**** Carnage (Cletus Kasady) ****



  • Unknown
    edited June 2015
    Overall best pairings I can see are:
      Xavier Falcon SquirrelGirl Bullseye Luke Cage (5 in red)
    Pairings: Who to match him up with?
    Red generators (speed games)
    ~HB: Maybe? If you have excess red before firing a repulsor punch, you can do AOE damage with it. Not amazing synergy though with overlap on red/black and HB's hulkproof removing greens.
    ++Cyclops. Sure. He's got decent health. Guy to go to for the quick kill.
    -MNMags - No, too weak to withstand the red AOE, and there's no good blue outlet. 9 pink for 3 random red somewhere isn't the best use of AP.

    shield makers
    +++SquirrelGirl - Put out massive shields to protect from red and black. Further her Nuts do massive damage with enemy attack tiles out.
    ~Magneto - ok?
    +++Falcon - neutralize the attack tiles you put out, make shields to protect from self damage, and INSPIRE! Perfect rainbow to boot, with only 3 actives (eg: not too many colors to focus on collecting, you might actually get bird strike out).
    ++Xavier low health hurts, but blind spot can really boost damage quickly, with auto shield creation as well.

    Strike generators (capitalize on blackflag.png)
    +Blade - Decent, can steal red with Nightstalker.
    ++Daken - Good: Heals after red AOE, and synergizes with green collection.
    --Patch - probably not, since after a berserker rage, you'll be getting hit twice. Even he can't heal fast enough.
    ++BP - Decent, really weak shield generator.

    Other healers?
    ~R&G - Maybe? Blue takes forever to get out though.

    Tile destroyers (reduce self damage from blackflag.png)
    ++Bullseye - I really like this pairing for quick ability damage. Use Bullseye's Purple to get rid of the strike tiles and add more. If you can get Bullseye's blackflag.png to trigger, you've got a ton of strikes to use with the attack tiles or the Green ability. Cheap abilities means you get the attack tiles out quicker.
    ~Daredevil - Competition on red.
    +~ DocOck - Depending on how ?Carnage's black works (does it create attack tiles on black?), Doc Ock's black passive may work amazingly or poorly. Manipulation could be slightly better or way better.

    -- Storm? (Hailstorm to Green) Too flimsy. Overlap on Black/Green.

    Strike generators. Use his attack tiles against him. Daken especially.
    Possibly black tile generators like IF.
    --todo (incomplete)

    Other comments
    - Too many 4*s with red as their power colour!
    - If it is Carnage, he has way too much health!
    - Another character who owns Storm icon_e_sad.gif(Buff Storm!)
    - The way his black works will make a significant difference in who he works well with/against.
    - 5/3/5
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    That red looks painful for everyone involved. BUT if you use it on defense, and your teammates are down, only the enemy team is taking damage.. so wait until you have the AP to fire it multiple times, and just kill everyone but him/her and shield. Toss in Rags and Sentry and you can call it the Suicide Squad!
  • Teams of 3 I'd like to try:
    ?/Cyclops/Captain Marvel(underlevelled?)
  • Phillipes wrote:
    I dont like this character.


    When you release him, dont DARE to nerf him, after 3 months, after people pay 400 - 500 € to max him.

    He'll be nerfed. Everyone contemplating spending money on him: he will be nerfed. Might be pre-release, might be at three months, might even take six, but he will be nerfed.

    This is ridiculously fast for another 4*. Kingpin came out mid-April; this is the third in 6-7 weeks. That is ludicrously fast for these things.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    When his passive adds four special tiles to the board every time any character on either side uses a power? More often than before.
    At any given point in time, maybe there'll be 6 or 8 on the board on average. So this'll 1300-1700 extra damage. Assuming any reasonable estimate of damage per AP, the 14 AP you get from Storm's green will translate into way more than 1300-1700 damage.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Raffoon wrote:
    I think he's pretty close. Boost red/yellow and all, match 1 red, 1 yellow. Cast Carnage Red once and kill someone, cast Cyclops Red to reload, cast Carnage Red again in 0-3 turns and win.
    Two casts of this is not going to down everybody. You're well on your way, but you still have a lot to do. And you just loaded the board with enemy attack tiles.
  • wingX
    wingX Posts: 253 Mover and Shaker
    I not sure whether will this character be Carnage, but I don't feel Carnage being a 4* character (he is not really that special enough in the comic universe). I may be bias because I really like Carnage but if he is a 4* character mean there will be extreme low chance for me to obtain him.
    Nonetheless I stlll welcome Carnage into MPQ icon_e_smile.gif
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    That green ability will pair him nicely with LDaken or MoStorm, cover the board in strikes or attacks then let it loose.. On a perfect destroy, that is a max damage of 13888 for 11 AP.
  • If this is Carnage, we're still going to call him Lazy Juggernaut.

    I, for one, do not want this character lurking around the game. I'd rather this one not be released at all. Red is a low-cost Supernova that doesn't end the turn, and Black is just a game-ruiner. It's like when the enemy is almost dead, but they let off a big attack one their last turn so that you have to heal your team. This will do that every match.

    I don't want this. I'm just putting that out there.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    Phillipes wrote:
    I dont like this character.


    When you release him, dont DARE to nerf him, after 3 months, after people pay 400 - 500 € to max him.

    He'll be nerfed. Everyone contemplating spending money on him: he will be nerfed. Might be pre-release, might be at three months, might even take six, but he will be nerfed.

    This is ridiculously fast for another 4*. Kingpin came out mid-April; this is the third in 6-7 weeks. That is ludicrously fast for these things.

    I didn't read pages 2/3, is this the first Nerf call? icon_lol.gif

    It seems that nerfs happen as soon as enough covers are sold. icon_rolleyes.gif
  • I'm surprised not a soul has said "Void".

    It screams Sentry to me, but a bit more 'evil' if you will. I don't see Carnage.

    but hey I was wrong about QS...
    - Unreall
  • Tatercat
    Tatercat Posts: 930 Critical Contributor
    Yeah, I think it's probably Red Hulk as well. In the comics, when he got angrier, instead of getting stronger, he got radioactive, explaining why this character hurts friend & foe alike. Plus, the destroying of the special titles would fit into a tactical attack, and since Rulk is really life long military man General Thunderbolt Ross, that would make sense too. (He'll be great against Falcon).

    But with my luck it will be Carnage and I'll rage quit the game. icon_twisted.gif
  • notamutant
    notamutant Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    I always find all this speculation of who the character is so silly, because I regularly read the spoilers thread, and know who it will be. From my perspective, all the people with these Hulk and Juggernaut guesses look stupid, but that is just because I already know who it is, and can't unsee what has been seen. However, I would suggest to the people throwing out random guesses, to just read the spoiler thread rather than listing possible characters that could not be further off from the actual one. It will save space on this thread for later with all the random guesses, and you don't have to wait to find out.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    I do wish it was the Void, though, that would (1) be a neat character idea; (2) fit the powers; and (3) make his likely nu-Sentry status absolutely hilarious.
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    If this is Carnage, we're still going to call him Lazy Juggernaut.

    I, for one, do not want this character lurking around the game. I'd rather this one not be released at all. Red is a low-cost Supernova that doesn't end the turn, and Black is just a game-ruiner. It's like when the enemy is almost dead, but they let off a big attack one their last turn so that you have to heal your team. This will do that every match.

    I don't want this. I'm just putting that out there.

    Except his headbutt now does Universal AoE damage and his green board shake does a ton of damage when it blows up special tiles. And any time anyone uses an ability, he activates his black passive to add more special tiles.

    He's definitely a 4* version of Juggernaut... even if he's actually Carnage.

    I'm going to officially call for his Red to cost 10 AP or for it to do only 60% of its current max damage. He's way too much of an automatic skip in PvP at full red and black covers.
  • Tatercat
    Tatercat Posts: 930 Critical Contributor
    I'm surprised not a soul has said "Void".

    It screams Sentry to me, but a bit more 'evil' if you will.
    - Unreall

    I get the feeling if Void does show up (and considering how they've been moving away from Dark Reign fianlly, he might never) it will be like Gorgon or Ultron and be AI only.
  • Hayek
    Hayek Posts: 96 Match Maker
    5/5/3 icon_elektra.png

    Elektra blackflag.png - If Elektra would take damage, the damage is negated and a Trap tile is destroyed, generating AP and dealing 274 damage. If hoard red until you cast her black, not only does she also avoid damage but she deals additional damage in return.
    Elektra purpleflag.png - 2 or 3 enemy strike.png stolen. Stolen tiles increase their strength by 245.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hayek wrote:
    Elektra purpleflag.png - 2 or 3 enemy strike.png stolen. Stolen tiles increase their strength by 245.
    These are attack tiles, not strike tiles.
  • Hayek
    Hayek Posts: 96 Match Maker
    simonsez wrote:
    These are attack tiles, not strike tiles.

    Ah, you are correct. I misread the ability.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    youch, this is a job for ... DOC OC!