Upcoming Test: Powered-Up Characters in Versus



  • What a clusterduck of an event. Firstly to get it out of the way buffing Loki AND Hood made the event a nightmare because you dont want to play versus those 2 all the time.

    Secondly as people probably already mentioned the buffs were too drastic. 166s are in toddler league when you have 280 chars running around. I could only use about 4 characters the whole event because I couldn't use all my other ones that weren't buffed.

    I don't know if that was intended but people were attacking maxed 3 star teams with Ares!! It's all fun and games for them but it is supremely annoying for people who actually think about who they hit. Much like Magneto Storm those buffed 2 star teams can't win a defense, yet you get attacked by them and need to get your points back all the time. I chose a poor time for my climb and was attacked left and right. 4Stars are worthless when your 3 Star team can take them down easily. I think XForce is a bit overpowered but it created at least a tier system where above a certain treshold thats what you expect. This time everything was in chaos, you had everybody attacking everybody. If you hit somebody they would retaliate guaranteed.

    I didn't enjoy it. It was basically Balance of Power if you limited the roster to about 5 characters. I love how transitioning players are praising this event. I want to hear what they have to say when Moonstone is buffed instead of Ares.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,401 Chairperson of the Boards
    gmp72 wrote:
    For someone who is in the 2 to 3 star transition phase, I must say that I am really enjoying using the powered up characters.
    Time will tell if I can reach higher progression rewards, but I think I will.

    I hope that D3 continue this.

    A success as far as I'm concerned.
    Ditto. As a relative (125'ish days) newcomer to the game, I've got a good 2* roster but a very weak 3* roster (only GSBW has 7 covers, and man, she sucks). I've looked at the 400, 500 point progression rewards with equal parts envy and dismay; the 25HP would sure help, and the 500 reward is a 2* cover, but they seem impossible to reach with only 2* characters. The "166 wall" hits me in the 300-400 range, and if I try to push through that, I just get smacked around pretty hard or have to spend lots of time hitting "skip".

    Tonight I got to play with a 170 Ares. Whoa. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    I think I've got a good shot at 400 points tomorrow (I'm calling it a night at 200+), which will give me the 25HP I need to unlock my next roster slot. If I happen to luck into top-100 (I got a fresh bracket when I joined!), so much the better, as my 3* Daken could sure use the help.

    I can understand vets being upset, but this is a godsend for us non-166-equipped guys. It gives us a real chance to hit those progression rewards that look like they're aimed at us in the first place. I don't care if the wall hits me at 500'ish points. Just hitting the 500 would be awesome.

    be ready to be attacked all night with ARES teams
  • angryelvis
    angryelvis Posts: 28 Just Dropped In
    Not really digging the event. This many powered up characters makes it feel like high school poker, nothing but wild cards.
  • Love the buffs. Didn't score as high but who cares. Need to increase my diversity more.


  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    slidecage wrote:
    be ready to be attacked all night with ARES teams

    Max your own Ares and put him up. Why are you afraid of playing on a level field?
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    slidecage wrote:
    Max your own Ares and put him up. Why are you afraid of playing on a level field?
    Has nothing to do with fear... more like mild annoyance that crutches continue to be handed out to people who are disinclined to work as hard as those who've built up a good roster.

    So, one event of this test is in, and I didn't use XF or GT once, and saw them pop up in maybe 10% of my matchups. Mission accomplished? If the mission is to convince people 4s aren't worth playing for, buying covers for, spending ISO on, I'd say the answer is a resounding "yes"
  • simonsez wrote:
    slidecage wrote:
    Max your own Ares and put him up. Why are you afraid of playing on a level field?
    Has nothing to do with fear... more like mild annoyance that crutches continue to be handed out to people who are disinclined to work as hard as those who've built up a good roster.

    So, one event of this test is in, and I didn't use XF or GT once, and saw them pop up in maybe 10% of my matchups. Mission accomplished? If the mission is to convince people 4s aren't worth playing for, buying covers for, spending ISO on, I'd say the answer is a resounding "yes"

    Yeah I agree, that feeling of progression has just evaporated for me. I still placed 22nd with just using a shield once at the very end because I just didn't want to keep playing honestly. Once you take away the benefits of all that time invested into the game...and just "level the playing field" with the snap of a finger, i really see no point to progressing at all anymore...at least for me anyways. Just another change that deters me from playing the game as much as I did before, and that trend seems to keep continuing.
  • Der_Lex
    Der_Lex Posts: 1,035 Chairperson of the Boards
    simonsez wrote:
    slidecage wrote:
    Max your own Ares and put him up. Why are you afraid of playing on a level field?
    Has nothing to do with fear... more like mild annoyance that crutches continue to be handed out to people who are disinclined to work as hard as those who've built up a good roster.

    So, one event of this test is in, and I didn't use XF or GT once, and saw them pop up in maybe 10% of my matchups. Mission accomplished? If the mission is to convince people 4s aren't worth playing for, buying covers for, spending ISO on, I'd say the answer is a resounding "yes"

    But why would you have any trouble at all with Ares when you have a good roster? Just about any combination of buffed 3*s and 4*s can eat any team leaning solely on Ares for breakfast. Hell, Patch can pretty much shrug off an onslaught or sunder in a couple of turns if you happen to allow the ai to grab too much green or yellow.

    The only people who should have trouble with Ares teams are people in the 2 to 3* transition, but those usually have a maxed Ares anyway since he's one of the better 2*s out there, so that levels the playing field.
  • slidecage wrote:
    be ready to be attacked all night with ARES teams

    Max your own Ares and put him up. Why are you afraid of playing on a level field?

    1. I'm blasting through health packs at 200 points instead of 500.

    2. It makes me feel like getting new covers is pointless.

    3. While I may see a little more diversity in matches, I use much less diversity because it doesnt make sense to use one of my characters that isnt buffed.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Der_Lex wrote:
    But why would you have any trouble at all with Ares when you have a good roster?
    I said I was "mildly annoyed". It's a mystery how that could be taken as synonymous with "having trouble".

    As stated above, it's a health pack suck. You can't always guarantee that the sunder and/or onslaught is going to land on Patch
  • Hendross
    Hendross Posts: 762 Critical Contributor
    simonsez wrote:
    slidecage wrote:
    Max your own Ares and put him up. Why are you afraid of playing on a level field?
    Has nothing to do with fear... more like mild annoyance that crutches continue to be handed out to people who are disinclined to work as hard as those who've built up a good roster.

    So, one event of this test is in, and I didn't use XF or GT once, and saw them pop up in maybe 10% of my matchups. Mission accomplished? If the mission is to convince people 4s aren't worth playing for, buying covers for, spending ISO on, I'd say the answer is a resounding "yes"

    Ares is a non-factor above 500, instead of XF-4hor it's a steady stream of L.Thor, and Hood or Loki

    What's the point to having 4-star characters if they buff 3* to 280? 280 L-Thor is significantly better than 270 4hor.

    +1 "If the mission is to convince people 4s aren't worth playing for, buying covers for, spending ISO on, I'd say the answer is a resounding "yes""

    P.S I did reach 1k with L.Thor+Hood and 4 shields.
  • Having only 1x 3* at 166, I was able to get into top-100 about 70% of the time before this change (with shields). Typically scoring around 600 points. This time, I only got 460 points. The number of health packs needed was insane. After almost every fight I needed two. I don't see any point in leveling another 3* to 166. It is cheaper to get all the 2* and level those to 94, then I will always have a boosted character around 170. Boosting up a full tier is too much, why not half a tier?
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    I thought the old 50% buff was plenty as it stood. Due to scaling differences 249 3*s were already better than 4*s. 280 is overkill.
  • I absolutely loathe this change. I have a decent roster I suppose. I would consider myself late in the 2 > 3 star transition. Very late. I have two 166s and a 170 Xforce with 5 green who is quite viable. And then I have 5 that are missing one cover or two and level maxed but aren't optimized cover wise.

    I've been consistently top 100 for a very long time with, max, a 3 hour shield towards the end. This PVP format totally destroys that. Of my 6 140+ characters, only one of them is buffed. And it's a 3 blue Hood who is basically not as scary as he looks on the vs. screen. Before, at least I could throw a 166 Cap and 172 Xforce out there and not look like an auto-win against teams unless they were 270 Xforce etc. Now, in addition to the 4 star teams that will still absolutely wreck me, anyone with a maxed Torch, Thor, Patch or Loki is lumped in with the 'untouchables'. And that's before I take into account they probably also have a 5 blue hood they can throw them with. And next PVP I get to deal with the same thing only add in a level 280 Daken? Ares going om nom nom on my health packs is the least of my worries.

    I realized you could say I got 'unlucky' on the picks for the week. And next week I could go out there and push for top 25 maybe with my other near maxes that may get buffed. But seriously, right now, there's no point in me even ATTEMPTING to get a reasonable place in PVP. The 'variety' this adds is basically the 'variety' of me not playing for a week and then maybe playing more consistently the next week. It's awful.
  • teknofyl
    teknofyl Posts: 80
    My two cents:

    I liked the Torch event. There was a good grouping of buffed characters, so I saw a greater variety of lineups during the climb and at the top. I don't usually push to 1k, but I wanted that black XF and the gameplay just felt fresher. Was it better seeing linups of XF, Loki, Hood, Patch and both big-hitting Thors over XF/Thor4? Yes, yes it was. Was ut better being able to USE the added variety effectively? Why, yes, it was. Did I get that XF? Damn right I did.

    That being said, we'll see how this goes when the buffed lineups are not the cream of the crop. Buffed XF is gonna hurt right in the face.
  • pabasa130
    pabasa130 Posts: 208 Tile Toppler
    I understand the need for this in theory, as there is a need to add diversity to the opponents you face in PvP, and no longer dominated by 4Thor Xforce.

    However as a firmly-entrenched 2*-3* transitioner (day 140), I'm currently not quite happy with what I'm ending up with. I've intentionally kept my 3* at around level 100 until I get like 10 more 3* to a more usable level. Hence my buffed characters are still far below max buffed.

    I'm still facing the same problem as before:

    Before change : 166 wall at 400-500 points
    After change: 280 wall at 400-500 points.

    The only good thing is if I find anyone not using the buffed characters, I can down them with a bit of effort.

    Otherwise, this change does not help transitioners. I suppose it does help for teams with a good 3* roster but lacking in 4*, but that's not me.
  • Der_Lex
    Der_Lex Posts: 1,035 Chairperson of the Boards
    simonsez wrote:
    Der_Lex wrote:
    But why would you have any trouble at all with Ares when you have a good roster?
    I said I was "mildly annoyed". It's a mystery how that could be taken as synonymous with "having trouble".

    As stated above, it's a health pack suck. You can't always guarantee that the sunder and/or onslaught is going to land on Patch

    Because for someone who's only 'mildly annoyed' about this, you do seem to be complaining about it a lot.

    Personally I'm relatively indifferent about it all, because it doesn't seem to have affected my pvp experience all that much. I ran out of health packs at the 650 points mark, which is the same as in a regular pvp in which I have a decently leveled featured character. The only difference is that the wall of xthor teams at the top has now been supplemented with Patch, Lazy Thor, Hood and Loki in various combinations., so it's a bit more varied.

    I think the character boosts are an interesting idea to promote having broader rosters, but I do feel they are a bit unfair towards 4* players. I feel that for the 4* tier, it's unrealistic for D3 to expect players to have a broad, leveled roster, simply because of the huge amount of iso needed to max a 4*, and the slower rate of cover acquisition if you don't pay for covers. It makes sense that players will focus on collecting and leveling only two or three that are the most powerful in the current metagame: if a 4* doesn't give you a large advantage when playing, it's more cost-effective to level two good 3*s instead.

    I also feel that the buff the 'weeklies' receive is too close to that of the featured character, which kind of dims the spotlight on the character a bit.

    My suggestion therefore would be to keep the current buff level for the featured character, and to give the weekly characters in each tier the +50% buff that featured characters used to get until this pvp. This still makes the weekly characters well worth playing, but doesn't take away too much from the featured characters and the 4*s.
  • First time I did not use my 220 lvl X-Force in any fight (but I only need top 100 cover, so 800 points without shield-hops is ok for me). My chars were maxed Patch + LThor and later Hood + LThor with my 245 lvl HT.
    I was a bit skeptical about this change, but it'll help to kill boredom - fighting vs different teams every week.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Der_Lex wrote:
    Because for someone who's only 'mildly annoyed' about this, you do seem to be complaining about it a lot.
    You must have a low tolerance for annoyance too if you think that was a lot.
  • shatland
    shatland Posts: 42 Just Dropped In
    from my experience i have certainly seen a much more varied roster in opponents, but as a mostly star.pngstar.png player, i'm still hitting the infamous and ugly wall @ 400-500 points. why is this happening? why can't i continue to play after that magical mark? let me hit comparable opponents. even if it's for fewer points, i'd still be able to climb. i thought maybe my boosted ares would help me do that, but i'm just facing 280 3 stars instead of 166 3 stars. this really doesn't change anything but letting people with developed rosters dust off a few of their 3 stars.

    fix the things that ARE broken and break down that wall already!!!