'Marvel Puzzle Quest' 1-Year Anniversary Celebration!



  • I am maintaining a top-25 (admittedly very low top-25) overall rank with a sub-200 score in Balance.

    I not even 100% sure I going to maintain top 25. The difference 1.49 dinos from the 10 pack verse 0.495 from the 5 tokens so if totally ignoring BoP nets me another 10 tokens I am even ahead in chances of getting Dino let alone the extra ISO HP etc.
  • y2fitzy
    y2fitzy Posts: 255 Mover and Shaker
    Definitely agree, I'm sitting top five with a score of 625 at the moment. And there are zero incoming attacks.

    will likely change as we get nearer the end of the PVP but it's certainly strangely quiet. Only got hit for 77 overnight and it's not like I had a terrifyingly strong lineup on defence
  • Sorry if this has already been clarified. I looked for somebody talking about it in anniversary threads and didn't see anything. When we lose points in PVP are we supposed to be losing points in our overall anniversary score? That's what's been happening to me. But that's not how it usually works with, say, overall season scores. I've hit 2400 points about three times. And I just logged in after 5 hours away and am sitting at 2241. By my estimation, with all the reclimbing I've had to do, I should be past 2600 by now. I'm really frustrated because I've been focusing on this last PVP instead of the LR's, thinking that I could hit 3000, but now it seems I'm going to miss out on both 3000 and the LR's because of this choice. Was this new twist brought up somewhere?
  • pumkin wrote:
    Sorry if this has already been clarified. I looked for somebody talking about it in anniversary threads and didn't see anything. When we lose points in PVP are we supposed to be losing points in our overall anniversary score?

    I was under the impression it always worked this way. If it did not there is a very obvious exploit to get huge season scores.
  • y2fitzy
    y2fitzy Posts: 255 Mover and Shaker
    Yeah, that's how it's always worked so far as I know
  • It was always like that. That is the only reason veterans with full rosters go for 1300+ points in PVP. They try to keep season scores high. Most of them don't need the covers. And especially in PVPs where the reward is IW. They just do it for the alliance to rank high in the season and get those 10-packs.
  • Seriously? I guess I"m just not very observant. I never noticed before. And I didn't even notice it happening until I reached 2400, which was after days of pvp. icon_redface.gif Thanks for clarifying...

    Guess I should start hanging out on the forums again. I don't think I've been on here in months. I never pay close attention to my season score because it's always so low, I never expect a good reward to be attainable, so I never actively try to reach one. I always assume that even though I consistently hit at least top 25 and sometimes top 10 in pvp's, there will always just be 1000 more people with better rosters or more time doing waaay better than me. icon_rolleyes.gif
  • This Anniversary Event has been amazing. Loved it despite the 3000 10-Pack being largely unreachable for anyone but whales. Thank you for the cool event!