so this guy is 3 covers from god mode



  • franckynight
    franckynight Posts: 582 Critical Contributor
    edited September 2015
    The problem is not the money you spent on SS.. I think most here absolutely dont care.. The problem is SS trivializing everything and i can speak now on behalf of my own experience .. Even gt/xf couldnt separate themselves like SS can do on his own.. As far i can remember i even succeeded in beating regularly rag/cstorm/gsbw with thorverine.. I dont think i will beat consistently a 290 3*/350 4* and a maxed SS team no matter what i field.. Except a mirror team.. Thats sth unprecedented in this game..and sth devs have to seriously adress quickly
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's not just PVP he'll destroy but PVE as well! He can easily take down all the nodes if he wanted.

    Those who suggested that you cannot use Healthpacks with 5*s will not work since SS and the upcoming both have True Healing.. They can simply switch to PVE and heal then return to PVP.
  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    Thank you for explaining how you got 9 tokens. I'm VERY surprised you pulled a few off the legendary tokens from DDQ vault. I'm currently hoarding tacos, and your adventures give ME hope in a few months. icon_lol.gif
  • . I dont think i will beat consistently a 290 3*/350 4* and a maxed SS team no matter what i fielded.. Except a mirror team.. Thats sth unprecedented in this game..and sth devs have to seriously adress quickly

    ...and make sure 99% of us are able to get those covers with little effort or there will be a strongly worded forum posts threatening bodily harm to several kittens.
  • And I am here again.
    FOR all the comments that saying that I got over 100+token just to get 225 SS, let me make it clear here. I will give you all the truth and to clarify on how many I spent on getting SS.

    I got 4 SS from Deadpool Taco by open just 2 single 40packs. *reset after get the token (lucky day).
    Next, bought 3 40 and missed all. had few gold left, bought 10pack and got token. got 1 more SS.
    The rest I got from 40 packs of several stuff and I remember I got 2 from Heroic (11800gold)
    The total was about 15 40 packs of random that i spent.
    Which mean that's around 20-25 packs and I got 9 of tokens.

    It's about luck. and it happened to be me that received 225 SS by spending so much less than people expected.

    I hope people are not being too overreacting over this, I am a killer whale, I love the game and Im happy to support the game.
    Trust me, y'all can complain later when I max SS and when I received no lost, that's the time to be panic. However, the new 5* is on the way, the possibility to win will be higher. Please be patient and I'm happy to be friends with all and let's have fun in this game, rather than complaining in something that will eventually balance and come into places.

    I don't buy it. If I'm reading correctly you're saying you pulled 5 surfers from legendary taco tokens. You say you got 4 in your first 2 40 packs (80 tokens), blanked on the next 3 40s and pulled another on the 10 pack. That's 5 surfers in 210 tokens. The odds of pulling just 1 legendary token are 1 in 300 (they get slightly better as you pull but you were pulling them at such a high rate that is effect is negligible), and then pulling a surfer off that token are 1 in 20. That's a 1 in 6000 chance of pulling a surfer off any single taco token. You claim to have pulled 5 in 210 tokens, when you were expected to pull about .03. You pulled them at a rate 150 times higher than expected. That's an extraordinary figure and does not mean that this event had a 1 in 150 chance of happening, the odds are far far longer than that. So long that you wouldn't expect one of the whales in this game to have done it (I'm guessing a couple thousand whales maximum)

    But the luck doesn't stop there, you continued right on pulling them at a high rate with your other purchases, albeit a more realistic one. 4 more in 20 packs, if I understand correctly.

    And by the way, buying taco tokens to try and get surfer (or any 4 stars) is an insane thing to do. One in 20 chance of getting surfer in regular 40 packs compared to a 1 in roughly 150 chance in the taco 40s.

    There's 4 possibilities
    1. You pulled surfers at a rate one wouldn't expect any individual to. In other words I'm saying the odds are long not that you would do this, they obviously are. They're extraordinarily long that ANYONE would do it.
    2. You've miscommunicated exactly what it is that happened, or I misunderstood.
    3. The devs goofed and the pull percentages are drastically higher than we thought. I think we can rule that out, we'd know about this by now.
    4. You're fudging the details because you don't want to admit how much you really spent on this game.

    Someone better with statistics can probably calculate the odds of any whale pulling 5 surfers in 210 taco tokens, but they're ridiculously low.

    I think it's way more likely that you spent more on this game than you're comfortable admitting. I think a lot of us would have expected the first near covered surfer would have been pulled by a whale who claimed extraordinary luck.

    "Million to one shot doc, million to one! "
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    I got 4 SS from Deadpool Taco by open just 2 single 40packs. *reset after get the token (lucky day).

    The odds required for this part alone proves that your post needs to be taken with a colossal grain of salt.
  • nwman
    nwman Posts: 331 Mover and Shaker
    TxMoose wrote:
    Even if i have him at that level i wont use him in pvp cause my teamates will never hop off me.. SS is mpq god..
    maybe not but walking up to [insert desired pt level here - 1500? 2000?] would be pretty simple before putting a regular team in for queuing.

    Hot dog we have a wiener! icon_e_smile.gif

    Maxed ss could prb prop up an alliance like that.
  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    At this point, it doesn't matter HOW he got those 9 covers. More important is how he'll get the next 4 non-black covers. icon_lol.gif

    Here's a thought. If let's say Viral Core (or anyone else really) manages to get the 9th SS cover, will King sit back and let someone else max cover SS first? That's a super whale battle I'm looking forward to. icon_mrgreen.gif
  • lokiagentofhotness
    lokiagentofhotness Posts: 192 Tile Toppler
    kingdreadnaught is in my alliance and he's a great guy and just wants to play the game, and yes he is pretty lucky we were updated each time he got a ss and his story didn't change from then to now.

    one thing i will say is that from what i can tell newish players have better luck of getting good tokens than vets - this from my experience with vets who get noob accounts for fun. dreadnaught might just have beginners luck.

    you don't have to believe him but...he really has no reason to lie.
  • Loftus
    Loftus Posts: 79 Match Maker
    Ignoring who has ss or how they got them for a second, My biggest issue with all of this is simply the invalidation of the rest of the roster. 5* should either be much weaker than their current state or should never have existed in the first place. We have 70+ characters in the game (not sure on the number exactly) and now you're at a point where one of them is the only viable option for anyone's roster. Where as before you could combine any three from about 40 characters to make an interesting/challenging team, now you'd be mental to avoid using ss given the chance. It's irrelevant that another 5* is on it's way because that too will just make things worse. The game has introduced an amazingly large roster full of varied and diverse characters to then go and make them all redundant in one release.

    From a gameplay and longevity point of view this is terrible for the game. How long before people either get bored of being curb stombed by ss or get bored of constantly using him?
  • Ok, returning to this thread at my own risk with a minor point, but one that I haven't seen anyone else make. I will try and make this point clearly, but my explanation skills may not be optimal.

    All the statistics being thrown around are being calculated on the assumption that the individual going for the Silver Surfer is fixed. This is a little misleading as I don't think anyone's objection is to who has the Silver Surfer, it's to the fact that it exists at all.

    If I'm remembering a recent post correctly, there is a player base on MPQ of tens of thousands. We would be insane to believe that there weren't at least hundreds of people trying hard to pull SS from Legendary tokens the first week of the SS release, many of whom likely were planning to stop whaling after one or two 40 packs. Of those hundreds of people the chances of someone getting pretty lucky with their first couple of Taco 40 packs are not all that small. Once someone has gotten that lucky start, the random element is severely reduced as human psychology is going to kick in and the imperative to continue pulling tokens is going to be greatly increased.

    There are probably a handful of people who got a lucky start similar to KingDreadnaught's and continued to go for tokens immediately after as they were on a roll. Likelihood is, all but one of those people then had their luck run out on them. We only heard about KingDreadnaught's success because he was the one who was successful.

    Yes, it's still a very surprisingly small number of tokens to get 9 SS covers from, but the point is that probably he kept going because he was getting so lucky. The evidence is biaised as a result, and as was stated KD has no reason to lie to us. He's not a forum regular, why should he care whether we know how much he spent?

    For what it's worth and for how little we can tell from 2 forum posts, he seems like a nice guy, actually!
  • jimstarooney
    jimstarooney Posts: 576 Critical Contributor
    And I am here again.
    FOR all the comments that saying that I got over 100+token just to get 225 SS, let me make it clear here. I will give you all the truth and to clarify on how many I spent on getting SS.

    I got 4 SS from Deadpool Taco by open just 2 single 40packs. *reset after get the token (lucky day).
    Next, bought 3 40 and missed all. had few gold left, bought 10pack and got token. got 1 more SS.
    The rest I got from 40 packs of several stuff and I remember I got 2 from Heroic (11800gold)
    The total was about 15 40 packs of random that i spent.
    Which mean that's around 20-25 packs and I got 9 of tokens.

    It's about luck. and it happened to be me that received 225 SS by spending so much less than people expected.

    I hope people are not being too overreacting over this, I am a killer whale, I love the game and Im happy to support the game.
    Trust me, y'all can complain later when I max SS and when I received no lost, that's the time to be panic. However, the new 5* is on the way, the possibility to win will be higher. Please be patient and I'm happy to be friends with all and let's have fun in this game, rather than complaining in something that will eventually balance and come into places.
    Good on u mate 4 making it possible for a f2p player like myself to keep on sure the devs have somethin planned to beat him and if not then we will see too
  • IlDuderino
    IlDuderino Posts: 427 Mover and Shaker
    Just adding my two pennies, which is that this guy was headlined on the forums without being asked to be, after a bit of ho har he came on and explained what happened (when he didn't have to) and now people are calling him a liar - give the dude a break
  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    IlDuderino wrote:
    Just adding my two pennies, which is that this guy was headlined on the forums without being asked to be, after a bit of ho har he came on and explained what happened (when he didn't have to) and now people are calling him a liar - give the dude a break

    This. You are welcome to discuss the consequences of a player having a high level SS, the statistical possibilities of such pulls and so on, but please refrain from personal attacks. Thank you.
  • Lee T
    Lee T Posts: 318
    Spencer75 wrote:
    Someone better with statistics can probably calculate the odds of any whale pulling 5 surfers in 210 taco tokens, but they're ridiculously low.

    Statistics and Probablities are interesting in theory and do produce interesting results when handled correctly.

    However, no matter how much thorough your initial research is and how careful you are in your calculations, they really do mean jack squat when confronted to real life freak occurrences. Especially when your population is as large as the population playing this game. The larger the sample, the more supposedly weird stuff can happen.

    It's highly improbable that someone could draw a 13 perfect SS out of 13 tokens, but it can happen nonetheless. That's the (maybe/probably/absolutely/not) pandora's box that was open the moment SS was introduced in the roster.
  • tiomono
    tiomono Posts: 1,654 Chairperson of the Boards
    Look at his roster as a whole. Its an awesome roster. A "newish" player with "beginners luck" just points out how bad whaling is for the health of a game.

    For a new player to be able to just plop tons of money down and be the strongest player in the game shows this.

    I love this game and have spent some money myself for roster slots. I also appreciate players like this that support the game that enable it to keep going.

    However from a players perspective of someone trying to even advance to 4 star land while not being Bill Gates, this is just about the pinnacle of frustration. The fact that a new player can come in plop down a fortune and be top 5 in any event he participates in is insane. That's what bothers me about pay to win strategies, which this obviously is.

    I have nothing against king and i actually thank him for supporting a game i enjoy. My issue is with the pay to win model even existing, it takes all progression and strategy of a game and poo's on it.
  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    The problem is that MPQ is a Marvel licensed product, and that company (part of Disney, IIRC) needs to continue making a profit on this license, or else D3 will lose it.

    You may hate the way D3 is trying to monetize the game (via introduction of 5* tier), but apparently the developer's management believe this is necessary b/c whales aren't spending enough on 4* characters anymore.
  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    Personally, I would love to see KD max out on his SS without buying more legendary tokens. There are 2 weeks left in this season. Maybe 5 more pvps, 3 more weekly ddqs, 3 more pves. Plus season and top 100 alliance rewards. That's more than a dozen opportunities to pick up more tokens this season.
  • lol what some people do with their wages eh icon_lol.gif
  • mjh
    mjh Posts: 708 Critical Contributor
    the point of this was not how much a player may or may not have spent or their luck with tokens but how this character is broken and this game is going to a bad place so quickly because a hand full of players will be in god mode. Yes I will continue to use that term until you can continually lose the Season 19 node where icon_silversurfer.png goes up solo against arguably the 3 best 4*s in the game.

    Again I will restate that token_legendary.png being the only way to obtain an OP 5* seemed like a good idea on paper and would've been a good way for the player base to obtain him at a steady rate so a few people weren't dominating, but that's clearly not the reality and needs to be addressed sooner than later.

    For anybody in KD's alliance, even at 2/2/5, i want to see you consistently hop off him in pvp.
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