that's RNG for you, given that I've also opened 3 surfers from that same pool.
  • Raffoon
    Raffoon Posts: 884
    Statistics are funny things. It's very unlikely that this would happen to you. However, when you look at the entire playerbase it's very likely that it will happen to someone. In fact, it will happen to a lot of someones. It would actually be incredible if this didn't happen to a lot of someones when you consider how many people play the game.

    I agree with Pylgrim, though. This is "just the result of allowing fickle luck to handle what should be the best reward experience in the game." By structuring the system the way it is, the developers have essentially guaranteed that experiences like this will happen to players. I think it's something they should try to improve.

    It turns out this time you're the unlucky one.
  • Dauthi
    Dauthi Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    Pylgrim wrote:
    I have to say that I am quite disappointed that the new feature to help the 4* transition (Command Points) makes use of Legendary Tokens without addressing this flaw. Thought that killing yourself in an event to get that last LT progression reward just to open the 4326658th IW felt bad? Imagine collecting Command Points via slow drip through several days... just to open the 4326659th IW.

    They mentioned new features for "elder" gameplay. I hope this means that there will be more/better prizes for these rosters that have bad luck with Legendaries because they have a lot of 4*s.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    You're assuming that the run of luck is per person - i.e everyone will have equal amounts of good and bad luck. However what you're not accounting for is that the RNG is for the system - not per player. So as someone rightly points out above you may get all the bad luck but someone out there is getting all the good luck, and thusly the system is actually dishing out equal amounts of good and bad luck.

    Does it suck? Sometimes yes and sometimes no. My luck with legendaries is pretty good, an even spread among characters that I both want to build and own. However someone out there is definitely getting my heroic token luck because it should just be renamed the 'MHawkeye token' for me.
  • Me the same thing happens. It seems that these tokens are not as random as they say.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    Of the few I've opened, I did get xforce surgical strike twice in a row. This is the only skill from any 4* character I already had at 5 covers. But, I got an old man after that, so.. icon_question.gif