The Simulator - Mar 6 - 10



  • rbdragon
    rbdragon Posts: 479 Mover and Shaker
    The devs clearly get off on our suffering right?

    A node with Cage/IF/4hor? Really???
  • esoxnepa
    esoxnepa Posts: 291
    MathiasTCK wrote:
    I'm seeing slice end times an hour later for this event then previous PVEs. For me last slice ends at 1 am PST, normally for me PVE last slice ends at midnight, and PVP at 1 am. Could be because daylight savings is Sunday?

    I believe you are going to be a sad panda, as DST starts in the USA this weekend. So those times showing as 8PM now, will probably be 7PM end times. I hope I'm wrong and you are right, but check on Sunday to make sure you don't lose out on something.
  • jackstar0
    jackstar0 Posts: 1,280 Chairperson of the Boards
    MathiasTCK wrote:
    I'm seeing slice end times an hour later for this event then previous PVEs. For me last slice ends at 1 am PST, normally for me PVE last slice ends at midnight, and PVP at 1 am. Could be because daylight savings is Sunday?

    This is exactly right. Since DST takes an hour out and they want to maintain the same run-time for the event, it shifts things in the US. For everyone who doesn't have to deal with our playing with time, nothing should be changing for them.
  • Hulk seems like he'd be pretty good against the Iron Fist in the hard bracket.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    rbdragon wrote:
    The devs clearly get off on our suffering right?

    A node with Cage/IF/4hor? Really???

    OMG that node. First off, IF is a pain in the **** to fight against, holy **** that black passive is deadly, this guy alone is not worth the trouble. 4hor you can deal with, but damn the other two.
  • tanis3303
    tanis3303 Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    An alliance mate of mine solved the IF/Cage/Thor puzzle with a random idea I had earlier today: Mystique, 2* Mags and.......wait for it..........Bullseye. Yes, Seriously.
  • I freaking love Loki.


    That's what happens when 15 Mischief countdowns go off at once icon_e_smile.gif
  • kalirion wrote:
    That's what happens when 15 Mischief countdowns go off at once icon_e_smile.gif

    That's what I'd call a 'it was totally part of the plan' move.
  • inadreves1
    inadreves1 Posts: 106 Tile Toppler
    I beated 4hor/IF/Cage node (level 166) at first intent with:
    Hulk (142) 5/1/5
    Shehulk(142) 5/3/5
    and Loki (120) 5/3/4
    I got a little lucky with Mischief. Once got 11 black to equal Cage shield tile with a attack tile was relative easy, some Ilusions, Power Of Attorney and Thunderous Clap icon_cool.gif
  • This is a weird one, and nobody is trying.

    I did the easiest hard node, and thought the rest didn't look like ay fun, so I thought I'd throw the worst 166 3* team I could come up with against them to maybe lower scaling down the line. Used Beast, Lazy Storm, and Invisible Woman against 167-168 Hulk/Luke Cage/Bullseye, figuring they'd die fast.

    They came within 900 hit points of winning. If Cage's shield didn't get buried in a corner, they would have won.

    Tried Human Torch, Doc Ock, IM40, still all 166s. Won easily. Got IM40's Blue off, which I feel deserves an achievement

    Went to the next node - 180, Beast/Lazy Storm/Devil Dinosaur. Used Gamora, Spider-Man, She-Hulk. Bad board; they're annihilated

    Try again, use Sentry, Psylocke, and GSBW. Quite frankly, I'm running out of "bad" 3*s. Sentry gets a world rupture off with two sacrifices and Psylocke's red behind it; each tile does 1600+. Relatively easy win.

    Decide to use a real team on the 2000 iso node- Lazy Daken, X-Force, Deadpool - and they win, though it's closer than I would have liked.

    Check, and those four nodes have me in 7th place in a full 200 person bracket that's been open at least a couple hours, 12 hours before the sub ends.

    Also - trying to win with the worst team you can is seriously fun. I'm going to be doing that a lot in this one.
  • I did Nick Fury/The Hood/Hulk on the Thor/IF/Luke Cage node and they were level 321 and won pretty easily. I just picked guys who wouldn't match color. Hulk did most of the work by doing something like 15 Thunderous Claps though Nick Fury did 2 Demolitions at the end to save some time on getting rid of Thor, though since I got 20+ AP in multiple colors it's not like it'd have been hard to come up with other options. Probably should've used Black Panther instead of The Hood for this since an Anger every turn leads to a lot of cascades.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,837 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ugh I guess the Progression rewards are back to being difficult to reach. For awhile I wasn't reaching the 3* award but since they changed it to 8hr, I've had little problem reaching it but Punisher at 45k when I can barely do the Hard level seems way out of reach.
  • Ugh I guess the Progression rewards are back to being difficult to reach. For awhile I wasn't reaching the 3* award but since they changed it to 8hr, I've had little problem reaching it but Punisher at 45k when I can barely do the Hard level seems way out of reach.

    Simulator has always been a hard event to hit the progression rewards. The nodes increase in value by 33% or 50% each round (it's been 50% last few times but too early to verify) so there are a lot of points out there you can eventually get.
  • dkffiv
    dkffiv Posts: 1,039 Chairperson of the Boards
    tanis3303 wrote:
    An alliance mate of mine solved the IF/Cage/Thor puzzle with a random idea I had earlier today: Mystique, 2* Mags and.......wait for it..........Bullseye. Yes, Seriously.

    At level 300ish IF is doing 800 damage a turn, Bullseye and Mag will drop like flies if they're ever in front. I don't believe that node is possible to complete without boosting, I wasn't going to boost but the node just really pissed me off. Downed it with IM40 Punisher OBW, good ol' reliable. I'd normally use CapAm GSBW Hood but Hood was dying to ET before I could get blue protect tiles up. Healing basically seems like a must, Fury Hulk Hood was working okay until IF got a green off after gathering all the extra left over by Hulk resulting in Hulk dying to a cascade.
  • dkffiv wrote:
    Downed it with IM40 Punisher OBW, good ol' reliable.

    What exactly is the strategy with that one?
  • Sometimes I feel like Simulator is a payback that the devs give us when we complain about characters not being good enough. Some of these matchups in Hard are brutal combinations. I lost to Storm/Beast/Devil Dino twice already. Didn't even come CLOSE.
  • Ben Grimm wrote:
    Also - trying to win with the worst team you can is seriously fun. I'm going to be doing that a lot in this one.
    Months ago in my old alliance I tried to encourage Stupid Team Night over chat during events like this where nobody really gave a damn. Take turns calling out nodes and teams, the wackier the better, and everyone tries to beat them. You can make up your own rules for scoring and substitutions for people who don't have characters and such. It resulted in a lot of laughs and a lot of KO'ed heroes who usually didn't do much other than warm the end of the bench. Good times.

    As for that super fun Cage/IF/4or node, I took a run at it, just because. Went in with X-Force/CMags/Hood and was doing okay for a while until the AI made a totally innocent looking match-3 that proceeded to drop in about 40 AP worth of matches. Suffice to say I didn't win. Tried again, this time with X-Force/Hood/Loki. Loki didn't make it (took an uppercut to the grill late) and Hood wasn't looking so hot, but after a lot of AP stealing and board shaking I won. My reward for this awesomeness was a standard token and a great sense of personal satisfaction, neither of which proved to be of any significant value. I will not be doing that again.
  • dkffiv wrote:
    tanis3303 wrote:
    An alliance mate of mine solved the IF/Cage/Thor puzzle with a random idea I had earlier today: Mystique, 2* Mags and.......wait for it..........Bullseye. Yes, Seriously.

    At level 300ish IF is doing 800 damage a turn, Bullseye and Mag will drop like flies if they're ever in front. I don't believe that node is possible to complete without boosting, I wasn't going to boost but the node just really pissed me off. Downed it with IM40 Punisher OBW, good ol' reliable. I'd normally use CapAm GSBW Hood but Hood was dying to ET before I could get blue protect tiles up. Healing basically seems like a must, Fury Hulk Hood was working okay until IF got a green off after gathering all the extra left over by Hulk resulting in Hulk dying to a cascade.

    I haven't needed to boost yet but the level 300 IF you need a bit of luck. If he gets a great cascade on his purple it's pretty much over. In my first game I think I went with Surgical Strike + X Force + Magnetized Particles to take him out. In my second game I just did Thunderous Clap on him many times from the gobs of green I had.

    Punisher can hold his own pretty well with a 90 level buff. I was using him instead of X Force on the Punisher nodes (X Force + Punisher would be very redundant) and it works decent enough though he does take a lot of damage.
  • DrNitroman
    DrNitroman Posts: 966 Critical Contributor
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    This is a weird one, and nobody is trying.
    Check, and those four nodes have me in 7th place in a full 200 person bracket that's been open at least a couple hours, 12 hours before the sub ends.

    Also - trying to win with the worst team you can is seriously fun. I'm going to be doing that a lot in this one.
    It's a bit strange, yes.
    I missed a full refresh but after my last run today I'm in top 10 in easy and will be in top 10 in hard. I was wondering whether I was randomly placed in lazy subs or nobody's motivated by this Simulator?
    To be fair I won't try very hard myself because I'm not interested in the offered rewards icon_neutral.gif

    Maybe most players are sitting, waiting for the next PvE that should reward a new character, a 4 star.png, if I understood well?
  • I got through that IF/Cage/Thoress mode with my version of winfinite, BP/MNM/Mystique. I boosted +3 b/p. I very slowly took down Cage first and once I got the combo going, it was RotP after RotP. The ai never stood a chance.