Your Best MPQ Moment of the day (positive thread)



  • maguirenumber6
    maguirenumber6 Posts: 457 Mover and Shaker
    Getting to the top progression reward on the Hearts of Darkness event, which gave me enough CP to purchase a legendary token. For the princely sum of 20CP, I got a greenflag.png for Red Hulk, so now I have at least one cover for each of his abilities. I can actually use him now icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • madok
    madok Posts: 905 Critical Contributor
    I championed Cho tonight.

    Those are four words I never thought I would post in this thread. icon_lol.gif
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sweet Christmas my seasonal 10-pack was a gold mine! 8/10 gold. One four-star, Kingpin purple, bringing him to a mighty 2/2/2. What's more, every single cover was usable, for champing purposes or otherwise. I don't think I've ever had more than six golds in a 10-pack (and at least four with 10/10 silver), so this was a great surprise.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Got a 2* Hawkeye cover from one of the Lightning Rounds yesterday. That turned into a 3* Iron Man cover via champion rewards, which enabled me to fully cover him and champion him.

    I played some SHIELD Simulator this morning to get the Iron Man cover from the rewards so I could then get a Legendary Token.

    That token yielded icon_blackbolt.pngblackflag.png .

    I continued to play SHIELD Simulator to get the first two 3* Black Widow covers, enabling me to raise her champion level to 183 and get the Nick Fury blueflag.png . He is now 4/5/3, and needs just one cover to be my first fully-covered 4*.

    I'll get two more CP from Meet R&G tonight, which will enable me to buy a classic LT as well.

    Looking like a good day.
  • mckauhu
    mckauhu Posts: 740 Critical Contributor
    Rostered my last remaining 2-star, Baby cap icon_e_smile.gif Though if I don't get 700HP in 9 days, he will be replaced by Green Goblin.
  • bigsmooth
    bigsmooth Posts: 375 Mover and Shaker
    Strong team-ups are fantastic.

    I was having lots of trouble with the PX/Jean Grey/4Cyke node in HoD - the first three clears were pretty tough, but I kept getting wiped on the fourth and it wasn't close. I am SHIELD Rank 45 so I have a decent assortment of champed 3*, but my Hulkbuster is only 1/2/0 and does poor damage with his red. I was trying various combos of my boosted characters with no luck.

    I wanted the command point, so I decided to try something completely different and re-specced my champed MoStorm with 5 yellow, added in my **** 1/1/1 The Thing, and then thought hard about what teamups to bring, since I had a good assortment from my alliance.
    I was able to collect yellow quickly so Storm could power up my team-up AP. Thing managed to get some protects out vs Cyke's blasts since MoStorm has low HP and Hulkbuster was also getting pounded.

    Ultimately Thing did his job keeping Storm alive longer so she could keep grabbing more TU AP, and I was able to Surgical Strike Jean. I then got a Widow's Sting off on Cyke and used Whales (not mega whales) to take out an Invisible PX. Thing and Hulkbuster both ended up dying, but I got Storm's black attack tiles out then denied red/blue until Cyke was down.

    TL;DR - the right teamups are game-changing, and using MoStorm to power them up can be very effective!
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    Got my very first 4* cover reward from the champion system.

    IMHB off 3* IM
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    I was grinding down Hearts of Darkness to ensure that I was at least Top 50. I honestly wasn't expecting to do better than that. I was in 19th place with about 10 minutes left and was going to leave it at that. Then I happened to check the rewards and noticed that T20 got all the Squirrel Girl covers rather than just two. Back to the grind! I actually probably still would have been fine, as I ended up staying at 19. Three SG covers and three Elite tokens!

    I've also had a good run of pulling 3* characters from the Elite tokens, which has really helped. I also got one more SG cover with the final HoD token.

    I'm also really enjoying the shortened Simulator and Season progression rewards for CL7. The lowered CP sucks, but I've already gotten the three GSBW covers (I only have 2 green previously, so now she's fully covered) and one of the She-Hulk covers, and I haven't even started playing Fist Bump yet. Not to mention a slew of 2* covers. The Simulator especially is hard to put down because the rewards being spaced 40 points apart tends to make me want to fight just. One. More. Battle.

    And it's pretty awesome to now win a battle for 30-40 points, come out and see I lost a few, but it only totals 10-20 points. Instead of the old PvP where it felt like one step forward, five steps back, it at least feels like two steps forward, one step back. I've had cumulative losses of over 100 points overnight and for several hours at a stretch, but in each instance I was able to get back to where I was and even the next progression point or two after a handful of battles. The new PvP scoring structure hasn't even been going for 24 hours, but if this is what they're aiming for, I will be more than OK with it and much more inclined to play. Now if we could just get that CP back... (although 25 CP will probably be for CL 8, 9, or 10. Hopefully.)

    EDIT: Looks like I spoke without checking elsewhere first. The CP reward is back to 25 (for SCL 7, at least). Hooray!
  • spatenfloot
    spatenfloot Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    Got the Spider Woman from simulator with lots of other covers along the way. Used the 2 star Marvel covers for champion levels, which gave me a 3 star Marvel, which gave me a Thing!
  • metallion
    metallion Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    Swatting aside Elektra like a fly in DDQ with just a lvl120 X-23. Though I guess it helps that she's pretty well covered at 4/2/4.

    Got a Cho from the LT, so yay.. I guess? I'm not really in much of a position to judge Cho's new usefulness.
  • madok
    madok Posts: 905 Critical Contributor
    A latest LT finally gave me the icon_antman.pngblueflag.png so I could finish my Ant-man at 5/3/5
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    I know it's a shortened season, but I hit full progression in the simulator and got the Spider-Woman cover. Also got the last She-Hulk cover from the season rewards and all the HP rewards from Fist Bump. I'm hoping to get back up to the 800 level for the IF cover which would go to champ rewards.
  • metallion
    metallion Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    Making the 900 point PVP progression on a malfunctioning phone that requires me to take 10mins for each match. I've never felt such achievement making the 4* progression reward before. My kingpin is finally max covered and just about 13k iso to max lvl. Gonna be my 5th 4* champ in a couple of days
  • jffdougan
    jffdougan Posts: 733 Critical Contributor
    Got up when my alarm always goes off around 5 my time. So far over the course of Fist Bump, I'd been hit a total of 3 times for a net loss of about 120 points. Was down around 515 points from about 650 when I went to bed last night. Pull up Fistbuster with Ant-Man for a third.

    Mop up to the 725 mark for the next reward pretty quickly, then hit a devastating near-loss after the AI gets 3 crits on their first turn. Heal up and do it all over again. Two matches later I'm around 830, two health packs remaining and two minutes more before I get a third.

    Go open my 10-pack: Ant-Man, Spider Gwen, Psylocke, Punisher, Battery Man, kid torch champ level, useful iMags cover (I just cycled mine the other day), and a few that turned into ISO. Best in a long time.

    Back to Fist Bump. One win, no more health packs, score 892. Usually I'd shield here & call it quits, but I've never before hit a 4* PvP cover. Grab a B-team of Patch & Grocket, load up on team-up AP, and pick a Whales team-up. Race heck-bent for leather to collect 10 more AP before the boosted IF, OML, and somebody else can wipe me out or I get hit for point loss. Launch super whales, grab my reward as fast as the lag will let me, and buy a 3-hour shield.

    Less than 10 minutes later, I've got 2 ping noticed from folks beating me. Whew.
  • mckauhu
    mckauhu Posts: 740 Critical Contributor
    Re-champed icon_ares.png and got icon_greengoblin.pngyellowtile.png and icon_kingpin.pngpurpletile.png from older legends
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Recycled Storm (2) to give me enough ISO to champion Quicksilver; he hadn't been a priority but doing it means I now have a stretch of 20 consecutive DDQ days where the Big Enchilada will give me a champion level.

    Let my girlfriend open Quicksilver's LT since three of my last five pulls have been concentrated among those 7/108 4* covers I can't use. Figured maybe she could break the skid.

    Got a FalCap redflag.png to give me four red and 9 covers overall for him. What I've been reading about his Crash, he really needs 4 red to have a good chance to win in 19 days or so here, so that made me happy.

    Iceman won for me at 0/2/2 last time around, and I'm hopeful he can do it again this week. If he can, I'll have an outside shot at winning five straight Crashes. My previous best streak is four.
  • Cousin Simpson
    Cousin Simpson Posts: 1,086 Chairperson of the Boards
    Got my first 3* over 200: GSBW!
  • Rod5
    Rod5 Posts: 587 Critical Contributor
    Took out first ever champed 5*s today. Needed to to get CPs in PvP.

    There's nothing quite as scary as facing down a proper Logan with a 4* roster...deny black, DENY BLACK!!!
  • rainkingucd
    rainkingucd Posts: 1,386 Chairperson of the Boards
    This week's DDQ cycle brought my icon_quicksilver.png up to L183, giving me a much needed icon_iceman.pnggreenflag.png , bringing Iceman to 2/5/5.

    My Taco Vault has the last green iceman needed to fully cover Bobby. Decided to go for it with my 190 stored taco tokens. After only 10 tokens used, pulled the Iceman Green cover, and promptly championed my Iceman. My second proper "top tier" 4* (after Hulkbuster). Result!
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ground out the final progression in R&G. That gives me 108 CP, meaning 12 to go to get my 13th 4hor cover, after which she'll get maxed & championed, as I've got one red cover in the queue ready to apply. I've got over a week so it should be no problemo. She'll be my first 4* max & champ.

    Ugh, not sure I want to grind like that again though. I left too many points on the board in sub #2 and had to take every node in sub #3 down to 5 or sometimes 6 of 6.