4* DDQ, a debate



  • Gandalf333
    Gandalf333 Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    I think OP and like minded posters are missing the point.

    star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png DDQ is NOT for you. It's for players with established, but still lacking, 4* rosters to help them fill out their 4* characters and progress to 5*.

    I'd hate to see how much whining you would come up with if you actually had to progress at the rate that the veteran players have. When I made the transition to star.pngstar.pngstar.png there was so many fewer ways to do so. Be thankful for what you have.

    It's not for them? Why? Deadpool Daily when it started up is for anyone with 1 cover of a 3-star character (well, actually, 1-star rosters get some benefit from it as well), and it was a huge boost to the game. It's helpful when you're starting out to when you're working on your 3-star roster, and that is a great design concept. It's one of the smarter things they've done since I started playing a little over a year ago.

    And the 4 star challenge isn't even every day, either. Heaven forfend we could have a semi-decent chance at it like the rest of the Deadpool Daily stuff.

    And the latter part of your post is baffling to me. So the game used to be worse, so we should expect things to be bad with the 4/5 star transition? I guess you're really happy with the anniversary event and how badly that was put together, because we're supposed to suffer? icon_e_confused.gif Seriously think about that logic.

    I posted elsewhere about this already and got some of the same feedback about how it really is possible to get Legendary tokens (IF you get to 1k or higher on a PVP, IF you do ridiculously well in a PVE fight, etc.). But they're putting them well above the bar set for 3 stars that we've had for the past year... and even 4 stars for some PVE, and that's the problem for me. It's well beyond reach for the vast majority of players, and it's not particularly fun to scrabble quite so much for it.

    Keep in mind that I don't mind being behind players that are willing to spend the time and money to get top 50 slots with regularity. I know I'm always going to be lagging behind them. I just want a chance at some Legendary tokens when I play a freaking PVE event for a whole week (or three days) and actually get in the top 150. Or have a chance at it every 5 days, or something with the Deadpool Daily. I don't care. But the current state is not fun and out of reach. Not as obviously not fun to some as Galactus was for most of us (but there were people posting like they liked it!), but it really is not fun. icon_e_sad.gif
  • danae
    danae Posts: 101
    The issue that I see is that certain players most probably had the expectations that the 4* DDQ would be as easy as the 3* DDQ. The 3* DDQ is great for those players who are unwilling to do the effort or do not have the time to progress using PVE or PVP events. They just needed to play for 15/30 minutes in a day to get some progress with their 3* covers which was pretty much guaranteed as you could finish the entire DDQ with just 2*s.

    Now the question I see here is, should these same players have the capability to progress to the 4*s by just putting in as much effort as they do for the 3* DDQ? If not, are they then theoretically stuck at just the 3* level given that they don't play competitively in PVE/PVP?

    I'm wondering, though, if these players don't play PVE/PVP competitively to try and advance their rosters, then what are they trying to achieve by progressing to 4*s/5*s? Just for collecting purposes?
  • I've won two of the DDQ 4 star nodes (Iw and DP)

    Personally, I'm ok with current DDQ node if they'd make a simple change. Either allow both sides to have TUs or no one to have them. If someone honestly saves up super whales TUs to beat the node, good for them.

    Legendary tokens are the current end game right NOW. This is an evolving game that has yet to hit it's ceiling. With Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Jessica James out now, more and more characters will be added. Several Marvel movies come out between now and 2019. Unless this game ends up losing support and closes shop, there will be a long way to go.

    260 was the over/under number for maxing Surfer. Now with OML, that number is increased. Throwing legendaries around won't necessarily cause an end game issue as the game has no end right now. Actually, the majority are very far behind when compared to the end game.

    Some comments here make it seem that if we made legendaries easier, OML and SS would be maxed next week. Not the case. 260 legendaries is quite a lot and one every five days isn't going to hurt anything. Hell, 1 per day wouldn't hurt anything either.

    tl;dr 4* DDQ is ok just tweak it. Legedaries aren't as big of a deal because the finish line known as the end game gets pusher farther and farther away.
  • Omega Red
    Omega Red Posts: 366 Mover and Shaker
    Omega Red wrote:
    So, four star covers are not falling fast and easy enough. That's the core issue behind the OP and its supporters, right?

    Then we have threads like this one that seem to debunk the myth that four star covers are impossible to obtain: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=33928

    The experience of one user who opened a bunch of unique anniversary tokens and got excedingly lucky doesn't debunk anything.

    I have seen plenty, PLENTY of players with complete 2* rosters and a handful of 4* four stars with one or two covers. Even many of the 50 to 100 ranking alliances have players like these. I myself got my first 4* cover just one month in the game.
  • Omega Red
    Omega Red Posts: 366 Mover and Shaker
    Omega Red wrote:
    So, four star covers are not falling fast and easy enough. That's the core issue behind the OP and its supporters, right?

    Then we have threads like this one that seem to debunk the myth that four star covers are impossible to obtain: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=33928

    You're joking, right?

    No, 4* covers start falling as soon as you start earning heroic tokens. After completing your 2* roster, token pulls alone from progression PVE should provide you with a slow, but steady income of 4* covers that should get you started while you work on 3* characters. By the time you complete your 3* roster you should have some 4* with enough covers to get a fair shot at the 4*DD. Also, at that time you should be able to hit 1,000 progression with your maxed 3* roster and your 4* progression should accelerate.

    It's common to bash tokens for their low chances to draw 4* characters but the thing is that you eventually get some covers from them. And the more you open, the more you get. Of course, this means you have to either buy them or win them in events. Now, if you refuse to grind PVE, play every PVP, join an alliance, etc. then of course you are going to get less tokens and thus, less 4* covers.

    Really, it's not rocket science. All you have to do to win those shiny rare covers is to play the damn game. Just accept the fact that there are no shortcuts, unless you are willing to spend some money.
  • zulux21
    zulux21 Posts: 249 Tile Toppler
    danae wrote:
    The issue that I see is that certain players most probably had the expectations that the 4* DDQ would be as easy as the 3* DDQ. The 3* DDQ is great for those players who are unwilling to do the effort or do not have the time to progress using PVE or PVP events. They just needed to play for 15/30 minutes in a day to get some progress with their 3* covers which was pretty much guaranteed as you could finish the entire DDQ with just 2*s.

    Now the question I see here is, should these same players have the capability to progress to the 4*s by just putting in as much effort as they do for the 3* DDQ? If not, are they then theoretically stuck at just the 3* level given that they don't play competitively in PVE/PVP?

    I'm wondering, though, if these players don't play PVE/PVP competitively to try and advance their rosters, then what are they trying to achieve by progressing to 4*s/5*s? Just for collecting purposes?
    I feel I fit your question fairly well as I basically only do the DDQ anymore. As for why I still play, it's for those select events that have characters I find interesting. I don't play for season goals, I don't play for covers for characters I don't care about, I only play events that net me covers I want and get the rest from DDQ.

    Pretty much all of my 3 stars are fully covered at this point, and I have nearly every 4 star with a good number of them half covered as I have been playing for nearly two years (steam release was later)

    I personally expected the 4 star to be on par with the 3 star one where it would be possible with characters from a level early but hard (so 2 star on the 3 star) and easy if you are on that level (I don't have to pay attention when getting the cover on the 3 star with my IF, Patch, Loki team) It would be nice if the 4* node wasn't one on one but I could bring along my 3 stars.

    I get the tokens are supposed to be hard to get, I really do, but that doesn't mean you can't have an easier one every 5 days. You will still be far behind those who go after all of them just by going after those ones, just like the people who try to get first in all events get their 3 stars maxed far faster than those that just play DDQ.

    i mean at one token every 5 days, that is only 6 tokens a month, they are releasing at least one 4 star or 5 star a month meaning you at best get half a character a month and fall even farther behind with maxing out 4/5 stars... there is not a huge issue with being nicer with the token as it keeps interest in casual players such as myself. If the transition keeps going as it is and in a few months everything is suddenly scaled to 5 star teams for me I will likely have no choice but to quit as it wouldn't be fun at all, if I at least can slowly get stronger by logging in and playing a bit each day it would be far less of a wall I am expecting to come.

    though I am likely not a player they care about as I am more of a casual player who doesn't spend money... I have no apparent value to them that they can see even if I have gotten them 100s of dollars this year due to the fact that I am one of the main people in the neogaf MPQ thread and talk people into buying some HP early on for roster slots and what not icon_razz.gif
  • Omega Red wrote:
    No, 4* covers start falling as soon as you start earning heroic tokens. After completing your 2* roster, token pulls alone from progression PVE should provide you with a slow, but steady income of 4* covers that should get you started while you work on 3* characters. By the time you complete your 3* roster you should have some 4* with enough covers to get a fair shot at the 4*DD. Also, at that time you should be able to hit 1,000 progression with your maxed 3* roster and your 4* progression should accelerate.
    I need very few 3* covers, and have at least one cover for every 4* except DD and Cyke. Which is the problem for me. I have not been blessed with a few draws for a particular 4, so my entire 4* roster is undercovered.
    Sure, if a person started back when there were only a handful of 4*, they might cover them adequately via lucky draws, but that is no longer the case. That is the same reason the 3* DPD is so helpful--with the diluted pool of 3*, it can be difficult to cover any particular character. By all means, make it difficult for earlt 3*-4* transitioners to achieve, but make it possible. 1300 PVP and top season progression will get solid 4* players more than early transitioners. Legendary from PVE and DPD won't knock you off the top, just give you a little more competition worth having.
  • cyineedsn
    cyineedsn Posts: 361 Mover and Shaker
    Suggestions that would basically GIVE people a leg token every 5 days? 73 tokens a year? So by end of 2016, some of these dirty casuals might actually have 4-5 usable 4*s out of the potentially 30-40 4* characters that will exist? My god THINK OF THE CHILDREN!
  • Gandalf333
    Gandalf333 Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    cyineedsn wrote:
    Suggestions that would basically GIVE people a leg token every 5 days? 73 tokens a year? So by end of 2016, some of these dirty casuals might actually have 4-5 usable 4*s out of the potentially 30-40 4* characters that will exist? My god THINK OF THE CHILDREN!

    Yeah, that seems to be it, people for some reason scared that having more 4 star characters out there is going to upset their status quo. Like loosening the purse strings a little is really going to upset that. icon_lol.gif

    Seriously, if you're regularly getting to 1k or more in PVP or getting legendaries from PVEs in the current setup, this is no threat to you, whatsoever.
  • Dauthi
    Dauthi Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    edited October 2015
    Dauthi wrote:
    This is not true.

    The reason 4* DDQ exists is because token effectiveness is directly related to your roster. Others believe that 4*s are getting stronger because they get legendary tokens every 5 days, but how many of those do you think are actually useful to them? Tokens are random, we aren't guaranteed progress, however those who have little to no 4*s have an extremely high chance to progress. This is why 4*s need more tokens, while non 4* rosters need less for both to obtain equal progress.

    That doesn't hold up, mostly because 2-3* transitioners and players with 3* rosters can't safely open legendary tokens. One 5* and the roster is toast (I suppose they could sell the 5*, but forcing a person to sell the "super rare" is just silly).

    You are right, unfinished 3* rosters should avoid 5*s, which is even more reason they should get less legendary tokens. It's a wasted roster slot any way you look at it. 4*s will trickle in lightly for standard heroic type tokens, but mostly fill in their 3* roster, which is what they need more anyways.
    The other issue is that there are only 2 5* characters, and this is what the oldest vets usually ignore in these arguments. When there are only limited characters available, such as when it was only IW and XFW, you can only pull covers for those characters. By the time the 3* players get to 4*, how many 5*s will there be? 10? We're back to 1% odds for getting a particular character - good luck getting a particular cover for that character. It doesn't matter that (by my math) 3* players should pull 4* covers twice as fast as 4* players pull 5* covers, because there are a significant amount of 4* covers and limited 5* covers.

    With how low the 5* drop rate is and how fast they are creating 5*s, I don't think this is a huge issue. I haven't even gotten a 5* yet, and I am sure I am not the only one. I wouldn't be surprised if I still don't have one by the time another 5* is released. Your only concern should be whales, and they are going to whale it up regardless of how fast 5*s come in.

    I would like to also point out new players either don't know, or forget, that older players had a very hard time collecting 3*s. Collecting 3*s now is a joke in comparison. A lot of our time was consumed by doing that, so things like this even out new player vs older player progress.
    Similarly, 1k PVP rewards progress is directly related to how effective they are. How often do you think 4*s see repeats pop up on the 1k rewards? I also believe, while sometimes hard depending on the time slice, a maxed out 3* team can always obtain this progress.

    Before 4* DDQs progress was pretty terrible for 4* players. Even now it isn't much better, but for day 200 players to think they should progress faster than day 600, is a bit of a slap in the face. Everyone is progressing at roughly the same rate, thanks to the luck based token system D3 has put forward.

    A boosted one, perhaps - and if you have 20 maxed 3*s now, you've got a 50% shot at each character being boosted (assuming randomness), so statistically you'll have all 3 characters boosted once every season. Fortunately the tide of 3*s has slowed down, too. A lot of the older players are really under-estimating just how much harder having a ton of characters in the pool makes everything.

    So why do you think you should skip the 3* realm? You have to get your 3* roster built up to earn 4*s so you can move on to that roster level. Makes logical sense.
    If you play casually, you should expect a serious slowing of progress like everyone does. You may feel it more because you go from steady to a crawl, while those who are more enthusiastic about the game go from a fast pace to a steady one. If everyone could race through any online game, they would lose customers pretty fast. The final goal has to always be distant, because once there what do they do?

    If you play casually, you're dead in the water. Logging in and playing only DDQ each day is a crawl to a 3* state. There is 0 chance a casual player is going to get 4* characters unless he saves his tacos or gets lucky with his other ones. If you play hard, it will be a slog to 4* and progression has little guarantee.

    As far as the final goal is concerned, should we just randomly delete covers from whales? What do they have to strive for? Do vets who have solid 4* rosters just stop playing? Why do players always have to be clawing tooth and nail to get anywhere to be "enjoying" the game? What does that say about the players who are already at the end? They don't enjoy the game, they just beat down 3* rosters out of obligation?

    Even if 4* DDQ was the same as 3* DDQ only every 5 days, full 4* rosters have the 1300 progression.

    I don't think 1300 progression reward is fair to throw in, it takes a lot of effort and hp, and even then there is a lot of luck involved because there is so little points at the top.
    Assuming a player had 1 of every 4* cover and could win the 4* DDQ node each time, a 4* roster will earn 3x as many legendary tokens as that player would. Instead this thread is talking about "entitlements" and about how those 400-500 days players still need to earn their way. No one is asking for a "gimme." They're asking for a consistent way to earn 4* covers based on their own ability. All the 3* players are seeing if people would read into their comments is that they're tired of seeing the people who constantly set them back ask why they don't just do better. People here might as well be saying "let them eat cake."

    From what I have read, it seems more like you want to skip the 3* progression. If you have your 3*s maxed and at 166, and you still have no completed 4*s, then you would have a better point. I just don't think that is happening. The more 3*s you have (especially strong ones) the easier it is to hit 1k, allowing 4*s start rolling in faster and faster like a boulder gaining momentum.

    I would like to note, one thing the 4* DDQs have done is make leveling/collecting all 4*s important, even if they are bad. It makes it a lot more fulfilling to have characters like Elektra or IW. Making 4* DDQs easier or scaled would stop this.
  • TheWerebison
    TheWerebison Posts: 431 Mover and Shaker
    I'll admit, my desire to not have the 4*DDQ changed is purely selfish. I like having a goal to shoot for. I've only beaten half of the fights so far, and not getting it makes me want to keep developing. I've been pushing myself to learn more about pvp tactics, trying to hit 1k every time so I can get more covers so next time that particular fight comes around, I'll be better prepared. I don't even really do DDQ anymore because it's too easy. I know I'm missing out on a bunch of iso, but all I can bring myself to do is the Taco fights now.

    But that's just me, I admit. If people want easier fights, that's fine. I still think it'd be better to have a node that rewarded a specific 4* cover every 5 days, so that legendary token with its 5* potential is still not so easily attainable. It's the feeling of progression, of having a goal to shoot for, not just always a node that is a bit of a challenge, but you're still pretty much guaranteed to win.
  • cyineedsn
    cyineedsn Posts: 361 Mover and Shaker
    I'll admit, my desire to not have the 4*DDQ changed is purely selfish. I like having a goal to shoot for. I've only beaten half of the fights so far, and not getting it makes me want to keep developing. I've been pushing myself to learn more about pvp tactics, trying to hit 1k every time so I can get more covers so next time that particular fight comes around, I'll be better prepared. I don't even really do DDQ anymore because it's too easy. I know I'm missing out on a bunch of iso, but all I can bring myself to do is the Taco fights now.

    But that's just me, I admit. If people want easier fights, that's fine. I still think it'd be better to have a node that rewarded a specific 4* cover every 5 days, so that legendary token with its 5* potential is still not so easily attainable. It's the feeling of progression, of having a goal to shoot for, not just always a node that is a bit of a challenge, but you're still pretty much guaranteed to win.

    Kidding aside, adding a node that's easier but still challenging (like a souped up big enchilada that is challenging for a full 3* team) that only rewards a 4* cover and not a leg token, every 5 days sounds like the best idea that wouldn't break the progression path.

    Speaking of which, I wonder why they decided that it made sense to add a 4*->5* transition node before adding a 3*->4* transition node? Was the reason for that stated somewhere?
  • Dauthi
    Dauthi Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    cyineedsn wrote:
    Speaking of which, I wonder why they decided that it made sense to add a 4*->5* transition node before adding a 3*->4* transition node? Was the reason for that stated somewhere?

    I admit, I fear getting a 5* from a legendary. It will be a useless addition that will simply eat HP for a slot, with only a pipe dream of being useful in the future. I would rather obtain more 4*s so I can get more legendary tokens faster.

    It would have made more sense to create 3*/4* tokens instead of jumping straight to 4*/5* icon_question.gif
  • SunCrusher
    SunCrusher Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    So in regards to the final DDQ node... there's something I'm trying to understand the mechanics/whyfores of which boils down to, "Why is the Essential node easier than the non-Essential 3 x 3* node?"

    I'm spoilering the rest of my post.
    To my understanding and in my experience, I can unlock the final DDQ simply by having the Essential Character and of course, being able to beat out that required node in the first place. I don't have to touch any of the other nodes if I don't want to (but I'd be kind of silly to pass over the other Taco!node).

    Today's Essential DDQ node features an Essential 3* GSBW... which I have... but barely covered enough... and all the opponents are 2* characters.

    On another non-Essential node, 3 x 3* opponents all leveled above me are staring at me in the face and I'm going icon_e_surprised.gif (mostly because of Daken whom I consistently have problems with) while backing away very slowly because I have a distinct impression that challenging that node is not going to get my team anywhere useful except the Emergency Room for resuscitation and well... we've seen enough of that recently.

    Funny enough, though, the Essential node level was more at my own level and more doable and since I had the right character, I was able to play it.

    And I guess that's what's puzzling me (and no, I am not complaining because if I can pass the Essential node, then it's a good chance for me to collect a Taco Token to maybe help me progress with my roster).

    The final DDQ node -might- be possible with a 2* roster (not mine!), but in the grand scheme of things, I can definitely see it as THE Big Enchilada and as such, I'm kind of confused as to why the Essential node is easier than the other optional 3 x 3* node.

    Is the 1000-ISO really worth that much (and please feel free to laugh if it really is and I asked a dumb question; I'm still transitioning so I've been hoarding ISO so I can make a mass-jump in leveling my entire usable roster)?

    Is the Essential node easier to make it more attractive and maybe more playable for people who do have the Essential?

    And why make the final DDQ node reward a cover of the Essential node character?

    Isn't that like requiring Black Panther in Gauntlet... to GET Black Panther?

    I guess what doesn't make sense to me is, where the Essential node wasn't exactly easy, it's quite a bit easier than that non-Essential 3 x 3* node and WAY easier than the Enchilada node.

    I love collecting Tokens, I promise, but why am I unlocking a DDQ node that's more or less impossible for someone like me and why am I getting an optional 3 x 3* node that I really struggle with consistently beating even without having to worry about an under-covered 3* Essential?

    If this continues, I'm going to look forward to having my **** handed to me fairly regularly by the 3 x 3* DDQ node while managing to pass the Essential (if I have the Essential character and I currently have at least a few covers of most of the 3*s, but nobody fully covered)... but having almost zero chance at the final DDQ Enchilada node.

    Having little to no chance at the Enchilada node at this point in time makes plenty of sense to me in my situation even though there are strategies to maybe fighting it out with a maxed 2* roster (and like Dauthi, I'm terrified of accidentally collecting someone who'd be too strong for my team because I even-level my roster for the most part so I can play with everyone to at least some extent), but the difficulty disparity between the Essential node and the 3 x 3* non-Essential node is making me scratch my head.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    cyineedsn wrote:
    Suggestions that would basically GIVE people a leg token every 5 days? 73 tokens a year? So by end of 2016, some of these dirty casuals might actually have 4-5 usable 4*s out of the potentially 30-40 4* characters that will exist? My god THINK OF THE CHILDREN!
    Anyone who gets off their **** and puts in a moderate effort in PvE will get at least that many over the course of a year. People need to stop pretending that the PvE progression token requires some sort of superhuman effort. You don't have to grind, and you don't have to stick to any kind of a schedule. This satisfies the two big complaints everyone always has about PvE, but that's still not enough apparently.
  • simonsez wrote:
    cyineedsn wrote:
    Suggestions that would basically GIVE people a leg token every 5 days? 73 tokens a year? So by end of 2016, some of these dirty casuals might actually have 4-5 usable 4*s out of the potentially 30-40 4* characters that will exist? My god THINK OF THE CHILDREN!
    Anyone who gets off their **** and puts in a moderate effort in PvE will get at least that many over the course of a year. People need to stop pretending that the PvE progression token requires some sort of superhuman effort. You don't have to grind, and you don't have to stick to any kind of a schedule. This satisfies the two big complaints everyone always has about PvE, but that's still not enough apparently.
    I can consistently get the legendary from PVE, but not PVP. I just don't have the shield-hop chops yet, I guess. Every time I get up to 900+, I seem to be hit for more points while I attack than I gain from my win.
    YMMV, of course.
  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    Omega Red wrote:
    Omega Red wrote:
    So, four star covers are not falling fast and easy enough. That's the core issue behind the OP and its supporters, right?

    Then we have threads like this one that seem to debunk the myth that four star covers are impossible to obtain: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=33928

    You're joking, right?

    No, 4* covers start falling as soon as you start earning heroic tokens. After completing your 2* roster, token pulls alone from progression PVE should provide you with a slow, but steady income of 4* covers that should get you started while you work on 3* characters. By the time you complete your 3* roster you should have some 4* with enough covers to get a fair shot at the 4*DD. Also, at that time you should be able to hit 1,000 progression with your maxed 3* roster and your 4* progression should accelerate.

    It's common to bash tokens for their low chances to draw 4* characters but the thing is that you eventually get some covers from them. And the more you open, the more you get. Of course, this means you have to either buy them or win them in events. Now, if you refuse to grind PVE, play every PVP, join an alliance, etc. then of course you are going to get less tokens and thus, less 4* covers.

    Really, it's not rocket science. All you have to do to win those shiny rare covers is to play the damn game. Just accept the fact that there are no shortcuts, unless you are willing to spend some money.

    At times I am really not sure if you are serious ir the forums best troll.

    Over the last week I have opened over 20 Galactus/Anniversary tokens, 15 heroics and over 40 sweet/savoury taco tokens along with countless standard tokens and have recieved just 1 3* or better covers which was a Hulk red. How many tokens am I supposed to open before the 4*s start raining on me?
  • Der_Lex
    Der_Lex Posts: 1,035 Chairperson of the Boards
    My earlier comparison in this thread between 3* and 4* DDQ was based on how, if you go way back to when 3* DDQ was first implemented, you can see that the devs intended it to serve as a way for people to fill the gaps in their 3* roster. 4* DDQ serves that same purpose (albeit less effectively due to random tokens), with the addition of offering a chance at a 5* character as well. In other words, the 5-day DDQ node is mainly for 4-5* transitioners, not for players starting out their 3-4* transition. The big difference between the two is that where players who are in the early stages of the 2-3* transition have a decent chance at winning the 3* node, the difficulty of the 4* node is high enough that early transitioners have very little chance of getting that.

    I'm not advocating a change in the current 4* DDQ because it serves its purpose for the high end players it was intended for (and offers an interesting challenge), but also because it would only be a drop in the puddle in the transition issues that MPQ currently has. I feel that it's much, much more important and urgent that the devs take a good look at their current placement reward system, because it has not kept up with the changes in the game and its playerbase.
    Now that 4* characters dominate the top end of the game, it no longer makes sense to award 3* characters as the top 100 prizes. The players that place that high rarely need them, and, worse still, the 2-3* transitioners that do need them aren't able to get them.
    The 3-4* transition has its own problems. The 4* character pool has simply become too big for new transitioners to be able to collect/build a 4* character in a reasonable amount of time, and a random token as an added means of progression doesn't help much.

    I think the 4* pool has grown big enough (it's comparable to the first 3* pool in the early days) that both PvE and PvP placement should be something along the lines of: 1st place Legendary Token, top 50 1-3 4* covers, and 1-3 3* covers for 51-250. This would help players in all tiers of the game to have a more significant sense of progression without upsetting the in-game economy too much.

    As for DDQ, I would keep the current node as is, but add a weekly or even bi-weekly node that's specifically aimed at 3-4* transitioners, and more closely resembles the 3* node in terms of difficulty.
  • herm1978
    herm1978 Posts: 153 Tile Toppler
    simonsez wrote:
    cyineedsn wrote:
    Suggestions that would basically GIVE people a leg token every 5 days? 73 tokens a year? So by end of 2016, some of these dirty casuals might actually have 4-5 usable 4*s out of the potentially 30-40 4* characters that will exist? My god THINK OF THE CHILDREN!
    Anyone who gets off their **** and puts in a moderate effort in PvE will get at least that many over the course of a year. People need to stop pretending that the PvE progression token requires some sort of superhuman effort. You don't have to grind, and you don't have to stick to any kind of a schedule. This satisfies the two big complaints everyone always has about PvE, but that's still not enough apparently.

    How do you figure that? I have to do one clear between 6PM and bed. One before work. And one after work, before 6PM. Repeat. How is that not on a schedule?
  • Der_Lex
    Der_Lex Posts: 1,035 Chairperson of the Boards
    herm1978 wrote:
    simonsez wrote:
    cyineedsn wrote:
    Suggestions that would basically GIVE people a leg token every 5 days? 73 tokens a year? So by end of 2016, some of these dirty casuals might actually have 4-5 usable 4*s out of the potentially 30-40 4* characters that will exist? My god THINK OF THE CHILDREN!
    Anyone who gets off their **** and puts in a moderate effort in PvE will get at least that many over the course of a year. People need to stop pretending that the PvE progression token requires some sort of superhuman effort. You don't have to grind, and you don't have to stick to any kind of a schedule. This satisfies the two big complaints everyone always has about PvE, but that's still not enough apparently.

    How do you figure that? I have to do one clear between 6PM and bed. One before work. And one after work, before 6PM. Repeat. How is that not on a schedule?

    You actually don't need 3 perfect clears per sub to get the Legendary token. In Simulator, for example, I got mine after doing 3 clears in the first 2 subs and only one clear and one set of essentials in the third, and results have been similar in the other pve's so far. So 'double tapping' a sub and then doing the third clear 8+hours later should work as well, the only downside is that you might have to do 2 or 3 clears in sub 3 instead of 1.5.