**** Lock and Load - Recruiting NOW ****
Looking to join if you still have room. Day 550, level 64
Average 6-800 per event in this season's PVP (7400 season score currently, but haven't started final push on sim).
Usually top 100 PVE, but will push harder when there is a reward I want (time allowing). Annoyingly got 11 in Venom Bomb (by 50 points). I'll pretty much always hit max progression, usually a fair amount more (mostly 6+ clears on every node).
Here is my roster : https://mpq.gamependium.com/rosters/bimmii/
ign : bimmii0 -
bimmii wrote:Looking to join if you still have room. Day 550, level 64
ign : bimmii
pm sent Bimmii0 -
[ blank ]0
Lock & Load and Deadpools are now one Family!!
... and this could be your family!
What's new?
What happens when two nice and friendly families meet? They stick together and form one really nice and friendly family!
I'm proud to announce you that Lock and Load and Deadpools families have merged into one LL-DP family (for short)!
We share the same philosophy about the game: we're a no-drama group where veterans as well as beginners can find a place, a place where we help each other to progress in the game .
About us
LL-DP Family has a large offer of alliances for every levels (beginners, veterans) and for every style (PvP, PvE, Hybrid). This way our players can easily move among alliances when they progress into the game or when they want to slow down. Also, we like the game, we like to chat about it, we like to share tips and strategies. It's the reason why Line (out of game message system) is not required but strongly recommended because it enables the communication among players of all our alliances.
As a first consequence of the merge we have numerous alliances for PvP-only players:-
Lock and Load2: T10 target, 1200+ req
DeadpoolsTacos: T25 target, 1200 req
Lock and Load4: T50 target, 900 req
DeadpoolsRings: T100 target, 700 req
Lock and Load8: T250 target, 575 req
As our family is quite big now, a summary of our alliances and their focus:Hybrid: Lock and Load, Lock and Load5, Lock and Load9, Lock and Load6
PvP-focused: Lock and Load2, DeadpoolsTacos, Lock and Load4, DeadpoolsRings, Lock and Load8
PvE-focused: Lock and Load3, Lock and Load0
Casual: Lock and Load7, Warped Taco, Extra Load
Elite or beginner, PvP or PvE, make your choice, there is a place for you in our family!
Art by NNCSavage
How to join
If you're interested by one of our alliances and think you fit in the profile, please contact me to introduce yourself (roster, average score in events and season) before applying in game (private alliances). You can also post in this thread.
DrNitroman (LL4 cmdr) | Forum: DrNitroman | Line: drnitroman0 -
Very interested in your alliance.
I am a quite recent player (day 88, lvl 40) working at my 3 * (6 championed so far).
I finished last season 60 points shy of 8 000 points and often place top 50 (sometimes top 20) in PVE.
Please let me know if I can be a part of your team!
ign sooofresh0 -
soofresh wrote:Very interested in your alliance.
pm sent0 -
LL-DP Family: current openings
Last update: Mar. 1st, 2017
I will try to update this post regularly to highlight which alliances of the family are looking for recruits. However, if you would like to join one of our alliances (see the list above) that isn't listed here, it's worth contacting me as there is always some turnover!
Current openings:
Lock and Load4: T50 PvP; req 900 per PvP, no PvE req
Lock and Load6: T250 PvP, T250 PvE; req 300 per PvP and 33% prog in PvE
Lock and Load8: T250 PvP , 575 req in PvP, no PvE req
How to join
If you're interested by one of our alliances and think you fit in the profile, please contact me to introduce yourself (roster, average score in events and season) before applying in game (private alliances). You can also post in this thread.
DrNitroman (LL-DPT cmdr) | Forum: DrNitroman | Line: drnitroman0 -
Hi, I am a daily player looking to join a PVP alliance. My average is 600 points. Hope to be a part of your community. Thanks for your consideration!
Van0 -
vantran wrote:Hi, I am a daily player looking to join a PVP alliance. My average is 600 points. Hope to be a part of your community. Thanks for your consideration!
Van0 -
LL-DP family is recruiting for Space gem Season 38!
About us
LL-DP Family was created from the merge of the Lock and Load and Deadpools families and is a no-drama group where veterans as well as beginners can find a place. We have a large offer of alliances for every levels (beginners, veterans) and for every style (PvP, PvE, Hybrid). This way our players can easily move among alliances when they progress into the game or when they want to slow down. Also, we like the game, we like to chat about it, we like to share tips and strategies. It's the reason why Line (out of game message system) is not required but strongly recommended because it enables the communication among players of all our alliances.
Summary of our alliances and their focus:Hybrid: Lock and Load, Lock and Load5, Lock and Load9, Lock and Load6
PvP-focused: Lock and Load2, DeadpoolsTacos, Lock and Load4, DeadpoolsRings, Lock and Load8
PvE-focused: Lock and Load3, Lock and Load0
Casual: Lock and Load7, Warped Taco, Extra Load
Elite or beginner, PvP or PvE, make your choice, there is a place for you in our family!
Art by NNCSavage
Current openings (last update: Mar. 15th, 2017)
We are currently looking for different kind of players:Hybrid: Lock and Load9 (max prog pve, 5k season pvp), Lock and Load6 (30% prog pve, 300 pvp)
PvP-focused: Lock and Load2 (1200+ pvp), DeadpoolsTacos (1200 pvp) , DeadpoolsRings (800 pvp new req)
PvE-focused: Lock and Load3 (max prog pve, 1.5x prog for new releases)
How to join
If you're interested by one of our alliances and think you fit in the profile, please contact me to introduce yourself (roster, average score in events and season) before applying in game (private alliances). You can also post in this thread.
DrNitroman (LL-DPT cmdr) | Forum: DrNitroman | Line: drnitroman0 -
Hi guys, Below is the text of my interview with D3 regarding the Sticks and Stones event. I hope you like it
D3: Hi, Fahq1977, thanks for joining us, I guess?
Fahq1977: Thanks so much for having me! It’s really an honor to be interviewed by D3.
D3: Uh….yeah. So it says here that your score on the latest Sticks and Stones was much, much higher than Pinko McFly’s, a fellow alliance mate in the Lock and Load/Deadpool family.
F: Yeah…Pinko and I go WAY back (ha, ha). We’ve been playing this game together for, what, a couple years now. We’ve been back and forth in the rankings, always competing against each other, pushing each other to be better in this great game.
D3: I’m glad you two are “friends” but our data shows this is the first time you’ve ever scored higher than him in an event.
F: No…I don’t think that’s right. I mean, my consistent high scores are the consequence of our friendly rivalry. He wins a few, I win a few, etc. I figured that performance was why you wanted to interview me in the first place.
D3: Uhhh….you asked us to reply to you via email for this “interview.” Said you had discovered a new exploit that we should fix and that……
F: Either way, I’m thrilled that you want to chat about this amazing achievement. It was pretty special besting Pinko in this event.
D3: Exactly how many events have you been ahead of Pinko in the past, if we can ask?
F: The details are not really that important. I think what matters is that Sticks and Stones PvP marks the entry of Fahq1977 into the 1337 realm of MPQ.
D3: Oh, so you are regularly ranking in the top 5, scoring above 1600-1800 and making grills for lots of the other players?
F: Well, that’s not exactly how..
D3: And you have a roster that is measurably better than Pinko McFly’s?
F: I’m not sure if I would call it bett…
D3: But you are climbing early and shielding and helping to carry your alliance, right?
F: You know, there are so many factors that go into shield rotation. Why just the…
D3: Pinko McFly really is a much better player at this game than you are. Isn’t he?
F: Well….it’s been so much fun sharing my exploits with you and the D3 forum readers! I look forward to the next time we can talk.
D3: Ya….sure thing, champ.0 -
Hi, I am a daily player looking to join a PVE alliance.
Im in the 2*-3* transition, lvl 27 and 70 days.
My average is Top50 or better depend of the covers essentials.
I play pvp but less focus i make 300pts in event in general.
Hope to be a part of your community. Thanks for your consideration!
Popy4420 -
Popy442 wrote:Hi, I am a daily player looking to join a PVE alliance.
Im in the 2*-3* transition, lvl 27 and 70 days.
My average is Top50 or better depend of the covers essentials.
I play pvp but less focus i make 300pts in event in general.
Hope to be a part of your community. Thanks for your consideration!
Welcome in L&L6 Popy!0 -
Currently looking for alliance, allways complete all nodes 4 times(except if i dont have essential 4*)
15 champed 3*
PVP-current score-4100
would like to be in pve and pvp alliance
Lvl 47
Day 198
Ingame name:muhix
Line name: slo.muhix0 -
Muhix wrote:Currently looking for alliance,
Ingame name:muhix
Line name: slo.muhix
pm sent Muhix0 -
Really interested in Lock and Load 3 if there is an open spot.0
Wumpushunter wrote:Really interested in Lock and Load 3 if there is an open spot.
Lock and Load3 has a spot for you Wump
(pm sent)0 -
After the LL theme song “War” by Sick Puppies wraps up, an impressive new pyrotechnics display goes off, sending the crowd into a frenzy. After it finishes, we are formally welcomed to LL Adventures. We are taken close to the stage where the LL commentary team DrNitroman, Gredler and mctl are sitting by.
DrNitroman: Ladies and gentlemen, madames et monsieurs, Good evening everyone and welcome to the LL Adventures!. Lock and Load, where the MPQ's "finest" compete in an AWESOME place! We have quite a show tonight headlined by the return of the Supremacist IcyTemper in LL2.
Gredler: We've also got quite an influx of talent over the past month or two which is exciting as all hell. We'll hear from LL1 here in a few moments, I can't wait for that.
mctl: And let's not forget tonight the team of Archemedes and Rod5 are in action again, man what a team. What a show! Let's get to it!
You’re paralyzed with your disguise
You feed on the lies that they tell you
Open Your Eyes by Disturbed hit the stadium
Gredler: What the hell?
mctl: I don't know Gredler, I'm not exactly sure who this is myself?
Lady Lethal Lena K., ZamWiesel, Jamesone, Talesson all step out onto the top of the ramp and each do a variation of IcyTemper's pose.
DrNitroman: Yes! I've been looking forward to this all month!
mctl: Folks, apparently this theme that you're hearing belongs to that of the Deadpool’s Tacos.
DrNitroman: Yes! The new acquisition to the LL family by your truly LL Amabassador DrNitroman and the Supremacist IcyTemper.
Gredler: I don't see IcyTemper, however. Thank God. I'm not ready to deal with him just yet, I'm still fuming over last month.
DrNitroman: Oh please, it's been so long since you guys have seen a true champion that you don't know how to react!
The Tacos has now made it to the stage as Lady Lethal grabs a microphone.
Lena K.: Forget what you have witnessed. Forget the returns of "players", forget everything except for the fact that the future of professional MPQ is standing here in this stage, right here, right now.
Gredler: Give me a break...
Lena K.: This is the most lethal combination of raw talent that has ever existed in this or in any other alliance in the history of this MPQ. We, Deadpool’s Rings, Deadpool’s Tacos and Warped Tacos are here because of the beliefs of one man, and that man is your Universal LL-Tacos Champion, the Supremacist IcyTemper. Boo him, cheer him, do whatever you like. The fact remains that is your LL champion, our Tacos champion, and that's not going to change for a very long time. No matter how many times that Malorick wants to run out here and spout of all of his lies and empty promises, or how many competitors that LL1 and the management of this company throw in front of him. IcyTemper is your champion, and he will be until he chooses his replacement.
I should stand out here and praise our champion for all that he is going to do, but your champion is a humble man who would rather not have this praise. So, without further ado...the man who will take this business to new heights, IcyTemper!
mctl: Apparently the Tacos theme isn't the only new theme we're hearing tonight.
Gredler: Really? Personal Jesus? This guy has literally lost it, I can't wait till someone puts him in his place.
"Personal Jesus" by Marilyn Manson continue to play throughout the stadium, The Best in the World MPQ Superstar IcyTemper is now entering the top of the ramp followed by Cfi, as The Tacos goes to one knee to bow before their leader. Lena K. offers up the microphone to IcyTemper. He looks around to the crowd before addressing them.
IcyTemper: Yet again, I stand here before you as the Universal LL PVP Champion. I beat Malorick and LL1 once again for a fifth season in a row. I once again proved that I am a man of my word, and that once again I proved that I deserve to be the Universal LL PVP Champion. See that I am the Best in the Worldl! I am the face that runs the place. Each week I take one step closer and closer to being the greatest Universal LL PVP Champion in history.
I, The Chosen One will be remembered as such because I will always be remembered as the man that saved LL and professional MPQ from the slow crippling death that Malorick was leading us into. The time has come for change. And what better time it was to make these changes with the introduction of the Gem Season in MPQ and we have proven to everyone that LL2 is the best LL pvp alliance in the world. These Gems seasons will truly be the ones that are remember for decades to come, it will be the time that everyone refers to as the time that IcyTemper changed LL and the MPQ game forever. I will go down in history as one of, if not the greatest Universal LL champion in history. It will because of my selfless sacrifices that I make for this business. It will because I usher in the new era and prepare this next generation so that it doesn't suffer the narcissistic pride that almost killed this business thanks to Malorick. This is all about the changes that I will make. Cfi and DrNitroman here will help and bring success to LL Deadpool Tacos. I've already started by taking care of Malorick, so all that is left is taking care of the fools that run this place.
IcyTemper looks over at Gredler at the announce position.
mctl: This could get ugly folks.
DrNitroman: I told you two that you had better respect the champion, now he's pissed!
IcyTemper: Don't think that I haven't heard your disrespect. There is only one of you behind that table that has any sense at all. You fools blindly praise the acts of Malorick, seated behind that table what do you know? You think that just because you have the bird's eye view of things that happen week in and week out that you know what's best for this business? You know nothing. You Gredler the Guru of Greatness, LL5 commander, you were desperate to try and save the sinking ship so you develop this brain trust thinking that fossils like you are what this company needs to survive? You kept force feeding Malorick into this audience's minds. You're all so stubborn to admit that there always comes a time in which the past must be left in the past. I've made that point with Malorick, perhaps I shall make that point with each of your fools in your brain trust?
What exactly is the purpose of this brain trust, anyways? To keep things in line? To develop the best hybrid MPQ superstar for LL1? I think it's more like you're a bunch of old fools who can't admit that their time has passed. It's sad really, to think that-
???: Now wait just a minute, brother!
The camera pans up to the entrance stage where J.1.P steps out to a very warm reception from the crowd. And then the lights shine near the top of the entrance way and we see The KO King J.1.P.
As he descends the lights shine brighter and the choir becomes louder as the fans grow more and more anxious for their champion. As he reaches the floor pyro starts shooting up from the floor and the choir hit their high note. And it is at this point that the choir stops and the theme of the LL World Heavyweight champion begins Mama said knock you out by Five Finger Death Punch.
Don't call it a comeback
I been here for years
The pyro drops and they can now see their champion standing tall with his titles draped around his big neck and the fans absolutely lose it.
J.1.P stops on top of the entrance and looks over to the rafters where the LL sign hangs above everyone’s head. J.1.P points to it and salutes it, he makes his way down the ramp slapping hands with different fans along the way as he reaches the stage area. He walks up the steps grabbing the mic that was on the top step as he is greeted with a “KO King!” chant. He holds his hand up to get the fans to simmer down as he throw his hat into the seats, before taking off his shirt and doing the same with it. Now the KO King raises his mic to address IcyTemper.
Gredler: Thank god, I thought he was going to be on this soap box for forever.
J.1.P: Now, I don't know about all these KOmaniacs out here man, but I was getting pretty tired of listening to all your **** backstage! The KO King decided that he had enough of listening to your ****, so he decided to come out here and shut you up. So ya know somethin, dude. I've got a few problems with some of this **** that you've been yakking on for a while now. You come out here and say all this **** about you being a good champion and all that, but I'm not convinced. I know these people aren't convinced either, man. I mean, what kind of good champion uses his lackies from the Tacos stand to help him win the title and then win is title defense by lying, cheating and stealing? Doesn't sound too champion-like to me, does it you?
J.1.P asks the crowd and they share their distaste for IcyTemper.
IcyTemper: Muscle man, you don't even want to start with me. I don't know about all the glory days that you're trying to come out here and relive, but I'm not your pansy champion like Malorick. I am a ruthless champion, someone who is willing to do whatever it takes to preserve this business.
J.1.P lifts his arms slightly as he flexes his muscles stretching out a bit to show how much of a badass he is before continuing.
J.1.P: Man, you really got some damage upstairs, brother. I'm yet to see anything that is championship material from you. All that I have seen so far is a chump! It would be a disgrace to see you holding that LL PVP belt inside the LL family, you don't deserve it! And if I have anything to say about it, you won't make it to the end of the Gems seasons!
You kept lying, cheating and stealing to win while I was DOMINATING anything and everyone that came in front of me. I was the one making headlines, I was the one doing things, making things move. I was the one that people wanted to see on LL while you were the so called champion doing **** with it. While you say I was so fixated on myself what were you doing exactly? Absolutely nothing but shining up your pvp belt looking at how you would beat LL1... which one of your “friends” you could try to steal towards to give you the win at the end of the season and avoid the true best pvp LL that actually earned it. The one that deserved it. The one that proved himself week in and week out. The one that went through so much that beat LL2 easily 7-3 last season and winning 7-1 right now but somehow with your usual tactics you won the season and LL2 just finished in front of LL1 both in the top10. But you don't see that. You don't take anything like that into consideration because it didn't involve you or your little group. It was all about you The Supremacist. Always has and always will be.
I've ALWAYS been about the people. Even as the most hated heel in the MPQ you know why I did it? You want to know why I did what I did, said what I said... because there was NOBODY that would be a true heel. There was nobody that would dare cross the line. Everyone wanted to be either the cool heel like OJSP or the sarcastic heel like Malorick but not be a legit heel that gets these fans to hate them. This is what the fans needed. This is what the MPQ needed. They needed a real heel that wasn't trying to blur the lines and be like... hey I'm a bad guy but you can still cheer me. Or they would be the cookie cutter heel that had absolutely no personality at all. I did what I did for these people. I showed them the dark ugly side for them. I brought them an era of an actual legit heel that they could hate so much that they would want everyone to kick their ****. That's what I brought. What did you do for these fans again? I'd wait for your reply but I don't want to wind up waiting a few years to see you utter one little thing that you did thinking that's enough. You're the most selfish self centered self praising son of a **** that the LL has ever seen.
The crowd comes alive at this moment as they're wanting a fight. J.1.P smirks and holds the LL World Heavyweight Title up high in the air as the crowd give him some cheers.
DrNitroMan: No, IcyTemper!! Don't do it!! Don't fall for his trap!!
Gredler: Oh would you please give it a rest, Mr Lock and Load?
mctl: Yeah, and here I thought our table got taller, it's just how much you're in love with IcyTemper that's making the table rise.
J.1.P grins from ear to ear as Lena K. lunges forward to go out on J.1.P, but IcyTemper holds her back. The crowd is eating up every word that J.1.P says against IcyTemper.
IcyTemper: You think that I care about your opinion, mindless muscle monkey? You are one of the fools that praise Malorick and believe that his LL1 is a better place with him as the LL Godfather and his LL1 as the flagship of the LL family. But, even if I could care less about your opinion, I am a fighting champion. Seeing as you are so against me having this title and can't handle the cold hard facts that I and LL2 will continue to be LL PVP champions, even with you aligned with Malorick and LL1, We beat them and we will continue again to beat them. So really you didn’t make any difference at all.
The tension is high, the tension is thick as J.1.P backs away and continues.
J.1.P: Because what you don't understand is that you confuse things for arrogance and pride. You say you can see yourself okay with a loss. You don't always need the victory but at the end you would do anything to win the season. That's where we differ because I strive to be the very best. I strive to be the one that stands at the top. I STRIVE to be the measuring stick for what is considered to be the absolute best in this industry. I WANT all of that stress and pressure on me because that is what I live off of. That is what I eat and sleep each day and night. I want this. But you think I got “comfortable” with this position? That I just have some faux belief that nobody can beat me. Yes because a champion is supposed to come out here and say... he can beat me, he can beat me, he can beat me, and he could beat me as well. Everyone in the front row can beat me. Everyone in the back can beat me. Yeah that's the champion you are looking to be right? That's the way a champion should be right? I mean you are the type that really is an irritation. Like a cockroach that just won't go away.
I am the LL World Heavyweight champion because I am the best. I step out in MPQ Universe night in and night out believing I am the best and until proven otherwise I will believe that and once it is proven that there is someone out there better than me and actually beats me then this is the position that I will be in. But rest assured that unlike you or what you may think I don't ever sit on my loins and accomplishments. I am the best because I continue to work on my craft. I continue to be better than I was before. I look in that mirror each and every day and I see my weaknesses. I see my flaws and every day I STRIVE to make myself better. I STRIVE to improve on each and every single one of those things to make those weaknesses and flaws strengths. And that's what you don't understand. I never said I had no weaknesses. I never said I lack flaws. But am I going to come out here and say these are my weaknesses and flaws? Hell no. You would have to be an idiot to do that which is why you haven't done that have you? No. But you want to turn the microscope on me and think you see this and that when all you're doing is looking past me because in actuality you still can't see me. You still can't see the KO King for what he truly is but instead you just look at me and think... oh this guy is Mr. Perfect and stuff but I'm not. But that is my goal. I earned my chance to fight for the LL World HeavyWeight Championship title by beating all LL. I won this title inside the best MPQ Alliance with LL1 and until proven otherwise I am the Best LL superstar.
As Glorious Domination hits the system, dazzling spotlights illuminate the stage while The Glorious emerges from a cloud of smoke. It's quite the spectacle. The Dutch Mercator starts to strut down towards the stage, carrying himself like he's all that. He stops here and there to spin around, his arms extended to either side as he strides confidently to the top of the ramp. Mercator then walks down that ramp slowly, the fans continuing to boos him as he methodically walks up the stage steps, gets the microphone and enters the stage.
Mercator: Ladies and gentlemen... Listen to that. Listen to that carefully. Remember when I told you that this sound is the same sound that you are going to hear at LL. This sound is the same sound that came out from your mouths after last season when I did the unthinkable.
The crowd start chanting “Glorious” .
Mecator: That sound will be heard all around the MPQ Universe because last season... That last season something that you people didn't like have happenned. And this has continued also this season, something that you people have hated occurred again! On this season, this guy right here, the guy that everyone has looked over, the guy that you people hated, neglected, rejected, ignored and booed have beat the KO King not one time but 10 times!
Mercator laughs and fans boo him.
Mercator: Here it is. Even the idea, even the vision of it makes all of you mad. It drives you crazy in a bad way. But still, you give reaction to that right? You see, this is the most stupid thing that a commentator has ever said. "At least he gets reaction". What does that mean? And do you know for who this quotation, those words said? A guy who is loved by the most and a guy who is hated by some. A guy that makes people cheer and at the very same time the very same guy makes some people boo. You know who that man is. That man is both loved and hated. That man ladies and gentlemen, is none other than the legend, the myth, the Godfather, the dynasty of LL, the King of the Kings Malorick!
Crowd cheers that but there are some people who booes Malorick's name.
Mercator: You see. Mixed reaction. Now you guys can say "At least he got reaction". You know what the reaction is? Remember the sound you memorized. Remember how you greeted me a few minutes ago. With hatred. And being hated is not a cool thing for you people. Usually it is not good for business as those who are beloved makes merchandise sell, make this show watched. But I... I am different kind of guy. I don't need their love but they... They need to see me! They need to buy my merch! They need to experience this Glorious being! Me! Mercator! Because they know how good I am! That's why they all hate me. I am the best thing going in this LL company and since I am not a guy who signs autographs, do interview, kisses babies and all that stuff... They hate me. And they hate me even more because the guy they hate beats every guy that they love. Isn't it true? Didn't I do the very same thing with LL2? IcyTemper, Yiub1809... All those legends. Your beloved ones, heroes like Archemedes and Rod5... And even a myth, a legend. A guy you also hated but again a guy that you thought as invincible. What did I do? I beat that so called "invincible"! And you people hated me even more for that! HAHA!
Mercator laughs as booes are deafening.
Mercator: I am sure good guy Malorick will not approve that. After all, The Godfather have bring back is good friend the KO King to LL1 to beat LL2. You know there is truth to be told Malorick. I don't know what kind of a man you are right now. As far as I have known and I've watched, you are that Gaodfather again but a bit more edgy. Me not knowing that is not my fault. When I was in your shadow, I was still always on top in pve and pvp and since LL1 is better than LL2 since I am here, I didn't need to look down from the top. Because my goal, my aim, my destination is always above. High above. Even if I am on top. So I didn't watch LL2. But since the day that I signed for LL1, I was watching you and IcyTemper a bit. Because one of you guys would be my opponents and that unlucky guy is you. How many times Malorick have you bring new people as your Malorick’s guys and I am still on top? And that is because... I am here! You can bring The KO King, your Hercules, your Natural Disaster or your Superman. And after I continue to dominate LL1 but staying on top as the best Hybrid, I will complete my destiny. I have not give in since the day I have arrived, talk about never give up. You still do that? Who cares? And all that hard work, not giving up will finally... Make me Victorious! And totally... Glorious! And after that... I will defend... I will defend! To you who does not give up but loses time and time again against me. And to those who fall into the fallacy of thinking that they are better than me!
You know what? Probably I talked a lot this time. So come down Malorick. It's your turn. It's your turn to talk and slap the hell out of me with your motivational, fired up talks. Make those people cheer, make them scream your name on top of their lungs because after all we all know that I am better than you or anyone you can bring in LL1!
'Blasphemy by Bring Me The Horizon' begin blasting out, it's a brand new theme song, bringing a magisterial awe over the MPQ Universe, those in attendances, those watching at home, and those who were dreaming dreams. The slow build is accompanied by an eerie purple mist rising throughout the arena, while each hit is met with an explosion of blue fireworks. Finally, with the explosive first cry of “AWESOME”, a massive explosion! When the smoke clears, Typhoon584, TxMoose, Drcasino and Nono52 stand tall at the top of the ramp smirking as they pause by the entrance ramp, holding the LL1 Flag. The crowd screams in admiration, and they struts down the ramp, adorned by the cheers and love of all in attendance. Grown men weep, women faint and children tremble in astonishment. Such a MPQ talent has never before been seen and never will be again.
Typhoon584, TxMoose, Drcasino and Nono52 enter the stage and poser on the top of the stage corner, garnering more praise the the MPQ Universe. After several minutes of celebration, they grab a set of mics and address their billions of fans – those who believed and never gave up hope.
Typhoon584: So this is how LL1 treats me? This is how this brand treats to it's most important, most worthy asset? No, not an asset. I am not a tool, not an object that you can use and throw away. No way. I am not like any past LL MPQ superstar. I am unique. What you see right now is the one and only Typhoon584. There will be no one like me. Not even one man will remind me to you. Not even a bit! I am unique! I am The AWESOME One! I am a gift to LL1! The Must See LL MPQ Superstar of All Time! I am the light at the end of the tunnel, I am the candle that is in the night. I am the road sign you see when you are lost.
The crowd begins to let more hate flow from their bodies in the forms of massive boos.
Typhoon584: I am what you need in desperation. Hope. Now of course you people won't be like me, don't be sad, no one will be like me. But those who follow me will end up in a better life for sure. I can help all of you to a much better life and beat these lying, cheaters, stealers that are LL2. I offer you that. All you need to do is co-operate. All you need to do is accept the facts that comes out of my mouth. But what do you do instead of that? You just boo me because I am a pve beast that have beat Malorick and The Must See LL MPQ Superstar of All Time!. You cheer for that coward IcyTemper who continue to lies, cheats and steals out of nowhere! Actually you cheer for anyone that is new or for the one that are using cheap pop ... Not that I need your cheers. Since day one, all you did was booing me before because I was not a LL and I was beating your King of the Kings and look at me! I am in the best LL alliance now and I am part of the LL top branch! They need me! You people need me! And I... I don't need anyone!
Fans boo Typhoon584. The Awesome One waits for them to stop.
Typhoon584: Mercator, The Glorious One, you might have been one of the best in the MPQ Universe and amoung LL1. You might have achieved anything and everything but the fact is LL2 beat you five time in a row. But now with us, The KO King, the Awesome One and my friends TxMoose, Drcasino and Nono52, LL2 reign is over. You see TxMoose and Drcasino are not like those people from the Taco stand that are just IcyTemper new puppets. They are true hybrid warriors that can fight on both side pvp and pve and they didn’t make the mistake of following the Supremactist where everything is about him and only him.
So... Finally a brand... Finally a brand with a commander that is great, the LL Godfather. When Malorick have proposed us a contract with LL1, it was the smartest decision for everyone. I mean... look at me now. Here I am in LL1 roster as I have proven my worth. They wanted me here and they told me that I would get the respect I deserve. And here I am... The Awesome One Typhoon584’s debut in LL1 is against one of LL2's and LL MPQ History's finest... IcyTemper!
Crowd boos for that.
Typhoon584: Yeah, LL1 management do treat me well, they treat me with respect but... Really? Is this little vanilla LL2 over here is one of the best pvp LL has to offer? Really? I mean, that's pathetic. They need to lies, cheats and steal to do it. It remember me Groot doing the same thing to keep the top2 in pve. This "thing" over here is a 5 time PVP World Champion? A legend? But things get better now because J.1.P the KO King is now the LL World Heavyweight Champion, a LL1 member and a Malorick’s guys! And these new Malorick’s guys over here... are part of the best alliance around here and this is LL1!
Typhoon584 smirks.
As there's a break in the action, things head backstage where we can see the end of the interview between Fahq1977 and D3 interviewer (see previous post for the interview) where we can see the arrival of pinko mcfly, Alvin.lal, Archemedes, Rod5 and Boomshaka40.
Pinko mcfly: Wow Fahq1977. That was really impressive! I know I haven't had the best record lately, but damn, even I haven't been embarrassed that badly by your effort to try to beat me. You're the guy who keeps calling me out on every pvp in the world. You want to face me in a MPQ match but you can't even hang with LL2? You're the guy who's supposed to intimidate me? Seriously? Where's Ashton Kutcher because I know I'm getting Punk'd right now because there is no way in hell that you are on my level. Hell, you're not even in my league. This is a reason that you are not part of LL2 or LL1 anymore and that you went with Deadpools Tacos our new alliance in the LL family. So why the hell should I give you the time of day?
At this point, Rod5 stands up and intervenes.
Rod5: Hold it hold it! I'll tell ya why, pink mcfly! Because I'd like to see it. Hell, I bet we'd all like to see it. So I tell ya what I'm gonna do. It's gonna be the two of you, one on one, may the best man win! And show him and his new friends that the best pvp alliance is LL2.
Pinko mcfly: Oh I will. Because that man is Me.
Fahq1977: Pinko mcfly is.. a tremendous athlete. He's someone who I really look up to in this business and he's always been around me in LL that I have ever been apart. He and I have waged great wars in the past and even almost won MPQ match of the year. But, the sad reality to this is the fact that I will win the war. Yes, he may have beaten me once or twice but in the end, it will be obvious who the TRUE star is. I'm the one who made him to push his limits, but pinko mcfly did help too by taking me to what I thought was my limit and pushing me way past it in order to achieve true victory over him. He hit me with everything that he had.. but he was short. And that seems like it's a growing trend to me.
Fahq1977’s expression on his face changes slightly to that of sadness, as he continues to speak about pinko mcfly. He looks down slightly for a moment before turning his attention sharply back at the camera placed in front of him
Fahq1977: This season, I think that pinko mcfly will continue the trend and come up just that short of the win because I'm just not sure he has what it takes to make it in this business as a top competitor. Pinko mcfly is a good friend to me and an even better performer inside of MPQ but he will ALWAYS be the underdog. And that's sad to say but someone has to, and he fits the bill everytime..
D3 Interviewer: Well sir, I just wanted to get your thoughts on a few things....
Boomshaka40: Shut up! We are not in my mood to have an interview right now. We will answer your questions but not here but in the middle of the stage with IcyTemper and LL1.
Archemedes smiles and him, Rodd5, Alvin.lal and pinko Mcfly leaves the place.
I came to play
I came to play
"I came to play by Downstait" begins blasting throughout the stadium, Every fan in attendance turns their attention to the ramp and starts to boo as OJSP comes from behind the curtain with his friend and commander of LL0 Badmaniac.
The Gentleman stops at the head of the ramp. There's a microphone in his hand already, and as his song cuts out, he raises it to address the men standing in the stage.
OJSP: What the hell is this supposed to be? Huh? I've heard a lot a talk about what's great and what's glorious, about that title and the best of LL... but I haven't heard my name in that mix. No mention of the Gentlemen OJSP!!
It's literally one of the dumbest things I can think of. You know what else is dumb? This idea that LL2 or any of its championships mean a damn thing when we're not involved. Let's face it, Malorick and LL1 carried this show through his beginning. How many different top alliances have crashed and burned in the history of the MPQ. I think you can count them on two hands at this point. Nobody thought LL would survive past six months. Nobody thought that our Godfather, The King of the Kings, Malorick could manage this place and expend it to what it’s right now with Mr. Lock and Load, the LL Ambassador, DrNitroman. Lucky him though, he got the world's very best MPQ superstars and the most dangerous superstars to ever step in the MPQ Universe signed to his show and with us LL1.
Then all of a sudden, all those expectations started seeming pretty goofy. The people everyone thought were quality MPQ superstars were getting beat up by these lying, cheaters LL2. The LL2 division everyone thought was dead was picking up attention all around the world. That's all because of us.
The Supremacist wants to forget that. He wants the fans to forget that, too. IcyTemper, Yiub1809, Cletus1985, Crescentdeep, TretasLixado... they all wanna forget. Why wouldn't they? An LL2 where LL1 doesn't exist is a waaaaaaaaaay easier place to get ahead. It's open season. And IcyTemper knows how much more simple it will be if he has a champion who doesn't have the stones to demand anything from him.
But we're still here. And we're still fighting.
LL1 is going to take back all the championship gold that was stolen from us under **** circumstances. We spent the last two months proving how much better we are at this than everyone else. You can try to bury us in the card, keep us off the show, hide all your titles and hold us down... but it's not gonna work. We've come to far. We've given too much.
LL, is recognized as is the Best There Is, The Best There Was, And The Best There Ever Will Be alliance ever in the MPQ Universe - and buddy, that's because of LL1. We will foster a place where talent is treated with the respect they deserve, and there will be a zero tolerance policy for any less than the quality a world-class promotion deserves.
The fans cheer, whether its because of the magnitude of the LL name or the idea that they will see a confrontation.
Suddenly fireworks and pyro goes off, the hot MPQ crowd can hear the guitar rift of "Ocean size" by Jane Addiction begins to play and the fans stand to their feet cheering as loudly and wildly as they can for The Brain of LL2 Archemedes and the others LL2 commanders emerge from the back to a large pop. LL2 commanders look at OJSP and waste no time as they head down the ramp, clapping hands with eager fans the entire way down.
Archemedes looks at IcyTemper before breaking into a chuckle.
Archemedes: Oh boy. Where do I even begin with you? You know, if I had a nickel every time somebody thought they had me all figured out and claimed to be better than me, damn I'd have one hell of a trust fund set up. You might wanna sit back down IcyTemper because with the knowledge I'm about to drop on you, I wouldn't blame you if you got weak in the knees. You actually believe that you have what it takes to be LL PVP Universal Champion. You think that you are what this LL brand needs to survive. You may have a title opportunity but that by no means makes you a top guy. You lurk around, waiting to pick your spots and feast on the crumbs left by other predators. You made that very clear with how you won your title with your lies, cheats and steals, it's the same all season. We have tried to stop you but I didn’t work and you came back stronger. You're thinking you're a shark in chum infested waters. I've got news for you, IcyTemper. A shark you are not. What you are is a parasite, suckling away at the fame of anybody you think will get you ahead. But that's not going to make you a world champion. Not by a damn sight.
Archemedes smirks at IcyTemper before continuing to address him.
Archemedes: What I find hysterical is the fact that you are trying to get inside my head. You're trying that strategy. I don't blame you, really. I mean, it's gotten you this far, why not stick to what got you to the dance so to speak. I get it. But you're trying your same old song and dance on someone that just ain't buying what you're selling. You see, you think that I lost last month because I'm not good enough to get the job done. But I'm a man who doesn't make the same mistake twice. You're not getting inside my head because I won't allow it and because I see through your ****. You want to be The Supremacist. You want people to be intimidated by you but you're talking to the wrong son of a **** if you think you can intimidate me. Nothing will intimidate me. No man on this planet can accomplish that. You haven't seen what I'm capable of doing. This was never going to be a MPQ match. That's you're own ignorance shining through. Do you think all I have to offer is technical MPQ prowess? That's not what being the Absolute Best is all about. It's a lifestyle. It's a way of life. I'm in this for a fight and I want you to listen to me very carefully because I want this to get through to you. This is not a fight that you can win.
Archemedes looks over and sees LL2 commander standing on the outside before smirking again.
Archemedes: I don't care what kind of oath these pathetic idiots have made to you. If they are with you, then they will pay the ultimate price as well. But I want to focus all of my rage onto you, IcyTemper. Quite frankly, I don't want to waste my time on them.
Archemedes: You're not going up against a conflicted and confused Archemedes. You're not heading to face off with an Archemedes who is trying desperately to relive the glory days. No, I accept that I've changed, with LL1 as my example, Change is a great thing. There is nothing you can do to prepare for this season. There are no tapes you can study, nothing will prepare you for what awaits you on now.
Archemedes now inches closer to IcyTemper, his pleasant demeanor changing to one of disdain and disgust.
Archemedes: Have I changed? You bet your **** I have. My motives have never been to pander to these people. They cheer me because they love to see me beat people up. But this "calm" and "collected" version of me that you think you know is long gone. He's not coming back. You want real competition, IcyTemper? Well here it is, staring you right in the face. You think it's funny now when I tell you how much torture you're going to experience with all the new talents that Malorick have bring in LL1, but that inevitable rude awakening is coming your way and you're not gonna like a damn bit of it. Question my motives all you want, but it's not going to get you anywhere.
The LL1 Hybrid Movement goes beyond fandom. It's just that. A Movement and it stops for no one. That's what fuels me because I know that They will never let me down. They have supported me for my entire MPQ career. Have I done some shady things in the past? Damn right I have. Will I continue to do shady things? Damn right I will. I'm not a boy scout. I'm not a hero. Maybe that was a problem last month, trying to out-hero Superman when all I have to do is be me, The Brain. I'm not a nice guy and I'm done pretending that I am. That has held me back for too long. It's time that I let go and unleash the truest and most honest version of myself and, IcyTemper, if you think you have demons, you haven't seen anything yet because I have a whole horde of them inside of me. You like to think that you're twisted, but my mind is that much more twisted and downright cruel. The Supremacist, you think you know evil but what you fail to realize in all of your arrogance and false bravado is that pure evil is staring you right in the face.
Archemedes rubs his chin as he gets a crazy look in his eyes.
Archemedes: I'm not looking into your eyes, IcyTemper. I'm staring deep down into your soul and I can see that, while you talk a big game, deep down inside, you're terrified. You've never been this far in your MPQ career. You've said so yourself. You have no idea how to win when it truly counts except by lying, cheating and stealing. You saw one instance of me failing and you judge me on it instead of realizing that Malorick may have won somes battle, but he didn't win the war. You see, we might agree that LL1's time is up I was always here to bring us to top but we disagree on just how we should end it. You say you've gotten everything you need but I say not just yet. Not yet.
Now, we were the top LL brand for 5 months. We defended our title successfully against everyone! But two months before that, we fired you from LL2, remember that? I told you that when I fired you, I would expose the man that you really are and I did that. I told you that I would take the pvp title without lies, cheats and stealing, And you didn't give me the chance, just like those people didn't listen to me as soon as you saw that we were behind LL1, you took control again of LL2.
But look at LL1 now. They are stronger than never, let alone the KO King J.1.P being the THE LL champion... He is! Because he win his title against all challengers he has faced! And now, his reign is just starting... Archemedes, as you said, you were LL2. But the difference between you and me is that, I will not be LL2 and it has two reasons. One, maybe I'll leave this pathetic place and let it rot as LL1 rises to the top! And two... if I stay, I will not be LL2, LL2 will be me! Because I am greater than this brand itself! I am greater than entire LL2 roster, the past of LL2! You get that? You carried this place on your back but I am nobodies man. I don't do work for anybody. I don't carry anybody on my back. I only lead myself to glory. And as I rise, LL2 may rise... If I stay, which has... Pretty low chance... IcyTemper, you were the man around here but those days are over. You are not the man anymore. I know it will take time to get used to that.
Now I wonder... Should I stay? Should I turn you the favor and give what you had given to me for all those months? And that is nothing IcyTemper. You have given me nothing! Silver platter aside, I didn't even get what I deserved! What I got has nothing to do with you! I know why you want to keep me here on LL2 that much. Everybody knows that I am the greatest of all LL2.
Crowd booes that
Archemedes: Oh yeah. Like it or not, there is nobody past or future that is better than me! Nobody has risen as fast as me! Not even the legendary piro_plock!
So LL1 has all these new the top guy now. LL1 has the biggest name, the biggest MPQ superstarts in MPQ Universe, which makes this show the #1 in LL. Yeah, there are a lot of flaws but LL2 had a lot too but I still managed to make that place great! And all that rise of LL2 was because of me and my recuitement for them! Not because of anything else! In that time I had there, I was the Brain of LL2. I was what made LL2 go on as number one. And quite frankly, LL2 will die in my absence. But enough of that soon to be R.I.P. place. Let's talk about my new home... LL1! I
Rod5 himself is in a bit of shock but he gets back up and looks to the crowd, then down at Archemedes, then back at the crowd once more. The entire stadium is in shock as Archemedes drop the mic and shake hand with The KO King.
End of show
Ps: Don't hesitate to comment/rate the new LL adventures, Don't forget to like the LL adventures. We want to have a big number of followers so we can continue these stories so don’t be shy to like them. And as a bonus, if you like them, you will be part of it.0 -
Malorick you have outdone yourself..... this is the most epic and badass LL adventure yet!
Loved this one and it will be hard to beat : )0
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