Changes Coming For 4/30/15



  • user311
    user311 Posts: 482 Mover and Shaker
    I was hoping they would bring back the multiple buffed characters. Lets hope that it doesn't lead to a week of the same teams in PVP though.
  • Ducky
    Ducky Posts: 2,255 Community Moderator
    user311 wrote:
    I was hoping they would bring back the multiple buffed characters. Lets hope that it doesn't lead to a week of the same teams in PVP though.

    Except that's the only way you're going to be able to compete in PvP from here on out. Not using the boosted characters is just asking for your team to get farmed by others.
  • DaveR4470
    DaveR4470 Posts: 931 Critical Contributor
    Have you all done any analysis (as you said you might) on whether the rewards/thresholds for PvP (placement and progression) need to be changed after the changes to matchmaking?

    (Because I think they do....)
  • Cymmina
    Cymmina Posts: 413 Mover and Shaker
    Tweaks to ending times
    Based on player feedback, we’ve also adjusted the available end-times for events. These will also begin on Thursday 4/30 with the start of Season XIV.

    In Eastern time:
    Old Versus: 10a / 4p / 7p / 1a / 4a (or 10p / 4a / 7a / 1p / 4p)
    New Versus: 8a / 1p / 6p / 12 midnight / 3a

    Old Story: 9a / 3p / 6p / 12 midnight / 3a
    New Story: 7a / 12 noon / 5p / 11p / 2a

    Wow, really? You're making this kind of change based on the feedback from 82 people? I happen to like the current times (I play the 10am or 1pm Eastern slice for PvP and 6pm slice for PvE). All of these options are terrible for me. I'm an early bird, but the early times are too early to be useful and everything else conflicts with all of the other things I do IRL (walk the dog, meal preparations, etc.).
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    As long as Juggs never gets bufffed again, for anything, ever.. i think i am ok with this.
  • TheOncomingStorm
    TheOncomingStorm Posts: 489 Mover and Shaker
    Let me see if I understand. People complained about end times, so you listened to those people and changed them.

    So, everyone that was actually happy with the end times (aka most of your playerbase) that did provide feedback (because most people when content will not do so) now gets the shaft.

    I'm not time or math expert. But it seems to me if you are going to have 5 slices, why not just space them evenly 4 hours apart? This way there could be a method to your madness instead of, well, just madness.


    P.S. Just for the record, since you say feedback shapes decisions. I liked the time slices the way they were. They were not perfect for me, but I could make minor adjustments for them. I did not say anything precisely for that reason. I appreciate my continue support for your product being rewarded with another change to my detriment.

    P.S.S. You know my lightning round matches are only taking 5 minutes each. It's not too late to make another change that is worse for the players. You could always make it where you cannot turn off or mute the sound, and have Barney playing 24-7. Or instead of letting players at 0 see other players 1000+, you could let them see shielded players and take points away from the shielded players.

    P.S.S. It is also nice for you to continue to make changes before you fix your error of overnerfing X-Force green. In my line of work and pretty much the activities of my day-to-day life, when I make a mistake, I do not just leave it or pretend that it is not a mistake. Looking at the health buffs, there is no plausible explanation for why his X-Force does not do at least 2,500 points of damage. I know that does not seem like much, especially compared to his previous damage output, but it's about getting it right and having him not overpowered, but not underpowered either.
  • ejmus
    ejmus Posts: 57 Match Maker
    Thanks for the answers, Miles. I'm afraid I don't see the need or point to the extended buffs. The main reason as I understand was to extend the usable characters, but since the xf nerf I've already seen a huge increase in the variety of fights, and I don't think the populace has settled on any "best" team to interfere with this good thing, and we're still all working on this. I agree as well that the extra buffs just slows the fights down further than they've already been. As such I just don't think its a useful change.
  • TheOncomingStorm
    TheOncomingStorm Posts: 489 Mover and Shaker
    edited April 2015
    DuckyV wrote:
    user311 wrote:
    I was hoping they would bring back the multiple buffed characters. Lets hope that it doesn't lead to a week of the same teams in PVP though.

    Except that's the only way you're going to be able to compete in PvP from here on out. Not using the boosted characters is just asking for your team to get farmed by others.

    DuckyV, I am so disappointed in you. You cause yourself your own grief. These changes are great and mold the game to help all players.

    I can help you, but only if you help yourself. You need to stop thinking like a player; then, and only then, will you obtain the enlightenment needed to comprehend these new changes.

    Edit - Really? You are going honestly tell me you can't tell this is a sarcastic implication that the developers do not look at changes from a player's perspective? Really?

    Edit 2 - To be clear and for the record, I agree with DuckyV and was one of first people to upvote him.

    Edit 3 - I take that back. I was the very first person to upvote him.
  • Azoic
    Azoic Posts: 269 Mover and Shaker
    I really, really love having the downtime between pves. You do a lot of grinding, so it is nice to have a short break.

    Please keep it icon_e_smile.gif
  • heroguy35
    heroguy35 Posts: 54
    edited April 2015
    How is this promoting the roster diversity that is continually preached over and over? Now we have to use the same buffed characters in ALL events for a week rather than just pvp. Slightly reducing the buff doesn't make it any better. You say you've lowered the buffs based on our feedback but that's not the feedback I recall at all. It was a disaster and 95% of the forum members despised it. Lowering the buffs were a suggestion made to make it even slightly bearable as opposed to pure torture. It certainly wasn't being suggested as an the ideal format for pvp going forward. The majority of the complaints were the length of matches and the endless grind to climb to 500 points only to be smacked back down to 300 minutes later. With all the recent health increases , slightly lowering the weekly buffs just puts them right back where they were the last time this experiment failed miserably.

    Now it's weekly buffs for pvp and pve so we get to use the same characters in every single every match in every single event for a week. Shouldn't affect health pack use at all:/ That's if your lucky enough to have a few of the boosted for the week. What about players who only have 20-25 roster slots and maybe 2 or 3 boosted? Last time this was done at least they could escape to pve but that's not an option any longer. Are they just supposed to DPD for a week and cross their fingers hoping they can play some events the following week??

    I don't understand the logic in this at all.
  • rixmith
    rixmith Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
    24/48 hour subs? Weekday and weekend PvEs? Hallelujah! And revisiting the multiple/overlapping subs? Wow! Huge improvements to the PvE quality of life. Great news... thanks so much for these.
  • Daiches
    Daiches Posts: 1,252 Chairperson of the Boards
    No more downtime between PVE events.. That made me laugh out loud. There has never been a downtime between PVE events, except for the 12hours of sleep I get between my chosen slices.
    Slices that were perfect for my schedule and now no longer exist. icon_mad.gif

    But besides those two major things, happy with the small changes. Not going to comment on the buffed PVP chars other than it looks like a crapshoot for transitioners.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,544 Chairperson of the Boards
    rixmith wrote:
    24/48 hour subs? Weekday and weekend PvEs? Hallelujah! And revisiting the multiple/overlapping subs? Wow! Huge improvements to the PvE quality of life. Great news... thanks so much for these.

    dont see why people getting so hyped for weekend PVE . Pves always ran though the weekend.
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    I too don't understand how 82 people could get end times changed. Did you even look at the users and note where they were from? Is it a proportionally accurate sample of locations for all MPQ players? I highly doubt that's the case, and as someone above has already pointed out. People happy with the end times likely didn't vote (and tons of people don't bother with polls anyway cause when do they ever effect anything? they're seen as pretty useless around here afaik). Not to mention this was a poll BEFORE TIME SLICES! How is this "data" even remotely accurate anymore?
  • NighteyesGrisu
    NighteyesGrisu Posts: 563 Critical Contributor
    can you, for easier reference, append what time EST is in relation to GMT? (I think it's -5, right?)
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    Please no 48 hour subs. Too long on the same nodes = insane scaling. No subs longer than 24 hours
  • DaveR4470
    DaveR4470 Posts: 931 Critical Contributor
    can you, for easier reference, append what time EST is in relation to GMT? (I think it's -5, right?)

  • xellessanova
    xellessanova Posts: 183 Tile Toppler
    Hi Miles,

    Thanks for communicating the changes. Can you clear up a math question for me?
    Higher Chances of 3-stars in Packs
    The percentage of the 1x Heroic pack that is 3-Star covers goes from about 23% to about 28% of the pack.

    Right now the chances for pulling a 3* from a 1x Heroic is 0.9% x 20 = 18%, from a 10x Heroic is 1.1% x 20 = 22%. So just to confirm - is the above number based on the 1x Heroic or the 10x Heroic?
    All 3-Stars Return to Packs
    Now that we’ve got room for them, as of 4/30, all 3-Star characters will be returning to heroic and event packs.

    Adding all the vaulted characters + Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch makes 38 3* as of Season 14. With a stated percentage of 28% / 38, we should expect 0.7% per 3* in the 1x Heroic - is that correct?
  • orbitalint
    orbitalint Posts: 511 Critical Contributor
    Can I just put my vote in that the scheduled pve time changes are pretty bad for a working person on the east coast. There is no time slot with 24/48 hour subs that you can play at the end of a sub/to start a new one except maybe the 11pm slot? Everything else is in the middle of sleep or work... And even then, not planning on staying up to midnight for first passes.

    9am was great. Can you bring it back please?
  • Weekly Buffed Characters
    We’re bringing back our weekly buffed groups for Season XIV! Every week, a group of characters will be Powered-Up across all Story and Versus events.

    This group of Powered-Up characters will include:
    2 x 4-Star characters who will scale up to a level range of 75 to 350
    5 x 3-Star characters who will scale up to a level range of 45 to 240
    2 x 2-Star characters who will scale up to a level range of 20 to 150
    2 x 1-Star characters who will scale up to a level range of 5 to 85

    These characters will be Powered-Up in all of the week’s events.

    We’ve reduced the size of the buffs from the last time we did a week-long buff, during Season XII, based on your feedback. We also did some work in the R74 update that allows us to display the buffs in event rules a little more clearly.

    Any chance of increasing the number of health packs we have from 5 to 10. This would assist a lot in being able to keep up with the damages since matches take longer and we take more damage to our characters.

    Also, when do the buffs begin and end. Since it starts thrusday, does that mean it will be thrusday to thursday or buffs will last for the event that it is in until all slices end for the event? i.e. no mid event buff changes.