'Marvel Puzzle Quest' 1-Year Anniversary Celebration!



  • The fact that people have poor reading comprehension and make fanciful speculation and assumptions is not the same as them making a promise and not delivering. Where did they promise something on Oct 3?

    I used the word "promise" in an example involving children. A poor choice of words as it makes a reader believe I felt we were promised something. I apologize for that.

    But I don't believe it takes away from the other points in the post.

    October 3rd was often mentioned as anniversary day, so hype was built for that day. I realize now that I am not so much upset about what happened, so much as shocked that they wouldn't. I was pissed, but have slept since then and now I just want to forgot the let down. If anyone was offended by my posts I apologize. I am going to do my best to drop it, as I don't want to be negative anymore. I let the people running this game have to much power over me, and frankly that is what is bothering me most of all.

    Now, I am going to go read some posts and try to add some puns and corny one-liners.
  • D3P is tied to a computer development. It's not as easy as one could think.

    IceIX said that the Colossus Symbol is client based. From that I understood that we would get RXX patches for each new character released (that's why we had none in August since there was no character). Sorry if I was the last to understand and you're not learning anything here.

    Hence, until everything is fixed and working, they can't publish it. That's why they can be late.

    Apart from the fact they are poor communicators (but that is just a quality they don't have, not something they are bad at purposefully), I think the rhythm of new releases and patches and updates is pretty high, and they don't really take the time to make things as perfect as they could (Beast and Doc Oc are just unfinished products).

    Their business model being Freemium, they don't have all the money they could get if they had a more traditional business model (based on subscriptions). That leads to smaller means of production.

    MPQ is quite a young game, but since September, they showed us that they are taking it very seriously.

    They are awkward, they can be deaf and dumb, but they do their best, I'm sure. They probably did not hire the right guys to do the job...

    Sometimes, a whole company **** up because the CEO or guys on top are just not capable... It may not be the case, but it could happen.

    Lady Thor was a sign for me that was showing evidently that they want MPQ to grow in the future.

    Let's hope she will be as good as XForce...

    The overall problem is that they don't acknowledge their weak points, they don't apologize the right way, they do not compensate their customers the right way.

    Let's hope they will live and learn...

    Meanwhile, let's try to be patient and keep on voicing our opinions about what goes wrong until they change it.
  • EDIT to my previous post : Devil Dinosaur being a 4* released the same month of Lady Thor ?

    Do the Devs need pocket money for the Christmas shopping ? icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • arktos1971 wrote:
    D3P is tied to a computer development. It's not as easy as one could think.

    IceIX said that the Colossus Symbol is client based. From that I understood that we would get RXX patches for each new character released (that's why we had none in August since there was no character). Sorry if I was the last to understand and you're not learning anything here.

    Hence, until everything is fixed and working, they can't publish it. That's why they can be late.

    Apart from the fact they are poor communicators (but that is just a quality they don't have, not something they are bad at purposefully), I think the rhythm of new releases and patches and updates is pretty high, and they don't really take the time to make things as perfect as they could (Beast and Doc Oc are just unfinished products).

    Their business model being Freemium, they don't have all the money they could get if they had a more traditional business model (based on subscriptions). That leads to smaller means of production.

    MPQ is quite a young game, but since September, they showed us that they are taking it very seriously.

    They are awkward, they can be deaf and dumb, but they do their best, I'm sure. They probably did not hire the right guys to do the job...

    Sometimes, a whole company tinykitty up because the CEO or guys on top are just not capable... It may not be the case, but it could happen.

    Lady Thor was a sign for me that was showing evidently that they want MPQ to grow in the future.

    Let's hope she will be as good as XForce...

    The overall problem is that they don't acknowledge their weak points, they don't apologize the right way, they do not compensate their customers the right way.

    Let's hope they will live and learn...

    Meanwhile, let's try to be patient and keep on voicing our opinions about what goes wrong until they change it.

    How is lady thor a sign that they want to grow?

    IMHO, the onmy thing they want to grow their profits, but that is to be expected from any business.
  • arktos1971 wrote:
    D3P is tied to a computer development. It's not as easy as one could think.
    Nope. There is something called planning ahead. You're talking like they didn't know Oct 3rd is the anniversary. If they couldn't plan ahead, that's their incompetence. If they didn't want to, well, that's their decision. They don't have to give out freebies for anniversary but that doesn't mean people can't want or long for them on this forum.
  • I like puzzles but this one was too hard. I have my own puzzle site: http://braintrainingapp.com/
  • once again I ask how is lady thor any different from the same old formula they have been following for months now, a new character every few weeks, thats not a prize or some huge celebration change, its completely and utterly just the norm.
  • I have said my piece on the matter, and having been talked down from the ledge by a few forum members I respect and I have almost returned to my silly optimistic self.

    With that being said, there is still some unknown variables. What is an Anniversary Pack? Is it more than just a card? What else will pop out when we open it.

    What are the prizes for the Facebook Poll tourneys? If the Anniversary pack is awesome, then more of them as prizes for the tourneys will be exciting.

    Will new content be added in a PvE? Someone posted an idea of using the new Doc Ock in a Spiderman storyline. Others had said a new story can center around the new influx of X-Men in the game.

    So, I will wait until next week and see what comes. Maybe the whole disappointing experience was caused by my impatience. The only advice I can give is don't expect too much. If everything turns into disappointment, say your piece, but don't let it ruin your day. That is what I did, and I feel foolish for letting it get to me.

    The definition of insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result. Don't come to this forum every day expecting to be wowed by this game. Because then you too will be insane.
  • cg2912
    cg2912 Posts: 77 Match Maker
    scottee wrote:

    They should also take note of everyone complaining and not give them no dino. That's how I deal with my kids when they whine.
    So their going to take note and still give everyone a Dino?
  • scottee wrote:
    They should also take note of everyone complaining and not give them no dino. That's how I deal with my kids when they whine.



    Damn, I was hoping that would work... You get the idea, though.

    Just for good measure, here's another one for your comments making light of childhood cancer:

  • Dear Devs/staff,

    Thank you.

    Thank you for the countless hours of entertainment I have received from this game.

    You don't owe me a thing!

    Again. Thank you.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dear Devs/staff,

    Thank you.

    Thank you for the countless hours of entertainment I have received from this game.

    You don't owe me a thing!

    Again. Thank you.

    Yo Pollyanna, thanks for your positivism. Your bright attitude is truly a light shining upon the darkness of our despair and all that. However, it seems that you are mistaking raised expectations and missed delivery with entitlement.
  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    I enjoy the game in spite of the missteps and disappointments across the last year (heck, a couple real-life friends have quit due to some of them). But I'm okay with the Anniversary stuff being not on the specific anniversary. I know I would prefer to have special events happen during the off-week between seasons instead of competing for time resources at the end of this season.

    Since I managed to call Devil Dino for Day 365 correctly (though I hadn't considered them adding a new rarity), I'm going to try for a speculation double or nothing: Episode 5 PvE premiering during the anniversary events. Feel free to laugh at my optimism if that does not happen. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Pylgrim wrote:
    Dear Devs/staff,

    Thank you.

    Thank you for the countless hours of entertainment I have received from this game.

    You don't owe me a thing!

    Again. Thank you.

    Yo Pollyanna, thanks for your positivism. Your bright attitude is truly a light shining upon the darkness of our despair and all that. However, it seems that you are mistaking raised expectations and missed delivery with entitlement.

    That's Mr. Pollyanna. icon_e_wink.gif

    Nope. Just wanted to give the thread a little contrast. The thanks was in earnest. The reality, is that I don't play for gifts or free stuff (hyped or not).

    I play because I find it fun. End of list.

    Anything more than that is just a bonus. Nothing to worry over in the least.
  • IceIX wrote:
    Dang it! If I'd known this would be the one time IceX would directly reply to something I'd asked I'd have made it a better question.
    Well in answer to the other part of the question, the cameo Devil Dino is 1*. The one being released in more regularly playable format is 4*.

    IceIX - any chance you could confirm if the intention is to only release Devil Dino in the anniversary packs or will there be other methods such as PVE/PVP events?
  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pylgrim wrote:
    Dear Devs/staff,

    Thank you.

    Thank you for the countless hours of entertainment I have received from this game.

    You don't owe me a thing!

    Again. Thank you.

    Yo Pollyanna, thanks for your positivism. Your bright attitude is truly a light shining upon the darkness of our despair and all that. However, it seems that you are mistaking raised expectations and missed delivery with entitlement.

    That's Mr. Pollyanna. icon_e_wink.gif

    Nope. Just wanted to give the thread a little contrast. The thanks was in earnest. The reality, is that I don't play for gifts or free stuff (hyped or not).

    I play because I find it fun. End of list.

    Anything more than that is just a bonus. Nothing to worry over in the least.
    (emphasis is mine)

    Mr. Pollyanna, sir, I could not agree more. icon_lol.gif +1 icon_e_biggrin.gif

    I will, however, admit, that I too was expecting things to be done on Oct. 3rd. I checked here on the forum, in the game itself, and on Google Play Store several times on the 3rd. When nothing happened other than a few announcements, I didn't get upset. Instead I went back and carefully re-read the announcements, thinking that I must have missed something. After that I realized my mistake. Which was simply that in my initial excitement, I indeed had missed some things. icon_e_surprised.gif

    They clearly stated several times that the Anniversary date was Oct. 3rd, BUT they also clearly stated that the events would last a whole week starting on Oct. 10th . viewtopic.php?f=7&t=17302#p230288
  • Here's the 470,000 iso question: Are you going to increase players'ability to gain iso?

    I am between casual and hard core. I can max a 3* player every other week of I play as much as possible over that time period. It's not sustainable for me or most to play that way. This means I couldn't can't keep up with the characters release frequency,o can't catch up on my other characters that iI have covers, bit not iso for, so I certainly have no chance of leveling 4*'s in addition to old and new regular characters. Therefore, I'm hoping the iso faucet is turned up from the drip it feels like it's at now. I readily concede there's more iso available now than ever before. However, this does not mean the amount available I'd adequate to keep up with the needs of the game.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    Here's the 470,000 iso question: Are you going to increase players'ability to gain iso?

    I am between casual and hard core. I can max a 3* player every other week of I play as much as possible over that time period. It's not sustainable for me or most to play that way. This means I couldn't can't keep up with the characters release frequency,o can't catch up on my other characters that iI have covers, bit not iso for, so I certainly have no chance of leveling 4*'s in addition to old and new regular characters. Therefore, I'm hoping the iso faucet is turned up from the drip it feels like it's at now. I readily concede there's more iso available now than ever before. However, this does not mean the amount available I'd adequate to keep up with the needs of the game.

    I would completely agree. With a solid PVE with lots of nodes, lightning rounds, PVP, and the simulator I can ususally gain around 50k ISO per week. This is just not that much ISO to continue to level 3* characters. I currently have 72K iso and still need an additional 144k to soft cap LThor, and max out Hood, and LDaken. LDaken and Hood are currently at 140 and can go to 166 and LThor is at 100 and can go to 153. In orfer to level all my 3 and 4* to the max I need 1035671 ISO. yes i have a spreadsheet for this. I have 14 cover maxed 3* and 2 have 12 covers. 5 of my 3* are level 166. So D3 please increase the ISO. I would like to make a lot more of my 3*'s usable on not Sentry bomb everyone.
  • Wolarsen
    Wolarsen Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker
    Wyrm, from some time ago I am also needing a lot of ISO to level my covers.

    But I think this is exactly how F2P games business go: you have the chance to level up for free, but at a somehow slow pace, or boost up spending $$$.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thank you for the countless hours of entertainment I have received from this game.

    Amen, although Steam does count my hours of entertainment. I was happier before I noticed that.