Upcoming Test: Powered-Up Characters in Versus



  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    Switchman wrote:
    Hood + Loki still have a 9k dmg Hood Yellow Attack.

    Anyone who has battled Hood + Loki knows how ridiculous it is to generate AP LOL

    To be more precise, a 280 Hood yellow does 525 dmg per tile x 18 tiles = 9,450 dmg. If you keep 9 bk APs on hand and wait for Loki's green passive to trigger, once those CD tiles are on the board you can trigger Hood's intimidation to reduce the timer by one and steal AI's colors faster.

    Keep collecting purples too, because you can trigger Loki's illusion multiple times in one turn for possible 3-matches to replenish your APs quickly. In one match I triggered Illusion a few times and accumulated colors for 3 Fireballs and 1 Intimidation to take down a 17k health Lazy Thor in one turn. icon_twisted.gif
  • I think the variety is a pleasant welcome...but nothing will really change...if players believe that it will help them compete more that is only partially true. If you didn't buy shields before...you still won't place in the higher echelons without a mad dash at the end and some luck. If you did buy shields before...you will see the same top players/alliances you did before except you get to face a more variety of opponents. And over time, they will do better than you because they will have all the boosted characters since a lot of them have everyone maxed...while you may not.

    So how do I really feel? I don't know quite honestly...it's different...so that just may be my resistance to change talking...I'm sure if it's implemented for good I'll get over it....the best word I can think of is indifferent.
  • Raffoon
    Raffoon Posts: 884
    They temporarily buffed 3* Thor after nerfing 4* Thor, so now he's clearly better for this week. If you had 4* Thor leveled, it's like an extra little spit in the face after they kick you in the nuts.
  • Except if you had 4* Thor you PROBABLY had 3* Thor, or else you are trying to P2W anyway. I'm happy with buffed Thor this week. Him and BP are rolling deep again in HT, like old times.
  • EstherC
    EstherC Posts: 90 Match Maker
    the idea is good , but i would suggest;-

    only 1 other 3* gets bufffed (that is, apart from the featured character) => total 2 3*s. Max level of buff is 1.5x
    1 2* gets buffed at 2x
    1 1* gets buffed at 3x
    4*s should not get buffed.
  • Square
    Square Posts: 380 Mover and Shaker
    So far, I like using other characters, but it's a slower climb. I'm losing way more health than usual, since there are three boosted players rather than one. Usually, I could climb to 850 before shielding, but after a few goes, I had to shield around 750. It's not that much more difficult, but fighting 170 Ares up to 500 points was a slog. I think 1000 points might be a little harder to pull off now, since I don't think I will be able to do jumps as quickly fighting three boosted characters.

    I don't dislike it, I mostly like it, but the dev will have to see what happens to the average scores, if it makes a difference overall. So far, nobody in my bracket has cracked 1000, though some are in the high 900s.
  • Marc_Spector
    Marc_Spector Posts: 628 Critical Contributor
    Am loving this so far -- I don't even need those LDaken covers but am playing PVP for fun for the first time in awhile. Thanks!!

    (I won't shield at the end, so feel free to hit me whenever)
  • If this change remains in game long term I'd hope a change to Lightning Rounds is next to boost those guys to 280 as well. Just to maintain consistency.
  • esoxnepa
    esoxnepa Posts: 291
    Miles from Demiurge here to announce a Versus experiment that we’re going to be trying soon.

    In an effort to mix up our Versus events and encourage more team variety,we’re going to be trying out a couple of changes to our Powered-Up character structure.
    You’ll notice that these buffs basically bump these characters up one rarity tier (bringing a maxed 2-Star to roughly the level of a maxed 3-Star, etc.).

    I'm about half way through the Human Torch event. I am enjoying the experiment, but so far I am feeling there are some drawbacks.

    1. By Buffing the characters a full rarity tier, I feel like I have no reason to play my non-buffed characters.
    a. I think you should keep buffing the featured character the 175%, and but the non-featured 2 and 3*s by 150%, and the 1*s by the 200%.
    2. I feel like the lower tiers, 1 and 2 star, need more buffed character options. Like 3-1* and 4-2*.

    I'll come back after I complete this event, but these are my first thoughts.
  • There are only like 12 2*s, and only 8 of them are any good. Buffing 4 might ensure one to three of those 8 are in, but it's a huge portion of the existing characters. That's like buffing 12 3*s instead of 6. If there were 16 choices in 2* land then maybe you could do a pick 4.

    You can't really avoid the "my favorite guy isn't buffed and therefore weaker by comparison". Buffing a whole rarity tier especially not using the buffed guys is just handicapping yourself. Unless they are really really good *cough*Daken*cough* you won't be using non buffed guys.
  • Here's my take on this test as player who's just build a pair of 166 3*s....

    Taking on board what I read on the forums and advice from others, I didn't spread my iso across characters but predominantly saved it for my first pair of 166s. And a few events ago, I bought the last few covers and iso (yes I bought iso) to finally get 2 fully
    leveled 3* characters. I thought I was finally set to place better in pvp, start to build my roster and have my best season yet.

    Well lo and behold, this test comes in and guess what, the 2 guys I invested heavily in aren't buffed. Ares now is the most jacked guy I've got for the rest of the season...so, I'm back to 2* land when I thought I was well and truly in 3* land.

    While I commend the Devs for trying something new, for guys like me without a well developed roster, I can't compete the way I thought I could. Yes, there could be a week where both my 166s would be buffed - happy days then, but it's also possible there could
    be weeks where it's all my undeveloped characters that are buffed.

    My 2c...I don't know how to get ahead in this game anymore.
  • Wow, this is the worst idea ever! Variety my ****. Oh let's see who I face this time, Juggs and the next match.... Juggs... Oh there's an X-Force..... Hey look another Juggs! Step right up and get seriously damaged by countless nameless schmucks with 9 roster slots. This is clearly another way to eat health packs. Now instead of a bad board simply hurting you, it's fatal. If you don't want us playing with 4 stars, then quit releasing them! Competing at a particular level in PVP should be earned. You did nothing to change the wall that people run into, it's still there.

    If you want people to play someone else NERF WOLVERINE!!! Wolverine is deader than fried chicken but must have attained godhood since if a character gets released that's more powerful than him, instant Nerf... In fact, you'll wheelchair lesser characters and wonder why there really is only one character to have all the while claiming that you seek balance. I would say..... Grab your balls, nerf the ONLY character that deserves it and give up this asinine idea but since your customer base actually owns your balls.... I'll let you slide.
  • heroguy35
    heroguy35 Posts: 54
    I'm extremely disappointed with this change. I've been playing for many months now and I've adapted and moved on through numerous changes, buffs, and nerfs but in my opinion this one is by far the worst.

    Basically this is combined arms (which I can't stand and don't play) potentially every single event now. I feel like everything I've worked my butt of for is useless now. What's the point in struggling to get these elusive 4* if they're now easily beaten by several 3* teams every pvp? My game had progressed to 4* transition and it was fun battling to 1k to get those coveted 4* covers that I need. What's the point now? Why waste the time, effort, and hp now? What's my incentive? Don't need them anymore. I just need a buffed 3* and I'm able to beat any 4* team you throw my way.

    Pve is a joke now because I made the decision to level some 4*s so scaling is now out of control. The one escape for those with developed rosters was pvp and now that consists of 10 minute, 2 health pack matches against 280 hood/280 thor/290 torch every match past 550 points. In normal pvp you could climb to 1k facing 5 or 6 maxed 270 teams per event. That's fine. Those teams should be at the top. Now I'm facing maxed teams constantly because 10 times as many people have maxed 3*s. So now the roster I worked my butt off for is now on the same tier with a player who just maxed their first 3* and has a decent selection of 94s to work with. It's ridiculous.

    I can see how those in the 2-3 transition would love this change. They can now compete with anyone in the game. I'm sure I would be very excited about the change if I was there and I'm happy for those of you that are. This should open up new avenues in this game and make it more exciting for you. Unfortunately your happiness comes at the expense of others. I understand the devs can't make everyone happy so I'll understand if the changes stay but this will be one change I don't see myself adapting to.

    Sorry for the rant. Just really felt the need to express my opinion on this one.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm loving this. There's meaningful variety in the teams I see! I have a reason to put ISO into characters who aren't my three best! Roster depth is rewarded long-term! I benched X-Force, for pete's sake! I have no idea how I'll place, but really enjoying playing PvP for the first time in a while.
  • No thanks, this is ****.
    Anyone who's been playing this game a while is taking a serious hit

    Keep season events as before...
    Have this kind of thing inbetween seasons - then it won't mess with our season scores

    I think it's a rubbish time to 'test' this out. Could've waited for the season break no??
  • OneenO
    OneenO Posts: 75 Match Maker
    For the first time ever I don't like a change. I have watched the nerfs/buffs, true healing, tus, and every other change that I thought would benefit the game in the long run and been supportive(although not very vocal). That also includes more diverse roster usage. But this is not the way to create roster diversity. In fact this has done quite the opposite, now I am forced to use buffed characters because everyone else is and I will get slaughtered if I don't. How am I supposed to use a 166 against a 280 buffed 3* Thor or Patch or Hood or Loki.

    I really hope you guys take this change back to the drawing board and come up with some other way to get the results your looking for. This change has made me not want to play anymore and that would be a shame because I really love this game and I have been playing since November 2013. I am a little worried about a dev team that feels the only way to create balance or diversity is to buff 10+ characters in each PVP. Isn't that some kind of sign that the game lacks balance and is unhealthy in its current state? Cause that is how I see it.
  • I agree that I don't enjoy this change. The buffs are too dramatic and all I see is a new walls of Ares, Thor, Hood, and Patch.

    I've played this game for month after month and finally got a decent 3* roster and at the moment it feels worthless. If this continues, I don't see myself playing the game much longer.
  • OneenO
    OneenO Posts: 75 Match Maker
    I have enjoyed this buff, I think the 3*s should have been buffed 50%, not 67%, but also agree that this buff is a band-aid distraction obscuring a lack of content. Why complain over a lack of diversity in use when their is a lack of diversity in usable supply??? Players can only use what they are given!

    I do enjoy the buffs as a bit of a novelty but I don't think the game should go in this direction for every event. Their heads are in the right place but I believe this will do more harm than good over time. If we thought we saw a lot of **** about the nerfs last week just wait till they buff xforce and 4hor in the same pvp week. Can you imagine the outrage against this change then.

    But how can they change course now? They seem hell bent on sticking to the same old 2 weeks new character/recycled pve/ top 50 4* release/ blah blah blah. I feel like they have the right path already laid out in front of them but they are having trouble trying to figure out the best mode of transportation. So they just keep walking in circles hoping the scenery changes.
    To encourage roster diversity, they should put out more new characters, well-designed and tested characters, faster. The game should have launched with more, and put out new characters at a faster clip. The dearth of characters is what has enabled the rise of the "got to have'em all" mentality, and resulted in everyone using a limited selection of tried and true combinations. Because it is literally possible to have them all, build them all, try them all

    If they want diversity and really want to promote player choices on who to acquire and put time and resources into then they need to put out blocks of characters at a time, like 3-4 new 3*s. Players then need to decide which 3* to go after because you can only pick one. You pick the character just like the time slot you only compete against others going after the same 3*. This will help change that Pokemon attitude and might actually achieve what they wanted to from the start.
  • initially thought it was interesting, but now i think i am just losing more match higher up. My 3* are almost maxed but those last 2 covers i'm missing is really showing when fighting boosted max characters. I think it is harder to gauge the strength of opponents with the boosts due to the new event mode. It also seems like there are too many characters boosted. It seems kind of gimmicky. it is fun climbing but no fun at the top, which was how it used to be. i think the amount of points you lose in a defensive lose needs to decrease to the point where it is less then 8 points per loss it is no fun to lose a hour's worth of climbing in a couple minutes.

    Instead of boosting players into the next competitive star.png level i wish they would of just separated people and rewards into different tiers based on what transition step your on (you pick when starting) or if you don't need rewards then have the opinion to play for more hp/iso and let the cover rewards go to someone that needs them while still generating points for the season.

    this added a new spice to the mix but did nothing to change many of the glaring problems of this mode.
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    gmp72 wrote:
    For someone who is in the 2 to 3 star transition phase, I must say that I am really enjoying using the powered up characters.
    Time will tell if I can reach higher progression rewards, but I think I will.

    I hope that D3 continue this.

    A success as far as I'm concerned.
    Ditto. As a relative (125'ish days) newcomer to the game, I've got a good 2* roster but a very weak 3* roster (only GSBW has 7 covers, and man, she sucks). I've looked at the 400, 500 point progression rewards with equal parts envy and dismay; the 25HP would sure help, and the 500 reward is a 2* cover, but they seem impossible to reach with only 2* characters. The "166 wall" hits me in the 300-400 range, and if I try to push through that, I just get smacked around pretty hard or have to spend lots of time hitting "skip".

    Tonight I got to play with a 170 Ares. Whoa. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    I think I've got a good shot at 400 points tomorrow (I'm calling it a night at 200+), which will give me the 25HP I need to unlock my next roster slot. If I happen to luck into top-100 (I got a fresh bracket when I joined!), so much the better, as my 3* Daken could sure use the help.

    I can understand vets being upset, but this is a godsend for us non-166-equipped guys. It gives us a real chance to hit those progression rewards that look like they're aimed at us in the first place. I don't care if the wall hits me at 500'ish points. Just hitting the 500 would be awesome.