Patch Notes - R75 (05/04/15)



  • "David wrote:
    We're aiming to please with our next character...

    M.O.D.O.K, definitely M.O.D.O.K icon_lol.gificon_lol.gif
  • smoq84
    smoq84 Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    New slider is so bad if you use characters who steal/reduce enemy's AP. Previously it was obvious which AP you have stolen or reduced, now you can only guess...

    However I have to admit I love that ISO leveling improvement!
  • blinktag
    blinktag Posts: 157 Tile Toppler
    vudu3 wrote:
    I hate the new game board slider. It disappears so fast and it's not clear what colors we're affected or by how much. I now have to slide over to the right if I want to see what changed. The old system was much better.

    Concur. Especially when playing/fighting characters who steal, the differential was very useful. The totals are always available with a quick swipe to the side, but the differential provided just enough information to be useful at a glance. (In fact, I wish the differential had been implemented for the player, too.)

    Flashing the AP totals is too much too fast on my phone screen. I can't process seven different AP levels in so short a time.

    Please revert to the differential.

    Also, see the thread in the "Suggestions/Feedback" forum.
  • Tarouza
    Tarouza Posts: 101 Tile Toppler
    I think I'm done at this point. Maybe an hour before this was announced I leveled up scarlet witch at a cost of 30k in ISO, an hour or two later it only costs like 10. Screwed out of 20k plus in ISO with no recourse (I tried) I'm done being screwed over by this game
  • Tarouza wrote:
    I think I'm done at this point. Maybe an hour before this was announced I leveled up scarlet witch at a cost of 30k in ISO, an hour or two later it only costs like 10. Screwed out of 20k plus in ISO with no recourse (I tried) I'm done being screwed over by this game

    That's too bad really, I'm pretty certain the announcement was made 2-3 weeks ago.
  • Tarouza
    Tarouza Posts: 101 Tile Toppler
    No specific date was mentioned usually there is a couple days lead time when an update is coming out
  • hurcules
    hurcules Posts: 519
    The slider prevents me from quickly switching enemy after AI's turn.

    That's the only negative thing I have on the new slider. Functionally, I think I just need to get used to the idea that it shows total rather than delta.
  • mouser
    mouser Posts: 529 Critical Contributor
    I appreciate what the devs were trying to accomplish with the flashing AP bar, but I'm finding personally the change worsens my playing experience rather then improving it.

    Under the previous system, yes it was annoying to scroll over to see the enemy AP totals, but I could do that on occasion and remember which colors were the most dangerous and how close the AI was to accumulating enough of them for abilities. Seeing the delta AP gained or lost each turn, I didn't have to check out the AI AP bar again unless critical colors were gained.

    With the new system, yes I get a flashing image of perfect information each turn for all the AI AP. However it forces me to mentally reprocess every color to have any value--which is actually more work and usually can't complete during the flashing period. That's causing me to have to scroll over to see the AI AP even more frequently then I was before the change. Add in that I can't see what AP Loki or Hood are stealing, can't see what AP Blade is draining, can't even quickly tell what AP the AI gained that turn from a multi-match cascade. In the process of providing complete information on the current game state, we've lost the delta view of what changed from last turn to this turn.

    The real solution that should be implemented here is a permanent AP display bar, along with a flashing delta effect. That game information is far more valuable then huge portraits of mine and the enemy team.
  • blinktag
    blinktag Posts: 157 Tile Toppler
    Tarouza wrote:
    I think I'm done at this point. Maybe an hour before this was announced I leveled up scarlet witch at a cost of 30k in ISO, an hour or two later it only costs like 10. Screwed out of 20k plus in ISO with no recourse (I tried) I'm done being screwed over by this game

    That's too bad really, I'm pretty certain the announcement was made 2-3 weeks ago.

    It was.

    April 10th, here. Almost a month ago.
  • Tarouza
    Tarouza Posts: 101 Tile Toppler
    Once again no date specified, the issue I have is waste ISO, hour later announcement that r75 is available. Usually we know a couple days ahead of time that's my issue. If I knew may 4th r75 dropping I sure would not have leveled characters that morning
  • The new AP thing is annoying more than helpful. At least with the AP gain bar I could see how much they gained in a given round, and check their totals if I was so inclined. Now I just see a bunch of numbers.
  • vudu3 wrote:
    "David wrote:
    Moore"]R75 Patch Notes:

    UI, Tweaks & Bug Fixes
    - A game board slider showing enemy AP values is now displayed when enemies gain or lose AP.
    I'd like to say thank you for this. I just played a couple of matches to test the mechanic and it's great! It's quick, doesn't get in the way, and doesn't disrupt gameplay. It's about 1,000,000 times better than that "banner display" debacle a few updates ago.
    I completely disagree with this. I hate the new game board slider. It disappears so fast and it's not clear what colors we're affected or by how much. I now have to slide over to the right if I want to see what changed. The old system was much better.

    I would like to agree with this.

    My feedback for the new enemy AP slider is a resounding negative. It's clunky and irritating.
  • madsalad
    madsalad Posts: 815 Critical Contributor
    The new slider does not provide enough benefit to exist. That information already exists by swiping left on the screen. And, now, when you have a character who constantly steals AP from the enemy team, you have no good way of seeing what you are stealing, just the total amount the enemy team has again. Knowing what I've stolen is usually more important that seeing the totals (as, again, the totals already exist on a side screen where the amount I've stolen now exists no where).

    Plus, it's just another animatic that increase length of game play.
  • GritsNGravy
    GritsNGravy Posts: 114 Tile Toppler
    Not a fan of the new AP bar, it's worse that the old one, it doesn't show the change just current. Also why make new art that doesn't look like the AP counters.

    Side note, something really useful with the AP bar would be some dot or icon next to the strongest AP color for the team so you can know what color your Surgical Strike is going to take in those edge cases with goons and such.
  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    It's so funny they wanna implement this new bar when SHE HULK is the main character, and it's very important to know what she's doing with the enemy AP.

    The previous bar / notification wasn't perfect, but this one.....I'm not really sure what the thought process was behind it.
  • I'd be happy if they just coded it so that numbers that went up were one color (say Green), while numbers that went down were another (Red) and those that stayed the same were black. Not a perfect solution, but at least my brain could process what changes happened a bit better.
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    smoq84 wrote:
    New slider is so bad if you use characters who steal/reduce enemy's AP. Previously it was obvious which AP you have stolen or reduced, now you can only guess...

    However I have to admit I love that ISO leveling improvement!

    Yeah... when you play hood or OBW the slider makes it very difficult to figure out what was stolen.

    Also there's no way that I can read the slider in the amount of time they keep it up. Thankfully, all it shows is the information I get by panning right and checking their info. Which I would need to do anyway.

    I would like some more customization options rather than simply force everyone to play with whatever information you feel like showing them.
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    mouser wrote:
    I appreciate what the devs were trying to accomplish with the flashing AP bar, but I'm finding personally the change worsens my playing experience rather then improving it.

    Under the previous system, yes it was annoying to scroll over to see the enemy AP totals, but I could do that on occasion and remember which colors were the most dangerous and how close the AI was to accumulating enough of them for abilities. Seeing the delta AP gained or lost each turn, I didn't have to check out the AI AP bar again unless critical colors were gained.

    With the new system, yes I get a flashing image of perfect information each turn for all the AI AP. However it forces me to mentally reprocess every color to have any value--which is actually more work and usually can't complete during the flashing period. That's causing me to have to scroll over to see the AI AP even more frequently then I was before the change. Add in that I can't see what AP Loki or Hood are stealing, can't see what AP Blade is draining, can't even quickly tell what AP the AI gained that turn from a multi-match cascade. In the process of providing complete information on the current game state, we've lost the delta view of what changed from last turn to this turn.

    The real solution that should be implemented here is a permanent AP display bar, along with a flashing delta effect. That game information is far more valuable then huge portraits of mine and the enemy team.

    I don't know why they don't show the four icons for the enemy below the four icons for your team. You could see at a glance the enemy AP build up towards the next power usage without having to always remember which powers use which AP. Yes, it would mean making the tiles slightly smaller or moving the HP bars, or making the characters slightly smaller, but it would be 100% worth it.

    Again, at least give US the opportunity to decide how the screen is laid out. I hate how uncustomizable the display is.
  • evil panda
    evil panda Posts: 419 Mover and Shaker
    my opinion:

    - i really appreciate the ISO cost changes. a great move to make more characters accessible and playable by all.

    - i really don't like the new bar, to be honest. it makes me cross-eyed trying to process all the information in it, and doesn't really have the info in the way i use it in the game. i think there was nothing wrong with the old bar and wish there was a way to go back to it

    - it's kind of disappointing to see the posts on the forum demanding compensation for historical ISO spend. everyone's entitled to their opinion, but mine is that these kind of posts make the forum look bad, and its members either unreasonable, or unable to take accountability for being informed consumers.
  • Daniel0wns
    Daniel0wns Posts: 4
    evil panda wrote:
    my opinion:

    - i really appreciate the ISO cost changes. a great move to make more characters accessible and playable by all.

    - i really don't like the new bar, to be honest. it makes me cross-eyed trying to process all the information in it, and doesn't really have the info in the way i use it in the game. i think there was nothing wrong with the old bar and wish there was a way to go back to it

    - it's kind of disappointing to see the posts on the forum demanding compensation for historical ISO spend. everyone's entitled to their opinion, but mine is that these kind of posts make the forum look bad, and its members either unreasonable, or unable to take accountability for being informed consumers.
