'Marvel Puzzle Quest' 1-Year Anniversary Celebration!



  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    So not all tokens from anniversary events are anniversary tokens? That's a not-so-pleasant surprise.
  • _RiO_ wrote:
    Nellobee wrote:
    Ugh. 7 anniversary tokens in, nothing but **. icon_e_sad.gif

    10+ tokens and nothing but 2* trash here as well.

    Demiurge can keep their Devil Dinosaur and stuff him where the sun doesn't shine.
    The terrible drop rate and the fact that he's going away after this event has completely spoiled him.

    The only good thing about this event is the doubled ISO rate, which quite frankly is close to what the normal rate in the game should be, instead of the ISO starved status quo.
    Color me thoroughly unimpressed with this anniversary event.

    I've gone 0 for 26 on anniversary tokens. Yes, I bought the 10 pack and 4 of the daily deals.

    I also know I have no chance of t25 for anniversary season bracket.

    However, regardless, I have still been having the time of my life. Lots of tokens and iso. And that's just this weekend so far. This event caps what I consider a strong upswing. We got a cfm. C mags finally got a Nerf, while xforce and m Hawkeye finally got their buffs. We got the introduction of the gauntlet event.

    Things are getting better, and there is still a lot of time to pull Dino from tokens. I hope you get one soon so can have as much fun as many others are.

  • Things are getting better, and there is still a lot of time to pull Dino from tokens. I hope you get one soon so can have as much fun as many others are.

    Hey stephen43084,

    I really liked your post. It's very refreshing to see such a positive attitude. I opened my first Devil Dino after about 10 token pulls. I'm hitting about half 3*/4*, which is a little bit better than the drop rate. I just wanted to encourage you to hang in there. I was pretty discouraged after placing 28th in Tex-Mex, but I realized that I was just letting a bad attitude ruin my fun. There's still two more PVP events and some Lightning Rounds to look forward to, so let's have some more fun!

    Don't forget to buy the daily deal everyday!
  • itstime1234
    itstime1234 Posts: 369 Mover and Shaker
    This anniversary started so hot with the DP events, double ISO and anniversary tokens. Now, Heroic and Combined Arms with terrible rewards and no anniversary tokens. Only thing left is the double ISO.

    Oh and the 3000 points in 3 events makes sure 98% of the players do not reach the 10 pack award.

    Oh well, still a great weekend, just sucks the punch has run out.
  • This anniversary started so hot with the DP events, double ISO and anniversary tokens. Now, Heroic and Combined Arms with terrible rewards and no anniversary tokens. Only thing left is the double ISO.

    Oh and the 3000 points in 3 events makes sure 98% of the players do not reach the 10 pack award.

    Oh well, still a great weekend, just sucks the punch has run out.

    Here is hoping there is still time for them to send someone on a beer run to keep things going.
  • I am a bit sad that cover sell prices are not doubled though icon_e_sad.gif
    Can't wait for Lightning Rounds anyways.
  • ctboy03 wrote:
    Can somebody tell me how to use this?
    What are you using?
  • _RiO_
    _RiO_ Posts: 1,047 Chairperson of the Boards
    Things are getting better, and there is still a lot of time to pull Dino from tokens.

    Like when?
    From the Combined Arms PvP event? Nope; regular tokens.
    From the Venom Heroic* PvP event? Nope; regular tokens.
    From the next set of events? If the status quo is anything to go on: NOPE.

    The deadpool PvE event subs and its multiple anniversary tokens; the deadpool PvP event and its anniversary tokens; and the first token on the progression ladder are basically it. Unless through some god-given miracle Demiurge fixes the events to award anniversary tokens instead of regular event tokens, getting anything from further events is out. That means pulling from a 50HP token once a day. And HP doesn't come quite as freely when you're not part of a top alliance or can't consistently place top 50 in PvP by yourself. (And you'd still need quite a bit to open up a roster slot for Devil Dino.)

    The decent thing would've been if Demiurge would've given a guaranteed Devil Dino drop every X anniversary tokens. That still requires you to work for it by earning those tokens and if you get one earlier, obviously you forsake the guaranteed drop until you're X tokens further along again, so it wouldn't imbalance the economy. The only thing it would do is take the tiny-unfair-kitty random factor out of play. For a character that has limited availability, it is excruciatingly unfair that you can invest a ton of time in going through a dozen tokens to end up empty-handed while some casual-playing, non-invested newbie player gets tossed 2 Dinos for near-zero effort.

    * How the tiny-damn-kitty was that **** voted into rotation anyway? I thought the forum playerbase made it eminently clear that (non-sub) Heroics SUCK.
  • _RiO_ wrote:
    Nellobee wrote:
    Ugh. 7 anniversary tokens in, nothing but **. icon_e_sad.gif

    10+ tokens and nothing but 2* trash here as well.

    Demiurge can keep their Devil Dinosaur and stuff him where the sun doesn't shine.
    The terrible drop rate and the fact that he's going away after this event has completely spoiled him.

    The only good thing about this event is the doubled ISO rate, which quite frankly is close to what the normal rate in the game should be, instead of the ISO starved status quo.
    Color me thoroughly unimpressed with this anniversary event.

    Couldn't have said it better myself!
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    I am reasonably sure that 3000 progression should be achievable for most active, daily, at least slightly competitive players. Not sure how; maybe an extra 4th event. Look at all the past seasons; all the progressions were achievable unless you put in like only 300 or less each event. This week shouldn't be just a vets' celebration and I am convinced that 2* players will be able to reach 3000 too (with moderate effort especially considering how BoP and CA are suited for them).
  • I_am_Zero
    I_am_Zero Posts: 92 Match Maker
    locked wrote:
    I am reasonably sure that 3000 progression should be achievable for most active, daily, at least slightly competitive players. Not sure how; maybe an extra 4th event. Look at all the past seasons; all the progressions were achievable unless you put in like only 300 or less each event. This week shouldn't be just a vets' celebration and I am convinced that 2* players will be able to reach 3000 too (with moderate effort especially considering how BoP and CA are suited for them).
    That's 1000 points for every PvP. I'm pretty sure a 2* player getting 1000 points every PvP would be running into the 166 wall around 800. If they can shield hop to 1k, then good for them, but then if they had that type of cash or extra HP, they wouldn't be in 2* land. So really, this week is pretty much a vets' celebration since getting 1k in each event is pretty typical for vets and whales, not for the average 2* player or the transitioning ones.
  • yogi_
    yogi_ Posts: 1,236 Chairperson of the Boards
    locked wrote:
    ...I am convinced that 2* players will be able to reach 3000 too (with moderate effort especially considering how BoP and CA are suited for them).

    No way. A miniscule percentage of THE most dedicated ones who shieldhop like crazy, maybe and even that is pushing it. Otherwise (and for the vast bulk it's otherwise), absolutely no way.

    3000 is almost solely for the usual top PvP players.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    That's why I said maybe we're due another event. Personally I am loving the anniversary especially since Rags prizes/non-anniversary tokens turned out to be a mistake; and despite evidence so far pointing otherwise I refuse to believe that 3000 prog was meant to be unachievable for non-top players since t1-50 anniversary is seemingly out of question for most of them.
  • locked wrote:
    That's why I said maybe we're due another event. Personally I am loving the anniversary especially since Rags prizes/non-anniversary tokens turned out to be a mistake; and despite evidence so far pointing otherwise I refuse to believe that 3000 prog was meant to be unachievable for non-top players since t1-50 anniversary is seemingly out of question for most of them.

    Was the mistake announced? Link please. icon_e_smile.gif
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    locked wrote:
    That's why I said maybe we're due another event. Personally I am loving the anniversary especially since Rags prizes/non-anniversary tokens turned out to be a mistake; and despite evidence so far pointing otherwise I refuse to believe that 3000 prog was meant to be unachievable for non-top players since t1-50 anniversary is seemingly out of question for most of them.

    Was the mistake announced? Link please. icon_e_smile.gif
    No links.
  • SunCrusher
    SunCrusher Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    yogi_ wrote:
    locked wrote:
    ...I am convinced that 2* players will be able to reach 3000 too (with moderate effort especially considering how BoP and CA are suited for them).

    No way. A miniscule percentage of THE most dedicated ones who shieldhop like crazy, maybe and even that is pushing it. Otherwise (and for the vast bulk it's otherwise), absolutely no way.

    3000 is almost solely for the usual top PvP players.

    Quoted For Emphasis.

    I usually love your posts locked, but this one so made me go icon_eek.gif .

    1000 points per event? That's asking for miracles (that for me will never happen!) icon_lol.gif .
  • If I had the time, money and roster to reach 1k points per event do you think I would need an anniversary event? Maybe just to break my boredom but I wouldn't care much. The people that post here are most commonly 2*-3* transitions. So instead of focusing a bit more in how to help the low level and middle layer player base, they go ahead and make yet another event that is for the top of the top (Which translates to paying money, because there is no way to be #1 in PVP without paying or having a huge stock of HP).

    I don't want to throw the conspiracy theory about how D3 does everything about money. Even if they do it is their business model and we have lived through it for a year now. But an excitement coming from them (Posts of Ice and Hi-Fi yelling "RAWRRRR!") was overestimated and created fake expectations up to a point. They did deliver the stuff that where mentioned in the posts, but they made it look that there was more to it.

    Bottom line, I think they should have catered a bit more to the low and middle layer. The top layers has good enough rewards, but being that we are "celebrating", we should all feel a part of that celebration (Why not even feel equal with each other since it is supposed to be a party day, week or weekend).
  • The problem with MPQ is that it is "Free to Play", but the company developing it needs money to sustain the development.

    MPQ must cost WAY MORE than Candy Crush to develop. The game experience is FAR richer than Candy Crush.

    Several questions here : Some seem to complain that only the guys who pay have access to the best rewards.

    Do you think it would be fair if F2P and P2W could get the same rewards in the end ? F2P with small rosters have easier scaling in PvE and can already get better rewards than big rosters.
    If F2P and P2W could get the same rewards, there would be no need to pay, hence D3P would get no money, and the game would die.

    Why do you not spend a few bucks instead of complaining you can't play the way you would like to ?

    OK, the game is not worth the tons of money it can require to develop a full roster, but dropping a few bucks here and there (i.e. for roster slots) never killed a budget.

    Reading continuous complaints from guys who never spend a dime is draining and extremely boring...
  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    arktos1971 wrote:
    The problem with MPQ is that it is "Free to Play", but the company developing it needs money to sustain the development.

    MPQ must cost WAY MORE than Candy Crush to develop. The game experience is FAR richer than Candy Crush.

    Two Words; Licensing Fees.
  • arktos1971 wrote:
    The problem with MPQ is that it is "Free to Play", but the company developing it needs money to sustain the development.

    MPQ must cost WAY MORE than Candy Crush to develop. The game experience is FAR richer than Candy Crush.

    Two Words; Licensing Fees.

    Yes, and all the works behind each characters. Candy Crush is only creating new boards...

    Maybe if MPQ was less expensive people would spend more into the game ? I guess they are satisfied with the current turnover if they don't change the price of Iso, HP and Packs...