**** Invisible Woman (Classic) **** [PRE 2015-04]



  • It shows she has the power to be mildly annoying before dying. If most people weren't managing to farm her for points, she wouldn't be at 230 in easy mode. I think Demiurge needs to double-check what "ceiling" means or get a new dictionary.
  • In that fight IW is really annoying, but she does laughable damage. Her protect tile is strong and invisibility, when put in an inaccessible spot renders Punisher, whom I focus on first, invincible. The Molotovs piss me off way more.
  • ~700-900 more damage + 8 more AP generated is pretty decent compared to the 2AP cost reduction for invisibility.
  • When I do the l230 IW/Punisher team I try to kill her as fast as possible.

    When she goes invisible and stands in the back screwing the board up with bubbles it's extremely frustrating. I have all the covers for IW but I really haven't found a team I like her with yet.

    Leveling her up was an impulse as I'm not sure I will use her much.
  • When I do the l230 IW/Punisher team I try to kill her as fast as possible.

    When she goes invisible and stands in the back screwing the board up with bubbles it's extremely frustrating. I have all the covers for IW but I really haven't found a team I like her with yet.

    Leveling her up was an impulse as I'm not sure I will use her much.
    Patch! You'd need to learn to love locked tiles, though. I'm 90% sure they're a lot of what put people off her. They're kinda confusing and never quite felt like they fit the game to me.
  • Ai kinda plays her bad, spamming chrush which is bit counter productive. But compare her to that 4* bagverine that just stands there and spews 3x15 strike tiles and 0 dmg with 15ap move? She is downright godly.
  • I still think IW is decently powerful, at her cap.

    Have you guys tried X Force wolvie? That guy was a joke even at 230. 11 damage strike tiles. Ooh, Im so scared. And 2.5k damage red skill. Wow.

    Force Bubble + Crush. The damage is only 1.5k, but the ap generation is a lot.
  • She has a henchman generating yellow and blue AP for her. On her own, her abilities are pretty expensive to get going on defense.
  • Fangel wrote:
    ~700-900 more damage + 8 more AP generated is pretty decent compared to the 2AP cost reduction for invisibility.
    Sure if it didn't potentially remove invisibility or a 600+ strength protect tile.
  • IW doesn't do great damage but she doesn't have to be the one doing damage.

    On this fight her moves are accelerated due to having a Doombot/Don on the side, but then you have character boosts that pretty much cancel it out.

    Without someone who can easily overwrite tiles (like Magneto), you can have a really hard time if that invisibilty or protect tile landed in a nasty spot.

    When Spiderman is nerfed, I suspect his healing will take a major hit too, and it might even be a viable strategy to just try to hit enough blues fast enough to not have to worry about taking damage from anything besides red moves. That blue protect tile, when at level 5, pretty much bounces most non red moves off too with a few notable exceptions.
  • Phantron wrote:
    Without someone who can easily overwrite tiles (like Magneto), you can have a really hard time if that invisibilty or protect tile landed in a nasty spot.

    One of the first times I fought her, I let an invisibility tile land + it took me about 10 turns to get to it with only her remaining. Luckily she was quite unlucky on building up AP too, so survived it. Didn't let her launch another one after that, as I targeted her first as she had lower health than accompanying enemies.
  • With spidey obw and patch that fight is a joke. She has like 7k health at 230 kill her first then punisher then don
  • IW is a 'defensive game over' character. She's supposed to make you give up instead of actually killing you.

    Since the AI places lock piles at totally random location of course it doesn't feel like she's hard. Imagine what if she locks all the blue tiles with Force Bubble (the protect tile is created after the locking)? Or just wait until the board is relatively clean of yellow tiles before using Invisibility? Or use Invisibility and then lock all yellow tiles besides the invisible one? If you don't have an uber tile overwrite character like Magneto, how would you even deal with it? You can't move the tiles you need to match that tile in these scenarios, so you got to hope there's a match 4 that happens to be on the right row/column.
  • LoreNYC wrote:
    With spidey obw and patch that fight is a joke. She has like 7k health at 230 kill her first then punisher then don

    With that team, almost everyone is a joke. Though I prefer to use Mags.
  • Thanos
    Thanos Posts: 722 Critical Contributor
    Started using Loki against her. whenever she created a 674 strength protect tile i'd use trickery and turn it into my strike tile. Doesn't take long to win with one of those on the board.
  • IW in Round 3 seems to be designed to ensure that she invisibles herself before you can down her, as the Don is feeding her yellow for Invis and she has much lower health than he or the spy does.

    Fun stuff... icon_rolleyes.gif
  • Kelbris
    Kelbris Posts: 1,051
    rabican wrote:
    Ai kinda plays her bad, spamming chrush which is bit counter productive. But compare her to that 4* bagverine that just stands there and spews 3x15 strike tiles and 0 dmg with 15ap move? She is downright godly.

    Mooks generated green, but it's hard for her to get blue if you're using Spidey
  • Lyrian wrote:
    IW in Round 3 seems to be designed to ensure that she invisibles herself before you can down her, as the Don is feeding her yellow for Invis and she has much lower health than he or the spy does.

    Fun stuff... icon_rolleyes.gif

    I've been using 2* Magneto heavily in this event (the missions where I was forced to use my level 15, one cover Classic Magneto were much more difficult because of it). His purple either feeds Spidey (if I have to play conservatively) or feeds Classic Storm's boosted Wind Storm (otherwise), but it also lets you DIY nuke lines with annoying tiles in them if you must. 2* Mag and Classic Storm as a combo rocks for resetting the board generally. I've generally been pairing them with Thor, which adds his yellow to the mix as a board resetter. Just gives lots of options for making sure that nasty countdown tiles and nasty strike tiles, protect tiles and invis tiles don't get to live very long.
  • Kelbris wrote:
    rabican wrote:
    Ai kinda plays her bad, spamming chrush which is bit counter productive. But compare her to that 4* bagverine that just stands there and spews 3x15 strike tiles and 0 dmg with 15ap move? She is downright godly.

    Mooks generated green, but it's hard for her to get blue if you're using Spidey

    The Don feeds her blue via both Backroom Deal and Cooking the Books.
  • The Don generates 2 blue, black, and yellow AP for just being alive on top of his AP generating abilities.
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