Event End Times Feedback Request - Hulk 'Smash Hit'



  • I like being able to choose my end time that is close to a time I can play.

    I did find what I am assuming are bugs.

    1) I am on an android phone and found it very difficult selecting the last time on the list. I was finally able to select it by scrolling and trying to tap the time before it bounced back.

    2) I was automatically bracketed when I went in to check the event rewards.

    3) The first few matches, the points I was awarded points, but back on the main screen, it said I had 0 points and my recuit token it said it gave me was not there. My characters still took damage though. Now I feel behind in the bracket because I lost time that others were getting points and I wasn't. Especially for earning a character I really want.

    3) Now the points work, but the math of adding the points doesn't make sense. I had 27 points and won a match for another 27 points, but then it told me I had 55 points (27 + 27 = 54)
  • Unknown
    edited November 2014
    I like being able to choose my end time that is close to a time I can play.

    I did find what I am assuming are bugs.

    1) I am on an android phone and found it very difficult selecting the last time on the list. I was finally able to select it by scrolling and trying to tap the time before it bounced back.

    2) I was automatically bracketed when I went in to check the event rewards.

    3) The first few matches, the points I was awarded points, but back on the main screen, it said I had 0 points and my recuit token it said it gave me was not there. My characters still took damage though. Now I feel behind in the bracket because I lost time that others were getting points and I wasn't. Especially for earning a character I really want.

    3) Now the points work, but the math of adding the points doesn't make sense. I had 27 points and won a match for another 27 points, but then it told me I had 55 points (27 + 27 = 54)


    The point system does not appear to be working again. I went and played 2 more matches and I am still at 55 points.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't know if this is an issue on android, the R65 update, or the end time changes but I can no longer see when a lightning round will start. I know the times, but the countdown timer is not there. I noticed it on this last LR with Mystique. I logged in with about 6 min before the LR started and there was no countdown. In game there is no clock so knowing exactly when the event was starting was a very benificial. Please fix this.
  • hurcules wrote:
      1) By most accounts, avaialble pool of players within each end-time shard is already a lot less, which makes higher points targets hard to come by, and thus lower progression.
      2) As all shards approach their end times, most players within each shard would have probably shielded, further removing available match-ups within each shard.
      3) Players most likely did not distribute across all 5 shards evenly, and the original 1am EST end time (shard #4) will probably still be most popular. Which means if you are in one of the other 4 remainining shards, you will have even smaller pool of match-ups available. The 5th shard is probably the worst due to UI issue and most non-forumite players will probably select one of the other 4 shards after their attampts to join that shard fail.

    Is is confirmed that players are only matched to others in their time slice? I would understand the reason for that (due to some players finishing before others) but I assumed that MMR would still match people globally rather than slicing first. OK, that presents some problems, but lets face it... it never made sense before time slicing that sometimes you would only see 3 opponents on rotation so there's probably a wider issue at play.
  • Nighthawk81
    Nighthawk81 Posts: 166 Tile Toppler
    The vast majority of people didn't complain about pvp ending times and yet here we are, testing it on pvp. This needs to be scrapped and tested on pve only. Please listen to us on this one. This pvp is awful already and I still have 38 hours left on my shard.
  • hurcules
    hurcules Posts: 519
    hurcules wrote:
      1) By most accounts, avaialble pool of players within each end-time shard is already a lot less, which makes higher points targets hard to come by, and thus lower progression.
      2) As all shards approach their end times, most players within each shard would have probably shielded, further removing available match-ups within each shard.
      3) Players most likely did not distribute across all 5 shards evenly, and the original 1am EST end time (shard #4) will probably still be most popular. Which means if you are in one of the other 4 remainining shards, you will have even smaller pool of match-ups available. The 5th shard is probably the worst due to UI issue and most non-forumite players will probably select one of the other 4 shards after their attampts to join that shard fail.

    Is is confirmed that players are only matched to others in their time slice? I would understand the reason for that (due to some players finishing before others) but I assumed that MMR would still match people globally rather than slicing first. OK, that presents some problems, but lets face it... it never made sense before time slicing that sometimes you would only see 3 opponents on rotation so there's probably a wider issue at play.
    I'm going by this quote from Mr Hifi:
    "David wrote:
    Moore"]Players will be matched only with others who have also chosen that Event Shard.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    The vast majority of people didn't complain about pvp ending times and yet here we are, testing it on pvp. This needs to be scrapped and tested on pve only. Please listen to us on this one. This pvp is awful already and I still have 38 hours left on my shard.

    With how this is going I'm much happier that they chose not to do their first test on a giant event with subs as extra moving parts. If a single event with a single end time got this screwed up, how bad would a PvE test have been?
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    witmanfade wrote:
    3) Now the points work, but the math of adding the points doesn't make sense. I had 27 points and won a match for another 27 points, but then it told me I had 55 points (27 + 27 = 54)

    The points listed are calculated off the score the opponent had at the time you queued him up. When you actually defeat them, the points you earn is based on their score at that time.
    In this case, your 2nd opponent likely climbed higher after you queued him, so you got more for beating him than indicated, in this case 28.

    That's a known PvP 'feature.'
  • Sandmaker
    Sandmaker Posts: 208 Tile Toppler
    I really don't understand why you would do this test on a Hulk event. Hulk events are terrible and low scoring in general. Nobody enjoys chewing through back to back lvl 248 Hulks with 17k HP. Not even Sentry-bombers. To make it worst the rewards are GSBW.

    I'm pretty sure you're not going to get the type of feedback you were hoping to get from this event, because the effect of the endtime sharding is getting mixed up with the default lousiness of this event.
  • T_REZ5000
    T_REZ5000 Posts: 150 Tile Toppler
    edited November 2014
    I couldn't select the final ending time on my device (iPad Air).

    So I selected the regular end time 10 PST. I've won two matches and am still at zero points. The people in the top 10 have 300-500 pts, so some people in my bracket can score points.

    Edit: it's fine now. But I didn't get the points for those first two matches back.

    Also, what's the point of offering the 1 am PST slot when almost no one was able to select it?
  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sandmaker wrote:
    I really don't understand why you would do this test on a Hulk event. Hulk events are terrible and low scoring in general. Nobody enjoys chewing through back to back lvl 248 Hulks with 17k HP. Not even Sentry-bombers. To make it worst the rewards are GSBW.

    I'm pretty sure you're not going to get the type of feedback you were hoping to get from this event, because the effect of the endtime sharding is getting mixed up with the default lousiness of this event.
    The last time they tested a new feature (MMR change) it was during an event with new rewards and the backlash was huge, especially when they switched back to the old MMR in the last day of the event. Personally I'd rather then test it on an event with low scoring and **** rewards that most people don't want than on one with new rewards and have something go terribly wrong. With the player base that the game has I'm sure they'll get more than enough feedback and data for their purposes.

    That said, it doesn't matter what they do, people are going to **** about it.
  • witmanfade wrote:
    3) Now the points work, but the math of adding the points doesn't make sense. I had 27 points and won a match for another 27 points, but then it told me I had 55 points (27 + 27 = 54)

    The points listed are calculated off the score the opponent had at the time you queued him up. When you actually defeat them, the points you earn is based on their score at that time.
    In this case, your 2nd opponent likely climbed higher after you queued him, so you got more for beating him than indicated, in this case 28.

    That's a known PvP 'feature.'

    I understand and I am aware of this. However, after my second battle where it actually gave me points, it gave me +27 and ended with me showing having 54 points before hitting the "continue" button. After this, back on the main tournament screen, it showed me have 55 points.
  • orbitalint
    orbitalint Posts: 511 Critical Contributor
    witmanfade wrote:
    I understand and I am aware of this. However, after my second battle where it actually gave me points, it gave me +27 and ended with me showing having 54 points before hitting the "continue" button. After this, back on the main tournament screen, it showed me have 55 points.

    All of those screens do not interact with the servers to finish. The points you saw are based on what it was when you queued the node initially when it pulled the information from the server. Any wins and losses of that player until you beat them and are back at the event screen will impact that number.

    It is not until you get back to the event screen that the game will transmit/receive the information. At that time, it tells the server you won and give the points associated with beating that player at that moment relative to you.
  • CNash
    CNash Posts: 952 Critical Contributor
    hurcules wrote:
    First off, PvP never needed End-time choosing anyway, since we can shield. Not ideal for EU players since we pay for longer shield most of the times, but it's a working solution nevertheless.[/list]

    As an EU player who tries to be as frugal as possible when it comes to buying HP, I disagree that PVP "doesn't need end-time choosing". I very much dislike that my choices, if I wish to place well enough to get a much-needed 3* cover, are to wake up at 5am or to buy an 8-hour shield.

    My experience in this beta has been much like the rest of you; I like that I can have the event end at a time that's convenient to me (I jumped into the Friday 8pm timeslot, which works out perfectly for when I need to make my final push), but dislike being bracketed immediately. The bracketing isn't an insurmountable problem - we just have to wait until our preferred time before signing up for the event slot - but it'd be nice not to have to jump through the extra hoop.
  • So I'm well entrenched in this PVP and here are the things I despise about this new event end times thing:

    1. You're placed in a bracket as soon as you pick a time.
    I don't like to play until 20 hours or so until the end of the match. I do this because then I get put in a bracket with people who do the same, placing me in a group of people in my similar situation.
    With this change, you are placed in a bracket with people who have 2 and a half days to get a ton of points. This is regulated only by the amount of HP people are willing to spend on shields.
    Because there was no benefit to waiting anymore, I just started playing. Problem is, when you start from the beginning, you automatically are going to lose points. Why? because when you start 20 hours prior to the end, there are very few people left with lower points than you until you reach about 800. Therefore, you don't need to shield until you hit 800. If you start early, you'll be attacked at 300, 400, 500 etc. Because there are a ton of people behind you.
    I didn't realize the threshold was so low so I had two choices: Stay unshielded and just realize that I'll have to build back up or just shield and save the time and ISO that boosting would cost. This is going to be a very expensive PVP for me in both ISO for boosts during re-climbing matches and HP in shields for ALL the time that I need to be shielded.

    2. By the time my PVP reaches crunch time and there are 40 point matches available....half the playerbase will be done with the freaking PVP. I selected the normal ending time of 1am Friday EST. This means that the first two time brackets will become unavailable before my PVP is over. Not only will this give me fewer options to attack and gain points, but it will also make me a higher average scorer and more prone to attacks, because half the player base, and presumably the higher scored half because they had extra time to gain points, is now gone. So what is that going to do for people that are looking to play in the latest PVP? Are they just going to be **** out of luck? I don't think this clamping of potential targets was thought through properly.

    3. Why did you test this when there is a black Xforce at stake?
    Come oooon. Do this when there's an invisible woman at 1300 and no one cares if they don't get 1300 for 1 PVP. Why did you do this when I know I want 1300 and now I'm grappling with the rest of these unforeseen, potentially buggy issues that are preventing people from gaining points from their victories in conjunction with the two problems I stated above?

    Overall, this seems like an incredibly overcomplicated and laborious solution to a situation that created more problems than it solved. I mean, yea, now Europeans can play until the last second of the PVP. But at the cost of high value targets, favorable bracketing and the unpredictability of testing a new format entirely.

    This should have been done in the pre season. And it should have been done on a PVP that had invisible woman at 1300.

    This has been incredibly frustrating trying to navigate the waters of uncertainty all while trying to figure out where I fit best into this mess of end times.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    onimus wrote:
    2. By the time my PVP reaches crunch time and there are 40 point matches available....half the playerbase will be done with the freaking PVP. I selected the normal ending time of 1am Friday EST. This means that the first two time brackets will become unavailable before my PVP is over. Not only will this give me fewer options to attack and gain points, but it will also make me a higher average scorer and more prone to attacks, because half the player base, and presumably the higher scored half because they had extra time to gain points, is now gone. So what is that going to do for people that are looking to play in the latest PVP? Are they just going to be tinykitty out of luck? I don't think this clamping of potential targets was thought through properly.

    You can't see anyone outside of your own time slice, nor can they see you. So you're restricted from the word go.

    As far as joining early goes, no one knew about the rules, so chances are there's a slew of people in your bracket who are like you, usually join early but now are stuck, so it shouldn't be awful. You can likely succeed without protecting your early points.
  • onimus wrote:
    2. By the time my PVP reaches crunch time and there are 40 point matches available....half the playerbase will be done with the freaking PVP. I selected the normal ending time of 1am Friday EST. This means that the first two time brackets will become unavailable before my PVP is over. Not only will this give me fewer options to attack and gain points, but it will also make me a higher average scorer and more prone to attacks, because half the player base, and presumably the higher scored half because they had extra time to gain points, is now gone. So what is that going to do for people that are looking to play in the latest PVP? Are they just going to be tinykitty out of luck? I don't think this clamping of potential targets was thought through properly.

    You can't see anyone outside of your own time slice, nor can they see you. So you're restricted from the word go.
    Well then that makes it 100x worse.

    I assumed they wouldn't be that short sighted.

    So we have 1/5th the targets we usually do in PvP.

    That won't work.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2014
    onimus wrote:
    onimus wrote:
    2. By the time my PVP reaches crunch time and there are 40 point matches available....half the playerbase will be done with the freaking PVP. I selected the normal ending time of 1am Friday EST. This means that the first two time brackets will become unavailable before my PVP is over. Not only will this give me fewer options to attack and gain points, but it will also make me a higher average scorer and more prone to attacks, because half the player base, and presumably the higher scored half because they had extra time to gain points, is now gone. So what is that going to do for people that are looking to play in the latest PVP? Are they just going to be tinykitty out of luck? I don't think this clamping of potential targets was thought through properly.

    You can't see anyone outside of your own time slice, nor can they see you. So you're restricted from the word go.
    Well then that makes it 100x worse.

    I assumed they wouldn't be that short sighted.

    So we have 1/5th the targets we usually do in PvP.

    That won't work.

    Yup I got to hit someone 3 times in a row. That poor little 2* roster didn't have a chance. icon_e_sad.gificon_twisted.gificon_twisted.gif

    I am assuming this is because they don't want players with a later end time to have an advantage over players with an earlier end time. imagine if 1 time slice was ending in 3 hours and a bunch of people were making a hop, but my end time was in 9 hours so I was making a run. I could see a bunch of 50 point players and socre major points. Since I have the last end time I will not have to worry about haveing the entire playerbase hitting me when I make my final push so i would in theory be able to hit more matches than others in my last 3 hours. In my opinion this is why we went into slices and only have 1/5th the targets. It might limit scoring but it is fair.
  • wymtime wrote:
    onimus wrote:
    onimus wrote:
    2. By the time my PVP reaches crunch time and there are 40 point matches available....half the playerbase will be done with the freaking PVP. I selected the normal ending time of 1am Friday EST. This means that the first two time brackets will become unavailable before my PVP is over. Not only will this give me fewer options to attack and gain points, but it will also make me a higher average scorer and more prone to attacks, because half the player base, and presumably the higher scored half because they had extra time to gain points, is now gone. So what is that going to do for people that are looking to play in the latest PVP? Are they just going to be tinykitty out of luck? I don't think this clamping of potential targets was thought through properly.

    You can't see anyone outside of your own time slice, nor can they see you. So you're restricted from the word go.
    Well then that makes it 100x worse.

    I assumed they wouldn't be that short sighted.

    So we have 1/5th the targets we usually do in PvP.

    That won't work.

    Yup I got to hit someone 3 times in a row. That poor little 2* roster didn't have a chance. icon_e_sad.gificon_twisted.gificon_twisted.gif
    I hope this comes off the season after this PVP.

    They shouldn't be allowed to warp the season this badly just to test a half baked idea.
  • onimus wrote:
    onimus wrote:
    2. By the time my PVP reaches crunch time and there are 40 point matches available....half the playerbase will be done with the freaking PVP. I selected the normal ending time of 1am Friday EST. This means that the first two time brackets will become unavailable before my PVP is over. Not only will this give me fewer options to attack and gain points, but it will also make me a higher average scorer and more prone to attacks, because half the player base, and presumably the higher scored half because they had extra time to gain points, is now gone. So what is that going to do for people that are looking to play in the latest PVP? Are they just going to be tinykitty out of luck? I don't think this clamping of potential targets was thought through properly.

    You can't see anyone outside of your own time slice, nor can they see you. So you're restricted from the word go.
    Well then that makes it 100x worse.

    I assumed they wouldn't be that short sighted.

    So we have 1/5th the targets we usually do in PvP.

    That won't work.

    I don't think this is confirmed yet at all. The devs keep ignoring our requests for confirmation. I have heard reports of guys attacking people from all shards. It would make no sense to split it up 5 ways. The original post was talking about you would only be matched IN BRACKETS with players in your shard. It said nothing about who you can attack.