Changes to Versus Matchmaking [Update]



  • DEWDuck
    DEWDuck Posts: 84 Match Maker
    No change here either.

    Just started pvp and 3 seed teams, then whammo! 166's and up.
  • Pentagoon
    Pentagoon Posts: 98
    DEWDuck wrote:
    No change here either.

    Just started pvp and 3 seed teams, then whammo! 166's and up.

    Ditto, sir. Nothin' but maxed teams from the get-go after seeds... the climb was mind-numbing enough when you got to "20 point hell" between 400-700 points in the old MMR days - this is intolerable.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Mavrek32 wrote:
    I'm glad they fixed it, but I have no chance for the 10pack now for the season reward. I just hope they know now not to do this mess in the middle of the season.

    they need to give everyone a 10 pack who is close to the pts, like they did 3 or 4 seasons back when they eneded season few hours early
  • slidecage wrote:
    Mavrek32 wrote:
    I'm glad they fixed it, but I have no chance for the 10pack now for the season reward. I just hope they know now not to do this mess in the middle of the season.

    they need to give everyone a 10 pack who is close to the pts, like they did 3 or 4 seasons back when they eneded season few hours early

    Honestly, I think we need even more than a 10 pack. PVP has been broken for not just this weekend but (close to a week?) and then they give us impossible PVPs. I'd say give us a short 4-5 day anniversary week PVP to compensate as well as some compensation tokens.
  • rixmith
    rixmith Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
    The current matchmaking seems pretty reasonable. I'm getting opponents with rosters that are equivalent to mine but with matches that are sometimes worth > 25 points, and lesser rosters usually with matches that are worth < 20 points. Which seems like a desirable outcome.
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm noticing the same thing as rixmith. I was able to hit 500 without too much trouble, and didn't get hit nearly as often. I am still seeing a few 94/94 teams, but they are usually worth 16 or 17 points. I also am seeing a better mix with some 115/140/loaner teams, instead of the irritating 94/94 to 166/166. It's nice to see some 100 - 130 level teams, as they often have more interesting and varied team compositions.
  • ynglink
    ynglink Posts: 195
    The Kingpin event seems much better. More teams around my level with a couple higher ones. I don't feel like I'm just getting knocked around no matter what I do, on Offense or Defense.
  • chaos01
    chaos01 Posts: 316 Mover and Shaker
    Kingpin PVP is the same tiny kitty in a different pile. All seed teams then 166 wall. This is **** I am beginning to dread my MPQ addiction and am actively looking for other outputs.

    I realize that games need to change to stay fresh. I also realize that I spent probably 3-4 months finishing top 115-100 wishing for three star covers. I finally have 3-4 seasons of top 100 finishes and now it gets easier for newbies and excessively hard for a 10 month player.

    Currently I am sticking it out till the end of this season for alliance purposes. Then I will need to reevaluate my time usage.

    Will, there should be something called loyalty, I realize you need the player base to change and new players to engage. But on the backs of the people that helped build the reserves of this game is just wrong.


  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,327 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lidolas wrote:
    It was actually a smart move. They make the change on Friday afternoon and get a few hours feedback. Then they go home and let the forumites rage for two uninterrupted days. We know that they aren't working so we can't expect answers right away. It gives the players a two days to use the new system, create the data the devs need, and time for the rage to diminish so players can think rationally again. Then on Monday, they can make adjustments. It is a decent way of handling a mobile game update.

    This. Players were rioting, rage-quitting and suing for refunds within 20 minutes of the change. The development cycle needs more player experience than that to gather meaningful data, so giving a couple days in which players were left alone with the changes to actually interact with them, instead of only predicting the outcome was the right decision. If we could just trust them to keep tweaking MMR, even if sometimes it appears that things went worse, I'm sure we'll eventually arrive to an MMR much better than the previous one.

    For example, I experienced little change in my scoring. Yes, 3* teams from the onset instead of 2* teams meant more difficult and slightly longer battles with more damage to my characters, but I also found 30-40 points battles all the way through, whereas I used to only find 20 point battles after getting 2-300 points. That meant actually less battles played, evening out the time and health packs consumed by the harder and longer battles. I reached 800 with only two shields. Many others had a similar experience, while others had a terrible time, having lots of trouble to reach even 500 points.

    In my Alliance we had one of those cases and after some analysis we found out that the likely cause is that he's been hoarding his ISO, only levelling up his favourite characters. That means that he has a big bunch of max-covered 3*s that are only level 40 or slightly higher and that might be the reason why he's having such a hard time. We're guessing that the MMR takes in account your overall covers, then the average level of your best guys and figures that most of the rest of your guys are not very far from that average, otherwise you wouldn't have so many covers.
  • Ok, a couple hours in, and everything is fine now. Possibly better than a few weeks ago even. Of course this comes after non-stop unwinnable matches for over a week. But it does seem fixed for me anyways.
  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    Will, I am glad things got adjusted.

    Will, I am sad that it seems more and more like we are financially supporting designing novices or a grad school Kickstarter project or something. All of these recent changes seem to be so disastrously random and off the wall, with NO care or empathy whatsoever for your paying customers. That is an incredibly, INCREDIBLY sad feeling to have, man.


    I hope that you are well, though.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Kingpin is definitely easing up on the matching. Once I cleared out the heavy hitters in my queue, I mostly see a mix of teams from 166-166 down to 100-94.

    We'll see what happens when I climb above equilibrium, but so far so improved.
  • eShock
    eShock Posts: 42
    TL;DR: I'm an early 2*->3* transitioning player and am seeing much better matchmaking after this morning's update. Thanks for the fix (trying to stay positive here) ...

    I'm an early 2*->3* transitioning player; I have multiple top tier 2*s at 94, and lots of minimally covered 3*s (lvl 78 Doctor Doom is my highest 3* so far).
    I had joined a Kingpin slice over the weekend, but avoided even playing the seed teams, since I knew it was pointless to play the event unless the devs changed something (previous two events with the broken MMR were impossible: 3 seed matches followed immediately by nothing but maxed 3*s).

    I noticed the forum post regarding the fix about an hour ago, and took the plunge to take out the seed teams. After the seed teams I was pleasantly surprised to see just 2* teams so far; I've fought a few and am just shy of 200 pts at the moment, and will be back into the breach after this healing break I took to make this post.

    Positive attitude aside, I have to say that I'm very disappointed that it took them so long to fix this (i.e. ruining 2.5 pvp events in the season); this was the first season where I felt I had a roster capable of aiming for the season goal of 4000pts for a Heroic 10-pack icon_neutral.gif
  • Tjason1
    Tjason1 Posts: 4
    Still not really playable for me. I'm a 2* transition player, and it sounds like I'm seeing the same level of matches as others who are 3* and higher players - a combo of 94 level 2* and and mixed 3* teams. It is just way too much of a grind for me to make headway.
  • Kingpin seems better so far. I'm still feeling like I'm getting hit more frequently as soon as my scores are in the T10 area, or over 600 -- or both.

    I climbed to 200 this morning and waited all day, then climbed to 609 without getting hit once. The fight that put me at 609 also put me #7 in my bracket in slice 5. As soon as I got there I got hit for a couple 30-40 point losses and before long was sitting under 550, but hits didn't seem to continue.

    I then let my teams heal and health packs regen and started climbing and to my surprise I was able to see some matches for 17 points against rosters that were "lower" than mine, 20-25ish point fights for rosters around my same level (or using similar level characters), and some high point matches (41-48 points each) where I was facing someone with a 3 cover KP (not maxed, just all colors and 1-2 of each) leveled to ~120 incl. the feature boost, along with 270 XF and 250 4thor.

    I gambled and it paid off for 48 points. My lvl. 100 KP w/ 1P cover, along with 220 XF (fully covered) and 166 Cmags pulled out a close match. I then took on two more higher value matches than I'd been seeing in PVP lately (32 & 41) and won those with 166 Patch/Laken and 220 XF/166 Hood respectively. With those wins, and a couple 20ish point wins I was up to 700 and number #9.

    Here is my current complaint -- I had to burn HP to shield until morning rather than letting my team get hit overnight because I'd already watched an alliance team member lose ~150 points after stopping at t10/600+ points.

    I think I understand part of the reason that the new mmr makes the top scores visible to everyone, but that's kinda crazy that he got hit for 150 just because as soon as he was a top score a bunch of people who were (guessing now) in the 100-250 range saw him as a 40+ point target and Q'd him up.

    I know my high point targets were 300 points ahead of me because my our other teammates could see them on their bracket leader boards. And, getting hit at 900 by someone at 600 is bad enough, but if I'm at 900 and lost to someone between 6-700, at least I know the person that hit me put in some work getting to 6-700. This is VERY different from getting hit at 6, 7, 8, or 900 points by someone at 200 -- that stuff was/is not making people happy.

    If that happens to me again once I get over 800 like it has been since the new mmr was launched, I'm not going to be happy at all. I hope that is what Will was referring to in the update today to his original post -- and the sub-200 hits on people with 8-900 points has been removed from the system.
  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    TLCstormz wrote:
    Will, I am sad that it seems more and more like we are financially supporting designing novices or a grad school Kickstarter project or something. All of these recent changes seem to be so disastrously random and off the wall, with NO care or empathy whatsoever for your paying customers. That is an incredibly, INCREDIBLY sad feeling to have, man.

    Not to seem overtly brash, but were you under the impression that the game was being developed by Infinity Ward? You basically are supporting supporting some guys that just jumped head first into the mess. As far as I know, there are some guys on the team that worked on the original Puzzle Quest, but this game is a far cry from the original Puzzle Quest (and even then, the original Puzzle Quest was a far cry from balanced - it just didn't matter there because it was a local, solo adventure). I'm sorry if you were under the impression, from the Marvel stamp on the front, that there were ten year veterans working on the game, but it's simply not the case (as far as I know).

    On the actual topic at hand, I've heard a lot of good chatter on Line that it's getting better (but not quite on mark with what they expect). I haven't decided to brave the PvP yet to see for myself.
  • TLCstormz wrote:
    Will, I am glad things got adjusted.

    Will, I am sad that it seems more and more like we are financially supporting designing novices or a grad school Kickstarter project or something. All of these recent changes seem to be so disastrously random and off the wall, with NO care or empathy whatsoever for your paying customers. That is an incredibly, INCREDIBLY sad feeling to have, man.


    I hope that you are well, though.

    they don't listen to us, go look at the fan made quicksilvers vs the actual one
  • Lee T
    Lee T Posts: 318
    So far so good. I've started the Kingpin with 24h in and i'm facing teams matching my roster made of 94 2* and half baked 3*. It seems to toughen up as I go which is as it should be, I wonder where the wall will be. Previously i was slowly going from 300 to more steadily reaching 400, I'll see where i go here.

    I hope it gets better but I'll remember this weekend with a feeling of having been an unwilling beta tester though.
  • roberts_2
    roberts_2 Posts: 126 Tile Toppler
    New MMR for me is only hard, not hardest.
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    Kingpin has been better for me, as well. I've only seen 2 sub 94 characters after I left the seeds, but on the other hand I never saw X-Force until I hit 200. There hasn't really been any change in opponent difficulty between just after the seeds and the 400 or progression, which isn't what they described as the intention, but is still workable . If you are a 2* player and can beat a loaner and two 94's, you can hit 400, at least, without needing to skip a lot (I only skipped Ares/Thor teams to save on health packs).

    All in all, I have no complaints, although I'd be curious to hear what people in the 1-->2 transition are facing?