change in boosts cost



  • Balancing of characters I can handle , shields and matchmaking problems ...ok I can deal .... but this is just trying to dig right into the pocketbook , but +3 to all is almost necessity with how the game is being slowed down... once I saw it in game I logged out and that's all for me.
  • IceIX wrote:
    MTGOFerret wrote:
    anyhow while we got you here IceIX I'd like to point out that the UI updates added a considerable amount of lag to the game.
    for reference, Im on a 2012 32GB Wifi Nexus 7

    Overall the game seems to be sluggish now but its quite noticeable when say OBW's Espionage passive activates
    47.1 is on its way through approvals to fix a chunk of that. Unfortunately some of that lag is pure client-side.

    I suspected the lag was client-side, and in-fact I suspect that its due to the changes in the client software buuuut are we saying that a Nexus 7 isnt a powerful enough machine to run the game with out performance issues? O.o

    -edit- also just wanted to say thank you again for being so communicative with all of us it's much appericated
  • turul
    turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
    IceIX wrote:
    spawnas wrote:
    I didn't notice the change and wasted all of my HP on this boost. Only see it when i got a message that I'm out of HP. THANKS GUYS BYE icon_cry.gif
    If you're still reading the forums at this point, put in a ticket about it. It can get fixed.

    I want the free boosts what he is having, then icon_e_smile.gif
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    MTGOFerret wrote:
    I suspected the lag was client-side, and in-fact I suspect that its due to the changes in the client software buuuut are we saying that a Nexus 7 isnt a powerful enough machine to run the game with out performance issues? O.o
    No, it's just a flat out bug that affects everyone. Poor iPhone 4 users and their Android equivalents are *not* having a great time with lag right now.
  • IceIX wrote:
    spawnas wrote:
    I didn't notice the change and wasted all of my HP on this boost. Only see it when i got a message that I'm out of HP. THANKS GUYS BYE icon_cry.gif
    If you're still reading the forums at this point, put in a ticket about it. It can get fixed.

    Do tickets actually work now or do things still gotta be sent through that email
  • I originally posted this elsewhere, but someone asked me to repost it here, so I will. This was in response to a post about the piecemeal changes making the game feel rather disjointed:

    Agreed, and we haven't even brought up the fact that every stinking PvE event has changed the rules from the previous one. As I've said on the forums, the players manage to figure out a lot of things, but we shouldn't have to ourselves and most players aren't on the forums.

    I'm really impressed with the Marvel Heroes team. Last Friday was a debacle. Patching wound up taking 15 hours. So what did they do? They said "hey guys, we know this sucks, take 200% extra item find and xp through the weekend." Then when folks said "Great, but I gotta work," they extended it through this morning. And the brilliance of it is with all the loot I got, I had to spend more money on stash space. Devious bastards.

    The MPQ devs don't understand that the way to get people to spend money is to give them more goodies, not take them away.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    Do tickets actually work now or do things still gotta be sent through that email
    They work now. If you don't trust them though, you can use the email address and CS will manually create a ticket. It's more work on our end, but that's nothing you should have to worry about.
  • Unknown
    edited January 2014
    someguy321 wrote:
    We you know you do a very hard work, but this change, this little change is really pay 2 win.

    Either keep this useful for non-paying users, or COMPLETELY REMOVE the boosts. I honestly feel that the game isn't fun anymore. I just lost two fights that I could have won with the boosts. It was great knowing that I could win against a very high leveled team. Now all my progression seems really stuck, and I was working really hard to get more Wolverine Patch. Now... it's completely unreachable.

    It's not even that simple. I've spent plenty of money in the past on this game. But I'm never buying boosts for HP and will quit. It's not just screwing non paying customers. It's also screwing paying customers that isn't insane enough to pay a **** dollar per boost.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    I get that people who pay for the boosts are going to have a huge advantage, but who in their right mind would pay a dollar to be boosted for 3 games? My guess is that 99% of the playerbase will not be using +3 all boosts anymore, and tournaments and such will largely slow down as a result, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
  • turul
    turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
    The bad thing about taking away the +3 boost is that every hero is considered -3 AP worse!
  • I can totally understand why the cost for all stockpile boost was changed to HP: it gave a rather large boost to initial start of any battle, and combined with other stockpiles, pretty much shortened a battle by an estimated two turns for each ability. So I find the cost increase justifiable, and will make it so less reliance on them is the result.

    That being said however, I believe that at 100 HP, that's too high of a cost for a boost that will only last 3 matches, win or lose. Compared to shield cost, you can get a 12 hour shield that can help you through more than 3 attacks during that time frame.

    I personally think a reduction to 50 HP seems like a much more reasonable cost. 50 HP is easily obtained as a progression reward, and is still a relatively inexpensive HP sink.

    The unfortunate blight here is the thinking that the stockpile boosts are needed for every battle, so it does make it hard to consider a fair price, but taking into account duration and benefit, it should be relatively easy to compare it to other consumables in the search for a fair price. At least at 50 HP you have a difficult choice to make, unlike 100.
  • I'd like to see the boost purchases work similarly to health packs. Buy 4 get 1 free. Maybe buy a stack of 10 for 250 HP. Additionally with the other boosts, get a stack of 10 for 250 ISO.
  • Gigas Breaker
    Gigas Breaker Posts: 86 Match Maker
    Lol found out when I spent 100 hp on a boost without looking. Honestly though the boosts were too cheap.
  • The +3 to all was extremely powerful. Because of the difficulty associated with the botched current event, this hit a lot of people right where it hurts. Dropped me out of first for the first time this event thanks to my 8-hour cycle being just a little later than somebody else's who got to utilize the boosts. The people who had advantageous cycles in the main event have a big advantage too.

    The only problem for all of this is that it was "snuck" in unintentionally. That didn't let everyone take advantage of it the same way.

    As for the 100 HP cost, that's so expensive that nobody would utilize it except in VERY rare circumstances. Why is it even in the game? If you want something that gives an advantage to be pay-to-win, fine. That'll dissuade a lot of players. If you want it to be reasonably accessible to the whole player base, it has to cost Iso. It's really as simple as that.

    The middle of this event was the wrong time to release this update. I have no problem with making fights more fair in general. In fact, I'd prefer the 3 all be removed from the game completely. But this is gonna get worse. Wait til skip costs Iso and middle tier players can neither skip nor beat the people they're facing.
  • Honestly though, the other boosts are still very good. The damage ones seem underated imo, maybe because people don't know affiliations.
  • IceIX wrote:
    DaveyPitch wrote:
    I know, I appreciate IceIX isn't the lead dev, and I apologise if he takes offence at my comment. However, when he says in one post that the devs listen to community feedback, and then effectively says they are ignoring it, he should expect to be called on it.

    For what it's worth, I think IceIX does a great job here in very difficult times. He has my respect for that.
    We can and will continue to take forum users into consideration in game changes. To say that we'd place a patch out then immediately redact things because some users disliked a change? That's something a bit different. The mere fact that you all are talking about things, and Boost changes in particular means that we'll look at such things more closely. That also includes keeping up on ongoing user feedback. Contrast that with a change like "PVP Skip Button was made more visible". Since people aren't talking about it, we probably don't have to look into this with as high of priority. Forum users/social media users shape quite a part of what we focus our in-game data reviews on.

    I appreciate you couldn't and wouldn't change things immediately, but how this is handled now will go a long way to proving how you look upon the forum members. It's obvious from reading the comments that 90% or more of the people here are against the boost price change. If nothing changes regarding the pricing, it'll just prove that while we all might be considered the hardcore MPQ players, our opinions mean nothing when compared to the data you collect from all the casual gamers, who might well express the same opinions if they were on the forum.

    It does beg the question about why certain changes are not discussed before hand. If our opinions are desired and considered, why not get them BEFORE decisions are made? There are a lot of active players here, with a lot of good ideas. Why not get our thought on changes before they're forced into us? I know it's the devs who will ultimately make decisions, but if they continually make decisions the community disagrees with, pretty soon you won't have a community left.
  • aussiemac
    aussiemac Posts: 140 Tile Toppler
    Really wish the boost cost increase would have been announced. I spent 200 of my valuable coins without knowing... awesome
  • DaveyPitch wrote:
    IceIX wrote:
    DaveyPitch wrote:
    I know, I appreciate IceIX isn't the lead dev, and I apologise if he takes offence at my comment. However, when he says in one post that the devs listen to community feedback, and then effectively says they are ignoring it, he should expect to be called on it.

    For what it's worth, I think IceIX does a great job here in very difficult times. He has my respect for that.
    We can and will continue to take forum users into consideration in game changes. To say that we'd place a patch out then immediately redact things because some users disliked a change? That's something a bit different. The mere fact that you all are talking about things, and Boost changes in particular means that we'll look at such things more closely. That also includes keeping up on ongoing user feedback. Contrast that with a change like "PVP Skip Button was made more visible". Since people aren't talking about it, we probably don't have to look into this with as high of priority. Forum users/social media users shape quite a part of what we focus our in-game data reviews on.

    I appreciate you couldn't and wouldn't change things immediately, but how this is handled now will go a long way to proving how you look upon the forum members. It's obvious from reading the comments that 90% or more of the people here are against the boost price change. If nothing changes regarding the pricing, it'll just prove that while we all might be considered the hardcore MPQ players, our opinions mean nothing when compared to the data you collect from all the casual gamers, who might well express the same opinions if they were on the forum.

    It does beg the question about why certain changes are not discussed before hand. If our opinions are desired and considered, why not get them BEFORE decisions are made? There are a lot of active players here, with a lot of good ideas. Why not get our thought on changes before they're forced into us? I know it's the devs who will ultimately make decisions, but if they continually make decisions the community disagrees with, pretty soon you won't have a community left.

    If I didn't have high level guys, I'd be getting creamed right now. I can't imagine how it is for new players. If these changes remain, the new players will probably get frustrated and quit and from what I've read, higher level players might do the same. So you're right, the community must just disappear.
  • This makes the current PVE for top players only. At least prior to this, I am able to win the PVE matches by using all the boosts. Now .. it's just a pain *sigh*.

    I mean, didn't at least the devs think about when to get this change released? They still went thru this cost increase even though they have admitted about a mistake on the current PVE design.

    You want to win a PVE match? Purchase this boost (equivalent to .50 USD).
  • I think it's quite obvious the MPQ license was acquired in some Producers-style scheme where the actual plan was to fail utterly, somehow making a few people very rich in the process. Unfortunately, they underestimated people's tolerance for outrageous grind schedules, abstruse, obfuscated rules, miscommunication, ninja application of unannounced, unwanted, undocumented updates at the worst possible moments and bald-faced lies, so they're just trying to make right on the original mission.
    Bucky76 wrote:
    Balancing of characters I can handle , shields and matchmaking problems ...ok I can deal .... but this is just trying to dig right into the pocketbook , but +3 to all is almost necessity with how the game is being slowed down... once I saw it in game I logged out and that's all for me.
    Or to look at it another way, it's one of the relatively few remaining ways to bypass the developer's sustained effort to slow the game down, which is why they just made it prohibitively expensive.

    I'll absolutely give you that charging $0.33 or whatever it amounts to is an instant descent into the nastiest pit of tacky. But if they don't like what they do to the game, I'd have no major objection to them just being gone. I do wonder if having to play more at the mercy of chance will drive a lot of people off, anyway, though.