The greatest flaw of Legendary Tokens

Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
edited November 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Yesterday I opened my legendary token from defeating blade in Elektra's DDQ. Surprise, surprise, it was Invisible Woman. The count so far is:

12 legendary tokens opened
5 x-forces
3 invisible woman
1 Elektra
1 Star Lord
2 covers that I actually needed.

I have only 12 4* covers maxed. That means that I need (several copies of) 42 others!! The disappointment and anger product of opening one of these real hard to get tokens to be humiliated by bad luck over and over cannot be conveyed with words. This is your premium prize, the highest goal to strive for; you need to minimise luck factor from tainting the experience. As many, including myself have suggested in the past, this would be easily solved with an already existing feature, the vault. Can we please get a dev's insight on this?

Those who know me know I've been a long-time supporter of the game and devs, but let me tell you that this issue, even more that any anniversary mishaps, is what is quickly killing my desire to keep playing.

Changed Topic to better reflect content


  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    I wouldn't care about token odds so much if they had more set cover rewards I could target. The seasons when they had 4*s at 1k and 1.3k were the best for me - I felt like I was making real progress with my roster and not working for a lottery ticket. Getting duplicate covers from token didn't annoy me so much because I knew there were other ways to get there.

    Now, it's just, meh, whatever.
  • Pylgrim wrote:
    Yesterday I opened my legendary token from defeating blade in Elektra's DDQ. Surprise, surprise, it was Invisible Woman. The count so far is:

    12 legendary tokens opened
    5 x-forces
    3 invisible woman
    1 Elektra
    1 Star Lord
    2 covers that I actually needed.

    I have only 12 4* covers maxed. That means that I need (several copies of) 42 others!! The disappointment and anger product of opening one of these real hard to get tokens to be humiliated by bad luck over and over cannot be conveyed with words. This is your premium prize, the highest goal to strive for; you need to minimise luck factor from tainting the experience. As many, including myself have suggested in the past, this would be easily solved with an already existing feature, the vault. Can we please get a dev's insight on this?

    Those who know me know I've been a long-time supporter of the game and devs, but let me tell you that this issue, even more that any anniversary mishaps, is what is quickly killing my desire to keep playing.

    I agree 100%. I'm quickly losing my desire to play this game based on the fact that these tokens represent the only opportunity to progress. And if the 1K reward happens to be a cover I need (and I can go very long stretches before that is the case).
  • IlDuderino
    IlDuderino Posts: 427 Mover and Shaker
    I feel you. I have stopped playing anything beyond DDQ and special events until 4* covers get easier to acquire. Unless you can grind out the release PvE, which I never have time for, then you are looking at about a year of hitting 1,000 in every relevant PvP
  • mr_X
    mr_X Posts: 375 Mover and Shaker
    Can't remember how much I have opened but have had a lot of Xforce, Electra, and Invisible women. The thought of grinding a 7 day to be rewarded with one of them is not good. Sigh...
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pylgrim wrote:
    Yesterday I opened my legendary token from defeating blade in Elektra's DDQ. Surprise, surprise, it was Invisible Woman. The count so far is:

    12 legendary tokens opened
    5 x-forces
    3 invisible woman
    1 Elektra
    1 Star Lord
    2 covers that I actually needed.

    I have only 12 4* covers maxed. That means that I need (several copies of) 42 others!! The disappointment and anger product of opening one of these real hard to get tokens to be humiliated by bad luck over and over cannot be conveyed with words. This is your premium prize, the highest goal to strive for; you need to minimise luck factor from tainting the experience. As many, including myself have suggested in the past, this would be easily solved with an already existing feature, the vault. Can we please get a dev's insight on this?

    Those who know me know I've been a long-time supporter of the game and devs, but let me tell you that this issue, even more that any anniversary mishaps, is what is quickly killing my desire to keep playing.

    I agree 100%. I'm quickly losing my desire to play this game based on the fact that these tokens represent the only opportunity to progress. And if the 1K reward happens to be a cover I need (and I can go very long stretches before that is the case).

    Completely agree! This opening legendary tokens to get 4s that I have already maxed is killing the game for me (and for a lot of people). Working 'hard' to win legendaries (by playing PvE or PvP) just to open them and get somebody you have already maxed is the worst sensation in this game (more or less the same than opening a heroic token, pulling a 4 just to see that it is a 4 that we have already maxed). All this work just for 1000 iso :'(

    We need a system so this happens a lot less, call it assisted RNG, selling 4s for 1250 HP, trade or this system were we sell 4s and get a new currency that we can use to build 5 covers. Whatever, but this needs to change ASAP.

    PS: For me it is ProfX and Fury.
  • They should just code legendary tokens to give you covers that you have remaining

    When you get the last one, it comes with a message "congrats, you reached the end of the game! Happy? Good, now get outta here"
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pylgrim wrote:
    Yesterday I opened my legendary token from defeating blade in Elektra's DDQ. Surprise, surprise, it was Invisible Woman. The count so far is:

    12 legendary tokens opened
    5 x-forces
    3 invisible woman
    It almost make you think that the covers aren't being randomly generated. But don't worry, the devs will assure us they are. Just like they assured us last year that the colors of the dino covers we were getting were totally random, even though actually tallies showed that around 2/3 of the covers we were getting were purple.
  • jredd
    jredd Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    something i thought of the other day, not just for legendaries, but for all 'better than standard' tokens would be a 'wheel of fortune' type spinner with three prize points. when you use your token the wheel spins. you can either accept what you get in the middle arrow, or for a small hp cost, select one of the two secondary arrow covers. this way, at least there's better chances of getting something helpful. and the devs have another way for people to burn through hp. win win.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    ... or maybe one day they'll issue "blank" tokens. EG, you open a legendary and either get a 5*, or a blank 4* that can be used as any cover.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2015
    7 of my last 8 legendary tokens have been the 3 worst 4* in game

    4- icon_mrfantastic.png
    2- icon_invisiblewoman.png
    1- icon_starlord.png

    I never thought a 4* only token would be such a disappointment
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    simonsez wrote:

    Just like they assured us last year that the colors of the dino covers we were getting were totally random, even though actually tallies showed that around 2/3 of the covers we were getting were purple.

    Ah but this is because red was 33%, green 33% and purple 34% nothing else there icon_e_wink.gificon_e_wink.gificon_e_surprised.gificon_razz.gif

    As someone said, it is incredible how a token just for 4s could be such a disappointment!
  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    simonsez wrote:
    ... or maybe one day they'll issue "blank" tokens. EG, you open a legendary and either get a 5*, or a blank 4* that can be used as any cover.

    I would luv to see a choose your cover token idea. However, it would diminish D3 sale of 4* covers, so it is very unlikely to get implemented.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    Out of my 8 Legendaries I pulled 6 icon_starlord.png . A character I did not even have prior to Legendaries.. quite annoying.

    The other two was XFWolverine.... Green. Now he's 5/2/2.. I know I'm going to get stuck pulling another Green soon.
  • I got many repeated but also picked up many useful. The most annoying is when you struggle a lot to get it and has some repeated.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2015
    I think the simplest solution is, as usual, to quit being so bloody stingy. How about selling unneeded 4* covers for HP, not ISO? It soesn't even need to be the full price. Even a quarter of the price would be hailed as a great bounty in this parsimonious setup.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,539 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pylgrim wrote:
    Yesterday I opened my legendary token from defeating blade in Elektra's DDQ. Surprise, surprise, it was Invisible Woman. The count so far is:

    12 legendary tokens opened
    5 x-forces
    3 invisible woman
    1 Elektra
    1 Star Lord
    2 covers that I actually needed.

    I have only 12 4* covers maxed. That means that I need (several copies of) 42 others!! The disappointment and anger product of opening one of these real hard to get tokens to be humiliated by bad luck over and over cannot be conveyed with words. This is your premium prize, the highest goal to strive for; you need to minimise luck factor from tainting the experience. As many, including myself have suggested in the past, this would be easily solved with an already existing feature, the vault. Can we please get a dev's insight on this?

    Those who know me know I've been a long-time supporter of the game and devs, but let me tell you that this issue, even more that any anniversary mishaps, is what is quickly killing my desire to keep playing.

    vault wont help any. How long do you really think the vault will stay open even if they keep it open for a season theres what 14 4 stars x 3 42 min covers cause they will make one of each cover.. I mean people getting 5 covers per week still be a 50.50 shot at getting what you want...

    i think i opened up 10 or so and got nothing i wanted
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    3 out of my last 5 have been useful, the 15 before that, 14 were useful. I have gotten Thing, JG, 5 SL covers (yes, which i need), 2 IW's.. i wish new 4*s were added to the tokens as soon as they are released though.
  • SunCrusher
    SunCrusher Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    Then for someone in 1-2* land, the Recruit tokens need to stop spewing out dozens of Venoms (or whoever loves popping out like a jack in the box; my jackpot was 12 Venoms in a row) in a row...

    And people in the 2-3* and even 3-4* land would like to stop pulling Moonstone every which direction or 3 (insert useless repeated cover here) in a row...


    Though I get that a Legendary token is kind of the peak, the various levels of tokens available are also representative of different 'peaks' for different star levels of players who are in various stages of progression.

    I can't imagine that someone else desperately needing certain covers feels any less frustrated about their Xth Moonstone pull from a Heroic+ caliber (I'm thinking Galactus or Anniversary or just any Event-specific token) but non-Legendary token.

    And though we laugh about Recruit Tokens, 12 Venoms in a row was no more cool or appreciated.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
    fmftint wrote:
    7 of my last 8 legendary tokens have been the 3 worst 4* in game

    4- icon_mrfantastic.png
    2- icon_invisiblewoman.png
    1- icon_starlord.png

    I never thought a 4* only token would be such a disappointment

    Man, I would have killed for those 4 Mr Fantastic. He's not great but getting any kind of progress would help keep this enthusiasm-eroding frustration at bay.
    slidecage wrote:
    Pylgrim wrote:
    Yesterday I opened my legendary token from defeating blade in Elektra's DDQ. Surprise, surprise, it was Invisible Woman. The count so far is:

    12 legendary tokens opened
    5 x-forces
    3 invisible woman
    1 Elektra
    1 Star Lord
    2 covers that I actually needed.

    I have only 12 4* covers maxed. That means that I need (several copies of) 42 others!! The disappointment and anger product of opening one of these real hard to get tokens to be humiliated by bad luck over and over cannot be conveyed with words. This is your premium prize, the highest goal to strive for; you need to minimise luck factor from tainting the experience. As many, including myself have suggested in the past, this would be easily solved with an already existing feature, the vault. Can we please get a dev's insight on this?

    Those who know me know I've been a long-time supporter of the game and devs, but let me tell you that this issue, even more that any anniversary mishaps, is what is quickly killing my desire to keep playing.

    vault wont help any. How long do you really think the vault will stay open even if they keep it open for a season theres what 14 4 stars x 3 42 min covers cause they will make one of each cover.. I mean people getting 5 covers per week still be a 50.50 shot at getting what you want...

    i think i opened up 10 or so and got nothing i wanted

    Obviously it should be a smaller vault. Nevertheless, I don't care about the odds, nor would my intention be to hoard tokens forever to grab all the stuff of a particular vault. The only thing I want is to be able to see whether I'm going to draw my prize from a lot of 95% X-forces and IWs (which seems to have been my case so far), so I can sit back and wait with fingers crossed for the prophesied day when there will maybe only be 94% of them to try my luck.
    Malcrof wrote:
    3 out of my last 5 have been useful, the 15 before that, 14 were useful. I have gotten Thing, JG, 5 SL covers (yes, which i need), 2 IW's.. i wish new 4*s were added to the tokens as soon as they are released though.

    Malcrof stop hoarding everybody else's luck!
    SunCrusher wrote:
    Then for someone in 1-2* land, the Recruit tokens need to stop spewing out dozens of Venoms (or whoever loves popping out like a jack in the box; my jackpot was 12 Venoms in a row) in a row...

    And people in the 2-3* and even 3-4* land would like to stop pulling Moonstone every which direction or 3 (insert useless repeated cover here) in a row...


    Though I get that a Legendary token is kind of the peak, the various levels of tokens available are also representative of different 'peaks' for different star levels of players who are in various stages of progression.

    I can't imagine that someone else desperately needing certain covers feels any less frustrated about their Xth Moonstone pull from a Heroic+ caliber (I'm thinking Galactus or Anniversary or just any Event-specific token) but non-Legendary token.

    And though we laugh about Recruit Tokens, 12 Venoms in a row was no more cool or appreciated.

    The huge difference is that there are many other venues to grab covers at all those other stages? Need 1*s? Get some facebook friends and after a few days you'll have all 1*s covered. Need 2*s? They are given away as rewards in the prologue, really easy to get progression rewards in events, and are the minimum thing that you'll get from heroic and similar tokens of which you can easily get a couple or more daily by playing just a bit. Need 3*s? You can get up to 5 from PVP and PVE events, and know exactly ones you'll get to see if it's worth your effort. You can get an additional, assured one every day from DDQ as well, and obviously, from time to time from tokens, but those are definitely not the chief venue to get 3*s. 4*s? The only ways to get 4*s are highly competitive or luck-based ones: high progression achievements, 1-2nd placement in events, and opening them in tokens. Getting a legendary token is one of the most difficult achievements in the game, bar placing first or second among a thousand players in an event. Having all that hard work crapped on by a whim of luck is not a nice feeling.
  • Have any of you guys played Disney Infinity and seen how their vault system works?

    There's about 300 or so things you can get from the vault, when you load it up you get a selection of 25 items (I think, I don't remember the exact amount). Then you use your vault spins to get something from those 25 items.

    So, if you have 25 spins hoarded you are guaranteed to get everything in that selection. You can also reshuffle the selection to have 25 new items to choose from.

    I would like something similar for MPQ. Start with the vault of 300 items, but but give us a smaller sub-set to choose from. We can reshuffle to we see a set of 25 or 30 items that have stuff we actually want or need.

    Now, it really only works for players if we can reshuffle for free (something I doubt the devs would do). Otherwise, we would spending HP on reshuffles.