Cancel the Heroic Juggernaut

Seriously - everybody hates these, and that heroic is just flat-out terrible. Stop introducing new characters in heroics. There is still time to change up the event. If you want to put in Mystique in a new PVE starting tomorrow, change it to a non-heroic. We're begging you. Heroic Juggernaut is a terrible event. Just awful. The player base has made it clear how much they hate this. Just don't do it.


  • Agreed.

    It's incredibly not fun.
  • **Signed**
  • Why you no like level 395 headbutt? icon_lol.gif
  • mjh
    mjh Posts: 708 Critical Contributor
    strongly support this
  • Colognoisseur
    Colognoisseur Posts: 807 Critical Contributor
    One ray of hope is in the version of this article which announced 2* Ms. Marvel it was supposed to be The Hunt and it turned out to be Venom Heroic. Maybe this time it will go the other way and we The Simulator instead.
  • I don't even mind the idea of Heroics, but the Juggernaut one is really frustrating and not enjoyable.
  • Although I don't think the forum represents the majority, it really does strain the limit of my imagination if it turns out that the silent majority does like heroic Jugg/Venom/Unstable Isotope. There's literally nothing good about these events.
  • Agreed 1000%! We can only hope that, once again, there was misinformation in the interview -- this time regarding the event.
  • +1 no heroic event please
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2014
    The Heroic format is fine with me. I can definitely see why vets hate it, but PvE in general is tuned way more for 2* and transitioning players anyway, so I can see why making everything great for a 3* roster is not a priority. But Venom and Juggernaut are just terrible regardless of roster issues. 15+ nodes on a two-hour refresh is a terrible idea. The devs know this, which is why newer events have subs. So learn your own lesson and retire these relics. Now.
  • Signed.

    But they won't listen because new character, which means everyone's like OMG NEW and will play it anyway.

    Even the new character doesn't really do anything new, at all.
  • if they cant change at least extend the rewards much further down instead of the usual top 10 for 3 covers and top 150 for 1, make it top 20 for 3 covers and top 300 for 1 cover
  • mags1587
    mags1587 Posts: 1,020 Chairperson of the Boards
    Please, this. I know it's probably not going to happen but please, this.
  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    Worst. Event. Type. Ever.
  • MarvelMan wrote:
    Worst. Event. Type. Ever.
    Wait until you see the featured hero list. Our 3*'s will be Doc Ock, Daredevil, and Rags (you know, to tank everything).
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
  • Probably should just not sold for ISO those 4 Thor covers I just won and used them instead to make a min Thor.
  • Riggy wrote:
    MarvelMan wrote:
    Worst. Event. Type. Ever.
    Wait until you see the featured hero list. Our 3*'s will be Doc Ock, Daredevil, and Rags (you know, to tank everything).
    Rags and Daredevil are out for this season thankfully. Villains can't be featured in Heroic, at any rate. Chaos League reports BP/GSBW/Colossus as featured 3*s.
  • Jathro
    Jathro Posts: 323 Mover and Shaker
    Colossus makes sense since he's being released as rewards soon. That seems to be a recent trend.

    Damn heroic Juggs though...
  • D2KM_
    D2KM_ Posts: 134
    I would love to see this happen. Listen to the player base D3!!!


    It is in all caps so you know Im angry icon_lol.gif