MPQ Interview At Mystique Revealed!



  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,328 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2014
    Sweet, I was expecting a kind of reverse OBW (in the sense that drains the other colours). She seems quite alright. Too bad about the method of delivery (and you KNOW that Ms. Marvel is going to be one of the required characters.)
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    Aw yes, Mystique!

    Just because enough people have been saying "who even asked for her?" - it was me. I've been hoping for Mystique nearly all year. I was hoping that she'd have sneaky, tricksy skills like OBW's Recon and Espionage, and I had originally hoped that cMags would keep Purple has a weak tile strength, so that Mystique could collect it for him.

    Anyway. I'm significantly excited for her arrival.
  • Dartmaster01
    Dartmaster01 Posts: 634 Critical Contributor
    Mawtful wrote:
    Aw yes, Mystique!

    Just because enough people have been saying "who even asked for her?" - it was me. I've been hoping for Mystique nearly all year. I was hoping that she'd have sneaky, tricksy skills like OBW's Recon and Espionage, and I had originally hoped that cMags would keep Purple has a weak tile strength, so that Mystique could collect it for him.

    Anyway. I'm significantly excited for her arrival.

    I don't think anyone is upset about Mistique's arrival, just with how she is being introduced.
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't think anyone is upset about Mistique's arrival, just with how she is being introduced.

    At least 2 on the first page:
    A character and an even NO ONE asked for
    I really, REALLY had this pegged as Gambit. He won the popular vote, the charged tile mechanics are now in place...and we get Mystique.
    Show of hands of who asked for Mystique? Anyone?
  • Mawtful wrote:
    I don't think anyone is upset about Mistique's arrival, just with how she is being introduced.

    At least 2 on the first page:
    A character and an even NO ONE asked for
    I really, REALLY had this pegged as Gambit. He won the popular vote, the charged tile mechanics are now in place...and we get Mystique.
    Show of hands of who asked for Mystique? Anyone?

    Well, hey, you raised your hand. icon_e_smile.gif

    I have nothing against Mystique as the new character. I do find her powers a bit boring and the event she's being released in as...well, if I describe it, it'd just be "tinykitty" over and over and over again. But I'm sincerely glad you got the character you were waiting for!
  • orionpeace
    orionpeace Posts: 344 Mover and Shaker
    It seems, like Beast, her abilities almost work against each other.

    Shapeshift: Steals AP when the opponent matches R/G/Y (at first) and later adds a stun. If they are stunned, they can't match colors and you can't steal. And countdown tile. Why is D3 obsessed with countdown tiles?

    Infiltration: Changes R/G/Y tiles to Black and Purple. When you use this Shapeshift is less effective because there are now fewer R/G/Y tiles for the opponent to match so you steal less AP.

    Masterstroke: Deals damage while reducing R/G/Y for everyone. And destroys the Shapeshift countdown tile dealing more damage.

    So, you are stealing R/G/Y so you can reduce the power of your opponents and increase your own but her ONE damage dealing ability reduces the very AP you have been stealing.


    Maybe it will make sense in actual game play. But just reading the abilities it sounds like a whole heap of powers that not only lack synergy but also work actively against each other.

    Add in the fact that we have to slog through Juggs Heroic and you can color me uninterested. Going to be difficult to build up the will to participate in this one with an aim higher than a single cover.
  • nimvin
    nimvin Posts: 81
    I'm guessing Rogue. Story elements with mystique, rough and tumble describes her to a T and female melee we don't already have she's really the only one that fits. Elektra : trained assassin, Gamora: trained assassin, not exactly get in and mix it up types. I'm sure I am forgetting plenty of other melee fighters but the only two that came to mind immediately.
  • I came here to say that in the last month the only char reward that would benefit me was LThor from last Blade PVP. All the rest of the events, both PVE and PVP, have been flooded with new chars.

    One would think that old covers would be more achievable with all these new ones being introduced. Instead new chars are more achievable making my roster look more like a beginner one with 0/0/1 3* rather than a player that has been here for more than half a year.

    Welcome Mystique, but honestly, I don't feel like anything new has been added since The Gauntlet. I am so tired of all this same old same old villains in PVE.

    Good to see all this new stuff really, but it's like eating the same food with different forks. I don't want more forks to eat my food, I want more variety of food.

    Since Jugs is the next PVE, Please!, give one of these covers are progression rewards: CMags red, LThor yellow or green, Hood blue, Patch green, Sentry green or yellow. I need them SO bad!

    Also, for the love of god, I need 1 more black OBW! You have been giving out purple and blue like candy the past months. Please give a black OBW in progression, I am begging you!
  • Okin107 wrote:
    Since Jugs is the next PVE, Please!, give one of these covers are progression rewards: CMags red, LThor yellow or green, Hood blue, Patch green, Sentry green or yellow. I need them SO bad!

    Also, for the love of god, I need 1 more black OBW! You have been giving out purple and blue like candy the past months. Please give a black OBW in progression, I am begging you!
    Patch is completely out of this season's events, token packs and rewards (same as Punisher and Human Torch). Hood and cMags have already been featured this season (well, cMags covers were given out in Anniversary's Balance of Power technically). I'm afraid Black Panther will be the 3* prog in Heroic Juggs since he will be the required 3*. At least hopefully it will be a yellow/black instead of his dreadful blue. Do play as many LRs as you can, your black oBW waits there in random drops.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    orionpeace wrote:
    It seems, like Beast, her abilities almost work against each other.

    Shapeshift: Steals AP when the opponent matches R/G/Y (at first) and later adds a stun. If they are stunned, they can't match colors and you can't steal. And countdown tile. Why is D3 obsessed with countdown tiles?

    Infiltration: Changes R/G/Y tiles to Black and Purple. When you use this Shapeshift is less effective because there are now fewer R/G/Y tiles for the opponent to match so you steal less AP.

    Masterstroke: Deals damage while reducing R/G/Y for everyone. And destroys the Shapeshift countdown tile dealing more damage.

    So, you are stealing R/G/Y so you can reduce the power of your opponents and increase your own but her ONE damage dealing ability reduces the very AP you have been stealing.

    Very good summary. This is pretty much what I was getting at when I said earlier that a slow-to-ramp-up y/g character might not work well with her. I don't see her as similar to hood or OBW at all. It's more like the point of her is to try to keep BOTH sides from getting off any r/g/y
  • In most matches it's not that common to work towards all 3 active skills of any one individual character (maybe X-Force is the exception, but his active skills are all vital) so while I get that her skills are definitely not compatible with each other I think it's an interesting decision which of her active skills to build towards depending on your opponent (and their most dangerous colour - Red, Green and Yellow... very Sentry / Lthor) or if you have someone on your team (B Panther, OBW even) who could strongly benefit from black or purple generation.

    The stun element does not work against Shapeshift because if everyone is stunned - it's a win, and if just one is stunned then the AI will still match tiles in their strongest colours just as they would if that character isn't stunned.

    For my money, while theres a tradeoff with this character she actually promotes tactical play over just matching whichever colours you can.
  • Jathro
    Jathro Posts: 323 Mover and Shaker
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    I think the Devs should take note that the discussion has been dominated by how much people hate Heroic Juggernaut, rather than discussion of the new character, and what implications that might have for the game in the future.
    So very much this.

    Any excitement over a new character has been completely overshadowed at this point. And let's be clear - it wouldn't matter who that character is, a heroic event is a poor, poor way to introduce anyone.
  • _M4ru_
    _M4ru_ Posts: 91 Match Maker When will players get a chance to try out the mutant master of subterfuge?

    Joe Fletcher: Mystique will be available through the fairly standard method—at this point—of being a reward in a PVE Event, followed by a Versus Event featuring her. November 6 is her date for the PVE Event, a re-running of Heroic Chapter 2 - Juggernaut. Fitting, isn't it? The Versus Tournament for her runs on November 14, and features some neat custom art for her background to show off some of her shapeshift-y goodness.

    So... a headbuttfest for 8 long days??? icon_eek.gif
  • Chrono_Tata
    Chrono_Tata Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    _M4ru_ wrote:
    So... a headbuttfest for 8 long days??? icon_eek.gif
    Nah, the PvE should end 4 days before the PvP that gives out the new character, so it will be 4 days long like all the recent PvE that gives new characters.
  • _M4ru_ wrote: When will players get a chance to try out the mutant master of subterfuge?

    Joe Fletcher: Mystique will be available through the fairly standard method—at this point—of being a reward in a PVE Event, followed by a Versus Event featuring her. November 6 is her date for the PVE Event, a re-running of Heroic Chapter 2 - Juggernaut. Fitting, isn't it? The Versus Tournament for her runs on November 14, and features some neat custom art for her background to show off some of her shapeshift-y goodness.

    So... a headbuttfest for 8 long days??? icon_eek.gif

    Yeah, I agree with you. They should run it for at least a whole season so that we can enjoy it at its fullest. Can't get enough of headbutts!
  • HailMary wrote:
    Interview highlights for me:
    At high levels of the ability this one-two punch of Shapeshifting and Masterstroke usage is more than enough to take out the likes of Patch Wolverine or her nominal employer Classic Magneto in a single strike.
    That sounds promising icon_cool.gif ... though Beast technically has a CTS-level one-two punch, too. icon_e_sad.gif
    Mystique’s not the last you've seen of the Marvel Universe ladies this year either, especially if you’re into the more rough and tumble types as opposed to Raven and Natasha’s black ops style combat.
    I hope this isn't simply a reference to GT.

    I'm sure it's a reference to 2* Mystique or the more popular Lazy Yelena and Moonstone characters. The last, I'm sure we'd see you break into your cache of 10K HP and 1 Million ISO to level up right away. Come on Lazy Moonstone!
  • locked wrote:
    Okin107 wrote:
    Since Jugs is the next PVE, Please!, give one of these covers are progression rewards: CMags red, LThor yellow or green, Hood blue, Patch green, Sentry green or yellow. I need them SO bad!

    Also, for the love of god, I need 1 more black OBW! You have been giving out purple and blue like candy the past months. Please give a black OBW in progression, I am begging you!
    Patch is completely out of this season's events, token packs and rewards (same as Punisher and Human Torch). Hood and cMags have already been featured this season (well, cMags covers were given out in Anniversary's Balance of Power technically). I'm afraid Black Panther will be the 3* prog in Heroic Juggs since he will be the required 3*. At least hopefully it will be a yellow/black instead of his dreadful blue. Do play as many LRs as you can, your black oBW waits there in random drops.

    I still think Blade will be a progressive reward as well. You know, it'd be nice, since Heroic Juggs PVE.
  • Oh Mystique I get it, we're being forced to play pve events that are **** copies of ones we've already played. Clever.
  • loroku
    loroku Posts: 1,014 Chairperson of the Boards
    As anyone familiar with my posts knows, I'm a huge proponent of no more new characters. For anyone who isn't already well into the 3* transition - i.e. I'm guessing >90% of the players - this only makes the game worse. D3 seems very intent on bringing LOTS of new characters, but each one makes:
    1) 3* transition take longer
    2) building a roster take longer
    3) you pay more for roster slots
    4) more events where you can't really do much because you don't have the latest character
    5) longer and longer and LONGER between times that you can actually get covers you need
    6) tokens more diluted and/or forces them to be switched out

    Since they are SO intent on bringing as many new characters as possible, they REALLY need to think about changing the rest of the game somehow so that "new character" doesn't automatically mean "punishes playerbase." Because new characters do PUNISH the playerbase - period. So either they need to start giving out more 3* covers, or change the token system so that you have more control over the selection of 3* covers you get, or introduce more game modes with more prizes, or SOMETHING - ANYTHING that makes it so that their game doesn't ACTIVELY HURT YOU for each new character released. Maybe make roster slots free? That'd be awesome, and along the lines of the "alliances are all 20 now" sort of thing. It doesn't matter - just stop punishing us by releasing new characters, please.

    Ok, that said:

    Personally I think Mystique is cool and I like her abilities, but her art... really? We honestly get a spine-breaker T&A pose in 2014? I thought comics (and their respective properties) were at least trying to get used to the idea that they could be a little less sexist? I mean her cover - the actual cover of the actual book - is great. So why go with a spine-breaker? Do the devs seriously not even notice anymore?
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    orionpeace wrote:
    So, you are stealing R/G/Y so you can reduce the power of your opponents and increase your own but her ONE damage dealing ability reduces the very AP you have been stealing.
    I like it. I don't know much about game design, but it looks to me like the devs did indeed give her self-regulating her abilities, like other characters in the game that I find fun to play (I'm just talking about Beast, but Patch and Hulk, etc). It means you will have to think about how you play Mystique, waiting for the right moment to strike.

    I guarantee you will be happy when you see the AI use her inefficiently against you (unless you are someone who obsesses about your own defense). Thor and OBW are a bit overpowered, because instead of having self-regulation they have very strong self-synergy (Thor's Y --> G and Widows P --> P). The AI plays them masterfully, because there is no way to play them poorly.