**** Lock and Load - Recruiting NOW ****



  • Hello,
    I'm looking for a new top 100 pvp alliance.

    1k each pvp, 2k sim, over 10k a season

    Top 20 last 3 new releases pve

    Ashy b
  • ojcAust
    ojcAust Posts: 140
    Hey Lock and Load Family. I have thrown up a suggestion over at the forum:


    Head over and if you like what I am suggesting, give it a thumbs up.

  • byzrk
    byzrk Posts: 1
    Sent DrNitroman a PM on LINE. Got my fingers crossed you guys still have a spot for me!
  • DrNitroman
    DrNitroman Posts: 966 Critical Contributor
    byzrk wrote:
    Sent DrNitroman a PM on LINE. Got my fingers crossed you guys still have a spot for me!
    I've not received your PM yet, but I think it's because you're new on the forum and your message have to be moderated first!
    edit oh on Line! OK, I guess you are Larry thus? If that's so, it's all fine icon_e_smile.gif
    and if you're not Larry, obviously I didn't get your pm!
  • kyo28
    kyo28 Posts: 161 Tile Toppler
    Hello everyone,

    I was playing with an idea for the forum. Perhaps it would be nice if all members of our alliance had a similar signature on the forum, where the size, basic text and of course alliance is the same but each can customize with their own favourite character. I've made a few basic examples and wanted to ask if this is something some of you would be interested in. I wouldn't mind making the sigs and everyone who wants one can request the character they prefer the most.

    I'm not happy with the text yet as I still need to add additional glow or emboss effects to make the text stand out more. Also, the pic of the Hulk was a low res pic so for the definitive version I would use a better one.

    Please feel free to comment on whether or not this is something that could interest you; what could be improved and which info is missing on the sig. I'm trying to not put too much info onto the sig as people sometimes change position within the alliance and I probably won't have time to adapt all sigs timely. But feel free to comment and shoot some ideas:



  • DrNitroman
    DrNitroman Posts: 966 Critical Contributor
    Very nice Kyo!
    I like the idea of having a LL signature.

    I agree that keeping the text simple like "Lock and Load family" would be easier for people who change alliance icon_e_smile.gif

    We should choose a background with enough contrast with the text so that text is easily readable
  • kyo28
    kyo28 Posts: 161 Tile Toppler
    I'll try working with an embossed line for the text to set it off more from the background and see how that turns out.
  • DrNitroman
    DrNitroman Posts: 966 Critical Contributor
    edited May 2016
    Update: Apr, 24th

    Lock and Load Family is recruiting for Season 26

    Yes, D2KM asked for it, the 26th season of Lock and Load will be red like Cyclops' stare!

    Lock and Load family is looking for new recruits for season 26. Do you like PvP? We have a place for you! Do you like PvE? We have a place for you! Do you want to win top prizes, do you rather like to play more casually because you have a life ( icon_question.gif )... we have a place for you. Yes we welcome beginners and veterans players in our family, we help each other to progress in the game and we are all very proud to have a such diverse family icon_lol.gif
    And as a bonus, if you join us, Kyo might make you a nice sig!
    VeloRx wrote:
    When I joined the Lock and Load family, I was a 5000/ season PvP player. I had no ideas at the level in which this game could be played. They helped me, coached me, taught me. After being with LL for 5 seasons now, I am a 20,000/season player. This is an awesome family of which I am proud to be a member.
    ...and now VeloRx is a commander and a pillar of Lock and Load2! icon_e_wink.gif

    About us
    Lock and Load Family is composed of 6 competitive alliances and 2 casual (though daily-active) ones so that there is a wide variety of players or gameplay, from hardcore to casual, beginners to veteran. Our more recent alliance Lock and Load6 is now a fully functional top 100 PvE allaince!

    Our family is a nice place to be, we're fundamentally a no-drama group. icon_e_smile.gif First, we have enough alliances to propose a suitable offer for our players who want to slow down and to those who want the first prizes, we're not a para-military organization no worry! Second, we like the game, we like to chat about it, we like to share tips and strategies. It's the reason why Line (out of game message system) is not required but strongly recommended because it enables the communication among players of all our alliances. We also play nice with certain other alliances and we participate in various truces on a per person basis.

    Edit: Don't call them "Lazy" anymore, Don't call them Lock and LoadZ,
    call them Lock and Load7!

    As usual, I'll update this post regularly to show openings during season 26. Feel free to contact me even if there are no openings, opportunities arise fast.

    redcrit.png Lock and Load
    Big sister hybrid Top 10 PvE & Top 25 PvP alliance.
    PvP - 1300+
    Sim - 1800+
    PvE - last progression reward.
    Total Season - 12k+
    icon_arrow.gif Note, if you are insanely good in PVP but don't PVE much or vice versa accomodations can be made! icon_e_smile.gif

    redcrit.png Lock and Load2
    Top 50 PVP alliance. Typical players are 3*-4* transitioners chasing 4* covers
    PVP - 800+ (Recommended 1k)
    Sim - Recommended 1.75K+
    Total Season - 10.5K+

    redcrit.png Lock and Load5
    Hybrid Top 100 PvP & PvE alliance.
    PvP - 800+
    New Release PVE - last progression
    PvE - depends on particular event, perform the best you can.
    Total Season - 10k+

    redcrit.png Lock and Load3
    Top 50 PVE alliance.
    PVE - last progression
    New Release PVE - 1.25 x last progression

    redcrit.png Lock and Load4
    Top 100 PVP alliance. Typical players are early 3* players who want to improve in PvP and experienced PvPers who want to slow down a bit
    PvP: 600+
    Total Season (Sim + PVP) - 7K

    redcrit.png Lock and Load6 icon_arrow.gif recruitment open!
    Top 100 PVE alliance. Typical players are 2*-3* transitioners chasing 3* covers.
    PVE - 0.5 x last progression : at least the 3* cover

    redcrit.png Extraordinary icon_arrow.gif recruitment open!
    redcrit.pngLock and Load7 icon_arrow.gif recruitment open!
    Our casual Top 250 PVP alliances. Typical players are 3*veterans, still hooked to the game but willing to play casually
    Daily connection (break allowed!)
    Total Season - At least 4K (300 per pvp recommended)

    redcrit.png Extra Load
    Casual alliance for players of the family wanting to take a break.

    How to join
    If you're interested by one of our alliances and think you fit in the profile, please contact me to introduce yourself (roster, average score in events and season) before applying in game (private alliances). You can also post in this thread.

    DrNitroman (LL2 cmdr) | Forum: DrNitroman | Line: drnitroman
  • Hi guys, I'm looking for an Alliance to have some fun with and also try to get some great rewards.
    I have started playing just a few weeks ago, but have recently been placing within top 50~100 in PVE
    events, and have just started playing PVP, but it's been really fun and a fast learning process.
    Since the random alliances I got into early on were never active, or helpful to place better, I wanted
    to know if there is a spot for me here. I play every day, I am currently building up my 3* roster,
    with some solid 2* as backup.

    If there's anything else you guys nee to know, just ask.
  • Malorick
    Malorick Posts: 191 Tile Toppler
    edited April 2016
    "War" by Sick Puppies begins to play as pyro and other ballyhoo goes off on the stage signifying it's time for the return of another action packed edition of Lock and Load adventures.

    As the excited MPQ Universe is on their feet and cheer for the start of the show. The energy is raucous and infectious, the place is more packed that ever as many fans have brought along various types of signs including among others, 'We’re missing LL Adventures', 'Salgy you sold out!!', 'Duck… Duck… Duck…' and a very random one 'My wife says if I go one more MPQ match she’s gonna leave me….. God I’m gonna miss her!'.

    Welcome back to the return of our longest running show in MPQ history, Lock and Load where the big guys play! Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, Lock and Load proudly brings to you, it's Lock and Load adventures!!! We are officially on the road to the new season where in just few days, we will hold onto the new season XXVI.

    Wow!!! The Lock and Load family will be amazing, not just because the Lock and load is there since the beginning of the MPQ , but because we have plenty in store for all of you as we have the biggest LL family ever that is sure to blow the roof off of this place.

    Now, we have Lock and Load 1 to 7, Extra Load and Extraordinary. The LL family have a place for everyone in their family, beginners, veterans, competitive, casual, pve only, pvp only, pve & pvp. LL are all very proud to have such diverse and strong family.

    Also this is the return to action of Malorick who scared recently his teammates by announcing his retirement of MPQ but found out that this was an April fool jokes.

    The thump of the drum! The inimitable snarl of the guitar! Fu Manchu's cover of "Godzilla" blares through the place, and the capacity crowd are on their feet screaming and cheering. DrNitroman steps out and on to the stage, takes a look around the arena and makes his way down. Though a few fans reach out over the barricade for high-five action, "Mr. Lock and Load" is absolutely focused, staring straight ahead as he approaches. DrNitroman climbs the steps and goes in middle of the areana before walking across the stage and being passed a microphone. The music cuts out, and when the crowd finally settles down, he begins...

    DrNitroman: Ladies and gentlemen, madames et monsieurs, it's here. The Lock and Load, where the MPQ's "finest" compete in a AWESOME place. Just because LL Adventures was shutting down for 1 year doesn't mean that the spirit that defined this show or Lock and Load is dead. To me, LL has always been the most entertaining, the most fun, no stress, and at its best, the most talent-stacked mpq promotion on the planet. That's why I came here and I am the best ambassador for those ideals. I compete in the pvp of MPQ. I'm not here for the story pve ****, I'm here for the fight, and wherever I end up, that's the attitude that's coming with me...

    I'm not the underdog any more. I'm the guy you aim for, the one you're talking about when its time to reunite and assemble the LL family. Wherever I go next or you want to go, I'll be looking for the best place for you among the LL family. And I haven't found yet any other better place that here inside LL...

    DrNitroMan is cut off by the crowd cheering as he flashes a smile.
    DrNitroman raises his free hand...

    DrNitroman: Whoa... that’s AWESOME... You see nobody can kill LL, it’s our show. And people that was thinking that LL was dead, are you kidding me? Yeah! The LL2s was on it's deathbed a year ago after season XVI when Salgy and the Renagades turned it into a playground for their egos. LL2 got put on life support when they went to fill out the holes in LL1 and I received a call from my friend inder909 and came here to LL2 to save whatever was left. I won and make the LL family great again and even better I made it one of the biggest alliances still and beat every patches or nerfing that MPQ can put in our way while begging for anyone who thought they could do better to come and take their shot.

    DrNitroman pauses for a moment, letting his message sink in.

    DrNitroman: LL2 was supposed to be the alternative to the political rat's nest of LL1. The #1 alliance may be the flagship, but as long as I've been here, it's just been a pissing contest between MjMacka and any guy stupid enough to try and succeed on talent instead of kissing the boss's ****. LL1 is the epitome of MPQ entertainment. LL2 was supposed to be the true MPQ pvp only show. A place where MPQ was honoured. LLZ could have been that, but they spoiled it. So we just had the LL2 show. I called it home, and every night I came in, I aspired to make it better. I aimed to make it live up to everything it could be, even when it seemed like most everyone else was moving it in the other direction, even when it was dying.

    The German commander of LL1 emerges from the back as his theme, "I Will Be Heard" by Hatebreed, blasts from the arena's soundsystem. The fans are anything but warm and welcoming for the Architect, but Inder909 doesn't much seem to care as he grins, surveying the audience smugly before heading down the ramp to the stage. Inder909 climbs the ring steps deliberately and heading straight to DrNitroMan and give him the LL salute. Inder909 is asking for a mic.

    Inder909: I am the Architect behind the big restructuration of the LL family when I have bring the best of Extraordinary to restructure LL2 but you did an AWESOME job to bring it to what it’s right now, I cannot remove that from you. You never pulled the plug anyway. In fact you are the best LL ambassador that we never… EEEEEEEEEEVER… had.

    Inder909 lowers his mic and paces back and forth, glaring at DrNitroman before continuing...

    Inder909: I'm not chasing after this dream of "pure mpq" while going pve and pvp for the hell of it either. And you're right, people have compared us. There's the entertainment. The determination. The drive to take what we want when we want it. I want a MPQ clear of all drama, **** and frauds so that I can say we'r the best at it in a fun, competitive and no stress environment. I want to …

    Suddenly Inder909 is stopped when Malorick’s music "The Game" by Motörhead hits, then the lights would go out for a second or two before a reddish orange light would spotlight the entrance area. Then, Malorick and 2 others are rising from beneath the stage through a ring of fire before walking through the flames. It’s Malorick, MjMacka and WelcomeDeath,—wow!!! What a return, it's an entrance still talked about. The music, the lights, the fire and the commanders themselves meshed so well together, so awesome.

    The crowd is going crazy with a mic in hand, Malorick stands at the top of the entrance look at WelcomeDeath and MjMacka and waves and smiles before heading down the ramp toward the stage. As they walks they takes moments to take pictures with the fans and to sign autographs. They climbs the steps and walks to the center and Malorick begins to lift his mic to speak to the crowds.

    Malorick: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, madames et monsieurs once again.

    While Malorick smiling and give a wink at DrNitroman

    Malorick: Welcome back to our LL Adventures where legends are made and others are forgotten. I wanted to come out here for a moment and say a few things before the big boys came out and started their pissing contest in view of the Duck season that is starting now.

    First, let me begin by saying how thankful I am to have such loyal and devote players and fans such as yourselves. Fans that have come to see what is sure to be an intense adventures with only the best rising about the rest. A place where you are going to see the best of the LL compete for the future of LL1. This season we will get our answer as to whether we will be as strong, versatile as before. We lost again big players like WelcomeDeath or D2KM that are leaving for now but they will return eventually like D2KM is always doing haha! because LL is The Best There Is, The Best There Was, And The Best There Ever Will Be.

    Huge cheer from the crowd then a One more match! Chant begins to echo around the MPQ Universe about the amazing success of WelcomeDeath in LL.

    WelcomeDeath pumped goes onto talk

    WelcomeDeath: You all do realize that I am touch by your appreciation and thanks all for it. You see Malorick, unlike others, you have see potential in me and give me my chance even if I was just starting to build my roster among legend here in LL. When I come to join that line of greatness family here in LL where a lot of Legends and strong players have been build for LL and other alliances, I fulfilled what I was meant to do and that was becoming a pvp beast and the Ultimate King by winning the crown of season XXV and NO ONE is going to take it from me! I am proud to have been selected and be one of your Malorick’s guys and you didn’t see the last of me, LL is my family.

    The crowd explode into a huge reaction as WelcomeDeath stands over his crown. WelcomeDeath grabs his crown and lifts it up over his head as the crowd cheer slightly as WelcomeDeath give the LL high five to everyone before leaving.

    Malorick: Speaking of the LL family, I would like to thank each and every one of them for standing with me and the LL family to secure the future of LL.

    First, our ambassador, Mr. Lock and Load himself, DrNitroman. This man, this genious had assemble all of us so well together. I will make it my duty to help you and see that things are fair and that those who deserve to be on top and that those who are not willing to do their share of work and are not as dedicated as the rest of us can have their place in the LL family. Hard work and loyalty go a long way with me, so we will make sure that you are at the best place for all of you in the big family that are Lock and Load.

    Next, the phenomenal, lefrturn24. This man, this warrior had defeat the best this business has to offer. He is able to go blow for blow with anyone that he meets. And this season isn’t going to be any different. lefrturn24 is ready to destroy anyone from the opposing team, anyone that is standing in our way.

    Next, you have Nwman a Highscore champion. The most dominate superstar in LL history. Minus WelcomeDeath, of course haha! He dominates and beats the best every time he steps foot in the game.

    Then, you have RandomTask2.0. The only man to ever beat me in pve. A man so intelligent he could beat every single team member of any alliance before they even knew what was happening. But instead, he is allying himself with LL because he feels the need to have the best competition possible with the best pve beasts inside LL like Chey…, Piro_plock, vhn214 and me.

    We also have MjMacka, a man who his the second longest member in LL history, season 9. A man that tends to be overlooked and unrecognized despite his talent and amazing ability. A man that is going to help us succeed and when he does he will go on to do great things, including becoming back a LL champion like he was during a couple of season before.

    And last, we have Chey, our Hybrid champion. A man many would consider “quiet” but where others see an silent I see experience and knowledge galore. A men that next month will dominate in LL adding to what is already an astonishing resume, a resume that I am proud to have on the my team.

    And now that we have spoken about the winning team, it is only fair that we acknowledge those who I didn’t mention but I am sure they will put up a gallant fight and this count for all the LL member. So without further ado please welcome the man of the hour, lefrturn24.

    Lefrturn24comes out and joins everyone in the middle of the stage. lefrturn24 walks around the stage with his arms held above his head. He circles the stage twice before coming to stand next to Malorick. As he comes to a stop the arena goes dark once more and then the Big Screen comes to life once a again as…


    As the sound of broken glass rings out over the arena and the familiar sound clip of OJC80 follows, instead of the usual theme that begins playing, a new one begins in its place.

    The song is, "Burn MF" by Five Finger Death Punch as the Australian OJC80 himself appears on the stage and starts heading down the ramp towards the stage with a purpose and enters it quickly.

    OJC80 motions for a microphone and is granted one as he turns and raises the microphone, motioning for his music to cut off as it does.

    OJC80: With it bein' so close ta' Hunt, I figured I'd come out here and tell ya all the things OJC80 is thankful for. Number one, I'm thankful for ice cold beer. (What?) Hell, I'm thankful for lukewarm beer. (What?) Hell, I'm thankful for warm beer. (What?) Ah who am I kiddin', I'm just damn thankful for beer! But there's more than alcohol that gets OJC80 in the Duck season spirit. For example, OJC80's thankful that he got put in back in LL1 this season, because it means I don't have ta' hunt these pve alliance individually, they'll all be in the same place at the same time so it's gon' be like shootin' fish in a barrel. Not ta' mention. (What?) I said not ta' mention. (What?) I said not ta' mention. (What?)

    OJC80 has an experience advantage. OJC80 is a LL1 member since season X and was once upon a time in the old ll2. (What?) OJC80 fought The Crisis for control of the LL2 against that SlackerDog. So as far as I'm concerned, this is just another chapter because it's still Malorick and company in the mix and it's still a bunch of MPQ addict in suits doing the fighting. Instead of pvp, ya got another bunch of crazy, well whaddya know, suckin' the pve' grinding also while kicking **** in pvp too.

    As for the rest, do your own thumbing through of MPQ history, I've already made my point. And that point, plain and simple, is OJC's a pissed off son of a **** and he's comin' ta' LL1 Series ta' whip some **** and help them to stay on the top. But he's not comin' alone, he's bringin' the best hybrid players of LL2 with Gredler, Ducon and Azari lover and trust me they're all itchin' jus' like me ta' kick the **** of everyone on...wait what the hell? LL1? You don't call your team, "LL1", you dumb bastards it’s just Lock and Load. Where the 1, you can't call yourselves only Lock and Load. Ya know what? **** it, I didn't pick the a number and I'm in the LL family whatever is the number anyway so I don't give a damn.

    Just know this, LL1, LL2, LL3, LL4, LL5, LL5, LL6 or LLZ doesn't matter because regardless of who comes when, you're all in the LL family cuz I'm bringing the whoopass to all 7 of ya and raising all kinds of hell and walking out with the best alliance of MPQ and everything else that's at stake. Bottom line.

    The lights in the arena dim as a spotlight shines on the stage and Gredler, Ducon hold up their fans, covering the face of the number one contender for IcyTemper spot who left for LL2. They move them to the side to reveal the asthonshing blazing Azari lover himself, who announces her arrival with a loud scream. She and his boys Ducon and Gredler begin to walk down the ramp as she yells to the camera.

    Azari Lover: It's time to light this place up! I'm a firestarter baby and it's only a few more days until I have gold around my waist!

    The boys stop at stage and one gets on his knees as Azari Lover uses him as stairs to enter the the stage. The boys then quickly enter the ring and pose the same way they did before walking down the ramp. They cover the face of Azari lover before revealing him once again. Azari Lover of course spreads his wings and reveals the elegant sight that has dazzled the crowd in every arena she's been in.

    Azari Lover: You may be the so called measuring stick here in LL, but that doesn't mean the stick isn't just a bland piece of wood with numbers on it. You should try being a little more colorful. People mistake my pageantry for silliness. As if my grand entrance is a weakness when actually it's just a reminder. A reminder that both inside and out of this MPQ, I'm better, and will do my best here in ll1.

    The crowd cheers as Azari lover poses and the boys fan her, Azari Lover spreads his arms open as the crowd roars behind him to close the show.

    Ps: Don't hesitate to comment/rat the new LL adventures, Don't forget to like the LL adventures. We want to have a big number of followers so we can continue these stories so dont be shy to like them.
  • DrNitroman
    DrNitroman Posts: 966 Critical Contributor
    FilipsMPL wrote:
    Hi guys, I'm looking for an Alliance to have some fun with and also try to get some great rewards.
    If there's anything else you guys nee to know, just ask.

    Hi Filips,

    Sorry I missed your post.
    FYI, it's better to give some average scores in PvP and PvE rather than rank to show your level of play

    I can propose you to apply to Lock and Load7 - casual alliance, requirement 300+ per PvP. A great way to start and learn within our family

    Else if you play PvE regularly and you are able to hit the 3* reward in PvE progression you could apply to Lock and Load6

    I send you a PM
  • DrNitroman
    DrNitroman Posts: 966 Critical Contributor
    Wow, what a show!

    Ladies & Gentlemen, please make more noise for our respected leader Malorick!
    No more complaint, no more drama, just noise...
    ... it's time to bring back some fun in MPQ

    And Duck season is open icon_lol.gif
  • ojcAust
    ojcAust Posts: 140
    Shatter the Glass, cut the music, and give me a mic.

    "Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages. Lock and Load proudly presents to you the first chapter of its new Adventures!"

    This Australian will just have to be careful not to sound too much like a Texan (What?!). Love it Malorick. Hope that it features through out our season like in the days of seasons past.
  • Jonny1Punch
    Jonny1Punch Posts: 440 Mover and Shaker
    Amazing Malorick!

    As a former proud member of lock and load it is incredible to see the adventures up and running, better then ever before!

    I hope to see many more.....
  • ojcAust
    ojcAust Posts: 140
    Nicely said Jonny.

    I think the plan is for one a week. If Malorick is a bit low on time I might be able to put the occasional one together for him, but if he writes like this it will be hard to keep up the standard.

    It has been so long we need to gather our readers again icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Moved to off-topic.
  • DrNitroman
    DrNitroman Posts: 966 Critical Contributor
    DayvBang wrote:
    Moved to off-topic.

    rho, it's sad!
    Dayv, I understand the rationale of your decision but was it so necessary?
    Must the main forum be reserved for neverending complaints, not a single bit of fun?

    The only one thread I find interesting now in main discussion is the memes thread. And by the way, this post wasn't so different of the memes post

    Malorick don't tell a totally fictionous story, he... herm... illustrates (!) some real event that happened in the game icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • MarvelDestiny
    MarvelDestiny Posts: 198 Tile Toppler
    Hi all, I don't have Line and I'm hoping somebody will do me a favor and let D2KM know he has a pm. I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!
  • DrNitroman
    DrNitroman Posts: 966 Critical Contributor
    Hi all, I don't have Line and I'm hoping somebody will do me a favor and let D2KM know he has a pm. I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!
    sure! icon_e_smile.gif
  • DrNitroMan - I submitted my request via Line.

    Please let me know if there's anything else I can provide you for consideration.

    Thank you,


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