Thick as Thieves
TheVulture wrote:For science then, I'll just sit this one out and see if the levels come down.
19:33 UK time - Mission I L155, mission VIII L230.
SCIENCE UPDATE: Probably best not to try and sit this one out!
23:29 UK Time - Not played (or even had the game on) since 19:33 check earlier - Mission I L172, mission VIII L230.
So they will rise & rise even when inactive, it seems...
I do love me some PvE and rare covers, but this event is not looking well implemented - thinking best to stick to the 80/90/100 event trio if anything, and hope devs can fix this on Monday.0 -
Phantron wrote:Patch is only powerful because his strike tiles are incorrectly credited to you instead of the other side. If they're shared 50/50 like they're supposed to, you'd probably die in 3 turns after you used Berserker Rage if the other side isn't dead by then. I don't see him being exceptionally more powerful than Wolverine 2* if not for the bug. In fact, if his strike tiles are correctly counting against you, I'd definitely use Wolverine 2* instead if there's a choice.
The difficulty of these missions does keep the guy ahead in check and makes it somewhat possible a casual player might compete.
Patch is also getting full buffs in this event where Astonishing gets less. I have no issues using my level 15 patch instead of my 85 astonishing though0 -
This went from one of my favourite ideas in the game so far to a tournament that has 0 relevance to me in the swapping of one sub event.0
By the way looking at my sub bracket it looks like this event also uses the same score as The Hunt (so I must have just never been in an uncompetitive sub bracket prior to this event) since the max point guy in my group looks roughly equal to doing exactly all the missions twice at base value. If it was like The Hulk, I should be seeing guys with 500 points or more now in the sub bracket (anyone who didn't compete well in first sub bracket would have that kind of score easily with The Hulk scoring rules).
I don't mind this scoring system but they really need to put a disclaimer like "DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT MISSING A SUB BRACKET OR YOUR OVERALL RANKING GETS HOSED" in case people aren't aware of it.0 -
I'm a bit baffled on the way this event is progressing, the fact that I just won't be able to beat almost half the missions in the second sub bracket, even with maxed characters (2* mostly), is a bit inane...
Not good if the best I have left is grind 20 iso on old prologue missions.
In the third sub bracket what would it be? Not even able to beat the first mission? This seems broken somehow.0 -
Phantron wrote:By the way looking at my sub bracket it looks like this event also uses the same score as The Hunt (so I must have just never been in an uncompetitive sub bracket prior to this event) since the max point guy in my group looks roughly equal to doing exactly all the missions twice at base value. If it was like The Hulk, I should be seeing guys with 500 points or more now in the sub bracket (anyone who didn't compete well in first sub bracket would have that kind of score easily with The Hulk scoring rules).
I don't mind this scoring system but they really need to put a disclaimer like "DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT MISSING A SUB BRACKET OR YOUR OVERALL RANKING GETS HOSED" in case people aren't aware of it.
Oh well, time to call it a week then. Got first in the first sub, fold the rest. Do not feel like grinding max level villains, its not economically feasible. Ill be happy with my rewards I guess. Might run through the 2nd sub late tonight have not joined yet, first mission at lvl 217...0 -
Yeah, I can beat lvl 230 villains. But I need to use boosts and hope I end up getting a lucky board of blue tiles to use Spideys stun lock. But part of my enjoyment of PVE comes from storing up ISO to use on my characters, if I'm spending that all on boosts to grind out lvl 230 bosses all week? No thanks.0
Chimaera wrote:Phantron wrote:Do not feel like grinding max level villains, its not economically feasible. Ill be happy with my rewards I guess. Might run through the 2nd sub late tonight have not joined yet, first mission at lvl 217...
Yeah that's the thing, I could work these missions and grind out the 200+ things with my measly characters but it'd take all of my ISO in boosts. What's the point in winning covers when I'm ISO bankrupt and still needing to level the cards I have!0 -
Whoopie doo, first mission against Lvl 230 Maggie. I need ISO and I don't want to burn through my boost just to do missions.
I'm gonna sit this one out, unless devs change/reset lvl cap for each new sub events.0 -
I did another round of tanking, here's what I found.
Start with level 230 in every mission (might've been 227 on the first one), selected Anderson V (you get a loaned Patch who is invulnerable to retreating). I retreated 36 times, losing 18 characters in the process (each character can retreat 4 times before downed) and ran out of characters I don't plan to use. Levels for missions:
I - 100
II - 90
III - 104
IV - 142
V - 121
VI - 230
VII - 152
VIII - 230
So basically, don't expect this strategy to have much of an effect on the hardest missions (no idea why VII dropped a bunch). But this does mean you don't have to always kill yourself on the easy missions. Not sure how long it took to retreat 36 times, but the time involved is non trivial. Maybe spent 20 minutes from just retreating? I guess I could've just be doing Army of One instead and grinding for Isotope 8s with that time.0 -
I think I'm going to just write this entire event off completely.
Subs finish at about 4am local time for me. I went to sleep just past midnight at rank #1 in my sub, woke up to top 25 rewards. I'm not staying up all night/waking up that early just to preserve my lead, especially when I have to back that up with lv240 Maggia in the first missions on the next sub.
I think I'll just worry about Army of One event and hope to pick up some more Patch covers there. Daredevil will have to wait.0 -
Well I finished 1st in the first sub event...Just joined the 2nd sub event and every mission is deadly... Not sure what the devs were planning, I guess trying to even out rewards, but this event is going to suck...Might be the first one I quit on as it is nearly impossible to make any progress when every mission is deadly...0
Come on you guys are real downers. The first time there has been any kind of challenge all in the pve side of the game and everyone crumbles. This is the first time since I've started that I've actually had to think about what I'm doing and making sure I'm making the best possible move instead of mindless faceroll grinding or using some weird exploit like MMR tanking Rubberbanding etc. I understand people that ground 1 point missions a ton in the first sub event might be a bit upset but that happens once and now you know not to do that again. If you played the event like it was ment to be played which is each mission twice per reset then you would of started the second sub event going up against lv40 guys going up to lv180 for the last mission. The entire system shouldn't have to bend to you because you messed up once. Personally I'm a newer player with not an amazing team at all. I'm using lv33OBW, lv18 Patch, and lv50mk35 Iron Man, and I've been able to stay competitive in these. Sure I'm not getting first places I got 11th in the first one but I also shouldn't be getting first with this team. I don't feel entitled to be able to reach the top without having a much stronger team like some people seem to think, Even though I am currently in 1st this second sub bracket by a pretty large margin but I'm sure I won't end that way there's a lot of time left. I'm also not using much in the way of any boosts aside from the final two missions which are lv133 and lv180 which did take boosts and a bit of good luck.0
I actually like the high level 240 fights in PVE usually but having ALL the fights at 240 is just painful.
The 240 fights were fun because you had to stop and think and be meticulous about your moves. Doing that for EVERY fight becomes a painful chore when its needed to win covers. I can farm 240 fights all day without using health packs w/ my roster but it's time intensive and gets old after a few fights.
I am pretty sure I'm going to bow out of trying to be competitive for this event.
I am far more constrained by iso than covers anyhow. Still working on Mag/Pun/Spidey/Hulk even if I get the Patch/DD covers, I won't have the iso for them anyhow.0 -
Top8Gamer wrote:Come on you guys are real downers. The first time there has been any kind of challenge all in the pve side of the game and everyone crumbles. This is the first time since I've started that I've actually had to think about what I'm doing and making sure I'm making the best possible move instead of mindless faceroll grinding. I understand people that ground 1 point missions a ton in the first sub event might be a bit upset but that happens once and now you know not to do that again. If you played the event like it was ment to be played which is each mission twice per reset then you would of started the second sub event going up against lv40 guys going up to lv180 for the last mission. The entire system shouldn't have to bend to you because you messed up once. Personally I'm a newer player with not an amazing team at all. I'm using lv33OBW, lv18 Patch, and lv50mk35 Iron Man, and I've been able to stay competitive in these. Sure I'm not getting first places I got 11th in the first one but I also shouldn't be getting first with this team. I don't feel entitled to be able to reach the top without having a much stronger team like some people seem to think, Even though I am currently in 1st this second sub bracket by a pretty large margin but I'm sure I won't end that way there's a lot of time left. I'm also not using much in the way of any boosts aside from the final two missions which are lv133 and lv180 which did take boosts and a bit of good luck.
Having a few deadly missions in every sub level is a great way to weed out the competition, having every mission deadly takes the fun out of the game, and causes it to be a chore rather than be fun...0 -
Having a few deadly missions in every sub level is a great way to weed out the competition, having every mission deadly takes the fun out of the game, and causes it to be a chore rather than be fun...
Yes like I stated that is caused by you guys not knowing it wouldn't reset not a flaw of the system itself. If you hadn't grinded all the 1 point gain missions into the ground and stopped when they were only worth one point then you would of gone into the second sub event against lv40s which is entirely reasonable. This is more a problem of learning how the event worked rather then the event being bad.0 -
I finished first in the first sub and I feel bad I can't do well in the second sub, not so much because I won't get Patch again, but because I would like to finish top 50-100 in main to get at least 1 cover of Daredevil. I am #28 right now in main, but I expect to drop out of top 100 by the time the 2nd sub ends since I can't win the missions. I think they either didn't test the difficult levels properly, which isn't unheard of if you consider for how many heroes are not balanced and getting nerfed in the near future, or they wanted to give a better chance to their paying customers or those who have high level roster. They could do this without such a steep difficulty in missions, but they chose not to.
What I don't get is why so many complain because they have to use boosts to win against 230 lv missions. Well, you are getting Patch covers for placing high and even Daredevil covers who is a brand new hero. You are also in the position to win against a 230lv team which means you are not a new or casual player, and you complain that you don't get enough ISO or that you spend too much on boosters? I find this attitude silly. We have players who can't beat even the first mission and some complain because they don't gain enough, even though they compete for the top prizes. The devs have provided a pvp tournament for the duration of the event, so everyone can just play there to gain ISO if he needs it.
I think a more balanced approach should be used in the future by the devs and that they will fix it soon. Otherwise, I expect to see more potential customers leaving the game because they can't even play/enjoy the game, than more pog them urchasing HP packs and ISO. It could be that this is their goal. To shrink the player base to a smaller and more manageable hardcore player base that makes them the same profit. Whatever was the intention behind this experiment will become obvious in the next days.0 -
On a side note you guys act like the events already over and decided. The event has barely started with tons left. Who knows how much the points will ramp up later. These early rounds maybe just end up being a drop in the bucket compared to the later rounds. Also it's all based on other players so if everyone is struggling equally everyone is still in the running.0
Top8Gamer wrote:Come on you guys are real downers. The first time there has been any kind of challenge all in the pve side of the game and everyone crumbles. This is the first time since I've started that I've actually had to think about what I'm doing and making sure I'm making the best possible move instead of mindless faceroll grinding or using some weird exploit like MMR tanking Rubberbanding etc. I understand people that ground 1 point missions a ton in the first sub event might be a bit upset but that happens once and now you know not to do that again. If you played the event like it was ment to be played which is each mission twice per reset then you would of started the second sub event going up against lv40 guys going up to lv180 for the last mission. The entire system shouldn't have to bend to you because you messed up once. Personally I'm a newer player with not an amazing team at all. I'm using lv33OBW, lv18 Patch, and lv50mk35 Iron Man, and I've been able to stay competitive in these. Sure I'm not getting first places I got 11th in the first one but I also shouldn't be getting first with this team. I don't feel entitled to be able to reach the top without having a much stronger team like some people seem to think, Even though I am currently in 1st this second sub bracket by a pretty large margin but I'm sure I won't end that way there's a lot of time left. I'm also not using much in the way of any boosts aside from the final two missions which are lv133 and lv180 which did take boosts and a bit of good luck.
This is all incorrect. I didn't do a single one pointer and my missions are 200+
I'm simply not burning all of my ISO for a couple of hero tokens. Your game is seemingly significantly easier than a lot of us here so I'd be careful about claiming people are crumbling in the face of a challenge.0 -
Top8Gamer wrote:Having a few deadly missions in every sub level is a great way to weed out the competition, having every mission deadly takes the fun out of the game, and causes it to be a chore rather than be fun...
Yes like I stated that is caused by you guys not knowing it wouldn't reset not a flaw of the system itself. If you hadn't grinded all the 1 point gain missions into the ground and stopped when they were only worth one point then you would of gone into the second sub event against lv40s which is entirely reasonable. This is more a problem of learning how the event worked rather then the event being bad.
I did 8 one point matches over the entire day yesterday and this morning to secure first and get a missed 500iso reward. Now everything is deadly on the second leg. I wouldn't consider that grinding or "working the system", I just wanted to win the bracket.
In order to progress in the game you need iso, therefore it is highly negative to constantly do things that lose you iso. I will need to boost to do most or all of those missions. Therefore it is not fun (because of the punishment and frustration it can so readily cause) or financially sound to continue with this event.
There will be more opportunities to get covers later, I would like to play the game, but it will hinder my ability to progress if I do.0
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