The greatest flaw of Legendary Tokens



  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    I completely agree with your sentiment Pylgrim (having now pulled my 8th Starlord purple without yet having a single yellow for him, and forget about covers for the really useful 4*s like Jean Grey), but I wouldn't get my hopes up. From deimurge's perspective, the randomness of the legendary tokens is a feature, and not a bug. This way they can offer a premium prize that will get people to really grind out extra matches, but a significant amount of the time, all that effort will be useless (especially as players start to fill out their 4* roster), meaning people have to keep grinding.

    And the best part is that, as humans, we are all psychologically wired to keep playing the skinner box no matter what!
  • Just chiming in to echo the sentiment. As someone who doesn't need many 4* covers, 'legendary' tokens have really taken the wind out of my sails. I'm just not motivated to grind for a chance to maybe pull something that i can use.

    So far, "legendary" tokens have netted me 2 usable covers and no 5*s.

    We will see how things shake out in S20...but according to my value system as a player, this mechanic is already stale.

  • Have any of you guys played Disney Infinity and seen how their vault system works?

    There's about 300 or so things you can get from the vault, when you load it up you get a selection of 25 items (I think, I don't remember the exact amount). Then you use your vault spins to get something from those 25 items.

    So, if you have 25 spins hoarded you are guaranteed to get everything in that selection. You can also reshuffle the selection to have 25 new items to choose from.

    I would like something similar for MPQ. Start with the vault of 300 items, but but give us a smaller sub-set to choose from. We can reshuffle to we see a set of 25 or 30 items that have stuff we actually want or need.

    Now, it really only works for players if we can reshuffle for free (something I doubt the devs would do). Otherwise, we would spending HP on reshuffles.

    That vault sounds Mickey mouse.

    Sorry, had to be said.
  • I agree, I've opened close to 20 LTs now without a 5* to show for it. I've gotten 2 covers that I didn't have previously, and sold maybe 5, so it hasn't been all bad. But it was definitely frustrating busting my **** to hit 1300 for the first time to be rewarded with a cover from the one 270 that I have.
  • I'm a bit of an outlier on this one, but I get the sentiment.

    I lost any and all interest in Legendaries the moment I opened my first vault token and my joy turned to sorrow after $ilver $urfer essentially broke all of my scaling and MMR.

    Speaking merely to the principle though, it's yet another in a seemingly endless line of examples of how disappointing having so much of a player's progression tied to what amounts to gambling continues to be, and on all levels.

    You work and work and work and work to earn a chance at a 5* or a 4* that you actually need, and end up with IW or yet another cover you already have? Ouch. I can imagine it wouldn't take too many of those moments to essentially kill any desire a player has to even bother trying to earn the chance to begin with.

  • cyineedsn
    cyineedsn Posts: 361 Mover and Shaker
    Nice. So let me get this straight, each time the 4* ddqs come out, the 3->4* transitioners with undercovered 4*s complain they can't beat it, and get told this node is not for you, stop asking for handouts, go grind more. Meanwhile, the people with developed 4* rosters keep getting dupes from the leg tokens.

    So since neither side is all that happy.....mission accomplished?
    PLBIV Posts: 26 Just Dropped In
    Here's how you fix Legendary Tokens: make it a vault the way the vault was ORIGINALLY described. The video that first explained the vault said that there would be X number of prizes and you would eventually get ALL of the prizes as you used the vault tokens. Win a **** 2*? There's one less 2* to win and your odds of getting the 4* just went up. Get the 4* and don't need anything else? Spend the HP to refresh the vault. The way the rigged the vault now, however, makes that refresh button a joke. But it wouldn't be in the Legendary room. Get all the 5*? You're going to seriously consider the cost of refresh.
  • TheOncomingStorm
    TheOncomingStorm Posts: 489 Mover and Shaker
    This is only an issue because 4*s have not replaced 3*s as placement rewards to reflect how the game has progressed over 2 years.

    Likewise 3*s should replace 2*and 5* replace 4* rewards on the placements and 2*s should replace some amount of standard tokens.

    Tokens and progressives have been changed to reflect the game is 2 years old. Placement it's beyond stale at this point which is why people are relying too much on tokens for their 4* tier.
  • cyineedsn wrote:
    Nice. So let me get this straight, each time the 4* ddqs come out, the 3->4* transitioners with undercovered 4*s complain they can't beat it, and get told this node is not for you, stop asking for handouts, go grind more. Meanwhile, the people with developed 4* rosters keep getting dupes from the leg tokens.

    So since neither side is all that happy.....mission accomplished?

    Welcome to the forum, where the only reasonable complaint is the one that personally affects you… icon_e_wink.gificon_lol.gif

  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    puppychow wrote:
    I would luv to see a choose your cover token idea. However, it would diminish D3 sale of 4* covers
    Why? Most of the covers that are bought with purchased HP are people who want to whale a brand new character immediately. Characters are released too often to do that with tokens. I don't think this would affect HP sales at all.
  • CNash
    CNash Posts: 952 Critical Contributor
    Getting a cover that you don't need is a problem at all levels, not just Legendary. It would be nice to be able to save covers indefinitely, in case you want to re-spec the character down the line, but that still wouldn't take the sting out of not getting anything useful out of your super-rare token.

    Getting a cover for a character that you perceive to not be useful is another matter entirely. The devs don't think like we do - in their mind, every 4* character is equally valuable, and you should be happy that you can level up one of their awesome abilities! So I don't think this issue will be solved (at least, not to everyone's satisfaction) any time soon.
  • san
    san Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    Just to add to this, I don't know how many legendaries I've opened, but I have received about 50/50 in terms of usefulness. I have XF fully covered (only star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png that is), and HB relatively well covered, and IW same as HB more or less. I have received 4 XF covers and 2 IW, and a handful of others, so I'm in the same boat as OP, more or less. Unfortunate, and I keep telling myself it's just bad odds, which it probably is.
  • One way to address the situation would be as follows:

    Right after you open your legendary token would be presented the option:

    Keep the token
    Sell it for 800HP.

    It would not be bad for the players because in three repeated legendary you could buy a legendary cover your choice (100hp is easy to achieve). It also does not affect HP sales fall because people need more than just an isolated cover and many want them quickly.

    It is much better than many people give up the game because they are discouraged when they see their efforts are in vain.
  • cardoor
    cardoor Posts: 185 Tile Toppler
    If you turned in the token and 5 random covers appeared, letting you choose one of them, then at least your odds would improve a little and you would have some choice in what you get.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    Isn't this the same complaint that we have for three stars?

    other than 2 stars, th entire draw system revolves are piss poor odds, why should LTS be any different...
  • Let me share my experience with leg tokens

    1st trial, opened 17 tokens ( all xf, carnage, iw, tgt) - no 5*
    2nd trial, opened 1 token ( 4* dp) - no 5*
    3rd trial, opened 1token ( xf ) - no 5*
    4th trial, opened 5 tokens ( things, iw, mr.f, iw) - no 5*
    5th trial, opened 1 token - finally old man logan!!!

    Meanwhile, some lucky guys get 2 out of 5 from first trial. Even noobs can get two shining ss covers. Im like what the heck!!

    This luck system can make ppl frustrated and rage quit for sure
  • vaportrail
    vaportrail Posts: 64 Match Maker
    Honestly, I'd just like to be able to level up my dudes for the covers I already have. I could play nonstop for 4 months and still not get enough ISO.

    Either way, I hope we will be able to craft with unneeded covers someday. I think that is what is coming, it would be nice if there were "recipes" you could use to make a cover you actually need out of unneeded covers.
  • Raffoon
    Raffoon Posts: 884
    So, 5*s are supposed to represent a long-term end-game progression, and yet the only way to get them is through sheer luck? ****, Devs.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,328 Chairperson of the Boards
    smkspy wrote:
    Isn't this the same complaint that we have for three stars?

    other than 2 stars, th entire draw system revolves are piss poor odds, why should LTS be any different...

    Copy pasting what I wrote above...
    The huge difference is that there are many other venues to grab covers at all those other stages. Need 1*s? Get some facebook friends and after a few days you'll have all 1*s covered. Need 2*s? They are given away as rewards in the prologue, really easy to get progression rewards in events, and are the minimum thing that you'll get from heroic and similar tokens of which you can easily get a couple or more daily by playing just a bit. Need 3*s? You can get up to 5 from PVP and PVE events, and know exactly ones you'll get to see if it's worth your effort. You can get an additional, assured one every day from DDQ as well, and obviously, from time to time from tokens, but those are definitely not the chief venue to get 3*s. 4*s? The only ways to get 4*s are highly competitive or luck-based ones: high progression achievements, 1-2nd placement in events, and opening them in tokens. Getting a legendary token is one of the most difficult achievements in the game, bar placing first or second among a thousand players in an event. Having all that hard work crapped on by a whim of luck is not a nice feeling.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think the issue of token odds (on all levels) can be attributed to player confirmation bias:

    My legendary token pulls have yielded -
    Nick Fury purpleflag.png
    Kingpin yellowflag.pngyellowflag.pngblackflag.png
    Thing redflag.png
    Deadpool redflag.pngredflag.pngredflag.png
    OML redflag.png
    Star Lord purpleflag.pngpurpleflag.png
    Thor yellowflag.pngyellowflag.png
    Prof X blueflag.png
    IMHB redflag.png

    That's a fairly reasonable spread really, the thing with RNG is that they can appear patterned (and in fact patterns can develop in RNG's) because everytime you pull something all things have an equal chance of coming out - even if you have pulled 10 IW greenflag.png there is an equal chance that your next pull could be another greenflag.png IW as previous pulls don't affect future pulls.

    It's infuriating (I personally have voiced my annoyance with MHawkeye being forced upon me 19 times during anniversary) but ultimately because the odds are per pull it means that a run of **** token pulls is actually random.

    I think a better idea would be to have the game reduce the odds of pulling a particular token when you have one or more of it already. This way makes it more likely that you will get something different.

    NOTE: should add that 4 of my legendary covers came from either standard tokens or heroics (OML came from an event token)