change in boosts cost



  • I get it to an extent. The Marvel license must be costing a fortune. Ice has said they have access to the entire marvel roster of heroes and villains. This must have eaten a huge **** if the profits from their great earlier releases, for a free to play game. They have to make their money somehow. Face it, this game is pay to win, we have to deal with it. I will NEVER pay cash for boosts, never never never. Many probably will. I'd have easily and happily paid five or even ten bucks for this game up front without the pay to win features but I'm sure they make way more charging for slots, ISO, and now boosts.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    Lack of communication aside, is there any chance that they will at least change the cost increase back to normal in Pve and separate Pve/pvp. Not that it necessarily will be change, I know you can't say that. But will you at least confirm it will be discussed at the next meeting or something?
    It's possible. What I know will happen is that people will monitor all the changes for the next week or so very very closely and see how people are reacting when they are playing. If retention of players dropped for whatever reason (or retention in a given mode for that matter), there'll be a deeper dig as to what's going on to cause that and there will be a course correction. If it's looked into and it's noted that say, fewer difficult battles are being played due to boosts not being purchased since the usage stats will likely drop, that's pretty visible.
  • I don't see a problem with the change of boost price, everyone's going to have to pay the same iso price, so it's fair for everyone. I don't understand how the value was determined, tho. 100 hp for 3x to all seems insanely overpriced. Nobody will ever be using those again.
  • turul
    turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
    Boost prices:overpriced
    Pvp matchmaking:broken
    Good characters: funbalanced or will be funbalanced
    Less good characters: even less usable since removal of boosts.
    PVE: broken
    Special PVP Elite: ripoff for most players. Free boost for lucky ones

    I also stop playing except abusing the rubberbanding effect on the PVE till these errors a ent fixed at least 50%
  • This just sucks. I try not to use boosts to conserve ISO. But I have really depended on them this PVE... BECAUSE YOU GUYS DECIDED TO MAKE EVERY F%#€£{+! BOSS LVL 230+! ... Anyhow, I stopped playing another Marvel mobile game because developer greed was the focal point, looks like I may have to add another to my list.
  • abuelo wrote:
    Seriously IceX, if it was done by 'accident' (as opposed to deliberate) some people at your place need to have a serious word with themselves. That's project failure on a bloody epic level.

    Well put. May append to all the other "is there actual QA" notes.

    Especially more fun with the ongoing lack of confirmations on HP spending -- one of the top requests in the trivials category. Jus tin this short hour I read halfdozen accidents spending the precious HP not noticing the color change.

    The game starts with news popup, listing what you see there anyway right on, but this is not written anywhere.

    I know some places where "honest mistake"s like that result in premature drops of contract or scrapping any bonus at the least -- and out in real life sneaked in price changes routinely result in serious fines, sometimes even other penalties.

    And I doubt no one over there is aware of that.
  • quadiak
    quadiak Posts: 177 Tile Toppler
    The game has continually degraded with every update in the favor of the developers bottom line for hard cash earning. It seems they must not be meeting the financial forecasts they may have used to scam investors into helping support the initial build. I predict bankruptcy in the near future.

    It was fun while it lasted but I doubt it will ever get past the preview stage. This was the last straw for me personally. I am thankful however that I never invested one cent of my own hard cash.

    I'm fairly certain Loki has taken over the developers brains.
  • Wow, just wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow.

    I was #1 in my overall bracket, but I honestly don't know how I'm going to compete now with the 50 HP cost for +3 all boost.

    I have no problem spending a little money on this game, but the Devs are really making me not want to because of all this garbage. It's just not really worth it at this point.

    I actually enjoyed the level 230 fights, but not so much anymore icon_e_sad.gif
  • Unknown
    edited January 2014
    I get it to an extent. The Marvel license must be costing a fortune. Ice has said they have access to the entire marvel roster of heroes and villains. This must have eaten a huge **** if the profits from their great earlier releases, for a free to play game. They have to make their money somehow. Face it, this game is pay to win, we have to deal with it. I will NEVER pay cash for boosts, never never never. Many probably will. I'd have easily and happily paid five or even ten bucks for this game up front without the pay to win features but I'm sure they make way more charging for slots, ISO, and now boosts.
    If the lisence costs so much I would play the game with Dark Horse, IDW, Top Cow or IDW characters. Marvel and DC are the most well known, but other companies have some amazing characters and in most cases the level of the images is a lot higher.
  • IceIX wrote:
    I'll confirm that this change was deliberate. It'll be added to the Patch Notes momentarily. It got missed since it was part of the daily updates that go across instead of as a part of the changes that take place in the Patch itself. I completely understand that it's a big change for some players, but it wasn't meant to be a "stealth nerf" or anything of the sort.

    IceIX you guys did such a great job informing the player base about the impending changes to Thor and Wolvie, however in the swift blink of an eye (whether an error or not) you have just undone all that great work getting over with the player base.

    Though I'm not opposed to the change as the rainbow pack is really OP, this game has had a good reputation of being a solid free to play game where you can advance and rank high without dropping coin on it. I understand this change goes a long way to slowing down matches; a goal you have been trying to achieve, however that reputation MPQ has built about being a solid F2P is also unravelling.

    There is a very good suggestion about making the rainbow pack cost ISO instead of HP for PvE events and leaving it as HP for PvP. I think doubling the cost too 400 ISO for PvE is fair and it allows F2P players to still achieve high ranks. At 400 ISO it really becomes a big investment, so it's use would drop but it would allow the player base to utilize the boost for those harder matches. While leaving it at HP for PvP would also allow D3 to bring in some dollars.

    IceIX I hope you guys have a long hard chat about communication with the player base in your meetings; forgetting a massive change like this really shows you guys have much to learn still.

    You could as a gesture of good will give all players 200-300 HP for this monumental mistake, that would atleast save all the hardwork you guys have done with the Thor and Wolvie communication.

  • Narkon wrote:
    I get it to an extent. The Marvel license must be costing a fortune. Ice has said they have access to the entire marvel roster of heroes and villains. This must have eaten a huge **** if the profits from their great earlier releases, for a free to play game. They have to make their money somehow. Face it, this game is pay to win, we have to deal with it. I will NEVER pay cash for boosts, never never never. Many probably will. I'd have easily and happily paid five or even ten bucks for this game up front without the pay to win features but I'm sure they make way more charging for slots, ISO, and now boosts.
    If the lisence costs so much I'd rather play I would play the game with Dark Horse, IDW, Top Cow or IDW characters. Marvel and DC are the most well known, but other companies have some amazing characters and in most cases the level of the images is a lot higher.
    Right but it is what it is
  • IceIX wrote:
    Lack of communication aside, is there any chance that they will at least change the cost increase back to normal in Pve and separate Pve/pvp. Not that it necessarily will be change, I know you can't say that. But will you at least confirm it will be discussed at the next meeting or something?
    It's possible. What I know will happen is that people will monitor all the changes for the next week or so very very closely and see how people are reacting when they are playing. If retention of players dropped for whatever reason (or retention in a given mode for that matter), there'll be a deeper dig as to what's going on to cause that and there will be a course correction. If it's looked into and it's noted that say, fewer difficult battles are being played due to boosts not being purchased since the usage stats will likely drop, that's pretty visible.

    So in other words, the developers will only really act if you quit - of course by then it won't matter to you.

    Beautiful way of doing business.
  • People would be crying about this change even if it was communicated ahead of time. Now that you can actually see everyone's teams it is rather obvious that most people at top have rather ordinary looking rosters so those high ratings are generally propped up with a combination of high playing time and boosts (and the former tends to get you more of the latter anyway).

    After looking at the top teams in both PvE and PvP bracket I'm sure things will settle down just fine, because while I am no longer able to beat these missions super fast, the same applies to my competition as well. Currently, I'm not doing too much playing until the lag that is introduced in this patch is fixed (and if it isn't, I'll probably move onto another game, because I don't mind gameplay changes but lag is not a gameplay change).
  • Katai
    Katai Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    The problem is that this directly leads to a pay-2-win scenario. If you have cash, you convert it to HP and ISO-8, and you have a clear advantage over everyone else in the tournament. The richer you are, the more likely you are to win.

    Games like that get ditched pretty damn fast.
  • Hulk11
    Hulk11 Posts: 435
    Phantron wrote:
    People would be crying about this change even if it was communicated ahead of time. Now that you can actually see everyone's teams it is rather obvious that most people at top have rather ordinary looking rosters so those high ratings are generally propped up with a combination of high playing time and boosts (and the former tends to get you more of the latter anyway).

    After looking at the top teams in both PvE and PvP bracket I'm sure things will settle down just fine, because while I am no longer able to beat these missions super fast, the same applies to my competition as well. Currently, I'm not doing too much playing until the lag that is introduced in this patch is fixed (and if it isn't, I'll probably move onto another game, because I don't mind gameplay changes but lag is not a gameplay change).

    The lag lol. I thought that was just me. Wheeww.
  • Phantron wrote:
    People would be crying about this change even if it was communicated ahead of time. Now that you can actually see everyone's teams it is rather obvious that most people at top have rather ordinary looking rosters so those high ratings are generally propped up with a combination of high playing time and boosts (and the former tends to get you more of the latter anyway).

    Well..aye, because the change sucks. The idea of it not being communicated ahead of time just makes it seem sneaky and underhanded to add to the sucks. Saying 'well, you'd have all complained anyway' is a bit strange!

    Could also be called 'player feedback' too, depending on your outlook.
  • Katai
    Katai Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    I really hope rewards are gonna get better soon. You're charging HP for boosters, and it's near impossible to beat level 230 NPCs without them, but there's no HP rewards at all in the tournament.
  • OMG I didn't see it in the patch notes I just spent 400 **** HP on boots. D3 is slime, I'm seriously sick of their money grubbing. Really they aren't making enough? Gotta gouge for everything I guess.
  • quadiak wrote:
    The game has continually degraded with every update in the favor of the developers bottom line for hard cash earning. It seems they must not be meeting the financial forecasts they may have used to scam investors into helping support the initial build. I predict bankruptcy in the near future.

    Going this route it is a safe bet. Alienating the hardcore player base with a long series of below-the-belts across the visible spectrum and some invisible parts?

    The business basics I learnt are pretty simple. You can build on one of:

    - customer satisfaction
    - customer lock in
    - cheat/fraud/scam

    Each require its own strategy and have a promise for success. While taking non of those leaves only the short term "take the money and run"/strip mining schema. Somewhere in my first posts I wrote how glad I am the devs seem to understand and not walking the latter. It proved to be just blind hope.
    quadiak wrote:
    It was fun while it lasted but I doubt it will ever get past the preview stage. This was the last straw for me personally. I am thankful however that I never invested one cent of my own hard cash.

    I'm fairly certain Loki has taken over the developers brains.

    More likely the excel-sheet guys. As usual. Who are happy to run whatever weird experiment, and have no clue that life is NOT a game where you can reload the previous state and try something else. Yep, you can measure the loss of users. You can even undo the changes leading to that. But it will not undo the effect. Those who lost faith will not come back, and word spreads like wildfire.

    A month ago I was posting a recommended review on steam and even fenced with some guys with differing opinion. I just posted a strict "Not recommended" one. Which if ever surfaces will likely count with the "109 hrs last two weeks / 369 hrs on record" stats attached.

    When real money is at stake people tend to look at some kind of reviews, and I'm positive with moves like we had in last week they will go south en masse.
  • • Boosts will now cost Hero Points, instead of Iso-8

    Ouch. that hit me right in the nads.