May Community Q&A open for questions!



  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    A few Q&A's ago it was said the 4* transition was supposed to be easier than 3*.

    Currently, the only way to get 4* at all is:
    Introduction (for top few)
    Season reward (a month work, for a top few)
    PVP winner (a very, very few)
    PVE winner (a very, very few)
    From tokens (ha ha ha ha!)

    edit: 1K progression - comments mention I missed this one, forgot it since I've never even hit 900 PVP points in nearly 500 days. icon_e_smile.gif

    Question: What is being done to get the 4* transition started?

    lkc3x.jpgvia Imgflip Meme Maker

    I would like shadow credit for this question please.
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    What impact do you think the rate of release of new characters has on the quality of those characters?
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    Two questions. First:

    Full disclosure: This idea was brought up by someone else in another thread (can someone remember who it was so I can edit in a credit?), but it's stuck in my brain since, especially as my heroes are more regularly being downed by enemies with increased health and subsequently more time to gather AP and use special attacks. So, my first question:

    Have you or will you ever consider splitting health packs into:

    A.) the 5 regenerating HPs
    B.) HPs earned via Daily Supply, tokens, other assorted rewards, etc.


    I cannot tell a lie, it was I.
  • -is the game use enable game sharing, if yes, any plan to create option to disable it?

    -any plan to make both team AP shown all the time?
  • wheter there will be a alliance progression reward on DDQ?(extra cover/iso/hp?)
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
    Has any thought been given to the addition of "skins" for characters that can be earned or bought? (i.e. Maestro Hulk, Black suit Spider-Man, etc.)
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
    Now that all 3*s have three powers, can we start a path to make sure that all characters have three good powers? Powers like Bewilder, Web Bandages, Medical Marvel, Pistol and a rather long list of etcs are inarguably bad or overcosted.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just curious: Would you guys admit that you went overboard with Sentry's nerf? Is another rework of a nerfed character like he or 4hor something that you'd consider, or you'd prefer just let those sleeping dogs lie?
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
    And my most pressing question: What is the rationale for the RNG picking the colours of cover rewards? There are SEVERAL particular covers that in three events or more haven't been the "easiest"/alliance reward even once. If it is only convenience, we beg you to rethink it and assign them manually following a pattern that allows covers to be acquired more or less evenly. DDQ does that. Can other events just cycle the rewards like that?
  • SnagglePuss
    SnagglePuss Posts: 702 Critical Contributor
    Will you implement scrollable leaderboards?

    When you are fighting for position it would be nice to see how far ahead / behind people are especially in and around key reward positions. The current system is very limited and occasionally useless. This would help with planning and stop unnecessary grinding, unless that is the intention.
    There's no need to see everyone in your slice.

    Top 65 for PvE
    Top 115 for PvP

    Would suffice.
    Or perhaps +/- 20 players
    Or even +/- 10 around each of the reward levels but that's probably more complex.

    ... oh and yeah Ultron Alliance ranking... scrollable
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hey raisinbman, before you go in a silly downvoting spree because "post spamming", let's try reading the simple instructions in the first post. They were in bold and all:
    1. Please post each question separately, so forumgoers can upvote the questions they want answered most.

    Also, I have to wonder why you haven't backseat moderate all the other "post spammers" in this thread. If I had your ridiculous persecution complex, I'd wonder if you are nursing some kind of grudge.
  • Will you implement scrollable leaderboards?

    When you are fighting for position it would be nice to see how far ahead / behind people are especially in and around key reward positions. The current system is very limited and occasionally useless. This would help with planning and stop unnecessary grinding, unless that is the intention.
    There's no need to see everyone in your slice.

    Top 65 for PvE
    Top 115 for PvP

    Would suffice.
    Or perhaps +/- 20 players
    Or even +/- 10 around each of the reward levels but that's probably more complex.

    ... oh and yeah Ultron Alliance ranking... scrollable

    They adressed that question in a previous Q&A.
    skip to 14:25
  • seth_is_OK
    seth_is_OK Posts: 48
    Can we have different ways to sort the roster in addition to level? When the roster was under 50, it was annoying to search for specific characters but fairly easy. With the roster growing to over 70 unique characters, we need more options to find characters like * rarity, highest match damage in specific color, active powers in a specific color, passive powers in a specific color, etc.
  • Has changing the game over the last 2 or 3 months been a success in the way that the designers hoped it would be?
  • AaronTheLuigi
    AaronTheLuigi Posts: 187 Tile Toppler
    Would it be beneficial for everyone if you guys (Demiurge and D3) asked us (the forumgoers) questions for a special Q&A?
  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    What are the chances of changing the 20 iso rewards? It's bad enough to fight lvl 300+ Ares, Juggs, Venom, 2*Daken, Moonstone. But to only get 20 iso just seems wrong.
  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    Why were the TUs changed so that facing lvl 300 Jugg and Venom only gives us a lvl 40 TU, and any chance it will be changed back? If not an equal level of the opponent that was defeated, then maybe 75% (or even 50%) ? Like if I beat a lvl 300 Juggs, I get a lvl 225 (or even 150) TU ?
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    Why were the TUs changed so that facing lvl 300 Jugg and Venom only gives us a lvl 40 TU, and any chance it will be changed back? If not an equal level of the opponent that was defeated, then maybe 75% (or even 50%) ? Like if I beat a lvl 300 Juggs, I get a lvl 225 (or even 150) TU ?
    officially they said players were farming them, driving up community scaling, removing over levels TUs would lead to slower community scaling. icon_rolleyes.gif

    There were some questions earlier in the thread about why we're doing this.

    In a few cases, those Giant-Size Super-villain Team-Ups were causing balance issues (including allowing people to get through fights much more easily than you'd expect from their team, and encouraging people to farm repeatable missions for high-level Team-Ups, both of which create more of those 300+ enemies for more players).

    We knew we needed to take them out (for the health of Story events and the balance of the game more generally), but when we can (and we can't always), we like to replace something we're removing with a positive addition. In this case we were planning systems that made Team-Ups significantly stronger for most players, so we decided to make those changes at the same time.

    Now you're getting much better Team-Ups from your alliance mates, both by scaling their level up to your team and by taking away the penalty for sending your best characters.
  • fmftint wrote:
    Why were the TUs changed so that facing lvl 300 Jugg and Venom only gives us a lvl 40 TU, and any chance it will be changed back? If not an equal level of the opponent that was defeated, then maybe 75% (or even 50%) ? Like if I beat a lvl 300 Juggs, I get a lvl 225 (or even 150) TU ?
    officially they said players were farming them, driving up community scaling, removing over levels TUs would lead to slower community scaling. icon_rolleyes.gif ... 20#p321177
    There were some questions earlier in the thread about why we're doing this.

    In a few cases, those Giant-Size Super-villain Team-Ups were causing balance issues (including allowing people to get through fights much more easily than you'd expect from their team, and encouraging people to farm repeatable missions for high-level Team-Ups, both of which create more of those 300+ enemies for more players).

    We knew we needed to take them out (for the health of Story events and the balance of the game more generally), but when we can (and we can't always), we like to replace something we're removing with a positive addition. In this case we were planning systems that made Team-Ups significantly stronger for most players, so we decided to make those changes at the same time.

    Now you're getting much better Team-Ups from your alliance mates, both by scaling their level up to your team and by taking away the penalty for sending your best characters.
    wouldn't it make more sense to have us not faced giant-size super villains then?
  • Heartburn
    Heartburn Posts: 527
    fmftint wrote:
    Why were the TUs changed so that facing lvl 300 Jugg and Venom only gives us a lvl 40 TU, and any chance it will be changed back? If not an equal level of the opponent that was defeated, then maybe 75% (or even 50%) ? Like if I beat a lvl 300 Juggs, I get a lvl 225 (or even 150) TU ?
    officially they said players were farming them, driving up community scaling, removing over levels TUs would lead to slower community scaling. icon_rolleyes.gif ... 20#p321177
    There were some questions earlier in the thread about why we're doing this.

    In a few cases, those Giant-Size Super-villain Team-Ups were causing balance issues (including allowing people to get through fights much more easily than you'd expect from their team, and encouraging people to farm repeatable missions for high-level Team-Ups, both of which create more of those 300+ enemies for more players).

    We knew we needed to take them out (for the health of Story events and the balance of the game more generally), but when we can (and we can't always), we like to replace something we're removing with a positive addition. In this case we were planning systems that made Team-Ups significantly stronger for most players, so we decided to make those changes at the same time.

    Now you're getting much better Team-Ups from your alliance mates, both by scaling their level up to your team and by taking away the penalty for sending your best characters.
    classic MPQ you are not playing the way we thought you would must destroy this thing we didn't think of when we rolled out change. also 300+ characters you not suppose to beat then how did you do it ... oh there it is, the TU's. nerf TUs. TUs destroyed. mission accomplished. because we all know you are guaranteed a TU after each fight. wait no you need to farm it a couple times to get one, even more for a useful one. ~5x clear to get help on one fight... that is too good?
This discussion has been closed.