Black Widow (Original) - 2*



  • I keep hearing the best way to counter OBW is with a team that includes Cstorm and Cmags. So you're saying that you need two slots on your team to counter one ** toon on the opposing team? Two characters to beat one support character. A *** and a ** to counter a single **. Do you see why that is OP?

    Come on guys. I know you like your OBW, but you have to admit when it's just too strong for what it's supposed to be. Go back and read my OP and tell me that you wouldn't still have a rocking OBW with the change I suggested.
  • das boot wrote:
    I keep hearing the best way to counter OBW is with a team that includes Cstorm and Cmags. So you're saying that you need two slots on your team to counter one ** toon on the opposing team? Two characters to beat one support character. A *** and a ** to counter a single **. Do you see why that is OP?

    Come on guys. I know you like your OBW, but you have to admit when it's just too strong for what it's supposed to be. Go back and read my OP and tell me that you wouldn't still have a rocking OBW with the change I suggested.

    Pretty sure that should be MNMags + Cstorm (which was mentioned upthread), not CMags. Can't see the new CMags having much synergy with CStorm anymore.

    Anyway, MNMags + Cstorm not only wrecks Widow, it wrecks pretty much everything at that level (and a lot of things at the 3* level). It just works extra well against Widow since it's goals (get pink and blue) align with anti-OBW goals (deny pink and blue). Really, the counter for OBW is the same as any basic counter... deny matches of key colors. That combo just maximizes the return when countering Widow. It's the same reason a lot of characters make good counters to themselves (including Widow).
  • You're right. I don't know how to do the quotes thing, but you are correct that most of the posts were about Marvel Now Magneto and Classic Storm. I was basing my last post on the most recent post that I saw, which said CMags. Still, you're talking about using two characters to counter one. Even still, that combo pair is fairly weak imo. Any time I am in a PVP and I see that team, it's an easy win. Beat Storm, and then you don't have to worry about much for the rest of the battle. Unless one is powered up, and they don't run ** PVP events, it's a joke. Plus with both of them, you're short a real damage dealer like Ares or Thor. I do like Marvel Now Magneto. In fact, I feel he is one of the most underrated ** toons. But put him in the hands of the AI, and they don't know what to do with his Purple, which equates to him being awful on defense. I don't like using them together for that reason.

    Bottom line is that you need two characters to counter one. That leaves you without a real damage dealer in PVP, and also leaves you weak on defense. OBW still has two abilities that steal AP. And OBW is still better than several *** characters.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    Just use oBW to counter oBW, sheesh, as a 2* she's easily built, easily duped even, I find it very beneficial to have 4-5 oBWs. (2 mainstays for general purpose and Heroics, others for patrol and limited PvE usage too.) Not telling transitioners to fork over slots for dupes yet, but I tire of all this 'oBW is too strong' ****. She's strong for you, the player, too!! Why are you complaining of the character that can help you transition and beat most 3*s in an uneven fight if need be?
    If they nerf oBW further, it's one awesome character less for us, the players.
  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,215 Chairperson of the Boards
    locked wrote:
    Just use oBW to counter oBW, sheesh, as a 2* she's easily built, easily duped even, I find it very beneficial to have 4-5 oBWs. (2 mainstays for general purpose and Heroics, others for patrol and limited PvE usage too.) Not telling transitioners to fork over slots for dupes yet, but I tire of all this 'oBW is too strong' ****. She's strong for you, the player, too!! Why are you complaining of the character that can help you transition and beat most 3*s in an uneven fight if need be?
    If they nerf oBW further, it's one awesome character less for us, the players.

    Listen to your self. The ONLY single 2* character that can stand toe to toe with OBW is OBW? That's a sign there is something wrong with the balancing of the game!

    Perhaps we will get lucky and Ms. Marvel will prove to be the perfect counter to OBW, but realistically her moves need to be tweaked.

    Let me put it to you this way; Rock, Paper, Scissors works because each has one strength and one weakness. Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock still works because each has 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses.

    OBW vs. OBW is a stalemate scenario.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    Pwuz_ wrote:
    Listen to your self. The ONLY single 2* character that can stand toe to toe with OBW is OBW? That's a sign there is something wrong with the balancing of the game!

    Perhaps we will get lucky and Ms. Marvel will prove to be the perfect counter to OBW, but realistically her moves need to be tweaked.

    Let me put it to you this way; Rock, Paper, Scissors works because each has one strength and one weakness. Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock still works because each has 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses.

    OBW vs. OBW is a stalemate scenario.
    Are you... serious? Other counters to OBW have been discussed at length already; I don't want to repeat the same ole for the 1000th time. oBW vs oBW is just the easiest way to counter her if you are a 2* player yourself. NOT the only one. Yes, oBW is deceptively strong when you are a 2* player. Once you start having characters where 6800 health is perceived as low unless the character regenerates (Patch, Daken, Deadpool), you will stop seeing oBW as a serious threat on all levels of the game. She is a viable threat especially to BAD players, but she's not a broken character.
  • locked wrote:
    Just use oBW to counter oBW, sheesh, as a 2* she's easily built, easily duped even, I find it very beneficial to have 4-5 oBWs. (2 mainstays for general purpose and Heroics, others for patrol and limited PvE usage too.) Not telling transitioners to fork over slots for dupes yet, but I tire of all this 'oBW is too strong' ****. She's strong for you, the player, too!! Why are you complaining of the character that can help you transition and beat most 3*s in an uneven fight if need be?
    If they nerf oBW further, it's one awesome character less for us, the players.

    You are saying that you use OBW to counter OBW. You are saying she can help you beat most 3*s in an uneven fight. Doesn't that mean that she is too strong for a 2* character? I wouldn't mind if other 2* characters were as strong as OBW, but they aren't. A lot of 3* characters aren't as strong as OBW either. This is a fundamental flaw in the character design. And I'm not saying that she needs to be nerfed. I think the change in her ability that I suggested is actually a pretty strong, and she will still be very good.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    das boot wrote:
    locked wrote:
    Just use oBW to counter oBW, sheesh, as a 2* she's easily built, easily duped even, I find it very beneficial to have 4-5 oBWs. (2 mainstays for general purpose and Heroics, others for patrol and limited PvE usage too.) Not telling transitioners to fork over slots for dupes yet, but I tire of all this 'oBW is too strong' ****. She's strong for you, the player, too!! Why are you complaining of the character that can help you transition and beat most 3*s in an uneven fight if need be?
    If they nerf oBW further, it's one awesome character less for us, the players.

    You are saying that you use OBW to counter OBW. You are saying she can help you beat most 3*s in an uneven fight. Doesn't that mean that she is too strong for a 2* character? I wouldn't mind if other 2* characters were as strong as OBW, but they aren't. A lot of 3* characters aren't as strong as OBW either. This is a fundamental flaw in the character design. And I'm not saying that she needs to be nerfed. I think the change in her ability that I suggested is actually a pretty strong, and she will still be very good.
    I'm not using oBW to counter oBW, since I am past that point. I use Hood, Daken, XF, cMags, other 3* characters. If you are at the 2* stage or transitioning, use oBW to counter oBW. There's nothing shameful in that.
    Yes, she can help beat characters with 5-6k health, rarely more than that. And most popular Versus 3*s and higher are Patch/Daken (regens), Thor and Sentry (10200 health), X-Force (some 10k), Hulk (some 11k), LC, BP, maybe Marvel soon (8500). Even Hood has quite more health than oBW.
    She is the best 2* but not the strongest, that would be Ares/Thor. She is just the most versatile one and the one that can be still used in transition and past that, but more and more rarely.
    How is that bad? All the people that complain about oBW should learn how to play against her, especially seeing as how the PvE oBW usually has the 5/5/5 build which is less dangerous, and if you have issues against the regular lvl 94 oBW... I have nothing to say to you.
    Not going to read about any suggested changes - not interested. I like my oBW the way she is. I prefer they buff bad 3*s like She-Hulk, Mohawk, Beast, Octopus, etc.
    I skip silly 5/5/3 and 5/3/5 oBWs in PvP since they can't even offer me good level 3 AR TUps. Why so many 5/x/x oBWs, people? Maybe that's why you have trouble with enemy oBWs since they are faster at 3/5/5? Well respec then and stop complaining about a good character with the best purple ability in the game.
  • 3/5/5 is clearly the way to go with OBW, no arguing that. Good players can still lose to her. I don't care who you are or what your team is.

    Since you won't even read the suggested change, why are you posting in this thread? By the way, it was change purple skill to a stun with damage effect. Sounds pretty awesome to me.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    @das boot: what, you offered a change too? So tired of this. We already have a good stunner in cStorm.
    Why must you nerf the good things we have? I'm going to get angry, and I am only using oBW in PvE now myself, and rare PvPs like BoP/Combined Arms. Later generations of 2* players can thank people like you if oBW gets nerfed for the third time, I guess.

    AR is extremely powerful but that's on a character with 3,4k health. I assume that if you can't kill oBW reliably you must be running Bullseye, Moonstone, Bag-Man and 2* Captain America exclusively.
  • locked wrote:
    @das boot: what, you offered a change too? So tired of this. We already have a good stunner in cStorm.
    Why must you nerf the good things we have? I'm going to get angry, and I am only using oBW in PvE now myself, and rare PvPs like BoP/Combined Arms. Later generations of 2* players can thank people like you if oBW gets nerfed for the third time, I guess.

    AR is extremely powerful but that's on a character with 3,4k health. I assume that if you can't kill oBW reliably you must be running Bullseye, Moonstone, Bag-Man and 2* Captain America exclusively.
    I've got a pretty solid roster. I'm not loaded up on 3* guys (close to having my second 166). But that's not even the point.

    I don't usually have problems with OBW, but occasionally it does happen. You can't always match the colors you need to kill OBW off fast enough. Sometimes, she gets her purple off before you can kill her. This leads to you losing the AP you've been working on getting to kill her. It leads to the rest of their team using their powers on your front man (the one you've been trying to get AP for). It sets you back a turn. You match the color you're trying to get, putting that now nearly dead character back to the front. OBW heals herself the following turn, and the other toons use their remaining powers to kill your main damage dealer (typically Ares in this situation). After that, you're down to a support character and whoever you have to use for the event, which usually is a mediocre damage dealer, and the AI is way ahead in every way.

    It doesn't happen often, but it does happen.

    Using OBW to counter OBW is just a bad argument. Using MNMags and CStorm is a weak team with no good damage dealers, on top of needing two characters to counter one. That is also a bad argument. OBW shouldn't have two powers that steal AP. It's just too oppressive. What is that so hard to understand? You're probably one of those players that didn't think Spidy or CMags needed a nerf either.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    das boot wrote:
    I don't usually have problems with OBW, but occasionally it does happen. You can't always match the colors you need to kill OBW off fast enough. Sometimes, she gets her purple off before you can kill her. This leads to you losing the AP you've been working on getting to kill her. It leads to the rest of their team using their powers on your front man (the one you've been trying to get AP for). It sets you back a turn. You match the color you're trying to get, putting that now nearly dead character back to the front. OBW heals herself the following turn, and the other toons use their remaining powers to kill your main damage dealer (typically Ares in this situation). After that, you're down to a support character and whoever you have to use for the event, which usually is a mediocre damage dealer, and the AI is way ahead in every way.

    It doesn't happen often, but it does happen.

    Using OBW to counter OBW is just a bad argument. Using MNMags and CStorm is a weak team with no good damage dealers, on top of needing two characters to counter one. That is also a bad argument. OBW shouldn't have two powers that steal AP. It's just too oppressive. What is that so hard to understand? You're probably one of those players that didn't think Spidy or CMags needed a nerf either.
    No, I agreed that 2 AP powers of Spidey and Magneto needed to go. I was only unhappy that Spidey became too weak after the nerf (they should have at least got rid of fake healing post the healing change), and that Magneto lost purple, Magneto is still one of the top characters.
    Why is 'use oBW' a bad argument? You do use Ares, right? And Ares is the strongest 2*. Why not use the one character that completes the rainbow perfectly and can support Ares? You must be one of those guys that think that Thor/Ares or Ares/mHawkeye are good teams.
    Bad luck and purple cascades happen. Maybe at least once in 10 games. Still, enemy AR should be survivable even if you need 3 healthpacks after that. Regular games, you kill oBW BEFORE she uses AR/AGD. If you fail to do that, you have to learn to play match-3 and probably rethink your team/skill order use choices.
    And now the best part. You say you don't usually have problems with oBW. Great for you! Same for the most players. Now please work on your roster faster so that you can join people that fight Sentry, Hood and X-Force on a daily basis, and we'll see how THAT goes. I almost miss days I had to only mind oBW.
  • I do use OBW, but saying that you should use her as a counter to combat OBW is a bad argument for positing that OBW isn't overpowered. Suggesting that I use bad teams, bad characters, and saying that I am a bad player because I can't kill OBW 100% of the time is just ignorant. I get that The Hood, Sentry, X-Force, etc... are very strong. Again, that is not the issue here. Try to stay on topic.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    @das boot, I'm not saying you are a bad player but anyone who complains about oBW despite having played for a while would definitely seem that way.

    I would so use Moonstone to counter oBW if her purple always dealt damage and black had a humane cost.
    I would so use MMN without cStorm if he didn't have two CD-based powers, one of which is very slow with piddling damage and the other is very expensive. His blue needs to be a bit stronger and faster to have self-synergy with purple.

    I would actually use baby Daken and Ares. Ares most players use anyway, so why not make his attacks stronger. Match green 2x, match blue 2x, Onslaught oBW, Chemical Reaction if not dead yet. Baby Daken/HT as well, match green 2x, cast Flame Jet, laugh as oBW Recons and steals 1 green AP from you. Proceed as usual. Cast Flame Jet as soon as she's ready to Recon again. Blue, you can get rid of fast with Daken, and yellow/purple/blue Torch can also get rid of with Inferno. That's not '2 characters needed to kill oBW', because 2*s simply have a limited pool compared to 3*s and higher. 3*s would have it simpler, where one single Polarizing Force/Fireball/X-Force/Chemical Reaction/Berserker Rage/Hypersonic Punch/etc can down oBW pretty reliably.

    What topic is there for us to discuss? oBW is fine the way she is; Level Shift has already done the job of nerfing her better than you, or anyone else, could have suggested. Why don't you start a 'buff Moonstone' thread? We are moving away from Dark Reign so hopefully no more constant battling Moonstone and she can actually become decent for the player as much as for the AI. Same for other weaker characters.

    PS: I'm amazed that self-proclaimed long-time players with established rosters perceive oBW as an OP character AFTER all these nerfs.
    I remember that some newbies did complain of her back before Fake Healing/Level Shift changes. That I could almost understand.
  • The game needs characters like OBW or Ares who can deal with most *** to allow ** -> *** transitioning.

    Now, admittedly, you can't field just any character against OBW, but adjusting your team to the opponent is the spirit of the game. Her Anti-Gravity Device frustrates you? Turn it against her with one of the Human Torches and watch her boost your Flame Jet and commit suicide.
  • Egads, OBW is so stronk icon_eek.gif Wah icon_cry.gif wah! Quit your whining and learn to play the game. There are many counters to OBW most or maybe all of which are mentioned in this thread. OBW doesn't need a different skill. She is good the way she is. Giving her a stun and damage is a no-no. We already have CStorm and Mawkeye for that in 2* range.
  • KevinMark wrote:
    Egads, OBW is so stronk icon_eek.gif Wah icon_cry.gif wah! Quit your whining and learn to play the game. There are many counters to OBW most or maybe all of which are mentioned in this thread. OBW doesn't need a different skill. She is good the way she is. Giving her a stun and damage is a no-no. We already have CStorm and Mawkeye for that in 2* range.

    Let's try to keep the conversation mature please.
  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,215 Chairperson of the Boards
    The game needs characters like OBW or Ares who can deal with most *** to allow ** -> *** transitioning.

    Now, admittedly, you can't field just any character against OBW, but adjusting your team to the opponent is the spirit of the game. Her Anti-Gravity Device frustrates you? Turn it against her with one of the Human Torches and watch her boost your Flame Jet and commit suicide.

    I don't think that's how Flame Jet works. In fact, I'm sure of it. I agree, that having a countdown tile down (especially a cheap one) is a great way to help mitigate her healing power. But how many cheap countdown tiles can you really throw out there in 2* land? A 2* that can generate cheap (passive) count down tiles would be awesome. The other awesome skill would be something like Colossus that you actually want to stay longer.

    But those types of skills only exist in 3* characters.


    I think the problem is the fact that in terms of 2* characters, OBW is in a different league right now.

    Yes, we all know that another OBW, or any number of 3* characters can beat her. That doesn't make any other 2* teams any better against her.

    Alternatively to changing OBW's skills, new 2* characters who are better counters to her would help. A 2* Sentry with a toned down World Rupture?

    Even a tweak of other existing characters. Change A.Wolvie to drop a 3 turn countdown tile on yellow matches that returns 1/3 of what his existing heal returns each turn it's on the board. That makes Anti-Gravity actually help heal him for more (pending on it not being matched.
  • Has anyone tried leaving her at 2/5/5? The extra back steal from level 3 Purple doesn't seem worth the extra purple cost, I don't have many use for black anyway. I'm just not sure about the lower level cap, if it won't reduce damage and HP too much.
  • mags1587
    mags1587 Posts: 1,020 Chairperson of the Boards
    Zamble wrote:
    Has anyone tried leaving her at 2/5/5? The extra back steal from level 3 Purple doesn't seem worth the extra purple cost, I don't have many use for black anyway. I'm just not sure about the lower level cap, if it won't reduce damage and HP too much.

    The difference between 7 AP and 8 AP is not significant enough to make it worth it. Especially with Espionage. Let the enemy make a purple match first and you then only need 2 matches to fire off Recon at level 3. And I think the lower level cap would be a factor. OBW needs all the health she can get.