What Marvel character are you hoping for? (post movesets)



  • awef
    awef Posts: 78 Match Maker
    edited November 2017
    Shang-Chi starpng starpng starpng starpng

    redflagpng Deadly Hands redtilepng 7
    Shang-Chi’s hand strikes open up the enemy to further attacks. Deals 468 damage and creates a strength 45 Strike tile.
    At Max Level:
    Level 3: Deals 3691 damage and creates a strength 194 Strike tile.
    Level 4: Deals 3691 damage and creates a strength 256 Strike tile.
    Level 5: Strike tile is strengthened by double the percentage of missing health of the enemy target.

    blackflagpng Formless blacktilepng 0
    (PASSIVE) The Master of Kung Fu easily adapts to his opponent. Whenever an enemy matches a friendly Attack or Protect tile, spend 4 Black AP and convert a random basic tile to the matched away Special tile.
    Level Upgrades:
    Level 2: Also applies to friendly Strike tiles.
    Level 3: Spend 3 AP.
    Level 4: Spend 2 AP.
    Level 5: Spend 3 AP and fortifies the tile.

    yellowflagpng Rising Spirit yellowtilepng 9
    Shang-Chi’s determination inspires others around him. Deals 646 damage and generates 1 AP in the team’s strongest color.
    At Max Level:
    Level 3: Deals 3143 damage and generates 2 AP.
    Level 4: Deals 5078 damage and generates 3 AP.
    Level 5: For each fortified friendly Special tile, also damage a non-target enemy, generate an additional AP, and increase the cost by 1. (Up to 2).
  • awef
    awef Posts: 78 Match Maker
    Daughters of the Dragon starpng starpng starpng starpng

    redflagpng Make or Break redtilepng 8
    Colleen Wing and Misty Knight get the drop on their enemies. If Colleen Wing is selected, she recklessly attacks, dealing 505 damage to the enemy team and creating a strength 66 enemy Strike tile for each active enemy. If Misty Knight is selected, she smashes the enemy's weapon with her bionic arm. Select an enemy Attack, Protect, or Strike tile, break it into 2 smaller tiles, and deal 878 damage to the enemy target. 
    At Max Level:
    Level 3: Deals 2026/3523 damage. Creates a strength 159 enemy Strike tile or breaks into 3 smaller tiles.
    Level 4: Deals 3119/5425 damage. Creates a strength 159 enemy Strike tile or breaks into 4 smaller tiles.
    Level 5: Deals 3600/6260 damage. Creates a strength 106 enemy Strike tile or breaks into 6 smaller tiles. Can select friendly Attack, Protect, or Strike tiles.

    purpleflagpng Double Trouble purpletilepng 8
    Misty Knight fires several shots with her firearm, dealing 482 damage to the enemy target and destroying 1 selected basic or enemy Attack tile. If the team has 8 Team-up AP or more, Colleen follows up with her katana, dealing an additional 290 damage. Destroyed tiles don't deal damage or generate AP.
    At Max Level:
    Level 3: Deals 1645/989 damage and destroys 2 selected tiles. Can destroy enemy Protect tiles.
    Level 4: Deals 2302/1385 damage and destroys 3 selected tiles. Can destroy enemy Strike tiles.
    Level 5: Deals 3326/2462 damage and destroys 5 selected tiles. 

    yellowflagpng In Control yellowtilepng 6
    Whenever in a pinch, Misty Knight's got connections to back her up. Generate 3 Team-up AP. 
    (PASSIVE) Team-up abilities cost 1 AP less for each enemy Special tile on the board (minimum cost 5 AP).
    Level Upgrades:
    Level 2: Generate 4 Team-up AP. 
    Level 3: Generate 5 Team-up AP. 
    Level 4: Generate 6 Team-up AP. The first Team-up ability can be used twice.
    Level 5: Generate 8 Team-up AP. All Team-up abilities can be used twice.

    • The follow up of Double Trouble counts as another instance of damage, meaning it is able to double-dip friendly Strike tiles. 
  • awef
    awef Posts: 78 Match Maker
    edited November 2017
    Nova starpng starpng starpng starpng starpng

    blueflagpng Worldmind Assistance bluetilepng 0
    (PASSIVE) The Xandarian Worldmind provides Nova with the knowledge to dispatch his enemies. At the start of your turn, if there are less than 8 Charged tiles and one doesn't already exist, create a 3-turn Countdown tile that transforms into a Yellow Charged tile.
    Level Upgrades:
    Level 2: 
    Lower the duration of the Countdown tile to 2 turns.
    Level 3: Creates a 2-turn Countdown in the enemy's strongest color.
    Level 4: Transforms into a Red or Yellow Charged tile.
    Level 5: Creates 2 Countdown tiles.

    yellowflagpng Nova Force yellowtilepng 9
    Richard Rider taps into a portion of the Nova Force, dealing 1004 damage to the enemy target and converting a basic tile surrounding a Charged tile into a Critical tile. 
    At Max Level:
    Level 3: Deals 5819 damage. Up to 2 Critical Tiles.
    Level 4: Deals 6547 damage.
    Level 5: Up to 3 Critical tiles.

    redflagpng Human Rocket redtilepng 10
    Nova barrels at the enemy target, separating both of them from their teams. Deals 1691 damage and adds a Red and a Yellow basic tile to the board. Sends allies and non-target enemies Airborne for 1 turn.
    At Max Level:
    Level 3: Deals 8983 damage and adds a Red and 2 Yellow basic tiles to the board.
    Level 4: Deals 10940 damage and adds 2 Red and 2 Yellow basic tiles to the board.
    Level 5: Adds 3 Yellow basic tiles to the board. Sends non-target enemies Airborne for 2 turns and stuns the enemy target for 1 turn.
  • awef
    awef Posts: 78 Match Maker
    edited November 2017
    Nick Fury starpng starpng starpng starpng starpng

    purpleflagpng Under the Radar purpletilepng 10
    The master spy attacks the enemy target and disappears without a trace, dealing 2299 damage and ignoring all enemy passives.
    At Max Level:
    Level 3: Deals 
    13553 damage and become Invisible for 1 turns.
    Level 4: Deals 15527 damage.
    Level 5: Deals 15527 damage and become Invisible for 2 turns. Allies become Invisible for 1 turn. Increase the cost by 1 AP.

    blueflagpng Still in Charge bluetilepng 0
    (PASSIVE) Nick Fury escapes at the last moment, using an LMD, and shows up to take control of the situation. If Nick Fury would take fatal damage, create a 2-turn Countdown tile that turns him Invisible for the duration instead. (This can only happen once). Whenever Nick Fury recovers from being stunned or Invisible, his team's next match deals double damage and generates an additional 2 AP.
    Level Upgrades:
    Level 2: Generates 3 AP.
    Level 3: Match deals triple damage.
    Level 4: Match steals 2 AP in the matched color.
    Level 5: If Nick Fury would take fatal damage, create a 2-turn Countdown tile that turns him Invisible for the duration and deal 7570 damage to the enemy team instead.

    yellowflagpng Howling Commandos yellowtilepng 10
    Fury summons his elite special unit for one last mission. Deals 2055 damage and creates a strength 205 Strike tile and 1-turn Countdown tile that destroys 4 surround basic tiles each turn, but doesn't generate AP.
    At Max Level:
    Level 3: 
    Deals 6800 damage. Creates 2 strength 595 Strike tiles and a 2-turn Countdown tile.
    Level 4: 
    Creates 3 strength 595 Strike tiles and 2 2-turn Countdown tiles.
    Level 5: 
    Creates a 3-turn Countdown tile that destroys 2 random enemy AP each turn.
  • awef
    awef Posts: 78 Match Maker
    War Machine starpng starpng starpng starpng starpng

    redflagpngDrop the Hammer redtilepng 9
    War Machine engages the enemy target with repulsor rays and follows up with a laser blade. Deals 2195 damage. If you have at least 12 AP in a colored AP pool, drain 9 AP from that pool and deal an additional 1975 damage.
    At Max Level:
    Level 3: Deals 10849/13230 damage.
    Level 4: Deals 12437/14847 damage.
    Level 5: If you have at least 9 AP in a colored AP pool, drain 6 AP.

    blueflagpngV. T. R. B. S. bluetilepng 0
    (PASSIVE) The Variable Threat Response Battle Suit comes equipped with the gadgets and firepower to turn the tide of any battle. Whenever 9 colored AP is drained, the corresponding effect occurs:
    • When Red AP is drained, the armor deploys thermite rounds that converts 4 non-Red tiles to Red.
    • When Green AP is drained, auxiliary flamethrowers ignite, creating a 2-turn Countdown tile that deal 4205 damage to the enemy team.
    • When Yellow AP is drained, the armor deploys anti-tank rounds that destroys 2 enemy Protect tiles. Does not generate AP.
    • When Blue AP is drained, the armor deploys concussion rounds that stun the enemy target and a random non-target enemy for 1 turn.
    • When Purple AP is drained, the armor fires a round of tear gas, creating a 1-turn Countdown tile that prevents enemies from firing abilities.
    • When Black AP is drained, the shoulder mounted box rocket launcher fires 2 missiles, creating 3 1-turn Countdown tiles that destroy 4 surround basic tiles. Does not generate AP.
    At Max Level
    Level 2: Enable the effect of draining Green AP.
    Level 3: Enable the effect of draining Yellow AP.
    Level 4: Enable the effects of draining Blue and Purple AP.
    Level 5: Whenever 6 AP is drained. Enable the effects of draining Black AP.

    greenflagpngFully Automatic greentilepng 5
    War Machine starts lighting the battlefield with his shoulder mounted Gatling gun. If there isn't one, create a 1-turn Repeater tile that deals 1026 damage and destroys 3 Team-up tiles. Does not deal damage or generate AP. Remove the Repeater tile when there are less than 3 Team-up Tiles on the board.
    At Max Level:
    Level 3: Deal 4917 damage.
    Level 4: Deal 5585 damage and destroys 2 Team-up tiles. Remove when less than 2 Team-up tiles.
    Level 5: Deal 6906 damage and destroys 1 Team-up tile. Remove when there are no Team-up tiles.

    • Ally abilities and enemy abilities that steal or destroy AP can trigger  V. T. R. B. S.. The passive only triggers once per each drained color, meaning draining 18+ colored AP will not activate the effect twice.

  • awef
    awef Posts: 78 Match Maker
    edited November 2017
    Henry Pym starpng starpng starpng starpng starpng

    redflagpngScientist Supreme redtilepng 0
    (PASSIVE) Hank uses his passion for science to make the impossible possible. Whenever your team makes a match-4 or greater, generate 2 AP in the team's strongest color.
    Level Upgrades:
    Level 2: Generate 1 AP in a random ally's strongest color.
    Level 3: Generate 1 AP in each ally's strongest color.
    Level 4: Destroy 1 AP in the enemy team's strongest color.
    Level 5: Destroy 2 AP in the enemy team's strongest color.

    blueflagpng Peaceful Propositionbluetilepng 6
    Dr. Pym deescalates the situation, hoping each side would talk it out. Create a 2-turn Countdown tile that prevents both teams from firing abilities.
    Level Upgrades:
    Level 2: Increase the duration to 3 turns.
    Level 3: Negate the damage of matches of both teams.
    Level 4: Negate the damage of passives of both teams.
    Level 5: Fortify the Countdown tile.

    blackflagpngSize Shifter blacktilepng 3
    Hank uses Pym particles to alter his size. If Ant-Man is chosen, shrink down to microscopic size and confuse your enemies. If Giant-Man is chosen, grow to titanic proportions and put your enemies in their place. This ability's cost can't be reduced.
    Level Upgrades:
    Level 2: Convert 2 random basic tiles to Red or Blue.
    Level 3: Convert 3 random basic tiles to Red or Blue.
    Level 4: Swap 3 pairs of random tiles when Ant-Man is chosen.
    Level 5: Destroy 4 random tiles when Giant-Man is chosen.

    As Ant-Man:
    redflagpngTiny Take-down redtilepng 8
    Ant-Man punches the enemy target without a trace and leaves them disoriented. Deals 1282 damage and redistribution half of the enemy's AP in the highest color pool into random color pools.
    At Max Level:
    Level 3: Deals 8243 damage.
    Level 4: Deals 9274 damage.
    Level 5: Redistributes all of the enemy's AP.

    blueflagpng Small Solutionsbluetilepng 6
    Ant-Man shrinks down his contingency plan for later use. Select a non-Blue basic tile and create a 3-turn Countdown tile that transforms 3 surrounding basic tiles to the selected color.
    Level Upgrades:
    Level 2: Transforms 4 surrounding basic tiles.
    Level 3: Transforms 5 surrounding basic tiles.
    Level 4: Lower the duration of the Countdown tile to 2 turns.
    Level 5: Can transform enemy Special tiles.

    blackflagpngSize Shifter blacktilepng 3
    Hank uses Pym Particles to alter his size. If Hank Pym is chosen, revert back to normal size and convert an additional random basic tile to Red or Blue. If Giant-Man is chosen, grow to titanic proportions and put your enemies in their place. This ability's cost can't be reduced.
    Level Upgrades:
    Level 2: Convert 1 random basic tiles to Red or Blue.
    Level 3: Convert 2 random basic tiles to Red or Blue.
    Level 4: Swap 3 pairs of random tiles when Ant-Man is chosen.
    Level 5: Destroy 4 random tiles when Giant-Man is chosen.

    As Giant-Man:
    redflagpngColossal Crash redtilepng 10
    Giant-Man puts his weight into a powerful stomp to dissuade enemies. Deals 2648 damage to the enemy target and stuns a random non-target enemy for 1 turn.
    At Max Level:
    Level 3: Deals 13088 damage.
    Level 4: Deals 15003 damage and stuns both non-target enemies for 1 turn.
    Level 5: Stuns the entire team for 1 turn.

    blueflagpng Helping Handbluetilepng 0
    (PASSIVE) Giant-Man makes the best of his stature and helps out wherever. Whenever your team has 9 Blue AP or more, 10% of your team's match damage is also dealt to non-target enemies.
    Level Upgrades:
    Level 2: Deals 15%.
    Level 3: Deals 20%.
    Level 4: Deals 30%.
    Level 5: Whenever Giant-Man's team has 6 Blue AP or more, deal 45%.

    blackflagpngSize Shifter blacktilepng 3
    Hank uses Pym Particles to alter his size. If Hank Pym is chosen, revert back to normal size and convert an additional random basic tile to Red or Blue. If Ant-Man is chosen, shrink down to microscopic size and confuse your enemies.This ability's cost can't be reduced.
    Level Upgrades:
    Level 2: Convert 1 random basic tiles to Red or Blue.
    Level 3: Convert 2 random basic tiles to Red or Blue.
    Level 4: Swap 3 pairs of random tiles when Ant-Man is chosen.
    Level 5: Destroy 4 random tiles when Giant-Man is chosen.

    • For Helping Hand, Strike tiles are calculated at the end.
  • Hanedog72
    Hanedog72 Posts: 10 Just Dropped In
    Some more 2* heroes would be nice, particularly some that give 3* covers that give 4* covers, for example: 2* Magneto-->3*Magneto-->4* Professor X.

    Maybe like a 2* Sabretooth that creates 3* Mystique, which would make a chain that goes 2* Sabretooth-->3*Mystique-->4*Iceman
    2* Captain Britain that feeds into Psylocke, creating a Captain Britain-->Psylocke-->Peggy Carter rotation.
    2* Punisher that would be obvious.

    Feel like theres some room for potential there and it would help players generate covers for some essential characters.
  • gmtosca
    gmtosca Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    After that poll about 80/90s artists, I've been googling a lot of Sienkiewicz recently and it's a lovely memory trip.  Anyway, I hope that if they do a synergy with the New Mutants movie, they choose his covers. 

    Also, I want Warlock just because Sienkiewicz's unique style melded wonderfully with the character's  idiosyncratic look,
  • Alex502
    Alex502 Posts: 184 Tile Toppler
    edited July 2018
    Where the heck is Kitty Pride?! Seriously. She should go like this:

    Phasic Wonder: Purple - Passive then 12 AP
    Kitty has control of her body's dimensional density, so she can phase through any obstacle! If she is the target of an enemy power, negate 90% of the damage, and make 4 invisible tiles targeting Kitty. Whenever Kitty is invisible, this power becomes "Strike from Within" - Kitty phases into her opponent, then strikes from within, causing 2,000 damage for each invisible tile on the board. Max 10

    Can't Touch This: Blue - Passive then 8 AP
    Her enemies try, but they can't touch this. Kitty slips right between their defenses and dismantles the enemy's plans with ease. Whenever the enemy team makes a 5 match, Kitty makes 4 invisible tiles targeting herself. Whenever Kitty is invisible, this power steals an enemy strike/protect/attack tile for each invisible tile on the board.

    Heart of the Team: Yellow - Passive
    Kitty's team is her family, and she'll do anything to protect, but she can only be in one place at a time. Whenever a single other teammate takes more than 3,000 damage, she dives to their aide, taking half that damage instead. Then, make 4 invisible tiles for Kitty and make that teammate invisible for one turn.
  • fewa
    fewa Posts: 74 Match Maker
    edited October 2018

    Molly Hayes (Runaways)

    4 Star (Legendary)

    redflagpng Bruiser redtilepng 9
    Molly winds up for a super strong punch. If there isn't on already, create a 2-turn Countdown tile on the board that deals 662 damage when removed and stuns Molly for 1 turn at the end of the turn. Whenever Molly’s team makes a match in Red, increase the damage by 50%.
    Max Level:
    Level 3: Deals 2639 damage and increase the damage by 100%.
    Level 4: Deals 3532 damage.
    Level 5: Green and Purple matches also increase the damage.

    greenflagpng Princess Powerful greentilepng 8
    Molly declares that she is "Princess Powerful" and stomps the ground, dealing 656 damage to the enemy team and destroying 2 random basic tiles.
    Max Level:
    Level 3: Deals 1105 damage and destroys 4 random basic tiles.
    Level 4: Deals 1598 damage and destroys 5 Black basic tiles.
    Level 5: Deals 2582 damage and destroys 5 Black, Blue, or Yellow basic tiles

    purpleflagpng Nap Time purpletilepng 0
    (PASSIVE) Bruiser gets a little woozy and takes a nap. Whenever Molly recovers from being stunned, generate 1 Red AP.
    Level Upgrade:
    Level 2: Generate 2 Red AP.
    Level 3: Give Molly a burst of 7% of her maximum health.
    Level 4: Generate 1 Green AP.
    Level 5: Generate 2 Red AP and 2 Green AP. Give Molly a burst of 10% of her maximum health.
  • fewa
    fewa Posts: 74 Match Maker
    edited October 2018

    Juggernaut (Once and Future Juggernaut)

    5 Star (Epic)

    redflagpng Sunday Punch redtilepng 10
    The Juggernaut puts his momentum into a devastating hit, dealing 1687 damage to the enemy target. If Juggernaut has at least 16 Red AP, destroy 8 random tiles (does not generate AP).
    At Max Level:
    Level 3: Deal 10392 damage.
    Level 4: Deal 13363 damage and destroy 10 random tiles.
    Level 5: At least 14 Red AP, destroy 12 random tiles.

    greenflagpng Tribute to Cyttorak greentilepng 0
    (PASSIVE) Cyttorak has imbued Cain with even more power to wreak havoc in his name. Increase the damage of Juggernaut's next Red match by 75% whenever he makes a Red match. This bonus is lost when Cain fails to make a Red match. While the Juggernaut is stunned, drain 2 Red AP each turn.
    Level Upgrades:
    Level 2: Whenever a Fortified tile becomes unfortified, gain 2 Red AP.
    Level 3: While Juggernaut has at least 12 Red AP, he is immune to stun and matches made by him by ignore Fortified tiles.
    Level 4: Increase Red match damage by 100%.
    Level 5: Increase Red match damage by 150%. Whenever a Fortified tile becomes unfortified , gain 3 Red AP. At least 9 Red AP...

    blackflagpng Gang Way blacktilepng 8
    Juggernaut's on the move again, destroying everything in his path. If there isn't one already, select a basic tile to create a 2-turn Countdown. While on the board, matches made by Juggernaut destroy 1 enemy AP in the matched color. If Juggernaut has at least 9 Red AP, match-3's destroy the row / column (does not generate AP).
    Level Upgrades:
    Level 2: Increase the duration to 3 turns.
    Level 3: Fortify the tile. Red matches made by the Juggernaut increase the duration of the tile by 2 (3 if Juggernaut has at least 9 Red AP).
    Level 4: Destroy 2 enemy AP. If Juggernaut has at least 6 Red AP...
    Level 5: Increase the cost by 2 AP. Matches made by the Juggernaut also deal 100% damage to non-target enemies.
  • heybub
    heybub Posts: 293 Mover and Shaker
    fewa said:

    Juggernaut (Once and Future Juggernaut)

    5 Star (Epic)

    redflagpngSunday Punch redtilepng 10
    The Juggernaut puts his momentum into a devastating hit, dealing 6749 damage to the enemy target. If Juggernaut has at least 16 Red AP, destroy 8 random tiles (does not generate AP).
    At Max Level:
    Level 3: Deal 9448 damage.
    Level 4: Deal 12148 damage and destroy 10 random tiles.
    Level 5: At least 14 Red AP, destroy 12 random tiles.

    greenflagpngTribute to Cyttorak greentilepng 0
    (PASSIVE) Cyttorak has imbued Cain with even more power to wreak havoc in his name. Increase the damage of Juggernaut's next Red match by 75% whenever he makes a Red match. This bonus is lost when Cain fails to make a Red match. While the Juggernaut is stunned, drain 2 Red AP each turn.
    Level Upgrades:
    Level 2: Whenever a Fortified tile is removed from the board, gain 2 Red AP.
    Level 3: When Juggernaut has at least 12 Red AP, he is immune to stun and matches made by him by ignore Fortified tiles.
    Level 4: Increase Red match damage by 100%.
    Level 5: Increase Red match damage by 150%. Whenever a Fortified tile is removed, gain 3 Red AP. At least 9 Red AP...

    blackflagpngGang Way blacktilepng 8
    Juggernaut's on the move again, destroying everything in his path. Select a basic tile to create a 2-turn Countdown. While on the board, matches made by Juggernaut destroy 1 enemy AP in the matched color.  If Juggernaut has at least 9 Red AP, match 3's destroy the row/column (does not generate AP). There can only be one of these on the board at a time.
    Level Upgrades:
    Level 2: Increase the duration to 3 turns.
    Level 3: Fortify the tile. Red matches made by the Juggernaut increase the duration of the tile by 2 (3 if Juggernaut has at least 9 Red AP).
    Level 4: Destroy 2 enemy AP. If Juggernaut has at least 6 Red AP...
    Level 5: Increase the cost by 2 AP. Matches made by the Juggernaut also deal 100% damage to non-target enemies.
    I really like the green.  It really gives you that sense of Juggernaut's momentum building up.
  • fewa
    fewa Posts: 74 Match Maker
    @heybub Thanks. I'm glad that you liked it. I thought of it a while back and decided to incorporate in his other abilities.
  • fewa
    fewa Posts: 74 Match Maker
    edited August 2018

    Beta Ray Bill (Classic)

    5 Star (Epic)

    redflagpng Blood and Thunder redtilepng 0
    (PASSIVE) The enemy strikes hard, but Beta Ray Bill strikes back even harder. When 8 tiles have been destroyed, convert a random basic tile to a Charged tile. Every 5 turns, destroy up to 8 Charged tiles (does not generate AP).
    Level Upgrades:
    Level 2: When 7 tiles have been destroyed...
    Level 3: Every 4 turns...
    Level 4: When 5 tiles have been destroyed...
    Level 5: Every 3 turns...

    yellowflagpng Ride the Lightning yellowtilepng 9
    Beta Ray Bill raises Stormbreaker to the sky, charging it with lightning, then hurls it at the enemy target. Deals 998 damage and destroys a selected 2x2 block of tiles (does not deal damage or generate AP), then creates a 3-turn Countdown tile that destroys a 2x2 block surrounding the Countdown tile (includes the Countdown tile).
    At Max Level:
    Level 2: Deals 4177 damage. Creates 2 random Charged tiles.
    Level 3: Deals 5174 damage. Lower the Countdown tile duration to 2 turns.
    Level 4: Deals 5821 damage and destroys a selected 3x3 block of tiles (also applies to the Countdown tile). Increase the cost by 1 AP.
    Level 5. Deals 6921 damage. Charged tiles are created in ally's strongest colors.

    blueflagpng Mighty Swing bluetilepng 10
    Bill overpowers the enemy target with a great impact to the ground. Deals 1359 damage, stuns a random enemy target for 2 turns, and destroys a random column (does not deal damage or generate AP).
    At Max Level:
    Level 3: Deals 8009 damage.
    Level 4: Deals 8591 damage and select a column.
    Level 5: Deals 9174 damage and destroys 2 columns (destroys the column right of the selected column). Increase the cost by 2 AP.
  • fewa
    fewa Posts: 74 Match Maker
    edited October 2018

    The Man-Thing

    5 Star (Epic)

    greenflagpng Sense of Dread greentilepng 9
    Whatever knows fear burns at the touch of the Man-Thing! If there are at least 18 friendly Attack tiles remove them all and deal 1.5% of their maximum health for each friendly Attack tile removed..
    (PASSIVE) Man-Thing secretes acid whenever those around him have ill intentions. Whenever an enemy makes a match, create a strength 42 Attack tile. If the enemy makes a match in their strongest color, make 2 additional Attack tiles.
    At Max Level:
    Level 3: Creates a strength 135 Attack tile. Deals 2.25% of their maximum health.
    Level 4: If there are at least 12 friendly Attack tiles...
    Level 5: Whenever an enemy fires an ability, create 5 Attack tiles.

    redflagpng The Nexus of All Realities redtilepng 6
    Man-Thing opens a portal from another dimension, causing reality to alter. If there are at least 14 friendly Attack tiles, removes half of them and stun the enemy team for 1 turn.
    (PASSIVE) If there are less than 13 tiles in the team's / enemy's strongest color, convert 2 random basic tiles to that color.
    Level Upgrades:
    Level 2: ...at least 10 friendly Attack tiles.
    Level 3: ...less than 11 tiles... convert 3 random basic tiles...
    Level 4: Stun the enemy team for 2 turns.
    Level 5: ...less than 9 tiles... No longer removes friendly Attack tiles.

    yellowflagpng Entrench yellowtilepng 8
    Man-Thing hunkers down and starts drawing in nutrients from the surrounding area. While active, Man-Thing moves to the front and restores 5% of his maximum health each turn for 2 turns.
    Level Upgrades:
    Level 2: Restores 7% of his maximum health.
    Level 3: Lasts for 3 turns.
    Level 4: Restores 10% of his maximum health.
    Level 5: Reduce damage dealt to allies by 25%.

    • Entrench can be interrupted by stunning or sending Man-Thing Airborne.
  • fewa
    fewa Posts: 74 Match Maker
    edited August 2018

    Dazzler (Classic)

    5 Star (Epic)

    yellowflagpng Full Spectrum yellowtilepng 7
    Dazzler takes the center stage, singing and grooving. All the while, she's converting the sound into various light-based attacks. Select 2 Charged tiles and change their colors to the next color (alphabetically) and deal 1529 damage to the enemy target. If there are no Charged tiles on the board, create 2 Charged tiles in the most present color and deal 1529 damage.
    (PASSIVE) When there is at least 1 Charged tile in each color, deal 765 damage to the enemy team and remove 1 Charged tile of each color from the board.
    At Max Level:
    Level 3: Deals 8123 / 4062 damage.
    Level 4: Deals 9008 / 4504 damage. Select / Create 3 Charged tiles.
    Level 5: Deals 9894 / 4947 damage. Passive also stuns the enemy team for 1 turn.

    blueflagpng Can't Stop the Music bluetilepng 8
    The music's intensity is at its highest and Alison know what it takes to keep the show going. Create a 3-turn Countdown tile that converts 2 random basic tiles to Charged tiles each turn (up to 16 Charged tiles).
    Level Upgrades:
    Level 2: Friendly matches that include a Charged tile increase the duration of a Can't Stop the Music Countdown tile by 2 turns.
    Level 3: Whenever a Charged tile is matched, convert a random basic tile to a Charged tile of the same color (up to 16 Charged tiles).
    Level 4: Friendly matches that include a Charged tile deal 50% more damage.
    Level 5: Enemy matches that include a Charged tile stun the enemy target for 1 turn and destroy 3 AP in the matched color.

    greenflagpng Encore greentilepng 0
    (PASSIVE) The shows not over yet. Dazzler's taking in fans' requests. When Dazzler's team has fired 5 abilities, her next ability does not consume any AP.
    Level Upgrades:
    Level 2: When Dazzler's team has fired 4 abilities...
    Level 3: When Dazzler's team has fired 3 abilities...
    Level 4: ...her allies' next ability only consumes half of the AP (rounded up).
    Level 5: ...her allies' next ability doesn't consume any AP.
  • MissoesRicRose
    MissoesRicRose Posts: 258 Mover and Shaker
    There are so many characters that could be added. But they insist on putting on repeated characters. I can not take it anymore...
  • fewa
    fewa Posts: 74 Match Maker
    edited August 2018

    Wolverine (Uncanny X-men)

    5 Star (Epic)

    greenflagpngSavage Rend greentilepng 7
    Wolverine shreds his target, causing them to bleed profusely. Deals 1108 damage and creates 2 strength 89 Strike tiles. If Wolverine has less health than the target, create 4 Strike tiles instead.
    (PASSIVE) At the end of your turn, deal the total value of all friendly Strike tiles as damage to the enemy target.
    At Max Level:
    Level 3: Deals 5789 damage. Creates 3 / 6 strength 324 Strike tiles.
    Level 4: Deals 7571 damage.
    Level 5: Creates 4 / 8 Strike tiles.

    redflagpngEviscerate redtilepng 10
    Wolverine plunges both claws into the target's torso, dealing 1672 damage and strengthening all friendly Strike tiles by 135.
    At Max Level:
    Level 3: Deals 9857 damage. Strengthens all friendly Strike tiles by 676.
    Level 4: Deals 10574 damage.
    Level 5: Deals 11291 damage. Strengthens all friendly Strike tiles by 811.

    yellowflagpngFrenzied Regeneration yellowtilepng 0
    (PASSIVE) Logan's healing factor keeps him in the fight. Restores 4% of his health every turn. If Wolverine's team has more than 12 Yellow AP, drain 1 Yellow AP and restore 12% of his health every turn.
    Level Upgrades:
    Level 2: Restores 5 / 15% of his health.
    Level 3: ...more than 9 Yellow AP...
    Level 4: ...more than 8 Yellow AP... If also, below 50%, gain 2 Green and 3 Red AP each turn.
    Level 5: ...more than 8 Yellow AP... If also, below 50%... reduce damage taken by 25%.

    • Damage dealt by Savage Rend's passive is not increased by Strike tiles.
  • fewa
    fewa Posts: 74 Match Maker
    edited September 2018

    Kang the Conqueror(Nathaniel Richards)

    5 Star (Epic)

    purpleflagpng Borrowed Time purpletilepng 9
    Kang takes the necessary actions to preserve his timeline, even working with his opponents. Deal 1714 damage. If there are enemy Countdown / Repeater tiles, lower their duration by 1 turn and deal 354 damage for each one (up to 4).
    At Max Level:
    Level 2: Deals 8034 / 2733 damage.
    Level 3: Deals 8608 / 3389 damage.
    Level 4: Deals 9181 / 4045 damage.
    Level 5: Lower the cost by 2 AP. Reduce the timer of all friendly Repeater tiles by 1 turn.

    blueflagpng Temporal Displacement bluetilepng 6
    Kang controls the flow of battle by relocating enemies to different time periods. Sends a selected target Airborne for 1 turn. If Kang's team has at least 14 Blue AP, send everyone, but Kang Airborne for 1 turn.
    (PASSIVE) At the start of the match, create a strength 117 Strike tile. Whenever Kang recovers from being Airborne, create a strength 117 Strike tile.
    Level Upgrades:
    Level 2: Creates strength 137 Protect and Strike tiles.
    Level 3: Send an enemy target Airborne for 2 turns.
    Level 4: Creates strength 175 Protect and Strike tile and gives Kang a burst of 12% of his current health.
    Level 5: ...send everyone, but Kang Airborne for 2 turns.

    greenflagpng Chronoshift greentilepng 11
    The Conqueror chronoforms the battlefield into one that is more favorable. If there isn't one, create a 4-turn Countdown tile that deals 544 damage to the enemy team each turn and creates a new board.
    At Max Level:
    Level 2: Deals 3063 damage.
    Level 3: Deals 3500 damage. While active, reduce the timer of all friendly Repeater tiles by 1 turn (minimum of 1).
    Level 4: Deals 3938 damage.
    Level 5: Restores all existing friendly Special tiles. Increase the cost by 2 AP.

    • For Rank 5 Chronoshift, friendly Countdown tiles that resolve while the Chronoshift Countdown tile is on the board are restored at maximum duration. The Chronoshift Countdown tile can not restore itself.
  • MissoesRicRose
    MissoesRicRose Posts: 258 Mover and Shaker
    Great suggestions!
    Too bad, it's very difficult to see unpublished characters. There is an excessive amount of repeated characters, this discourages a lot!