May Community Q&A open for questions!



  • Unknown
    Have you considered changing the way we can level up our characters? It gets really annoying and tough pressing on that button for 5-10 minutes straight. Maybe a slider?
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Many, many of the topics started here come from questions about how the game is working. All of the "Will 2* be essential" questions (here and elsewhere). All of the MMR questions. Things like "how will ISO decrease work", announced but not explained before roll-out.

    Question: Can we get detailed explanations about changes -before- they are implemented?
  • Unknown
    Have you considered shifting time slices so that they're more evenly distributed? As it stands now, certain time zones - the East Coast of the US, for example - have no end times for PVE that are suitable for someone with a regular work or school schedule.
  • Unknown
    Have you considered changing the way that leveling affects scaling so that people aren't penalized for leveling up 4* characters? As it stands now, a PVE-focused player has very little incentive to take 4* characters beyond 166th level, as it hurts them in PVE more than it helps in PVP.
  • Unknown
    1. When will Demiurge correct the bug that causes critical tiles to explode in mid-air when using 2* Black Widow and Mystique

    2. When will Demiurge implement something so that mobile users can see the enemy AP at all times?
  • Doc L
    Doc L Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    Given the newly reworked PvE events to be either 3, 4 or 7 days long, is it possible that the rewards may increase for those that are 7 days?

    They are more than twice as hard, given the difficulty in grinding and scaling, as well as being significantly more effort in terms of time than PvP, yet you give only one cover to be in the top 15% after 7 days (alliance rewards notwithstanding).
  • Unknown
    Can you have new character PVEs end on the weekend occasionally? Lately, they've all ended during the work week, and that's terrible for people with work or school commitments.
  • Unknown
    Have you considered changing the way refreshes work to more closely resemble how they worked during the Ultron event? If we only had to hit the nodes once during an eight-hour period, rather than an exact time, that could obviate the need for separate time slices.
  • Unknown
    Are there any thoughts on increasing the communication with the board?

    I'm not talking about Q&A's which usually just throw more questions than being answered. I'm talking about somebody in red who is actually posting a lot.
  • Unknown
    How frequently can we expect new PVE events? Do you have a plan to introduce them more frequently in the future?
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    MikeHock wrote:
    2. When will Demiurge implement something so that mobile users can see the enemy AP at all times?

    I see this quite often, and I always reply that as a Steam user, I'd gladly give up the convenience of seeing enemy AP for the actual downside of losing resources each day.

    Question: when will Steam users be able to get/share facebook resources?
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,837 Chairperson of the Boards
    You changed the Time Slices because of a poll that was created over a year ago, based on only 82 responses, before Time Slices were even implemented. Since then we have started a new poll and 67% of the 110 players do not like the new time slices. Personally I have been unable to play all season as a result.


    Will Time Slices be changed next season? Have you considered adding additional slices? Why such a sudden change based on an old poll? Has the amount of players playing PVP/PVE increased/decreased with the new changes
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Koko81 wrote:
    Have you considered changing the way we can level up our characters? It gets really annoying and tough pressing on that button for 5-10 minutes straight. Maybe a slider?

    And while we are at it: how about a slider that goes both ways? Rather than having to refund at 50%, why not allow players to unlevel at 80%? This would also solve the "my MMR is terrible because I accidentally leveled the 4*" problem....

    Question: Can we get a "downlevel" button/slider?
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Question 7:

    Most of the competitive mechanics in the game revolve around scheduling time to play: Story node refreshes, Story sub end times, shield cooldowns, etc.

    Is this intentional, and if so why did you choose a model built around scheduled play as opposed to a 'play when you want' model?
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Question 8:

    Speaking of shield cooldowns, the system has been in place for several seasons now. One of the goals stated was wanting to reduce outside communication. Based at least on my own experience, that has spectacularly failed.

    What evaluations have been done to the system since its implementation, and have they represented your vision for the system well?
  • Unknown
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    [*]Please post each question separately, so forumgoers can upvote the questions they want answered most.

    Sarcastic Question: Will questions with the most upvotes be answered, rather than questions that are deemed "fun"?


    You guys should 100% answer the questions that are upvoted the most.

  • Cabol
    Cabol Posts: 184 Tile Toppler
    Question: Are there plans to address the lack of communication between the developers and the community? Seems like it's rare when we receive forum posts lately from you guys.
  • xellessanova
    xellessanova Posts: 183 Tile Toppler
    edited May 2015
    A while back (in Dec 2014, pre-shield cooldown introduction) we got a detailed metric on how many fights it took to reach the top progression rewards and how many fights it took. (Found it:

    Could we get a metric on what has changed since then? How long did those fights take pre-health boost and post-health boost, and how many fights does it take on average to get to the 1000 pt progression now? Does that number of fights seem reasonable given that fights take more time to complete now?
  • Unknown
    Can we have some insight on what affects PvE levels? According to a post from a year ago, levels don't impact scaling at all. Is that really true? Because it sure doesn't feel like it. If it is true, what does affect scaling?
  • Unknown
    Question: How many of our questions in the upcoming Q&A are you going to answer clearly? No jargon, no 3 paragraphs that say nothing and tell us nothing. Clear concise answers to the questions that we asked. How many of those can we expect in the next Q&A?

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