'Marvel Puzzle Quest' 1-Year Anniversary Celebration!



  • Thank you for all this information. I have read every post in this thread (Well I skipped most with no ratings, but I get the main idea).

    I agree the most with Paintsvile. I have the exact same feelings with him. At the moment I feel let down and I try not to keep my hopes up because I most probably will be disappointed.

    Been playing the game for ~160 days. Overall, I like the game. What bumps me is that there is so much activity in this forums and so little response from the devs. If you want feedback, it has to go both ways. So, you have to give back to the community in order to get.

    On the topic though. Anniversary, yay?! Well we will see. So far I am not seeing anything special. I just see some imposed excitement from the devs which I just don't feel it.

    Rewards for anniversrary? I don't know. I play for 160 days. Other people play for 300+ days and some will be joining in few days. Those that join now are more favored that people playing longer. Well, I do not feel so special to be honest. A fully covered old 3* (Even Loki, Spiderman etc) would be a rewrad. But, I'm being silly right?

    Give rewards based on the days in the game. The more days you have been playing the higher the reward is. Just like you have ranking rewards. Make a scale of 300 days. 300 is max rewards and 20-30 days is min rewards. Make some awesome rewards in that scale and now you have an anniversary party!

    I am not a marketing guy, but I just gave an idea. I am sure you have capable people of giving ideas in your offices. Well... use them!
  • The main problem with D3P is that they are not generous.

    Give your customers, and you will receive twofold or more of what you gave.

    Someday, through experience, they will learn how to make their customers completely happy, and then, they will be VERY rich.
  • Raffoon
    Raffoon Posts: 884
    arktos1971 wrote:
    The main problem with D3P is that they are not generous.

    Give your customers, and you will receive twofold or more of what you gave.

    Someday, through experience, they will learn how to make their customers completely happy, and then, they will be VERY rich.

    Seriously, this. Nothing fosters goodwill quite as well as free stuff. It's the classic carrot and the stick. Give back to the players, and they'll be happy to continue supporting you for years to come. Hold them hostage and squeeze money out of them, and they'll quickly find somewhere better to go.
  • Raffoon wrote:
    arktos1971 wrote:
    The main problem with D3P is that they are not generous.

    Give your customers, and you will receive twofold or more of what you gave.

    Someday, through experience, they will learn how to make their customers completely happy, and then, they will be VERY rich.

    Seriously, this. Nothing fosters goodwill quite as well as free stuff. It's the classic carrot and the stick. Give back to the players, and they'll be happy to continue supporting you for years to come. Hold them hostage and squeeze money out of them, and they'll quickly find somewhere better to go.

    The Carrot and the Stick is the perfect analogy for this game... and for this industry, really. And you're absolutely right that D3 just doesn't get that fact.

    They've been beating us with a stick for so long it's starting to leave marks; that drastically LOWERS my likelihood to spend money.
  • AJBCLF wrote:
    The Carrot and the Stick is the perfect analogy for this game... and for this industry, really. And you're absolutely right that D3 just doesn't get that fact. They've been beating us with a stick for so long it's starting to leave marks.

    You know, there is a perfectly good solution to do what you are talking about. Don't play.

    Since you are you are getting some enjoyment out of the game.. so you must be a masochist.

    Just a thought.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    arktos1971 wrote:
    Someday, through experience, they will learn how to make their customers completely happy, and then, they will be VERY rich.
    "You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time."
    AJBCLF wrote:
    They've been beating us with a stick for so long it's starting to leave marks; that drastically LOWERS my likelihood to spend money.
    But it hurts so goooood, right?
  • dragma wrote:
    AJBCLF wrote:
    The Carrot and the Stick is the perfect analogy for this game... and for this industry, really. And you're absolutely right that D3 just doesn't get that fact. They've been beating us with a stick for so long it's starting to leave marks.

    You know, there is a perfectly good solution to do what you are talking about. Don't play.

    Since you are you are getting some enjoyment out of the game.. so you must be a masochist.

    Just a thought.

    I'm sure D3 is thankful that you are posting on their behalf.
  • Thanos wrote:
    While i appreciate the new 4* character I'm disappointed he's not going to be worth using. I'd have preferred they made him a solid 3* instead. I hope they give out some free cover slots to go along with him cause i don't feel like spending 600 HP for an unplayable trinket.
    Did you even see it yet? They said it won't be as powerful as X-Force. That doesn't automatically mean he is Bag-Dino.

    Btw, not related with the current discussion but, DD was a 4* char before they made him a 1* in the PvEs. I guess that was done recently. You could see him with 4 stars on his covers if you looked at him before pressing start battle.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    KevinMark wrote:
    Thanos wrote:
    While i appreciate the new 4* character I'm disappointed he's not going to be worth using. I'd have preferred they made him a solid 3* instead. I hope they give out some free cover slots to go along with him cause i don't feel like spending 600 HP for an unplayable trinket.
    Did you even see it yet? They said it won't be as powerful as X-Force. That doesn't automatically mean he is Bag-Dino.

    Btw, not related with the current discussion but, DD was a 4* char before they made him a 1* in the PvEs. I guess that was done recently. You could see him with 4 stars on his covers if you looked at him before pressing start battle.

    Really, they seem to not really understand the AP-damage/utility relationship that well. If he retains the 6 greentile.png power, unless it's rag levels of weaksauce, it'll probably still be quite useful even if it isn't HT/DP levels of damage for 6 AP
  • dragma wrote:
    AJBCLF wrote:
    The Carrot and the Stick is the perfect analogy for this game... and for this industry, really. And you're absolutely right that D3 just doesn't get that fact. They've been beating us with a stick for so long it's starting to leave marks.

    You know, there is a perfectly good solution to do what you are talking about. Don't play.

    Since you are you are getting some enjoyment out of the game.. so you must be a masochist.

    Just a thought.

    So if I found a spider in my food your solution would be "Don't eat"? When I walk by a smoker your solution is "Don't breathe"?
    I love the game and I want to play it and I want to enjoy it to it's fullest potential.
    You, sir, are mistaking my disdain for the developers as disdain for the game itself, which is not the case, not by a long shot.
    What terrifies me is that the game I love is in such horribly incompetent hands, that it may not be around for a second anniversary.
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    If you go to a restaurant where you got a spider in your food, you don't have to stop eating. You can just eat at a different restaurant.
  • Unknown
    edited October 2014
    scottee wrote:
    If you go to a restaurant where you got a spider in your food, you don't have to stop eating. You can just eat at a different restaurant.

    Yes but if I eat at a different restaurant, and everyone else who got a spider eats at a different restaurant, guess what happens?
    I don't want the restaurant to go out of business. I don't want to eat at a different restaurant. I love this restaurant!

    What I want is for the chef to get his act together.
  • One thing I've been asking myself in the last days (I'm obviously not the only one) : will there be sales during the Anniversary ?

    They are offering the Anniversary Pack and there will be new characters. So people will be willing to spend on the new characters and Packs.

    If they don't offer sales at this special moment they are real **** (please fill with whatever word you think would fit best).

    I'd be very disapointed because I'd like to buy the Anniversary Pack (if it is worth something of course), but not at the 89.99 € for 20K HP.
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    AJBCLF wrote:
    scottee wrote:
    If you go to a restaurant where you got a spider in your food, you don't have to stop eating. You can just eat at a different restaurant.

    Yes but if I eat at a different restaurant, and everyone else who got a spider eats at a different restaurant, guess what happens?
    I don't want the restaurant to go out of business. I don't want to eat at a different restaurant. I love this restaurant!

    What I want is for the chef to get his act together.

    You're definitely welcome to make that choice. But don't blame it on the restaurant for serving you spiders when you have every freedom to stop eating there. You made the choice.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    arktos1971 wrote:
    One thing I've been asking myself in the last days (I'm obviously not the only one) : will there be sales during the Anniversary ?

    They are offering the Anniversary Pack and there will be new characters. So people will be willing to spend on the new characters and Packs.

    If they don't offer sales at this special moment they are real **** (please fill with whatever word you think would fit best).

    I'd be very disapointed because I'd like to buy the Anniversary Pack (if it is worth something of course), but not at the 89.99 € for 20K HP.

    If you release a new game for instance, why would you immediately discount it with a sale? These new characters and packs follow the exact same logic, so I don't quite understand where you're coming from.
  • scottee wrote:
    AJBCLF wrote:
    scottee wrote:
    If you go to a restaurant where you got a spider in your food, you don't have to stop eating. You can just eat at a different restaurant.

    Yes but if I eat at a different restaurant, and everyone else who got a spider eats at a different restaurant, guess what happens?
    I don't want the restaurant to go out of business. I don't want to eat at a different restaurant. I love this restaurant!

    What I want is for the chef to get his act together.

    You're definitely welcome to make that choice. But don't blame it on the restaurant for serving you spiders when you have every freedom to stop eating there. You made the choice.

    If you think restaurants are so interchangeable, then maybe YOU should find a new one.
    Like I said, this is a special restaurant and I love it. I just don't like the choices the chefs have been making of late. And as a customer, I also have every right to voice that opinion.
  • arktos1971 wrote:
    One thing I've been asking myself in the last days (I'm obviously not the only one) : will there be sales during the Anniversary ?

    They are offering the Anniversary Pack and there will be new characters. So people will be willing to spend on the new characters and Packs.

    If they don't offer sales at this special moment they are real **** (please fill with whatever word you think would fit best).

    I'd be very disapointed because I'd like to buy the Anniversary Pack (if it is worth something of course), but not at the 89.99 € for 20K HP.

    If you release a new game for instance, why would you immediately discount it with a sale? These new characters and packs follow the exact same logic, so I don't quite understand where you're coming from.

    I know you're right with your logics.

    I hope they won't have the same as you.

    But we both know the answer...
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    AJBCLF wrote:
    You, sir, are mistaking my disdain for the developers as disdain for the game itself, which is not the case, not by a long shot.
    What terrifies me is that the game I love is in such horribly incompetent hands, that it may not be around for a second anniversary.
    But the developers made the game. AFAIK, they didn't take over the project from another developer (at least not after its public release). They built the game from the ground up.

    The game isn't a separate entity that the Johnny-come-lately developers have jumped into and "ruined."

    To use the restaurant analogy, it's like saying "I like this restaurant, but f--- the entire team that founded and operate the restaurant."

    Creating a separation between "the devs" and "the game" is probably a tidy way to suppress the cognitive dissonance between "I viscerally really like this game (for certain reasons)" and "I viscerally really dislike this game (for certain reasons)", but that separation doesn't actually exist.
  • arktos1971 wrote:
    One thing I've been asking myself in the last days (I'm obviously not the only one) : will there be sales during the Anniversary ?

    They are offering the Anniversary Pack and there will be new characters. So people will be willing to spend on the new characters and Packs.

    If they don't offer sales at this special moment they are real **** (please fill with whatever word you think would fit best).

    I'd be very disapointed because I'd like to buy the Anniversary Pack (if it is worth something of course), but not at the 89.99 € for 20K HP.

    If you release a new game for instance, why would you immediately discount it with a sale? These new characters and packs follow the exact same logic, so I don't quite understand where you're coming from.

    but actual stores have grand opening sales all the time, get people hooked in and coming back for more. Making the first few covers cheaper just gives people a taste and wanting to buy more. Yes it would be stupid for them to give away fully covered 4*s to everyone, but making it as easy as possible to pick up the first few covers in the launch event? That should hook people into pushing hard to get the rest of them.
  • As for "go to another restaurant", if there was a DC Comics Puzzle Quest (or something really equivalent) and the editor was not as greedy, I would have left MPQ.

    But there isn't.

    I get tired with games very easily. And I get stuck with MPQ...

    I think we are all eating at McDonald's at the moment : terrible food, terrible ethics from the company, but we keep going there because it is addictive food (I don't anymore but used to).

    There is nothing rational about addiction, and D3P know that and abuse it in a way I have never seen before...