**** Lock and Load - Recruiting NOW ****
The pyro to kick off the show explodes throughout the arena as the theme song of LL, “War” by Sick Puppies begins blaring as the excited MPQ Universe jump to their feet and cheer for the start of the show. The place is packed to the rafters as many fans have brought along various types of signs including among others, 'Whatever MPQ do we complain online', 'Come back D2KM … ' follow by the other sign '… For the 8 or 9Th time', and the third guys holding his sign ' Bah! We’r not counting anymore!!' and a very random, 'God has no favorites. Our sign girl does - GO Blinkxi. We can also see some MPQ celebrity in the crowd like prancrosner, OJSP and the former LL member Jonny1punch. They lights go out, then fireworks and music start, Lock and Load was hunting and grinding everywhere in this pve for the Howard the Duck reward. There is nothing like that before but what an amazing performance for Lock and Load and Lock and Load 3 in the pve.
The camera go backstage where we can see the LL PVE Beasts returning from the Hunt leaded by RandomTask2.0 and Piro_plock who captured the maximum duck allowed, followed by antreas1911, Apochrypha, Blinkxi, Darkron, Ichabod C., Rastapanda and yasger were we can all see that they are that good at duck hunting. While walking we can hear them talking.
RandomTask2.0: "It's actually been a while since we've been here in LL. What has it been, six weeks ? But, it's about time we got back to the grind and stop these test pve, because I'm starting to crave for the thrill of the hunt again! When you're away from this pve sport for too long, it starts to do stuff to you. It become's your whole life - an addiction, a sense of purpose. Rewinding to my feud with Malorick, it looks like I had another relapse for this pve sport, because I ran over him like the True Predator that I am!"
Piro_plock: "Listen up though, New Boy. You were outsmarted again by the King of The Kings himself Malorick, he beat both of us in this hunt and finished first among LL! You got a hungry competitors here in LL right Chey…"
Chey…: "I know, it hurts to know that someone is better than you in anyway, shape, or form. But, I don't care - I'm just an honest Pve Man-Beast looking to hunt worthy prey, because I love the way it makes me feel!"
RandomTask2.0: "Last event though was a different story, because"
Blinkxi Interrupt RandomTask2.0 and continue his sentence:
Blinkixi: “he didn’t position himself in the same bracket as to defend the honor of professional pve and showmanship. Bla… bla… bla.. ""
Darkron: "We all know your speech; you repeat it all the time. You are the True Predator."
The pve beasts laughs before continuing their way.
The camera pans out to reveal machineasp just standing there waiting for a spot in a LL pve alliance when Gredler01, Mercator walks toward him.
Gredler01: "Wait a minute, where are you going!? You are in our best pvp only LL alliance with LL2 but you continue to grind hard in pve. The pve isn’t over yet and already begging for a place! "
Mercator: "Oh you wanna join us machineasp. I just recently joined the Awesome family of LL, so come with us in LL5 and stop walking out of LL2 everytime a pve is over. "
Gredler01: "You got that right, Mercator. I know that LL1 will be happy to accept you too. "
The last image we see before the camera fades out is Pinko mcfly as he face palms himself and shakes his head while looking at his alliance partner machineasp.
The Big screen illuminates to show D2KM, sitting with a fairly somber look on his face. He slowly raises his head to address the MPQ Universe.
D2KM: "I’ve done a lot of things in my MPQ career. Some have been good, and many have been bad. But every single thing that I’ve done was done so in the pursuit of some sort of goal. Whether it be to win an event, put LL on top or simply put a smile on a face, I did whatever it took to make sure that I accomplished that goal. Since my entry in LL in season 8, my only goal has been to put prestige to this alliance by making them one of the best that the MPQ Universe can look up to, and the players in the back can aspire to be. I believe that I’ve done a little bit of that since LL developed some of the best player in the MPQ Universe and this against all the obstacles that was throw at us by MPQ, betrayal or retirement of some of our player.
But my goal is not entirely fulfilled. No – I said when I got here that I wouldn’t stop until we bring LL to the top and make sure that LL personifies what it means to be a fun, no stress, a competitive, and most importantly, a fun place for MPQ player.
But the man you’ve seen week in and week out isn’t that person. The D2KM who would come out here and play a pve for what seemed like hours and skip the next one, complaining not having time to play, making some point using real life excuse … that’s not the player this LL1 needs. No. This LL needs D…2…K…M."
D2KM flashes a huge smile as he relishes in delight at the thought of his top 10 ranking among ll1 in the season XXV. However, D2KM sobers quickly, as he shifts focus to his close friend.
D2KM: "The MPQ Universe needs The man, the myth, the Legend that is D2KM, and the one way for me to help is through LL7. Now I’m woefully aware of how difficult this will be, but you better believe that D2KM is more than ready to help and found the very best that LL7 have to offer for LL6, LL4, LL3. Omega Spartan? I’ll toss you over ll6 you are too good in pve so forcefully that you’ll be able to stick a perfect ten landing there and help them. Super taco? I’ll take pleasure to promote you too in LL6 so quickly that you’ll be able to hurry backstage and get back to eat these tacos you love so much. And LL7? You better believe that I’m going to take great pleasure in tossing who deserve it to the right place inside the LL family!!!"
The fans give a positive response as the image fades
The crowd is in a frenzy but all of that gets channeled into loud cheer as the new theme of lefrturn24 hits.
”Psychopath Killer” by Slaughter House feat. Eminem and Yelawolf start to play and that's when the fans start to really let him have it. And that is when The Phenomal One from Canada, Edmonton steps out from behind the curtain to accept the greeting.
He appears all smiles but then he turns to the camera.
lefrturn24: "I tried to be nice. They wanted to be an ****. Now they gonna get their **** kicked and they will be punished."
lefrturn24 turns away from the camera and makes his way down the ramp and starts pounding fists with the fans along the way. lefrturn24 walks up the steps and go the middle of the stage and holds the PVP Crown high in the air and walks around this stage and listens to " lefrturn24" chant. lefrturn24 then gets ready to go on the microphone
lefrturn24: "I'm going to get right down to business and address everyone, Nwman. You knocked off a hell of a record here in LL and you earned that crown. Excuse me, my crown, The Phenomal One just crushed your record with a 3.3K in pvp."
lefrturn24 holds the crown up as he points to the crowd. The crowd shows their respect to lefrturn24
lefrturn24: "Now, this season is something I am looking forward to. Like the feud WelcomeDeath and I just had in last season, you do as well. We are all coming from the great training ground that is the LL family. And I'm trying to butter you up with all of this because I know you'll think that. I'm just saying, all of this will make for another great battle. Like you said it's the Power's versus the Money. "
lefrturn24 takes a long look at his crown and gets back on the microphone
lefrturn24: "This is what we will be fighting for. This is going to be an all out war and I have already started prepping myself for this season. But it's time for me get down right honest with you, I am here to beat all LL records, yours is a thing of the past. But you better BELIEVE that it is going to get much tougher when you fight the champ. This is not old era of the like of D2KM… Malorick MjMacka… the Renegade … marveloz … or even recently the WelcomeDeath era. NO, it’s my time… my era, the Phenomenal Era. I am going to being the big fight this season. It's what I do on a nightly basis when I am in this game and the fans can't expect any less out of me. I keep on getting better and better in this MPQ game and at this season, you will be in for a physical battle. One that will be judge by who is truly man enough to hold this."
The Phenomal One looks around the stage before speaking again
lefrturn24: "I'm ready to crack some skulls and waiting your return WelcomeDeath next season or anyone else who is ready to challenge me. No one can stop me, not even a guy like …(What?) heu! what was is name again… (What?) he had multiple short run in LL… (What?) oh! Jonny1Punch the KO King! (What?) Where he is now, in the retired house like WelcomeDeath? (What?) I'm ready to bring the big fight. And I'm ready to kick some ****. When it is all said and done, it will be me who's walking out of this season STILL the MPQ King Champion. "
The crowd cheers lefrturn24 on while the camera pans out to the crowd where we can see Jonny1Punch smiling.
We fade out from the last segment to the big screen where we can see erunner1201 running backstage. From out of nowhere, an unknown man with a black hood approaches.
Man: "Excuse me, sir....Are you Erunner1201, otherwise known as the fastest runner of LL? "
Annoyed and taken aback, Erunner1201 looks down at his outfit before looking back at the man pissed off.
Erunner1201: "Obviously. "
Man: "I'm here to give you this..... *hands him envelope* We want you. Have a good day."
Just as quickly as he appeared, the man disappears, just as Erunner1201 opens the envelope and examines it's contents. He doesn't seem pleased at all as he storms into his private locker room.
Antrea1911: "What's the matter, Erunner1201? Ready to represent LL in our next marathon, people are happy to see us, why can't you be?"
Erunner1201: "It's a recruiting offer from them. This is getting ridiculous. They think I'm a sell out like some of our ex-LL and will go with them? They think they can come here and try to steal our member in our face and in our show!"
The lights in the arena dim. The capacity crowd, hardly yet ready for the hours of banter that await them, are brought to their feet by a familiar riff blasting through the speakers...
It's "Godzilla", the anthem that has proceeded countless massacres in the infamous MPQ. The snarling guitar tone and thumping drum beat stir up an animalistic reaction from the MPQ Universe. There isn't a seated or silent member of the audience as the ambassador, DrNitroman, emerges out on to the ramp. DrNitroman pauses at the top of the ramp ad scans the arena, taking the moment in. The man who ordinarily wastes no time getting started and taking care of business seems to be enjoying the magnificence of the opportunity. The gravity is setting in. The pressure is building. The challenge is obvious. DrNitroman smirks and look at lefrturn24 .
"Mr. Lock and Load" then makes his way down the ramp towards the stage.
The stage attendant standing nearby tosses DrNitroman a microphone, but he doesn't start speaking right away. DrNitroman first paces around the stage. With the fans chanting his name and his song's chorus echoing around him, DrNitroman smiles again. It's time. Time for the new pvp. Time for the single toughest season in the business. DrNitroman knows it. He's ready for it, and the fans can tell. The music fades, and when the people finally stop screaming and shouting, DrNitroman raises his microphone to begin...
DrNitroman: "Ladies and gentlemen, madames et monsieurs, it's here. The best pure pvp player are in LL2. But you know that. The guys in the back know that, we are pvp only. Everyone understands just how big... no, how massive of an opportunity this is to be in the LL family.
"History shows again and again how Nature points out the folly of men".
Godzilla - that kick-**** song that plays every time I come out here, that's what it says. There's a locker room full of men with their heads in the cloud right now. Full of ambition. Full of aspirations. The kinds of dreams that LL history is made out of. The sport of MPQ was built and defined by men who dared to believe that they could accomplish more than anyone else thought they could. And yet, for every miracle, there are a hundred failures. Hope can drive a man to overcome many things, but Nature... that's something else entirely. Nature is a constant. Nature is undying. Nature is the reckless, mindless force that brings the dreams and accomplishments of men crashing down.
I'm a force of nature. I have bring the best player here in LL and if you want to beat the record don’t forget that is not LL1 that have the best season record. (What?) It’s LL2. (What?) Not to mention. (What?) We have the best past LL season record with us now marveloz. (What?) the current season record with Velorx (What?) and we represent the future of LL (What?) Once you are part of the LL family you are always part of the LL family.
While the LL1 is full of fan favourites, DrNitroman 's promise to challenge them all still draws a positive reaction from the MPQ Universe."
DrNitroman: "You wanna talk about "deserving" to be here or to win this event? You wanna talk about resumes? You wanna back up boasts with facts? LL2 can do that.
WelcomeDeath, the man who looked unstoppable going into and coming out of last season's King in LL1 - the same man that was beat any one of our guys ... where is he now? Nobody has seen him since Velrox put him down and took the Supreme LL Season crown."
"Mr. Lock and Load" pauses and paces around the stage, collecting his thoughts while the fans eagerly wait for him to continue.
DrNitroMan: "I've spent the last year chiseling the faces off of the LL's "Mount Rushmore". I'm the earthquake that shook that rock" - the one that was supposed to be untouchable. Like I said... force of Nature. I've shattered this company's foundation and I've been rebuilding everything from the ground up and make it stronger and bigger that it was before. I don't just play. I fight. I recruit. I train. I motivate. I guide. I help. I conquer. Everytime someone tells me there's something I still have left to prove, I do it. LL2 heading for the pvp only and we're not stopping or slowing down... like a god damn tornado. If it gets in our way, we're tearing it apart."
"Mr. Lock and Load" lowers his microphone to a thunderous Go Nitro Go chant.
The theme music of Nwman Here comes the money by Naughty by Nature begins playing over the loudspeakers and out walks Mr. Money himself. He's dressed casual tonight, in a Versace jersey and zebra-print Versace pants, dark glasses, gold chains with white and yellow diamond, huge three and four finger gold ring, big gold watches and his famous gold teeth. He does a few hops before walking down the ramp and toward the stage. He goes around stage and grabs a microphone before entering the stage and interrupting the two LL legends.
DrNitroman: "Well if it isn't the bank of LL. Certainly your money run the LL family. Might I say you're even deadlier to MPQ than me."
Nwman : "Shut it, DrNitroman. I've had it up to here with you two coming out here and start talking and talking. You talk to the new commander of ll1, you see with my money I can buy anything, cover, cp, roster and even my commander status hahahaha! "
The crowd gives a mixed reaction as Nwman slowly faces DrNitroman.
Nwman: "Sure, LL is able to promote and move our member in the grand scheme of things and put the right people to the right place, but that's what was so great about it, we are big family and we can produce our own star and don’t rely on mercenary like other alliance. Yes, you two accomplished things here, but I do the same with my money. LL is bigger than the two of you. It's an entire brand going under and here you two are, having a ****-Off Contest which is about neck and neck if you ask me!"
The fans cheer loudly as Nwman runs these two men down.
Nwman: "LL is great for several reason and one of them is the funding for the show come from me. Simple as that. No more money equals no more shows, no more adventures. I'm sure you guys can do the math on that one. So while you guys snicker and go back to play and earn your cover, I will just buy them. I'll hold my head in pride knowing that We are apart of something special. In fact-"
”I Walk Alone” by Saliva start when suddenly the whole place begins to erupt as the LL2’s Champion makes his way out from behind the curtain. Everyone is shocked but happy despite the situation they last saw with the separation of the Diabolic Twins in LL2 after domininating LL2 together for several season. The California Bull comes out in workout gear, “Just Bring It” draped on his chest.
The crowd explode as Velorx hops up the steps with only an intensity the LL2’s Champion can bring. Velorx steps into the ring, the music slow and deliberate, perhaps a sign of the Velorx that we are about to see as he heads over to the nearest stair and climbs it before throwing up his arm in the air to the delight to the millions and possibly billions of his fans.
The crowd are going absolutely wild as Velorx takes his time, deliberately going to each of the four stairs and taking turns saluting the crowd. Velorx at last gets off and heads over to Dr.Nitroman where he give the LL high five where he is handed the mic by DrNitroman. Velorx smiles and nods before taking his place in the center of the stage. Velorx’s music ends, but as he is about to speak the crowd begins chanting his name. “Velorx! Velorx! Velorx!” Velorx just smiles and lets the moment sink in for a moment before taking the mic high and speaking…
Velorx: "Velorx Finally Velorx has come back to the LL Adventures!!! And this is no offense to you MPQ Universe but the Velorx is carrying with him the biggest piece of monkey trash this great MPQ has ever created in Nwman!
Velorx thinks it is hysterical that you think you “single handedly” won this opportunity. Especially since the way the Velorx remembers it, you sat on these buyer club playing with your money the entire season. Then after the LL2’s Champion had electrified the Million and millions of his fans only then did you take your hand out of your money and decided to put yourself into the event in which you hit the highest record in the LL history with 3k in pvp before been crushed by the Phgenomenal one lefrturn24."
The MPQ Universe is quickly turning on Nwman now as the Velorx continues his onslaught.
Velorx: "You think you are pretty tough, you think you outsmarted Velorx? Well Velorx hates to break it to you, but you are hardly the smartest. Hell the the guys from ll4 calling himself Exotic Cheese is ten times smarter. The fact is the Velorx knew it was coming, hell a blind man could see that a cowardly piece of trash like you was going to try and get one over on the Velorx. And the fact of the matter is, now Velorx is ready for his biggest challenge of his career since Velorx came in ll4 recruited by Mr.Lock and Load himself."
Velorx stares Nwman down and Nwman backs down letting Velorx have his moment. Velorx turns towards The Phenomal One.
Velorx: "Now lefrturn24, I’m going to accept your challenge and I’m going to open it up to the LL1 champions because I’m sure whatever they say or do will be ten times more interesting than anything else that could come out of that trash heap you called a mouth. So inder909, Nwman, Chey…., Mjmacka. Why don’t you prove yourselves better than the Velorx’s and get your **** ready in the First Avenger event before Velorx get over there in LL1. And the fact of the matter is, why waiting for this, the time is now and Velorx is ready to carry you this Friday at First Avenger event, and when Velorx will come down from his private jet to come in LL1, he is going to turn to you the Phenomal One, and your hometown is going to see an **** kicking of a life time when the Velorx whips you through the gateway to the west and beyond."
With that Velorx throws the mic down and turns as lefrturn24 rubs his chin, surprised and happy about this turn. Still standing on the stage DrNitroman looks puzzled and albeit confused and doesn't know what just happened here. Velorx just left LL2 for LL1!? We go off the air as DrNitroman just shake his head and stares at Velorx.
Ps: Don't hesitate to comment/rat the new LL adventures, Don't forget to like the LL adventures. We want to have a big number of followers so we can continue these stories so dont be shy to like them. And as a bonus, if you like them, you will be part of it..
0 -
Definitely my favorite adventure yet Malorick!
I had a cameo I am honored !0 -
Malorick wrote:<...>
Still standing on the stage DrNitroman looks puzzled and albeit confused and doesn't know what just happened here. Velorx just left LL2 for LL1!? <...>
if you score 20k per season, please contact me0 -
Hey a friend and I are looking for a new alliance to join. Sent drnitro a PM. We play daily but aren't super competitive. In 3->4 star transition.0
mpqrulz wrote:Hey a friend and I are looking for a new alliance to join. Sent drnitro a PM. We play daily but aren't super competitive. In 3->4 star transition.
soooo.... you don't plan to bring 20k per season?
just kidding, you're welcome in LL7, D2KM (yes, the myth, the legend) will take care of you0 -
Hi, I'd like to join lock and load6.
I hit 300+ in most PVP events (occasionally life prevents it) and aim for 500+. Since I started (PVP season IV I think) I haven't missed a season ten pack and in recent seasons have picked up 6-7k points. I've once got the 2k reward for the shield event and have made 1500+ points for the last 3.
For PVE I hit the final progression reward in at least 50% of events. (The new test events not so much.)
Current roster has 3 5 stars (1 with 2 covers). 1 Championed 4 star (Elektra) and one with max covers who is currently at 230 (Wolvie). I have 24 championed 3 stars.
User name is Madkine, current alliance is S.B.S.Alliance0 -
I would like to join the Lock and Load Family. My name is mrleche in the game my roster is.
3* Hulk (104) 3* Storm (102) 2* Storm (100) 2* Daken (98) 2* Captain Marvel (97) 2*Steve Rogers (97) 2* Thor (96) 2* Black Widow (94) 3* mageneto (p4) 4* Jean grey (90) 3* Steve Rogers (89) 4* Antman 70 4* Deadpool 70 4*Thing 70 4* Thor 70 3*Black Widow 68 3* Human Torch 66 3* Iron Fist 66 3* Vision 66 3* Deadpool 55 3*Spider-Man 55 3* Daredevil 50 2* Human Torch 15.
I know I am a lower character but right now I am scoring within the top 100 for season 26. I like PVP and would like to get greater rewards and help out an alliance. Please consider me for your alliance.0 -
The pyro to kick off the show explodes throughout the arena as the theme song of LL, “War” by Sick Puppies begins blaring as the excited MPQ Universe jump to their feet and cheer for the start of the show. The place is packed to the rafters as many fans have brought along various types of signs including among others, 'Groot fear Lock and Load', 'Jonny1punch is the KO King’, 'DC Marvel’ with OJSP himself and two beautiful girls in the first row with these two sign, 'Our boyfriends dumped us to play MPQ…', 'We need hugs!'. As the camera moving through the crowd we can see a familair name in the MPQ Univers truxcer. The lights go out, then fireworks and the show start and what an amazing performance for Lock and Load that have scared the big 2 pve alliances and make them hiring merc to keep their top2 spot in pve when LL show them that we can challenge them.
We're brought the camera view of Nwman and IcyTemper from backstage talking with a know ally from Vilains and ex-LL, Salgy.
IcyTemper: Oh sure dude? LL1 and LL2 commander here with, uh, what are we gonna call this?
Salgy: How about a public service announcement.
IcyTemper: A PSA - I like that. Yeah, I like that a lot because…
Salgy: … it's about time the MPQ Universe pulled their heads out their butts and started paying attention to us.
Nwman: I couldn't agree more. "MPQ Universe" pssssssh. What does that even mean? You know, for a whole universe, you guys sure have a hard time recognizing real stars.
IcyTemper: Like us. The most legit, most bonafide, most decorated, most celebrated LL on the international scene today - we come to the MPQ and what do we get?
Nwman: Not the highscore of LL anymore.
IcyTemper: You didn’t see that one coming right from lefrturn24 ... he is so Phenomenal.
Salgy: And you know what we say? We say "No Way, MPQ". We tell them - and hey, consider this PSA number one – If we want we can crush any team. If you're not sporting Vilains head-to-toe when you approach us, you're getting snubbed. A hard snub.
Nwman: We’ve got you covered, we’ll be part of it too. This will be the anthem of my finest hour.
IcyTemper: Dude… that’s really poetic.
Nwman: That’s it.
Nwman shake Salgy hand before walking off screen and LL adventures continues elsewhere.
The camera cuts to a dark room, and all of a sudden a small light turns on at a desk in the far corner of the room. Malorick sits down at the desk with a large box in hand. He opens the box labeled “Webbed Wonder #1” and slowly removes a small doll from inside. As the camera moves in, the doll is a Red Hulk. The camera back away and we can see another man sitting down at the other side of the desk. It’s another PVE beast well know by Malorick… it’s LegendReborn. These two had a rivalry in the past and as Malorick pulls out the Red Hulk he extend his hand to LegendReborn.
They shake hands as the camera man backs away, while LegendReborn smiles...
The Big Screen flashes to show all LL1 PVe beasts playing pve out backstage when all of a sudden LL3 and LL6 PVE beasts appear. RandomTask2.0 doesn't seem to notice them as he is playing hard on the new pve test format. Before Apochrypha speaks
Apochrypha: Ahem guys!
Antreas1911 goes and he gets up and he speaks to the LL3 & LL6 Commander
Antreas1911: Oh Apochrypha... Yeokrast what is up?
Apochrypha: Oh nothing.... maybe why you continue to play hard on these pve tests
RandomTask2.0: Shhh.... No talking guys. Players time. Tell em' Antreas1911.
Antreas1911: See we were wondering for a long time why in the hell we should continue play pve if this is the new format? It just made no sense what so ever. We are already talented enough and proven many time are good we are in pve. We proved that the old format is better and less time consuming, but it’s seem that D3 brought this new format in to ruin our fun.
Look boys I get where your coming from. We are smart men, but why are we playing this … I hate to say it because its not in my nature... ****. We will always be pve beasts, and that will never change. You guys got something big coming your way. I know it, and I will make for damn sure you will be with the best alliance in the MPQ Universe. Alright boys now if you don't mind I have to do my second grind now. See you later.
Just as Apochrypha and Yeokrast are about to leave the camera pan over to see machineasp still playing pve with LL1. Suddenly he just stands up looking around him to notice all PVE Beast from LL1 but nobody from his own alliance LL2 and then start running in direction of LL2 locker room as the screen fades to black.
Blue Öyster Cult's "Godzilla" booms through the speaker system, brining every fan in the sold-out arena to their feet. The rhythmic, pulsing riff accompanies the LL2 Commander as he walks out and down towards the stage, totally focused despite the massive ovation and eager attempts of kids in the front row to score some high-five action. DrNitroman see the gorgeous girls with the hugs sign and stop and take their sign as he receives hugs and huges kiss from them. DrNitroman smile as he continue his way to the center of the stage, looks around and lifts his fist high into the air, eliciting even more cheers from the people. "Mr. Lock and Load" then grabs a microphone from the stage attendant before kicking things off. There's a look of slight disappointment in his eyes that also comes across in his voice as he begins...
DrNitroman: ' Ladies and gentlemen, madames et monsieurs, a lots of big news coming out of LL this week, eh? Velorx closing the show with some, well, monumental announcements, if even a word like that could do it justice. He just drops that bombshell and we're all left wondering what's next... where does it go from here?
I don't know the answer to that, not long-term anyway. I'm the LL2 Commander, bearing the flag and representing the brand, and I can honestly say I don't know what's the future holds, with one exception...
I'm going to continue to build the best people for the LL family. I begged anyone on the roster who thought they could help us to come and try. First man out the gate was WelcomeDeath himself, accompanied by an another ex-LL Asmodius37, of course. They comes to LL2 and show us that they’re actually capable of competing at the highest level in the pvp still. Once you are part of the LL family you are always part of the LL family. '
DrNitroman shrugs apathetically and continues...
DrNitroman: 'For a long time I promised I would save LL from all the things that didn't belong in the sport of MPQ. The nerfs, cheater, stealing, burn out, politics, the soap opera, the cartoons... whatever. Now LL1 is stronger than before, I am proud to be responsible for this. And I'm gonna keep fighting, no matter where I end up when it's all said and done. Cause LL2 isn't just a show, it's a representative of the underdog who won't stop scrapping until they get their piece. LL2, the original second brand because fans always expected something more... something better. That hope won't die. The underdog won't get put down, even with the curtain call. As long as I am here, it stays alive, all of it. And as as long as I will be the LL ambassador, I'm doing everything in my power to put all LL players to the best place in the LL family. '
DrNitroman lowers his microphone as a deafening "Go Nitro Go" chant fills the arena. While we can see Prancerosner and Pinko mcfly from LL2 coming from the back and running in to join Dr.Nitroman in the middle of the stage and give the LL High five. That smirk of DrNitroman's appears once more as he looks at Prancerosner and Pinko mcfly and the crowd starts a big YES chant.
The crowd are quiet, waiting for something to happen but the silence doesn't last long as fireworks shoot from the ceiling down onto the stage as a familiar theme song plays out of the Speaker System.
The crowd rise to their feet as they are hearing Drop the bombshell by Powerman 5000 await for the appearance of LL5. Surely enough, two figures emerge from the back, all dressed up in cameo gear with glasses on their head and the LL5 Flag in hand. Mercator runs to one side as he throw his finger high into the air whilst NNCSavage the LL5 commander stays dead centre of the ramp with the LL5 flag. Mercator walks back to the centre joining NNCSavage. NNCSavage look at Mercator as he chucks his glasses into the crowd as they begin to make their way down to the stage.
The crowd leans over for high fives as both men oblige on their way to the stage. They reach the end of the ramp, build up a head of steam and both run, sliding into the stage. NNCSavage is the first to get to his feet as Mercator follows him as they lift the LL5 flag above their heads once again looking into the crowd.
NNCSavage taps Mercator on the shoulder, points towards the microphone, Mercator takes notice of them as he collects them, handing one to NNCSavage, keeping one for himself as NNCSavage lifts the mic to his mouth and begins to speak.
NNCSavage: Ladies and Gentleman, please stand up once again, put your children down, not like a dog, just on the floor and please put your hands together for your LL5 Champions.
NNCSavage holds the mic there but he doesn't speak as the crowd start a LL5 chant and cheer the duo in the ring. Mercator is left nodding his head as the crowd is getting louder and louder. DrNitroman smiles at NNCSavage when NNCSavage motions for quiet, the crowd listens and stops the chant so the arena is in silence once again.
NNCSavage: And it is exactly responses like that why we love being part of the LL family and we love helping the family. I mean lets be honest for a minute here, it normally isn't a very long time until --
To DrNitroman's surprise, NNCSavage suddenly gets interrupted by Azari Lover's music, Sky's the Limit by CFO$ and the lights in the arena dim as a spotlight shines on the ramp where Gredler01 and Ducon wearing only skirts and a mascarade mask hold up feathered fans to the side. Azari Lover is on the other side of the fans and as soon as her face is revealed, she let's out a loud peacock like scream to announce that she has arrived. She and his boys walk down the ramp while she talks to the camera.
Azari lover: C'mon boys! It's time to break some hearts!
Once they reach the bottom of the ramp, Ducon gets on all fours as the Alabama peacock steps on him and uses him as stairs to enter the ring. The boys then quickly hop on the stage and open up the way for their mistress. Once inside the stage, they set up the same way they arrived but with each boy on one knee before revealing Azari lover yet again, only this time he raises his arms up high to reveal giant beautiful wings much to the crowd's amazement.
She go to the center of the ring and poses as the crowd is cheering for such a hot woman. Gredler01 hands her a mic and she begins to speak.
Azari lover: Salutations DrNitroman. I see you've found yourself some company. Not bad if you're into that sort of thing but I myself, I actually like to have useful people around me. This is what sets me apart from everyone else. I have my boys here who not only can do what your friend does but better, they are also useful for a bunch of different purposes.
Azari lover's boys quickly stick their knees out and lay across each others, forming a seat in which Azari lover sits on as the crowd audibly reacts but it's not a positive nor negative reaction.
Azari lover: See what I mean? Why bother standing around and wasting precious energy? Do you realize how hard it is to look this good every single day? Judging by your meat head attitude and face, I'd assume not. But my my my you certainly are one physical specimen. As much as I love my boys, you'd make a better one. What'dya say DrNitroman? Ditch that clingy girlfriend and come serve a real woman.
DrNitroman looks seduced by the idea of being one of Azari lover's boys but Azari lover is quick to try to change his mind.
Azari lover: I don't expect you to say yes right now Mr.Lock and Load, but eventulally you will come and join ll1. After all it’s seem like that me, Ducon and Gredler were not the only ones from ll2 that came to ll1.
Azari lover looks right at the top of the ramp while ”I Walk Alone” by Saliva hits. The California Bull VeloRx and Blinkxi marches out from the back full of fire as the crowd chant his name. They wait on the ramp, waiting for the newest LL1 member when suddenly the lights go out and out from the Shadows come Onslaught76, another ex-LL2 member. They waste no time in getting to the stage to be greeted by Azari lover that stands up and his boys quickly stand next to him and fan him as she hugs VeloRx and give a big kiss to Blinkxi and Onslaught76.
VeloRx: Finally, VeloRx has come back to LL1!!! It feel pretty good that the Diabolic Twins are reunited again but this time in LL1.
VeloRx and Azari lover hug again as DrNitroman pauses for a moment as the fans cheer. This only causes DrNitroman to smile as he start to clap his hand and looking at all these ex-ll2 member around him and make him proud for the LL family.
VeloRx look at her sister Azari lover tilts back his head and closes his eyes, listening in to the crowd and feeling the electricity until they are interrupted when...
The Howling of a Wolf sounds through the Stadium bringing silence to the stadium. A full moon is shone on a screen mounted on the stage. The wolf howls again and as the howl ends and the GLASS SHATTERS!!!
BURN MF, by Five finger Death Punch blasts through the stadium. The crowd are on their feet. Some are throwing up his salute and others roaring Hell Yeah!! OJC80, the newest Lock and Load Commander, the PVP soloist and LINE recluse makes his way out through the shattered glass.
He comes to stop and looks out at all before him. He lifts the mic and waits for the crowd to quieten down.
OJC80: "For too long I have been doing things my own way. (WHAT?!) For too many seasons I can have been happy at a safe 800 points and in a non friendly slice doing my own thing. (WHAT?!) The Lone Wolf that was OJC80 has been shed and I am now the team player that stands before you."
The crowd quieten as OJC80 takes a more serious stance.
OJC80: "I have avoided LINE knowing that this would change how I played the game that I love. However I know that this is bigger than just one person. The Lock and Load family is 9 alliances strong, and family help family. It may have taken seasons to happen, but OJC80 is finally running with his pack."
"Now, I am not a 3000 point specialist like some in the group, and I take my hat off to those that can get that incredibly high score. But I am a 1300+ and if I get the chance once those CP are in the bag then I am there for the assist whether it be helping the others get some points, or hitting back on a known sniper. Hell I have to get my fun somehow. If your down if OJC80 knocking some dumb sniper in the head, Gimme a Hell Yeah!!"
The crowd roar back in unison HELL YEAH!!!
OJC80: "Now I am an old dog and this is a new trick, so bear with me as I figure it all out, but watch this space. OJC80 has a few things left to show you all."
The theme music of Nwman Here comes the money by Naughty by Nature begins playing over the loudspeakers and out walks Mr. Money himself decked out in a full suit looking classier than ever as is wearing his traditional gold chains with white and yellow diamond, huge three and four finger gold ring, big gold watches and his famous gold teeth, as he comes down the ramp.
All LL in the stage seems agitated by the interruption, but seeing a microphone already in Nwman's hand, stays to let him speak his piece. Nwman stands across just feat away from VeloRx, glaring right into his eyes as he begins...
Nwman: You need to learn to have some respect, guys.
The stadium fills with cheers and boos but Nwman just flashes a sardonic smile.
Nwman: Brother, you're lucky it was me that came out here first. I just happen to be visiting the LL Legendary Trophy Room looking at my new trophy when I hear you running starting to run your mouth again.
We've got a lot of talent here in LL. No doubt about it. A lot of potential. I’ve grown so tired over these past few weeks. Tired of having to fight but having already all the reward because I buy them with my money. Being the Absolute Best is a full time job and I would’nt wish this workload on my worst enemy. I’m the new recordman of LL with a score of 5k in pvp (WHAT?) yes 5K in one pvp (WHAT?) and that’s because I’ve earned it (WHAT?), not because I was gifted it. (WHAT?) My association with Vilains doesn't grant me special privileges, even though people think it does, because that's not the kind of guy I am. (WHAT?) All I want, all I've ever wanted was the best thing for LL...... (WHAT?) …and for me (WHAT?) And now that I have the highest unbeatable high score among LL, it's on to the bigger prize, My final pit stop on my road to finally becoming what I've always wanted to be: Immortal. Once that happens, you'll all see what I already believe in my heart. Lock and Load.....Hell, the entire MPQ......Will belong.....To Me.
There is a huge pop from the MPQ Universe for his record as OJC80 holds Nwman arm up as he continues his celebrations with a million-dollar smile as LL Adventures goes off the air.
Credits to OJC80 that have contributed to the story with his part.
Ps: Don't hesitate to comment/rat the new LL adventures, Don't forget to like the LL adventures. We want to have a big number of followers so we can continue these stories so dont be shy to like them. And as a bonus, if you like them, you will be part of it.0 -
The Big screen start flickering … as Godzilla marches closer, the video suddenly ends. The lights around the stage then flash to life, revealing something new. A mock city has been set up along the stage and entrance, with skyscrapers and buildings standing over a dozen feet high. A massive thud is heard. Then another. Like enormous footsteps. The stage shakes. Another footstep and it shakes again. The buildings quiver in dreaded anticipation when an ear-piercing, stomach-churning roar blasts out through the air.
The "footsteps" speed up and one by one, the buildings begin to collapse. A dusty smoke quickly rises up and covers the scene in a haze. Fans crane their necks and clamor to get a better look at what's happening, but it's impossible to see through all the destruction. Flames shoot out as more of the faux skyscrapers crash down. When the last building finally comes down and disappears into the smokey carnage, the music begins...
The unmistakable guitar riff pulses out through the speakers just like the monstrous footsteps a moment earlier. With the stage still shaking and flaming, a lone figure emerges from the rubble...
It's DrNitroman, the commander of LL2. "Mr. Lock and Load" marches out of the wreckage. The fans, who were in awe of the entrance, become almost unanimously crazy towards the ambassador as he stops on the outskirt of the disaster to take a look around the arena. He seems neither impressed by the sight of phased by the reaction. There's a focus in his eyes even more intense than ever seen before. Without wasting another instant, DrNitroman heads down towards the stage, ready to compete on the grandest event of them all, Civil War have started.
Rapper DMX speaking over the loud speaker
"All My Life, I Have Been Waiting For This Moment"
"A Moment In Time, A Moment Now, and A Moment Forever"
"It's Now Time For That Moment"
"Greatness Isn't Defined By Who You Are"
"It Is Defined By How and What Way You Accomplish Your Goals"
"Tonight, One Goal, One Event, One Opportunity In The Spotlight"
"No More Doubters"
"I Have Made It, Time To Show That I Belong"
"Are You Ready, Let GO"
Malorick voice of the loud speaker
A thud is heard throughout the arena. The fans are excited as Malorick is spotted near the top of the stairs to the right of camera angle at the stage. Malorick has the LL1 flag with a Captain America Shield on it and holds it high.
Malorick makes his way down the steps and starts giving pounding fists with the fans along the way. As Malorick gets to the bottom of the steps, he walks over to the barricade and leaps over it. Malorick takes a hard look at DrNitroman while having a smug look on his face.
Malorick proceeds to walk up the steps without taking his eyes off of DrNitroman and climbs to the middle stage while holding the LL1 Captain America Flag up high.
Malorick then looks at DrNitroman, pouring water over his head as he goes and spitting some out into a mist which gets the crowd hyped even more as a thunderous pyro goes off.
This was an unexpected debut for the LL adventures as the excited MPQ Universe jump to their feet and cheer for the start of the show. The place is packed to the rafters but we can clearly see that the crowd is divided in two camps, Team Iron Man and Team Cap as many fans clearly show on which side they are and they have brought along various types of signs including among others, 'Azari Lover stop calling me', 'I’m not a MPQholic! I’m an Alcoholic!, ‘MPQ is about to crash when Civil War start…’ followed by the Other sign ‘… we will get another useless moonstone cover for this.’
A little recap of what happened in the last episodes is show on the big screen, we're in the middle of war inside LL and one of the most anticipated event of the MPQ has finally arrived; Civil War. It’s a coincidence?!? Can be the source of what have started everything inside all LL family?!? The surprise turn of ex-former LL2 turning their back on DrNitroman – Team Iron Man and making the decision to follow the King of the Kings Malorick in Team Cap! The fans are PUMPED that the two Chief commanders are about to collide once again, this time on the Grandaddy of 'em all... and this time in a Civil War events where there are no rules! The intensity is high in the air as Malorick and DrNitroman are starting down at each other at the opposite side, both are fully ready to go to war here tonight!
The camera picks up backstage and we see Asmodius37 leaning on some crates on the phone.
Asmodius37: ‘Yeah Kummiko I saw what happened. Tell D2KM he's still got it. I think that now he went to all LL alliances included Extraordinary and been a true leader in each of them taking his commander role seriously! And tell D2KM that I am not trying to beat his record with my second return in LL. I noticed that LL2 needed help and came to help them because once you are part of the LL family you are always part of the LL family. Catch you later.'
Asmodius37 puts down the phone and then see a familiar face and waves him over. The guys walks over to Asmodius37 and he has a LL2 top on. It’s TretasLixado.
TretasLixado: ‘Wow! What an amazing return with us bud. Not only you have claimed the first ranked in your season bracket but it looks like you really wanna do this, huh? I've seen what you can do so, trust me when I say, that next season, you’ll take off IcyTemper of his LL2 pedestal.’
Asmodius37: ‘Thanks, just here to help the LL family and do what I think is right and reason being is that the logic says that to beat “The Man”, you must be “The Man”.’
TretasLixado: ‘Good, glad to have you with us. Just bad that now your are not on the right side and went with Malorick Team Cap.’
TretasLixado hurries off and Asmodius37 dials another number on his phone and puts it to his ear as we fade out to somewhere else.
As the camera cuts to backstage where the interviewer lady is at the interview area smiling just before she raise the mic to her lips to speak
Interviewer lady: ‘Please Welcome my guests at this time the newest MPQ superstar signed to LL1. Mercator.’
As Mercator comes into the interview area next to interviewer lady and happy to be at LL, Blinkxi and Gredler01 trot out from the back and joining Mercator as they give each other the LL high five.
Interviewer lady: ‘Now that you made it to LL1 after a great ascension in LL5 what are your intentions seeing that we have the Phenomenal Lefrturn24, The True Predator RandomTask2.0, Mr.Money Nwman, Diabolic Twins that are the California Bull VeloRx and Alabama Peacock Azari lover and many others big name there what are your thoughts.’
‘What are our intentions? Our Intentions are to be in the Best alliance in MPQ History! Also To prove to everyone how the LL family is strong and cool!’
‘But how can we do that with all the good players in all the LL family. But Tonight We Bring positivity to Not Only LL1 Or To LL family. But Everyone in the MPQ Universe.’
‘And What Better match would you rather see then as we officially joined Malorick side at Civil War event with Malorick’s Team Cap vs DrNitroman’s Team IronMan where we can put them through there own Creation.’
‘By the way, book that we will finish this before them by the way.’
‘But like my good pal Blinkxi said that's already booked and confirmed for Civil War so LL1 can not shine at Civil War. We will rocks!!!’
As Blinkxi and Mercator nod their head in agreement.
Gredler01: ‘That’s right.’
All three members of LL1 begin to dance around the interviewer lady clapping all the while.
‘Oh you wanna join us Miss? Clap with us Miss!!’
As they starts to clap the interviewer lady join in and The Whole MPQ Universe and chanting "LL Rocks, LL Rocks" and they all dance as cut to the commercial.
The commercial start … Antreas1911 enters a room, we don’t see Antreas1911’s face anymore but his cards. He is playing the latest Legendary expansion from Upper Deck Entertainment celebrating the 75th Anniversary of Captain America with OJSP, Yasger, Rod5, Systemic. Antreas1911 look surprised to see OJSP here.
Antreas1911:’ I don't need to know who you are, however... you need to know who I am and why I'm a High-Roller. I'm a LL and an MPQholic and we are all behind Malorick and team Cap ... I'll play this other Marvel deck building boardgame called Legendary while waiting for my pve refresh with my friends here. Is'nt great that we are playing this new expansion of Captain America and that we are supporting him in the civil war event running now in MPQ!!! Now... can you do better I just beat Thanos with my hands and did you see all my combo?
OJSP: 'Impressive, my turn now.'
The camera ends with this very image.
As we return to the middle of the stage, Malorick raise his microphone to speak rather than going down to fight.
Malorick: ‘No no no. I know you'd like nothing more than for me to step into that game - outside of the confines of MPQ rules and regulations - to try and do whatever you could to make sure I don't make it to 5* land. That's why you need the spotlight since the return of the show. You're desperate to find a way up. Looking for a short cut like using Nwman money, bakery or any Line tricks possible because you know that if and when it comes time for us to choose their side, I'll stand up here for what his right.’
The crowd cheer, the smile seems to get wider and wider as each cheer bellows out.
Malorick:’It is a solemn and weighty responsibility, and not lightly to be flung aside at the bullying of whales, d3go or the empty catchphrases of politicians like you DrNitroman.
Each must for himself alone decide what is right and what is wrong, and which course is a true Lock and Load patriotic and which isn’t. You cannot shirk this and be a man.
To decide it against your convictions is to be an unqualified and inexcusable traitor, both to yourself and to your alliance, let men label you as they may.
If you alone of all the nation shall decide one way, and that way be the right way according to your convictions of the right, you have your duty by yourself and by your alliance. Hold up your head. You have nothing to be ashamed of’.
Doesn’t matter what the whales says. Doesn’t matter what the politicians or the mobs say. Doesn’t matter if the whole MPQ decides that something wrong is something right.
This LL was founded on one principle above all else: The requirement that we stand up for what we believe, no matter the odds or the consequences.
We don’t need amazing super powers or big stash of money, we are simply a normal MPQ player earning their reward, the right way.
When the mob and the whales and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world–
–No you move.’
Malorick pauses to let the crowds cheer fill the arena while smiling at DrNitroman and hands him his mic like a gentlemen.
DrNitroman: ‘Ladies and gentlemen, madames et monsieurs, it's here. The Lock and Load, My friends! It seems a large part of our L&L family is supporting Cap and you Malorick. A large part but not necessarily the best part! You have started to bring the Civil War into our quiet family by stealing LL2 members.
We have the right for us! We have also money and we will continue to do what it’s needed to do to win this quickly—and this is why we are focused on the pvp and not pve but this time we will show you what we can do. I told myself we are okay with it because we know we are right and we know it will save time. It is!! It’ the right thing to do! And we are willing this time to get in bed with pve we despise to get this done.
Malorick, you think you're bulletproof? No. This paper thin title reign of yours is an insult to the MPQ, All you are is a corporate construct - factory made to be the "next big thing" and sitting on a stack of 3.3K cp and 130 LT. Well buddy, the bigger they are, the farther they fall, isn't that right? There's the mythos... this... this intangible sort of energy around you... people thinking that it's all true, that maybe Malorick truly is the next great star, may be we will see again the true return of the King of Kings. But that idea is built on nothing. Lies and mismatches and stolen opportunities, nothing more. It's like a secret being whispered around. A hopeful excitement. And it's delicate. Real delicate. Because there's no backbone to any of it.
You don't realize it yet because you're an egocentric moron who has spent his whole life being told that he's destined for greatness. But me? I see it. Yeah, I see it perfectly clearly. I'm the guy who crawled up from nothing to take everything I wanted, rebuilded the LL family stronger than ever. Nobody ever encouraged me. Nobody ever promised me anything or told me I would be amazing. I knew what I could do and I had to prove it to each and every person who ever watched me compete. Judging by the reaction here, I'm still proving it.
The main difference between us, I'm authentic, and nobody can spot a fake like the real deal can. There's no 5* to you, except that Silver Surfer for your 2 years of playing MPQ. Not a single god damn drop of anything worthwhile. You are the latest in a long line of unworthy LL Champions. This company needs one it can be proud of. It needs me and the Chosen One IcyTemper a True LL Champion.
But the clocks ticking. It's just days away now. Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock. I can... I can feel it. Can you feel it, Malorick? Do you know it as certainly as I do? I keep wondering how far lost in your delusion you are, but I don't think I care anymore, anyway. Even piro_plock stopped hoarding and cashed in his 2k cp to be ready for that Civil War. But you are stuck in the past because you had bad luck with a streak of 0 in 80 in LT tokens before and then started to hoard them forever.
Civil War is my event. LL Adventures is my show. This is my time. This is the end of the Malorick Empi - no. I won't call it that. It's such a stupid thing to say. I'm just gonna show you why money is the quickest way to make thing happen here in MPQ and that you have no choice of following the mob.’
The crowd has a mixed reaction, since they're excited for the civil war between Malorick and DrNitroman, but they're also booing and cheering both side.
DrNitroman snaps his finger and
The theme music of Nwman Here comes the money by Naughty by Nature begins playing over the loudspeakers and Mr. Money comes out, and he is of course sidelined by his Million Dollar Club, on his side IcyTemper and Erunner1201. Nwman seems to be carrying his trophy for his 5k in one pvp, and almost like a crown holds it high in the air to show everyone is the winner of that. IcyTemper’s all smiles and have his LL2 season champion crown as he claps Nwman and Erunner1201 from the side and raise his crown in the air with one hand while pointing to and working with the crowd with the other. The threesome begin their walk down the ramp.
They reach the end of the ramp as they pick 2 mics that have been set on the stage as they climb on the stage as they have their eyes fixed on Malorick and DrNitroman.
Nwman: ‘Ladies, Gentlemen and the little rodents around that are staring at us, well most likey these crown and trophy that we have, it is that time of the week when you all get yourself comfy, get some popcorn, take your hand of the place it doesn't belong and you sit back and let the Million Dollars Club remind you all just WHO IN THE HELL WE ARE!!!!’
Nwman yells the last few words as spit sprays out onto the mic as well. Nwman steps forward, feeling the vibe from IcyTemper as he starts to speak.
IcyTemper: ‘Except this time, please pay a little more attention to what my brother and I have to say because tonight, it's a very special edition. You see tonight isn't just about telling you who we are, tonight is about reminding ourselves of who we are.’
Nwman steps forward look at Erunner1201 and pointing across the stage at Malorick.
Nwman: ‘Fowl Play. The night that the world was forced to recognize that I am and will be a constant force to be dealt with. The big 5k pvp match, in which I did what I said I would do. Win and pick up the crowd. I’ve missed the taste of having championship gold, but of course now that I’ve tasted it again, I want more. However, I had the biggest win at LL and I still feel like the spotlight isn’t on me. And I don’t like it one bit.”
I am the main event, I am the biggest star in LL and in the MPQ Universe. I am going to keep fighting until I get all the glamour, trophies, championships, and endorsements that I deserve.
I am a man that is addicted to winning, addicted to success, addicted to adding to my legacy. It would be in my best interest to follow DrNitroman and continue throwing my money to achieve this, it’s the way to go. It’s always going to be unfortunate if you are on the other side of the war with me, Malorick. Ask Erunner1201, he understood that and he know that the right side is Team IronMan with DrNitroman.’
Malorick then looks down and chuckles to himself. He ask for a mic and then looks back at the camera.
Malorick: ‘Wow, DrNitroman, now you're REALLY getting desperate. You know that your hand-picked guy from ll2 can't get the job done on this Civil War pve and could never get the job done because you are a pvp alliance, so, what do you do? You go crawling back to Mr.Money and his money to solve your problem. Congratulations, that's what big girls do, don't they? They go crying to their daddies and their daddies fix all of their problems with money. You got your daddy's little “Chosen One” IcyTemper but here we have the true champion of LL… The Phenomenal lefrturn24 who finished first among LL and with a highscore of 30k last season.’
The crowd explode as lefrturn24 ”Psychopath Killer” by Slaughter House hits the place.
Everyone is looking at the entrance but nobody is coming. As the cameras and lights sweep the stands, seeking for the Phenomenal One. They soon find him at one of the arena's crowd entrances, his season crown proudly on his head as he raises a fist and his fans in the audience pop loudly for him. lefrturn24 then marches down the steps toward the barricade, and when he reaches it he hops that, climbs the stage steps, and enters the stage to align himself with Malorick.
The Howling of a Wolf sounds through the speakers and as the howl ends and the GLASS SHATTERS!!! BURN MF, by Five finger Death Punch blasts through the arena. Again no one at the entrance, the commander OJC80 with vhn214 are found by the cameras in the stands, descending among the fans on one of the many arena staircases before hopping the barricade, walks right up with Malorick and lefrturn24.
The crowd are quiet, waiting for something to happen while the eight LL stare off face to face, on one side Team IM with DrNitroman, IcyTemper, Nwman, Erunner1201 and on the other side Team Cap with Malorick, lefrturn24, OJC80, vhn214.
"Drop The Bombshell" by Powerman 5000 begins to roar over the speakers. The fans afford the commander of LL5 NCCSavage a huge pop as he emerge from the back with the L6 commander ChameleonLady and Pork_Hunt from Extraordinary looking all business, they raise their arms signaling for their troops to come while pyrotechnics erupt to either side of the team. They then descend the ramp with all ll5, ll6, the remaining ll2 and even Extraordinary and ExtraLoad, shaking out their wrists and rolling their necks as they get ready to do war.
“Suicide Messiah”, by Black Label Society, hits the speakers like a ton of bricks, and it has the fans slightly confused, as to what’s going on. The camera zooms into the section of the crowd where the fans cheering loudly, the commander from ll3 Yeokrast is found and then suddenly he raise his arms and point to two different sections of the arena. Yeokrast looks ready for action as he stands at the top of his chair and throws up his arms as the crowd relentlessly chants “YOU ROCKS!” Then Pyros fire off around the stage before Yeokrast throws his arms down and takes off towards the stage. The camera zooms into the section where Yeokrast was trying to point towards to see the commander from ll4 Omega Blacc doing the same gesture and then zoom into the other section to see ll7 commander Kummiko doing the same thing. Suddendly everywhere across the arena we can see all LL3, ll4, ll7 and remaining ll1 members stands up from everywhere in the crowd and heading up to the stage jumping the barricades.
The fans cannot believe what is happening right there. Some fans try to reach out to grab some LL who are making their way into the stage as the crowd explode. As the camera return to the middle of the stage where we can see all commanders coming from the crowd and the entrance ramp entering in the middle of the stage to join their respective side with either Malorick or DrNitroman. While all the remaining LL member circles the stage with LL1, LL3, ll4 and LL7 on Malorick’s side for Team Cap and on the opposite side of the stage LL2, LL5, LL6, Extraordinary and Extra Load on DrNitroman’s side for Team IronMan.
The tension is getting thicker and the fans can almost feel an explosion about to happen as they are now chanting FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! The camera makes sure to get all this in frame as the two side stare off face to face making it the last thing we see as the show fades out.
Ps: Don't hesitate to comment/rate the new LL adventures, Don't forget to like the LL adventures. We want to have a big number of followers so we can continue these stories so don’t be shy to like them. And as a bonus, if you like them, you will be part of it.0 -
(Art by NNCSavage)0 -
"Hell Yeah!!! Lets get it done!"0
Nice work Dr! Love it when a group of allstars come together to get a job done. We were about an hour behind you. Will have to see if you can double up in the next run, or if we get the job done first then.0
Pyro erupts throughout the arena as the theme song of LL, “War” by Sick Puppies begins blaring, naturally inclining the crowd to jump to its feet in anticipation of which MPQ superstar will enter the arena next. The place is packed to the rafters as many fans have brought along various types of signs including among others, 'DrNitroman for president, 'We want you back WelcomeDeath’, 'Couldn’t think of anything’ and we can see OJSP with a ‘Biggest LL adventures fan’ sign. They lights go out, then fireworks and the show start and what an amazing performance for Lock and Load that beat both side in the civil war event and was one of the three alliances that did that.
The crowd starts to cheer as the General Commander of LL walks out from the back with MjMacka in tow. The two make their way down to the stage and MjMacka opens the way for Malorick. Once inside the stage, Malorick raises the mic to speak.
Malorick: Just like LL's newest signees, today is a new day! The dawning of a near perfect LL. DrNitroman shipped Asmodius37 off to LL2, The Diabolic Twins, VeloRx and Azari Lover are dominating the crowd picture and of course LL1 beat Civil war events on both sides, something that DrNitroman’s team was not able to do.
The crowd cheer loudly as Malorick gets a big smile on his face.
Malorick: DrNitroman and to a lesser extent, Team IM LL were the last things I needed to take care of in order to wipe the stain that was caused by the civil war. Now LL1 is free to move onwards and upwards. It's now a place where months of hard work and dedication gets you title matches, not some lucky pvp battle. The only people who have a problem with this are the ones who are used to being handed opportunity after opportunity. Or those who sleepwalk through matches just to get a paycheck.
I'm the general Commander of LL and MjMacka here handles everything I'm too busy to take care of. I've been informed of every little comment made about "management" and guess who makes them? I'll give you a hint, it's not any of LL's champions. It's not any of the guys who fight hard, make an effort to get more tv time or you know, actually speak with me directly.
DrNitroman is our ambassador for a reason. I'm actually not particularly fond of him, especially after the war we had on Civil war event and that have shaken the LL foundation but he is the hardest working man on LL and that's bound to get you ahead in life. It also helps that he's a pretty good MPQ player. So without further ado, I give to you our LL ambassador, Mr Lock and Load DrNitroman!
"Godzilla" blasts through the arena, instantly triggering a massively positive reaction from the capacity crowd. The LL fans jump to their feet to cheer and applause as the LL ambassador, DrNitroman, walks out on to the stage.
"Mr. Lock and Load" doesn't waste anytime posing or stalling as he makes his way down towards the stage. The cheer from the MPQ Universe is countering the volume of his song, but he doesn't seem bothered by it at all. Climbing into the stage, he calls for a microphone and is quickly handed one. DrNitroman raises his LL2 commander belt in the air, garnering even more spite from the people. The music fades, and once the fans finally settle down, DrNitroman begins.
DrNitroman: Ladies and gentlemen, madames et monsieurs, it's here, Lock and Load… This... this is what's right. This is what's best. This is justice. This is retribution. This is the result of a tireless struggle and incredible patience finally paying off when it mattered most. This is the cornerstone of a new era in LL and professional MPQ. This is the first chapter in the better story. This is the first step down the new path. This is real - the most real thing there is. This is proof that I am everything I ever said I was. This is solid. Concrete. Unshakable. "And on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it".
That's from the Bible. I'm not really a Jesus-guy, but the magnitude... gravitas fits the moment, doesn't it? It's a special occasion. I won't call it destiny. I won't say it was prophetic. But god damn it - can't say I didn't tell you so, that LL The Best There Is, The Best There Was, And The Best There Ever Will Be. I did all the work that needed to be done. I never stopped. I never gave up. I did what was best for LL, what was best for LL1 and ultimately what's best for all of you. I know you don't see it yet, but why should I care? It's finished. I succeeded, we succeeded. And I made this new LL1 to prove it when you beat us and everybody in the civil war event by beating both side, an incredible feat.
The LL audience cheer again while DrNitroman admires his LL commander belt.
DrNitroman: Ya know, it was maybe asking too much for my pvp players to take on yours PVE beasts in a PVE style events like CW. We lost after being blindsided by the pve cw event I would have destroyed under ordinary circumstances. But there are always distractions. Obstacles. We were use to find a way to creep and crawl around the rules to cheat the system and manipulate the game in pvp. While you Malorick and your pve Beasts work to earn everything you want, lesser men like us take shortcuts and buy everything this MPQ should stand for.
Never again.
Never again will I allow pve distract us from our goal and from the most important title that is the PVP in MPQ to be tarnished by that **** of pve. Never again will I let myself be a victim of the tactics and schemes of the people who aren't good enough to take what they want - the people trying to stand on the shoulders of giants like IcyTemper.
I'm building a new era. If we're truly going to make LL2 everything it can be, I'm going to need help. Not your help... no... you can all just sit there and witness. I'm enlisting the pvp elite only. So allow me to introduce one of the commander of LL4. Ladies and gentlemen, madames et monsieurs I give you the future of LL pvp...
The lights in the arena dim, while a lone synthesized string piece hums through the loudspeaker. Strobe lights accompany the breakbeat, and when the guitar riff hits, a stunning pyrotechnic explosion envelopes the stage. From the smoke emerges the LL4 commander Cletus1985 with sigepbullet, Dmikg.
Fan in attendance waste no time letting the ll4 know exactly how much they like them as the head down the ramp, sliding into the stage. They shake hands with DrNitroman before climbing the corner to pose for a moment before joining "Mr. Lock and Load" in the center of the stage.
Cletus1985: Thanks for this intro, DrNitroman. I mean, can you blame me for not coming out here with the somber, saucy, and unsavory tone after what LL did in cw event? After all, you know, We, uh, kinda won, we have show how good is the LL family. But hey, let’s let DrNitroman deal with loss the only way he knows how. But hey, I am not here for this I am here to support you DrNitroman and you can count on ll4 to reinforce ll2 and put all our pvp only elite in your team.
The song is, "Burn MF" by Five Finger Death Punch as the Australian Tasmanian Wolf himself appears on the stage and starts heading down the ramp towards the stage with a purpose and enters it quickly.
OJC80 motions for a microphone and is granted one as he turns and raises the microphone, motioning for his music to cut off as it does.
OJC80: While I was sittin' backstage, I found a bit of reading I think you'd enjoy. OJC80 3:16 says my faction just whipped yer **** in the CW event!
OJC80 throws down his microphone as the crowd cheers.
Dmikg: Things are about to get ugly around here, boss.
OJC80, Malorick and MjMacka pose together as LL heads elsewhere.
The LL Big Screen flashes to life, and the LL graphic is suddenly replaced by a feed from somewhere backstage. The LL1 pve beasts, RandomTask2.0, piro_plock, chey…, antreas1911, mercator are shown. Those pve beasts are all smiles, showing off their brand new double 5* gold, we’re brought the center view of piro_plock. In usual aesthetic, he's as tense as ever. All other pve beast could only just hear him audibly breathe heavily. Thus, the camera can, and perfectly well so. He pivots his whole body to the camera, before speaking. He pauses for a moment to just observe the camera. Though, this is but brief.
Piro_plock: "Eugh'... That crown's mine. Yeah-yeah, that crown's mine. If you didn't hear me, turn up the volume on your television sets, because that crown's -mine-. I've been playing hot potato with Malorick for my pve crown for too long. But it’s –mine- for a third consecutive pve in a row. He thinks he's getting away with a couple petty mind games, he thinks he'll have the advantage. But, little did Malorick actually know, he wasn't even close to wearing down the Man-Beast with a cerebral stranglehold. Nor did he leaving me guessing what he was going to do next. He was just playing hot potato - with a live grenade."
Piro_Plock begins to pace back and forth, as per his usual fit of rage and anger
Antreas1911: Ouch!!! Piro_plock is so intense. The break that we had with the Gauntlet and with nothing to do for almost a week didn’t really help him.
RandomTask2.0: I can respect that, not too sure that we are crazy like him and do what he did in the last pve test by grinding that easy node forever for a score of 90k+. It’s 3 times the max progression. Imagine how much time he spend on this. Wasn’t too sure if he was in the pve after that pause, but he’s looking pretty solid tonight.
Mercator: I admire your passion Piro_plock, you has been impressive. While I maybe not the best pve beats here in LL1, he's got a drive and unwillingness to give up to prove just why he his the PVE Champion, but I am glad to be part of this elusive group of pve beasts in LL1.
Piro_plock cracks his neck once to the left, before proceeding on with his anger-inspired lecture..
Piro_Plock: "Yeah. A live grenade, that's right! Malorick pulled the safety pin out too far, when he thought he was just playing with his toys. And look what god damn happened, too. He had no idea what he was getting his getting into, because he just thought it would be best to play some mind games, in order to get the big, angry, dumb guy a little too riled up. But, what Malorick doesn't know, is that mind games don't work on me as much as they would seem. They only make me more determined, more focused, and more angry. Now, I'm not The Hulk. I'd even like to give you a referencial one-liner how my secret is that I'm always angry. Except, everybody knows I'm always angry, and after I disembowl you with a furious battery through the midsection, you'll realize you were just plain stupid."
Piro_plock grimaces towards the camera, before storming off backstage. Likewise, Vengeance rolls onward...
The LL Big screens switches to a live feed from backstage. Asmodius, is shown walking down the hallway past the crew members and boxes of equipment. People quickly move to get out of his way as he marches forward, paying no attention to any of them.
Asmodius37 finally stops in front of a vending machine. He inserts a coin in, presses the buttons, but nothing happens. He presses the button again, but still nothing. Asmodius37 grips the machine and rattles it, but it's ineffective. Now quite frustrated, he hammers away at the coin return but it doesn't work. Asmodius37 scowls at the machine, looking about ready to kick in the cover and just grab what he wants when Blinkxi walks up from behind, places another coin in, and hits the buttons. The Peanut M&M's fall to the bottom, and he picks them up and hands them to Asmodius37.
Blinkxi: They don't take toonies.
Asmodius37: That's discrimination. Money is money and it's coming from Nwman.
Asmodius37 shakes his head, almost looking appalled by the answer. He pulls open the M&M's and eats a handful. After a second of hesitation, he offers some to Blinkxi, who declines.
Asmodius37: If you aren't here for the M&M's then what do you want?
Blinkxi: Our buddy Pinko mcFly from LL2 was asking if you are returning to LL2?
Asmodius37: Ha... well... look... back when I was with LL2, I deliver above and beyond all expectations. I’m a MPQ player, but like D2KM I am still unsure about my future… Should continue doing both or not. I should give D2KM a call where he is now?
We are back in the middle of the stage, where OJC80 stands as he looks to the entire crowd, he chuckles as he walks back and forth and then stop.
OJC80: Stop whinin', "Why DrNitroman, why?" because I guarantee ya I'm not gonna answer that question right now. Now's not the time for it. This is about civil war part two. At first I didn't know why they bothered raisin' the dead again but then I remembered that turnin' In LL inta' Anarchy was a DrNitroman decision and idea come ta' life and it all made sense, pvp vs hybrid vs pve.
So here we are, beatin' that dead horse again for some ratings. Which is fine by me except you couldn't have found sorrier trash ta' be my opponents if ya went to the dump and made garbage puppets. Got damn what a sorry group of individuals, pvp player that pretend to be pve players. Lemme ask ya somethin', fellas, what's so hard about CW that you can't take the double reward from that like us? I could do that **** with one hand tied behind my back.
Thanks for proving my point, ****. Other guys can't get a catchphrase over so mine stays prominent. A guy can't get his gimmick over, ya see things like Capn Crunch happen in LL3. Management can't get you bastards ta' care about their product, they bring back my show for one more hurrah. Just further evidence that MPQ would be in piss poor shape if it'd never been graced with Tasmania Wolf OJC80.
Point proven again. Now get prepare yourself and your buddies out here already so I can see their beady little eyes when I'm doggin' 'em.
OJC80 lowers his microphone as he awaits a response. Malorick puts his free hand on OJC80’s shoulder.
Malorick: Calm down OJC80, LL2 want the pvp elite only, that’s fine by me. Now if you’ll excuse me… allow me to introduce the elite of LL1.
"I Walk Alone" by Saliva hits the loudspeaker and the crowd immediately break out into cheer. After a few bars of the song, the LL1 Champion "The California Bull" VeloRx emerges with his Crown on his head. He then slaps his leg and "powers up", setting off an impressive pyrotechnics display. VeloRx waits on the top of the ramp until Sky's the Limit by CFO$ hits.
The crowd foes into a frenzy as the lights in the arena dim as a spotlight shines on the ramp where Gredler01 and Ducon are standing to the side of that woman silhouette of the magnificent MPQ superstar. They move their fans to reveal Azari Lover as she lets out a peacock scream to announce her arrival. She give VeloRx a hug before they begins to walk down the ramp while yelling at the camera.
Malorick: For those of you who still don't know, these two are the greatest tag team in the world today. Their accomplishment in organizations around the world are unmatched. They continue to exceed expectations and reinvent themselves. They are masters of the pvp. These are exactly the kind of MPQ the future belongs to, and it's only a matter of time before they are called legends champions.
The Diabolic Twins, The California Bull VeloRx and the Alabama Peacock Azari Lover and I are going to make sure LL1 lives up to its potential, and that the LL1 Championship stays exactly where it belongs. But there's two more member to our team here... a man whose knowledge of the inner-workings of the industry is unmatched. There isn't a damn thing the three of us can't do in this place, but we need a man who is equally talented behind the scenes. One of the LL Defenders and here he is...
" Psychopath Killer " hits the place, welcoming the Phenomenal himself, Lefrturn24! The last season champion walks out on the ramp, grinning and waving at the people who are not responding in kind. Lefrturn24 climbs the steps, embracing Malorick and the Diabolic Twins before the former continues.
Malorick: And we would’t be complete without the other part of the LL Defenders and with his money, here he is….
The theme music of Nwman Here comes the money by Naughty by Nature begins playing over the loudspeakers and out walks Mr. Money himself and is greeted by a shower of abuse and boos… The crowd didn’t like that he went to DrNitroman’s side and now that he is back with Malorick in LL1.
Malorick: This... this is a unit. The biggest changes in the history of this sport has almost always been a result of teamwork. The Groots, Villains, X-Men, ... all of them changed MPQ forever. Just wait to see what we're going to do.
Civil war was only the beginning. That's where we proved to each and everyone of you, and to all the guys backstage that we are on another level. I told you that DrNitroman was not ready for it, that he didn't belong in the same breath as us. His pvp talent got him his spotlight, not enough talent for a pve event like civil war. His bloodline is weak. Now you it's true. I wouldn't lie to. I'm good enough that I'll never have to. When I tell you a guy sucks, you can take my word for it. And now I'm here and we'll never have to hear from that overrated **** again. He can focus in pvp and make LL2 an elite pvp. LL is ours now. The Diabolic Twin, lefrturn24, Nwman and me, "Mr. Lock and Load".... we've taken over. So buckle up because it's time -
Malorick is interrupted when pyro erupts throughout the arena, signaling the arrival of the LL2 Champion, IcyTemper.
IcyTemper emerges from the backstage area in his MPQ gear with the Crown placed proudly on his head. All smiles, IcyTemper briskly walks to the ring, stopping a few times to bask in the adulation of the raucous crowd. IcyTemper stops right before the stage and raises the crown high into the air.
The crowd roars in approval as IcyTemper smiles from ear to ear. The champion finally enters the stage after stopping on the stage to soak in the cheers one last time. Upon entering the ring, IcyTemper requests a microphone. Before beginning to speak, IcyTemper takes one last moment to soak in the ‘Icy’ cheers. After what seems like an eternity, IcyTemper finally begins to speak.
IcyTemper: Here is your NEW LL2 Champion, IcyTemper, bay bay!
IcyTemper raises his crown in the air once again as he continues his pandering to the crowd. However, this crowd does not tire of IcyTemper’s antics, as they continue to cheer just as loudly as they did upon his entrance. IcyTemper, feeling this energy, exits the stage, and begins taking a lap around the stage, shaking and slapping hands with each of the fans in the front row. IcyTemper eventually settles down and re-enters the stage, and after a few moments, begins to speak again after giving the crown a deeply passionate kiss.
IcyTemper: Alright, alright, alright. I apologize for the excitement, but I think we all deserved it after the civil war we had, eh? I guess I can see where Malorick is coming from. He hates to be wrong. Who doesn’t? When you’re captaining a ship, you usually want things to go your way. But sometimes, you run into an iceberg. Now I don’t mean to compare myself to an iceberg, because, let’s be honest, IcyTemper is way too hot for that, bay bay. But that’s exactly what happened at civil war. The pve beasts, Malorick’s little instrument of destruction, show us how good they are in civil war … a pve envent… “unbeatable”. And yeah, DrNitroman was surprised and disappointed that we lost the war. Was I? Nah. Were any of you?
The crowd roars a loud ‘no!’ in IcyTemper’s direction, as he smiles in approval.
IcyTemper: Yeah! We know that we cannot fight on Malorick’s ground in pve, we are pvp specialist. But let’s sympathize with DrNitroman for a little bit. You see, while I was able to go out on the town, celebrate, sign some autographs, have some drinks, buy some scarves, do all kinds of fun things, DrNitroman had to make the long, arduous flight back on his private jet and contemplate who to blame for the loss. I mean, it obviously wasn’t his fault, right? He’s DrNitroman! He’s Mr. Lock and Load! He can do no wrong! So yeah, blame the pve. Makes sense, right?
IcyTemper: But alright, DrNitroman, I get it. You’re mad about that loss but I’m still happy to see that you are back to our source the pvp. Let’s be back to our a common ground and our speciality that is the pvp, okay? It should go without saying that as the LL2 Champion and LL2 commander, I’m going to follow you on this and make ll2 the elite of pvp among all LL. I’d be absolutely delighted to do so. But I’m not really sure why you’re looking to wait for it. I’m here. You’re here. LL4 is here. I usually forget about them. And gee, look at that! I’m in my MPQ gear! So why don’t you and them start the discussion, and we settle this right here, and right now! Make LL2 the elite of pvp!
The crowd roars in approval as IcyTemper looks around and surveys their reactions as a huge smile appears on his face. It's the final image we see as LL fades to black.
Ps: Don't hesitate to comment/rate the new LL adventures, Don't forget to like the LL adventures. We want to have a big number of followers so we can continue these stories so dont be shy to like them. And as a bonus, if you like them, you will be part of it.0 -
Update: May, 21th
Lock and Load Family is recruiting for Season 27
Lock and Load family is looking for new recruits for season 26. Do you like PvP? We have a place for you! Do you like PvE? We have a place for you! Do you want to win top prizes, do you rather like to play more casually because you have a life ()... we have a place for you. Yes we welcome beginners and veterans players in our family, we help each other to progress in the game and we are all very proud to have a such diverse family
About us
Lock and Load Family is composed of 6 competitive alliances and 2 casual (though daily-active) ones so that there is a wide variety of players or gameplay, from hardcore to casual, beginners to veteran.
Our family is a nice place to be, we're fundamentally a no-drama group.First, we have enough alliances to propose a suitable offer for our players who want to slow down and to those who want the first prizes, we're not a para-military organization no worry! Second, we like the game, we like to chat about it, we like to share tips and strategies. It's the reason why Line (out of game message system) is not required but strongly recommended because it enables the communication among players of all our alliances. We also play nice with certain other alliances and we participate in various truces on a per person basis.
As usual, I'll update this post regularly to show openings during season 26. Feel free to contact me even if there are no openings, opportunities arise fast.
Lock and Load
Big sister hybrid Top 10 PvE & Top 25 PvP alliance.
PvP - 1300+
Sim - 1800+
PvE - last progression reward.
Total Season - 14k+Note, if you are insanely good in PVP but don't PVE much or vice versa accomodations can be made!
Lock and Load2
Top 50 PVP alliance. Typical players are 3*-4* transitioners chasing 4* covers and aiming at 1.3k for the cp
PVP - 1k+ (Recommended 1.3k)
Sim - Recommended 1.75K+
Total Season - 12K+
Lock and Load5
recruitment open!
Hybrid Top 100 PvP & PvE alliance.
PvP - 800+
New Release PVE - last progression
PvE - depends on particular event, perform the best you can.
Total Season - 10k+
Lock and Load3
Top 50 PVE alliance.
PVE - last progression
New Release PVE - 1.25 x last progression
Lock and Load4
Top 100 PVP alliance. Typical players are early 3* players who want to improve in PvP and experienced PvPers who want to slow down a bit
PvP: 600+
Total Season (Sim + PVP) - 7K
Lock and Load6
recruitment open!
Top 100 PVE alliance. Typical players are 2*-3* transitioners chasing 3* covers.
PVE - 0.5 x last progression : at least the 3* cover
Lock and Load7
Our casual Top 250 PVP alliances. Typical players are 3*veterans, still hooked to the game but willing to play casually
Daily connection (break allowed!)
Total Season - At least 4K (300 per pvp recommended)
Extra Load
Casual alliance for players of the family wanting to take a break.
How to join
If you're interested by one of our alliances and think you fit in the profile, please contact me to introduce yourself (roster, average score in events and season) before applying in game (private alliances). You can also post in this thread.
DrNitroman (LL2 cmdr) | Forum: DrNitroman | Line: drnitroman0 -
Looking to join Lock and Load5. Looking for Top 100 Alliance. I just joined forums so I can't PM yet. MPQ name is nwahs086.
I always hit top progression in PVE. Average finish is top 20 or higher.
Season PVP - 10,000
Average Season PVP - 900-10000 -
Update: June, 26th
Lock and Load Family is recruiting for Season 27...erm no, 28!!
What's new?
Lock and Load family is looking for new recruits for season 28. As usual we welcome beginners and veterans players in our family and we help each other to progress in the game. But there wil be some changes for 28: more diversity, more rewards, more fun... more Lock and Load!Lock and Load has raised his req to 1300 pvp and max progression
Lock and Load2 has decided to follow and raised his req to 1300+ PvP aiming for T25
Lock and Load4 will accordingly raise his req to 725-800 to settle in T100
This peak of growth has led us to consider the creation of new alliances to welcome and train beginnersLock and Load8 will be our new beginner PvP alliance, setting the reqs around 600 most probably
Lock and Load9 will be our new beginner PvE alliance, setting the reqs around half progression
These alliances will be created soon and will grow during S28. Stay tune and contact me if interested
About us
Lock and Load Family is a nice place to be, we're fundamentally a no-drama group.First, we have enough alliances to propose a suitable offer for our players who want to slow down and to those who want the first prizes. Second, we like the game, we like to chat about it, we like to share tips and strategies. It's the reason why Line (out of game message system) is not required but strongly recommended because it enables the communication among players of all our alliances. We also play nice with certain other alliances and we participate in various truces on a per person basis.
As usual, I'll update this post regularly to show openings during season 28. Feel free to contact me even if there are no openings, opportunities arise fast.
Lock and Load
Big sister hybrid Top 10 PvE & Top 25 PvP alliance.
PvP - 1.3k+
Sim - 1.8k+
PvE - last progression reward.
Total Season - 14k+Note, if you are insanely good in PVP but don't PVE much or vice versa accomodations can be made!
Lock and Load2
Top 50 PVP alliance. Typical players are 3*-4* transitioners chasing 4* covers and aiming at 1.3k for the cp. For S28 our new minimum will be 1.3k and we'll aim for Top 25 alliance ranking. Note that if you don't hit 1.3k yet but are willing to learn you shouldn't hesitate to contact us!
PVP - 1.3k+
Sim - Recommended 1.8K+
Total Season - 14K+
Lock and Load5
Hybrid Top 100 PvP & PvE alliance.
PvP - 800+
New Release PVE - last progression
PvE - depends on particular event, perform the best you can.
Total Season - 10k+
Lock and Load3
Top 50 PVE alliance.
PVE - last progression
New Release PVE - 1.25 x last progression
Lock and Load4
Top 100 PVP alliance. Typical players are early 3* players who want to improve in PvP and experienced PvPers who want to slow down a bit. LL4 raises his req for S28 and will be firmly in top100
PvP: 800+
Total Season (Sim + PVP) - 9.5K
Lock and Load6
Top 100 PVE alliance. Typical players are 2*-3* transitioners chasing 3* covers.
PVE - 0.6 x last progression : at least the 500 ISO-8 (max prog recommended)
Lock and Load8
New beginner PVP alliance. Typical players are players who want to improve in PvP. LL8 is new and will be public for the start. Don't hesitate to join us!
PvP: 600+ (final number not set yet)
Total Season (Sim + PVP) - 7K
Lock and Load9
New beginner PVE alliance. LL9 is new and will be public for the start. Don't hesitate to join us!
PVE - 0.5 x last progression : at least the 3* cover
Total Season (Sim + PVP) - 4K
Lock and Load7
Our casual Top 250 PVP alliances. Typical players are 3*veterans, still hooked to the game but willing to play casually
Daily connection (break allowed!)
Total Season - At least 4K (300 per pvp recommended)
Extra Load
Casual alliance for players of the family wanting to take a break.
How to join
If you're interested by one of our alliances and think you fit in the profile, please contact me to introduce yourself (roster, average score in events and season) before applying in game (private alliances). You can also post in this thread.
DrNitroman (LL2 cmdr) | Forum: DrNitroman | Line: drnitroman0 -
We still have some position to fill out inside the LL family.0
Hello, I want to apply for L&L 9 or 6, I on day 212 or so, I hit 200000 on EotS and depending on the essentials I get the max progression or 1 behind (I have some ss of several events including last one if you need it).
For pvp I do 400-600 depending also on the featured character but I do 4k (1700 on simul).
Im on slice 4 for The Hunt right now and I joined last on my bracket so Im a little behind, 16k point right now but Im pretty sure I will get .6 x max prog.
Just installed my Line app, my ign, line and forums is the same, Ulizeus, fell free to ask me anything.
Kinda bored of my current alliance that is semiactive with 10 or less people, all the time we rank 3k or less
Edit: Forgot to say that I dont really care if is 9 or 6, it will be a nice improvement over my current alliance, gl everyone
I got a few covers yesterday but the important one is IM40from sim, I really want that and I need like 80 points (plus another
from MHE from championing)
My current pvp setup is CMN+IM40+GSBW/Gamora/Kamala/SW/ or the featured char0
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- 1.2K MtGPQ Suggestions & Feedback
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- 548 Other 505 Go Inc. Games
- 21 Puzzle Quest: The Legend Returns
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