Changes to Versus Matchmaking [Update]



  • I just tried the Hulk PvP again with a little over 1 day to go. This is about where I would previously push to 400. I was at a little under 200 with my 2* roster, and had 20 straight matches against boosted hulk and 3* chars, mostly 166. Finally there as a 70 hulk, 166 Luke Cage, 130ish Dr Doom. Tried it because that is winnable with some luck, but no. Tried attacking and retreating 4 more times, then skipped some more matches, but no change. This is the first pvp since before the previous season that I won't hit my 400 target. Maaaybe it's because Hulk is an old character and many people have him boosted so it's hard for me to progress?

    A lot of this game is about building long term plans to improve your roster, and it's frustrating to have them constantly disrupted by changes. (All the PvP tweaking, last PvE progression rewar, etc.) I guess I will play pretty casual for the rest of the season and see if things have settled down by the next.
  • I just tried the Hulk PvP again with a little over 1 day to go. This is about where I would previously push to 400. I was at a little under 200 with my 2* roster, and had 20 straight matches against boosted hulk and 3* chars, mostly 166. Finally there as a 70 hulk, 166 Luke Cage, 130ish Dr Doom. Tried it because that is winnable with some luck, but no. Tried attacking and retreating 4 more times, then skipped some more matches, but no change. This is the first pvp since before the previous season that I won't hit my 400 target. Maaaybe it's because Hulk is an old character and many people have him boosted so it's hard for me to progress?

    A lot of this game is about building long term plans to improve your roster, and it's frustrating to have them constantly disrupted by changes. (All the PvP tweaking, last PvE progression rewar, etc.) I guess I will play pretty casual for the rest of the season and see if things have settled down by the next.

    Everyone and their brother has Hulk maxed, just like everyone and their brother has IM40 maxed for some reason. From what I can tell, the MMR generally ignores the featured character (because otherwise that defeats the incentive of leveling him up) so if you're the odd man out with a low level Hulk, expect to get lit up, and low is a relative term. My IM40 was around level 200 boosted and that was still very low compared to all the 290s I see so I got lit up a lot in that event.
  • The best way I can think of (right now) to address the issue is make the matches a sliding scale based on your "A" team's average level (let's say your highest 3 or maybe 5 characters), their defending level, and weight it based on your CURRENT position in the event. If you're making top10, even in the 2-3 star transition(which I'm in), you should have to face off against those maxed out 3 and 4 star characters to progress, that's how it works, if you're starting out at 400, you get the low level people that you can crush easily to at least get you to the 300 point token if nothing else.

    There's probably better ways to do it but at least this way means things will still be competitive for the top 100 for covers because everyone from first to 100 will be facing off against AT LEAST similar level teams, if not considerably higher, it would also slow people down from sniping positions because they would no longer be able to face roll lower teams to jump 5 spots in the last few minutes.
  • Another suggestion...

    There are three matches available in PVP right, so just make it so that they are against bronze, silver and gold match ups.

    Bronze: Only 1&2* teams, with points return at the lower end of the spectrum (appropriate for 0 - 400 finishes)
    Silver: Only 2&3* teams, with moderate returns (400 - 800 finishes)
    Gold: Only 3&4* teams with high rewards (800 + finishes)

    This would make match ups available, challenging and appropriately rewarding. It would also give those lovely new customers some thing to aim at and a sense of achievement when they got there. The vets can use thier full roster going through each 'league' rinsing it for points whilst still having the challenge available for the big rewards.

    Heck, you could have the top league players getting a reward to encourage competition at the appropriate level.

    Top 3 finishes:

    Bronze - heroic 3 pack
    Silver - heroic 5 pack
    Gold - 4* cover

    Just as a side note, personally I think MPQ is the best game on iPad, the developers have done a great job and I believe this stage is just an experiment. The fact we have a forum that they frequent and have dialog on goes a long way to show commitment. I don't doubt that the current PVP sytem will change, if it does I just hope that the devs take a holistic approach and consider their diverse range of stakeholders.
  • Hulk pvp is unplayable for me atm , after seed team's I got : Hulk 268 + Cap 166 + Xforce 270 and two other maxed 3* lvl 166 + 290 Hulk , My roster is 2* maxed with three 3* at 94 too .

    Made 70 points with the 3 seed teams and now after skipping enemies for 200 iso and nothing playable I have to stop playing icon_evil.gificon_evil.gificon_evil.gificon_evil.gif
  • A lot of this game is about building long term plans to improve your roster, and it's frustrating to have them constantly disrupted by changes. (All the PvP tweaking, last PvE progression rewar, etc.) I guess I will play pretty casual for the rest of the season and see if things have settled down by the next.

    Yep agreed with this statement. This has to be the most frustrating PVP I've had...I've hit the wall so much earlier in the piece, as low as 300-400 points. I could understand skipping opponents at the higher point range but having to spend iso to skip upteen amounts of max hulks and thor/xf is just plain ridiculous. On top of that, the amount of attacks are even more than the first pvp test of the season. I seem to be in limbo cos any points I gain are wiped out by all the attacks.
  • This matchmaking so messed up. Lower tiered people hit 166 walls and all they have are maybe 100 level 3*s. Good just with "tweaks". No longer a tweak when u completely change the outcome.
  • NighteyesGrisu
    NighteyesGrisu Posts: 563 Critical Contributor
    Is it just me, or did you guys suddenly see easier targets too at around 600?

    From 200-600 I fought mainly 290 hulk / 270 xf / 166 3* or 270 600 suddenly I started seeing sprinkles of 120 3* and the likes...usually only worth 17 or so points though. But now they're gone again.
  • First the buff experiment where my only 2 166's weren't on the buff list. So got screwed there.

    Then the constant MMR experiments. I've only got 2 fully maxed 3 star characters and all I'm seeing are fully levelled 4 star characters. To add to that people who've been in game longer have a maxed hulk to throw into the fight. I was a noob once, and yeah I got stomped on by the higher level rosters. But, I persevered and managed to get a pair of maxed 3 stars. Sure, money went into these 2 characters for covers and iso at the latter stages of their development to expedite my progress. I've also spent on roster slots and shields. I was enjoying being able to score higher and was looking forward to developing my roster and slowly moving into 4 star land.

    I do understand that MPQ isn't like a console game where I pay some money and the rules (per se) stay the same. But, of late this game seems to be in a constant state of flux.

    You keep nerfing characters that players are investing in. I accept you have a buy back policy. But for **** sake, stop releasing a plethora of characters without giving them enough due consideration and then nerfing them cos they're overpowered. You went and nerfed a 2 star character (mags) cos of mystique. A 2 star for the players that you're supposedly trying to improve the game experience for.

    Speaking of game experience, you guys are wrecking it. I spent money on this game cos I enjoyed, what was, the accepted game experience. I played by your rules but you're changing the rules in the middle of the game. I understand you want to make it easier for the new guys and I think you have with the DDQ and the better cover odds. When I started playing I had to wait for the covers to drop and then buy covers.

    In then end with these pvp changes, You're essentially nerfing the game experience - what's your buy back policy on this one? A full monetary refund?
  • spccrain
    spccrain Posts: 249
    A poll has been generated on the main GD page. Please cast votes there and we'll try to see if we can gather enough information to see how each other lives.
  • mu7an7
    mu7an7 Posts: 34
    by spccrain

    To address that problem could you enact a "mercy" rule that would reduce the amount of pts lost from the 2-3* transitioners when attacked by a whale? I don't know how difficult the coding would be but I think that will make everyone happy.

    For example:
    I attack a 2-3*...he loses 5-10 pts instead of 25
    Same 2-3* is attacked by another 2-3* he loses 25 like normal.

    This option could also lead to more 2* transitioning players looking at higher targets and thinking that the points on offer versus the points they would lose if they lost might be worth the risk for punching above their weight.
  • skippytx wrote:
    Difficulty in this PVP is totally whacked. My team is all soft capped at Lvl 94, Hulk is bumped to 164 for the event. I have 233 points right now and here are the teams I'm getting matched with

    290 Hulk/230 Prof X/ 270 x-force
    268 Hulk/166 Hood/ 270 x-force
    133 Hulk/250 x-force/166 L.Cap
    290 Hulk/166 L.Cap/222 x-force

    I can normally get to 550 points in a PVP session, maybe 600, I'm not sure how I'm going to get to 300. Something is broken.

    This right here. Though I don't have Hulk. My highest char right now is a 117 Blade, though I generally use my maxed 2* thor, Wolvie, Magneto and Storm.

    I was making it to 300, 350 before the change, now I can barely break 250. I keep getting matched with 166 teams, or teams close enough to it. I've tried it before and I've learned my lesson. I get stomped if my 2* team goes up against a maxed 3* team. Which is fine and how it should be, but not in the 250 range. Screams unfairness to me.

    Perfectly summed up my Smash Hit experience!
  • Somthing is broken!

    Just played my sons profile to see how his 21 day old roster would fair on smash hit, interesting result.

    Took the first 3 matches, all standard stuff 1* rosters not a problem with his best team 43gsbw 43kk and 30ironman. The next three matches to choose from are either

    Hulk 222, LThor 114 and XF 147
    Hulk 182, 114 Spider-Man, 127 DD
    Hulk 219, 100 DD, 105 blade


    I doesn't look like anyone's getting an easy ride.
  • Guess I'll chime in...

    Same results as others. Played 2 starting matches, fairly doable. Next up, and every single other match from that point forward, impossibly overleveled, to the point that there was no reason to even attempt another match... and I actually have a decent (4 covers + event buff) Hulk.

  • I'm glad that i'm now seeing the teams that I fought all the time before all the time now. I mean i'm only a transitioner but I somehow only see 290 hulks with xforces and caps and hoods. I'm glad that's all I see comparatively to the heavy metal and teenage riot events where I always got really balanced matchups. I don't know how but this is really screwed up. I'm scared to participate in the daredevil event. I can't even get 300 points in smash hit because I used all my iso just in hopes to find a match that was going to be doable for me.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Funny, in Heavy Metal we had transitioners saying they got new personal high scores.

    Did they really manage to screw _everyone_ in Smash Hit? If so, wow, impressive.
  • Bowgentle wrote:
    Funny, in Heavy Metal we had transitioners saying they got new personal high scores.

    Did they really manage to screw _everyone_ in Smash Hit? If so, wow, impressive.
    They did me. I got top 2 in heavy metal. Missing 1st only by 10 points which was after an attack.
  • Second, we’re reducing the maximum difficulty of opponents we send you, when there are enough available opponents to allow that. Players who were already seeing only opponents of their level and below in Heavy Metal won’t notice much difference here, but this will help players that are between the 2-star level cap and the 3-star cap, or between the 3-star cap and the 4-star cap.

    These changes will take effect with the SMASH HIT Versus event that starts today, 4/7.

    My feed back is whatever changes you made, they didn't work. I could barely get to 200 points and 300 points was straight up out of the question as my roster of 94/104's were only being matched up against maxed out 3* and transition 4* teams. At least with the old system, I could break 400 points consistently.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thanks for breaking the system D3

    first two events this season 440 and 460. This event i got 150 pts before slamming into a 3 star wall and had to spend 4k just to find 2 star teams or mid rank 3 star teams

    ended with 222 pts
  • I have the same problem as others. I have already given up.

    I have 198 points I am in Rank 216. My top lvl char is 104 and most of the teams I get are 290-166-166. I can´t get 300 points. I can beat one team 1xx-1xx-1xx. That occurs with a probability of 5% the teams MPQ sends. No matters how many time I loose 1-2 points....what really really matters is how many time I lost, trying to get a team which I have any opportunity to defeat.
    Therefore --- bye bye PVP