Changes to Versus Matchmaking [Update]



  • mjh wrote:
    This MMR is bad as stated in the previous 20 pages but I'd like to add that D3 will not see how bad it is because the top guys will still hit high scores.

    Crewsaders currently only have 3 people under 1000 in the icon_daredevil.png pvp, with a considerable number over 1400. Top guys are not affected by these changes, only middle and lower tier players get punished.

    who knows what they'll see.

    I finished 20th with 146 points
    The top 2 only had 500+
  • Vohnkar
    Vohnkar Posts: 158 Tile Toppler
    I've finished on DD event 62 with 601 points. It's been hard to do those points. I've been atacked a lot, last 3 hours at least 10 attacks, I had to shield to finish top 100, I usually didn't need to shield because I wasn't attacked that much, but I suppose I'm visible for more people now.

    My alliance got hitted prety hard, my father usualy did 350-450 points (2* player transitioning) and now he can't do more than 200 points, he is fightint high lvls and is being attacked constantly. If the change was to make things more balanced its a total failure, I can fight against full 166 because I have a couple of 166 and some 150, but my father has 94 and 4-5 102... he is being destroyed even more than me.
  • they should return to old MMR. but the thing they should fix is losing points from rosters far superior to the than the one attacked. i've always advocated, 2*'s shouldn't lose points from 4*/max 3* teams. same as 3*'s shouldn't lose points from Max 4*. there should be tiered points lost system based on team strength.

    redcrit.png as an attacker you should get points from attacking lower, equal to or far superior teams; and lose points if you lose.
    yellowcrit.png getting attacked from teams lower or +50 levels to yours, you should lose points like usual, but you have a chance to retaliate back to get your points back.
    tutile.png but you don't lose point from teams +50 level higher than your attacker; attackers will get points as usual, but "attackies" have a chance to retaliate back to get more points.

    featured characters should be counted as base level not boosted. this will make everyone still get point from attacking whoever they want. but this will solve lower rosters losing morale from not being able to retaliate back yet losing 30+ points. what do you guys think of this solution?

    D3 here is the bottom line: this season is not fun

    Forget fun. In PvP as a transitioner, I can't even play the damn game.
  • I'm one of the players that are in between the leveled out 2 star and in the middle levels of 3 star and I'm noticing that all I'm getting towards the middle and end are all maxed 3 star. There's zero way I can compete with that. It pretty much ends up the same for me in every pve event that I do ok in the beginning but once the level 266'ers come in to play I'm out of the event completely or I have to spend a ton of ISO just to find that one match I might be able to beat. It's the reason I didn't play pve for a very long time and it looks like I'm going to have to give up again and stick with the story mode.

    I hope it gets better and I know you guys try but I think there are quite a few players stuck in my situation and won't play pve anymore until we can compete with the heavy hitters
    PUM_SPAK Posts: 37 Just Dropped In
    rowie wrote:
    Alchemist4 wrote:
    I'm a 94 roster player trying to swim through a sea of 160+ teams which is ultimately impossible. If they do revert back to the old system, they need to compensate us for the aggravation with covers or tokens . With two throw away pvp events in a row, I'm going to find it hard to reach my usual 10 pack goal. Get it together D3

    I'm on the same boat as you are. I've pretty much given up on PVP. I just do the seed nodes and that's it because it's been consistently the usual maxed 166/200+ teams wall after these nodes. It seems like D3 tried to fix something and it's now even worse. I was hoping to get my first 10 pack but now it looks like I won't make it in season unless there is a fix right away. icon_lol.gif

    Me, three. Is there a "Lvl 94 Roster Support Group" thread we join? icon_cry.gif
  • AionTeleos
    AionTeleos Posts: 37 Just Dropped In
    It's amazing how completely this change has sucked the fun out of the game for me. I'm at day 366, and have a fairly deep roster of 153 level characters, and PVP has gone from a blast to drudgery with this change. I'm not rage quitting, but I'm pretty likely to end up apathy quitting now.
  • Grantilis
    Grantilis Posts: 22
    Congratulations on taking a broken system and figuring out how to break it more. For the past couple of events I have been lucky to break 400 points. On the old system I could make between 600-750 points. Now I start finding people using level 270 characters before I can even hit 200 points. I have a few 166s and having to take on 290/270/270 before I can get the 300 point heroic token is completely broken.

    Bravo on screwing over you customer base, well done!
  • MikeHock wrote:

    I finished 20th with 146 points
    The top 2 only had 500+

    Wow, wish I entered that bracket. Nah, I still probably wouldn't have finished as well. I can barely reach 100 points before facing death squads, whom I might add that I ain't gonna take on. Forget that and forget these PvP events.
  • NighteyesGrisu
    NighteyesGrisu Posts: 563 Critical Contributor
    After two PVPs this way my conclusion (may not apply to others) is this:

    - the initial climb is harder but somewhat faster (I wouldn't have dreamed of 30+ point opponents at 100-500 points before, it was usually a stream of 17-20p, with the odd 25p guy)
    - there's little change to my effort/placement when I have a flexible schedule so I can play when needed.
    - if the pvp happens during a less flexible rl time (like hulk did) it'll hurt my rankings
    - DD PVP was a lot more fun than Hulk, but that might be mostly due to the featured character.
    - I had both featured characters maxed (or near enough as to make no difference). I expect to hurt a lot more in PVPs where my featured character is underlevelled/undercovered
  • I'm not fond of the new MMR as a soft-capped roster. A funny observation is that on the very 1st page of this thread, every comment/post was how happy we'll all be to this change and that it's an awesome change to the game. 19 pages down, and most of us are raging pretty hard icon_e_biggrin.gif.
  • Der_Lex
    Der_Lex Posts: 1,035 Chairperson of the Boards
    Matchmaking is a mess. I'm at 680, and get hit twice for every game I finish. I can live with the character changes, but this matchmaking has to go, since it seems to be frustrating vets and transitioners alike. I can't see myself hitting 1000 again without a lot of shields and/or out of game communication
  • SnagglePuss
    SnagglePuss Posts: 702 Critical Contributor
    Just finished Blind justice, same as my previous comments.

    In a land full of 2* i can see a limited number of them, having to rely on retaliation chances to get anywhere.
    Once i hit 300, or it's the last hour of the game i am hit left right and center. Each time i clear that fight i am immediately returned to the land of the giants, staring at 166/166 166/200+ and so on. No amount of skipping helps, i gave up counting and can only thank a large balance for not caring. Annoyingly i finally found some beatable teams with a minute left of the game after another retaliation.

    I dn't need to place well, i'm transitioning.

    I don't expect easy games, but i do expect to be in with a chance. The chances i'm being presented with is slim or none.

    If the simulator is the same then i won't be making the 10 pack minimum i should be making. That's a step backward and based purely on the current changes.
  • spccrain
    spccrain Posts: 249
    Obviously the devs stopped reading/caring about this topic on page 3 so what we all need to do is voice our concerns via the marketplace. I constantly get pop ups in game asking me to rate the app...well I will but they aren't going to like the rating. I suggest everyone else does the same. Eventually they'll have to listen or no one will download the 1* app thus cutting off their influx of new people and depleting their wallets. Join me forumites!
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Any other transitioner having to do 20-40 skips to get to a fight they can even participate in? Was ranked 99 an hour before bed, wanted to get a couple wins and shield so i could get the Kamala green.. took almost 400 ISO in skips to get to a fight.. won it, then another 300+ to find another.. shielded and got the cover, but i need my iso.. transitioning is hard!
  • Mavrek32 wrote:
    Forget fun. In PvP as a transitioner, I can't even play the damn game.

    ^This.^ QFT.

    A few battles in Deadpool's Daily, a few Season battles, and 1-2 seed teams in each PvP (including Simulator), aaand... I'm done for the day. Awesome.

  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Not sure how many have started the Kingpin pvp, but i think they fixed it. First round, seeds of level 1 - 12, 2nd round, loaner/50's-60's, round 3, loaner, 94's, Round 4 so far, some 150+'s, but havent had to use a skip.

    That being said, points seem to be a bit lower, and i am waiting on heals, but the loaner has 5k hp and a usable skill this time, i am using the loaner since i do not have him yet, but really enjoying this round.

    Edit, my team is Loaner/142 3thor/142 Doom. i NEED top 25, or i will end up trashing my 5th or 6th red thor cover.. still sitting at 5/3/3 on him....
  • MikeHock wrote:

    I finished 20th with 146 points
    The top 2 only had 500+

    Wow, wish I entered that bracket. Nah, I still probably wouldn't have finished as well. I can barely reach 100 points before facing death squads, whom I might add that I ain't gonna take on. Forget that and forget these PvP events.

    I entered the event 4 hours before it ended. I also chose a shard that ends 10am, Sunday est. Perhaps people aren't up as early as I am.
  • veneretio
    veneretio Posts: 76 Match Maker
    Mavrek32 wrote:
    Forget fun. In PvP as a transitioner, I can't even play the damn game.

    ^This.^ QFT.

    A few battles in Deadpool's Daily, a few Season battles, and 1-2 seed teams in each PvP (including Simulator), aaand... I'm done for the day. Awesome.

    It's funny, I stopped playing PvE because the rewards just didn't match up with the effort put in. I committed to PvP because even though I was a 2* transitioner, I could consistently hit 400+ and when the stars aligned... 500+ for some top 100 placement. Then the Magneto nerf hit. Then this matchmaking change came. And now 250 is a grind. 300 like my old 500. 400 an impossible dream.

    The worst part about this isn't that my placement has dropped. I'm still at the same point. It's just now 4000 for the season isn't going to happen if this continues. I went from that being something I could expect to get to now it's basically impossible unless I do some insane work on the simulator.

    There's been very few changes to this game I haven't accepted and understood. This one I don't get. So many positive changes had happened and now... game over? Yup, game over. Which just goes to show, you can do so many things right but if you mess with the foundation of your game, you can still screw it up.
  • lukewin
    lukewin Posts: 1,356 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2015
    Not a fan of the new changes. I thought I was because I scored pretty well in IM40/Heavy Metal PVP and thought the Hulk was the reason that I did poorly in the Hulk PVP.

    IM40, I used 1 3hr and was over 700 pts, I think. Yesterday, DD PVP, I finished with 397 pts, for 127th rank. So if not for my alliance, I'd have gotten 0 KK greens, instead of 1. Pretty sure I played for the last hr and a half, minimum, for my final push. All I wanted to do was hit 575 and shield. I think I got to the 540s. I had already climbed to maybe 400, in my initial pushes, I think, but of course, was knocked back down to somewhere in the low 300s. EDIT - I think I might have actually played the last 3 hrs for my final push, b/c I remember thinking once I hit my goal, I could shield to the end. I have a deep enough roster, with enough healers, that healthpacks aren't an issue.

    I think I came out twice to see -80 pt losses, and my final screen was -68 point loss. Really haven't changed my playstyle, my roster has gotten even stronger, the only variable, is the matchmaking. The point loss % mitigation does nothing for me, when the amount of attacks rises higher, meaning I'm losing less pts per match, but getting far more attacks, meaning I'm losing a lot more points overall. I'm pretty sure over the course of the PVP, I lost more points than I gained. It would not surprise me if the #s showed that I earned over 1k pts in the event and lost 600, because I played a lot of matches. I really didn't even get to see the matchmaking, b/c I was overwhelmed by retal nodes. And I didn't want to just skip thru all of those, in fear of not being able to find winnable matches.

    I'm solely looking to get Top 100, help my alliance get Top 100, and maybe score in the 600s, like I had been doing. With the changes, I don't think that's gonna be possible. I still play this game because of the people in my alliances, but I might have to stop, b/c I can't carry my weight, and don't want to be more of a burden than I already was.
  • I'm seeing a return to sane matchmaking suddenly, anyone else?