'Marvel Puzzle Quest' 1-Year Anniversary Celebration!



  • cg2912
    cg2912 Posts: 77 Match Maker
    edited October 2014
    HailMary wrote:
    cg2912 wrote:
    Is this the stat your referring to about how Cap is used "significanlty more"?

    Ice on 3/18/14:

    - Stripping out 1 stars the top 5 used in order are: Thor (Marvel NOW!), Storm (Classic), Black Widow (Original), Wolverine (Astonishing), Captain America. So Iron Man (Model 40) fell off and Black Widow (Original) stepped up.
    Oh, interesting.

    Do you have a link for that?

    I may indeed have completely misremembered the stats he gave us.
    Here is where my ignorance comes in...don't know how to link it. But it is from a thread "Game Statistics". He provided stats from December and then updated to 3/18/14.

    Here is the first post:

    Re: Game Statistics?

    by IceIX » Tue Dec 10, 2013 6:57 pm

    Edit: These are older stats, see stats from 3/18/14 here.

    Let's see, what can I say without giving numbers away...

    - There are very slightly more regular Android players than iOS players overall. Regular being those that stick around for a while.
    - iOS is more spikey with new players joining more often then leaving as quickly, Android players stick more often, but come in more slowly. Platform app discovery issues?
    - Steam is our fastest growing segment (duh, brand new), with players being the most sticky there compared to either mobile platform.
    - Brazilians on Android love themselves some Puzzle Quest, beating out both the UK and Canada in total users. Not so many iOS Brazilians, but they're still high on the list of countries overall.
    - Android version 4.1.0 is by far the most popular OS to play the game on, followed by 4.2.0 and 4.3.0.
    - iOS users update their OSes much more often in comparison, with most users being on either 7.0.4 or 7.0.3.
    - The Nexus 7 is by far the most popular single Android device to play on. Samsung as a manufacturer dominates the pack though with tons of devices being very high up on the usage list across many models.
    - The vanilla iPhone 4 is the most popular iOS device, with the iPad 2 being the strongest tablet in use for either iOS or Android.
    - About 10% of our regular userbase overall is either jailbroken or full rooted, much higher than we were expecting. The vast majority of said users play perfectly nicely, unlike popular depictions of those users being natural pirates/cheaters.
    - The character with the most purchased ability upgrades (minus Tutorials) is Iron Man (Model 35). His Repulsor Blast wins out with over triple the upgrades of the next highest character's total upgrades, Storm (Modern).
    - Dropping 1 stars, the most purchased ability upgrade in total crown goes to Black Widow (Grey Suit), and the most purchased ability upgrade singly goes to Daken's Pheremone Rage.
    - Most popular character overall is Iron Man (Model 35), which should come as no surprise since he's used so often by everyone early game.
    - Stripping out 1 stars the top 5 used in order are: Thor, Storm (Classic), Iron Man (Model 40), Captain America, Wolverine (Astonishing). Devil Dinosaur ranks dead last.
    - The Lightning Round played most regularly is Hood's, followed by Ragnarok. The one participated in least is Doom's, with Loki being slightly higher in participation.
  • cg2912
    cg2912 Posts: 77 Match Maker
    Here is the April update:

    Re: Game Statistics?

    by IceIX » Tue Mar 18, 2014 9:30 pm

    - Android is still ahead of iOS on total users, but not by a huge amount. Pretty even. PC users are about 1/4 the userbase of either platform.
    - PC users see the most churn and are the least sticky by far. Those that *do* stay around though have way higher time played/sessions played in comparison to mobile.
    - Android is still the most sticky platform for new users overall by a bit, but not quite as much as they used to be compared to iOS. Really that iOS has gained in that department than anything.
    - The Nexus 7 is *still* dominating Android user device lists and Samsung is still sittin' pretty as the top manufacturer of MPQ playing phones.
    - The top device for gameplay on iOS has moved on and is now the iPhone 5 for phones and the iPad Mini/3 (split almost completely evenly) for tablets.
    - Brazilians still love Android. On the other hand, Germans love iOS. Their positions on the overall demographic charts are nearly flipped between the two platforms. Meanwhile in the PC camp, Russians are enjoying their foray into the Dark Reign Universe.
    - Still sitting around 10% jailbroken/rooted phones and still little incidence of cheating on either platform amongst that group. PC has the most incidence of that sort going on, but it's still a minuscule percentage of overall players even there.
    - Despite what many users may think personally, players *love* event based packs. Very high on overall user's spending lists and characters that are gained from them stay around on user squads more often than those gained by tokens/rewards.
    - Alliance Slot fees, as expected, aren't a huge money maker. Other than a relatively few Alliances pushing through with some innovative means to spread the costs, Alliance size buy-ups didn't put us all in Rolls Royce Phantoms. Which is fine, I'd prefer a nice RX-7 FC anyway.
    - The most upgraded non 1* character crown now goes to Thor (Marvel NOW!) with Black Widow (Grey Suit) having fallen way down the ranks. Other contenders in the charts for most upgraded: Magneto (Marvel NOW!), Wolverine (Astonishing), Captain America (Modern), Storm (Classic).
    - If we narrow down to list to only those ability upgrades that were purchased with Hero Points, we end up with Thor (Marvel NOW!), Hulk, Storm (Classic), and Psylocke.
    - Stripping out 1 stars the top 5 used in order are: Thor (Marvel NOW!), Storm (Classic), Black Widow (Original), Wolverine (Astonishing), Captain America. So Iron Man (Model 40) fell off and Black Widow (Original) stepped up. Devil Dinosaur still ranks dead last.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    cg2912 wrote:
    Here is where my ignorance comes in...don't know how to link it. But it is from a thread "Game Statistics". He provided stats from December and then updated to 3/18/14.

    Here is the first post: ...
    Ah, thanks! It seems I was totes wrong about 2* Cap's overwhelming popularity, then. icon_e_sad.gificon_e_biggrin.gif

    Also, for linking to a thread, just copy-paste the link into your comment. For linking to a specific comment, right-click the comment's title (usually "RE: something-something-something") and paste the link into your comment.
  • cg2912
    cg2912 Posts: 77 Match Maker
    HailMary wrote:
    cg2912 wrote:
    Here is where my ignorance comes in...don't know how to link it. But it is from a thread "Game Statistics". He provided stats from December and then updated to 3/18/14.

    Here is the first post: ...
    Ah, thanks! It seems I was totes wrong about 2* Cap's overwhelming popularity, then. icon_e_sad.gificon_e_biggrin.gif

    Also, for linking to a thread, just copy-paste the link into your comment. For linking to a specific comment, right-click the comment's title (usually "RE: something-something-something") and paste the link into your comment.
    Thanks for the tip.
    And I only looked for that info b/c I couldn't believe he was that popular. He is one of three chars I've never used, along w/Yalena and Bagman. I do like the 3* version though.
  • I love my l cap. So, I decided to level up my 2* cap to 56 which is 96 buffed in pve's. Yea, I got the buyer's remorse.
  • cg2912
    cg2912 Posts: 77 Match Maker
    I love my l cap. So, I decided to level up my 2* cap to 56 which is 96 buffed in pve's. Yea, I got the buyer's remorse.
    I actually had full covers, no iso but just sold him to make room for Dino...right before this pve. D'oh. Only time I would've used him. Oh well!
  • Ben Grimm wrote:
    Small Note: Dino is only being given away in Anniversary Tokens and as a Daily Reward.

    And as a season progression award, and as a progression award in the current PVP, and as the featured prize two PVPs ago. And as the season alliance award.

    So after this Anniversary event is over, he won't eventually be added into the cover pool similar to the other characters and we're going to have to wait until next year's anniversary event to get more?
  • I wonder if there's going to be an "Extinction Event" for the death of Dino when Anniversary Week ends? And perhaps another "BEHOLD THE COELACANTH!" event when they bring him back?
  • Grizzlegom wrote:
    So after this Anniversary event is over, he won't eventually be added into the cover pool similar to the other characters and we're going to have to wait until next year's anniversary event to get more?

    He almost certainly will be, but it might be a while.
  • Ben Grimm wrote:
    Grizzlegom wrote:
    So after this Anniversary event is over, he won't eventually be added into the cover pool similar to the other characters and we're going to have to wait until next year's anniversary event to get more?

    He almost certainly will be, but it might be a while.

    Okay, that's what I thought. I figured the next cover rotation for season 8 was when we'd see him added. Maybe they'll even rotate IW out to work on her icon_e_smile.gif
  • Grizzlegom wrote:
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    Grizzlegom wrote:
    So after this Anniversary event is over, he won't eventually be added into the cover pool similar to the other characters and we're going to have to wait until next year's anniversary event to get more?

    He almost certainly will be, but it might be a while.

    Okay, that's what I thought. I figured the next cover rotation for season 8 was when we'd see him added. Maybe they'll even rotate IW out to work on her icon_e_smile.gif

    I'd guess we'll get 4* Thor for 7-8-9, then maybe Dino for 10-11-12. They also haven't gotten to IW Blue or Green, or X-Force Black, so those will probably pop up at some point, and then someone new in season 16.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    I'd guess we'll get 4* Thor for 7-8-9, then maybe Dino for 10-11-12. They also haven't gotten to IW Blue or Green, or X-Force Black, so those will probably pop up at some point, and then someone new in season 16.
    I'm guessing Iron Patriot will be coming after GT. Dino just might pop up in a PVP or two as a 1300 prog/#1 reward, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
  • orionpeace
    orionpeace Posts: 344 Mover and Shaker
    IceIX did mention that they might come up with a new way to get 4* Thor covers out. But for now the first one will be released as a Season Reward.

    So, I do expect some changes in the nearish future in that regard.

    For reference: http://www.d3pforums.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=17199&p=229390#p229390
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    1st token of my Anniversary 10-pack was 2900hp!!

    I don't care about anymore of the events/announcements/arguments.

    Happy Anniversary everyone!!
  • Why/how Devil Dino is in usage statistics when it wasn't available for play?
  • KevinMark wrote:
    Why/how Devil Dino is in usage statistics when it wasn't available for play?

    You use him in The Hunt for a single mission.
  • Phantron wrote:
    KevinMark wrote:
    Why/how Devil Dino is in usage statistics when it wasn't available for play?

    You use him in The Hunt for a single mission.
    I forgot about that. It doesn't make sense to put him in usage statistics still though.
  • HailMary wrote:
    There is an argument to be made against current roster slot costs. IIRC, Ice mentioned a long time ago that the devs were considering pricing changes because the current price scaling pattern gets completely ridiculous once the current 100-slot cap is increased. I haven't seen any murmurs about it for a quite a while, though. I also think the slot-bundling change was bad. I don't think there was a good reason to switch only to bundles, as opposed to providing slot bundles as a secondary option.

    However, let's try to stay grounded in reality: a 3* cover costs 1250 HP. My next roster slot, #54, costs 700 HP, and I have multiple duplicate characters. If your next roster slot costs anywhere near 1250 HP with your roster strength, you're seriously doing it wrong.

    While I agree that getting past the #40 roster slots it really makes it easier because you have enough space to rotate characters. Considering there are 1* and 2* chars that you never want in your roster (Maybe some 3* too), you can easily manage such a roster space.

    My roster has #30 slots now, completely F2P (And I just managed to get my LCap to 9 covers and lvl 114 soft cap, yay first usable 3*). My next slot costs 400 HP, which is doable becaues I am in a T50 alliance (This is what has actually helped move forward).

    However, what i wanted to point out is that the prices increase the more slots you buy. I find barely no logic in that. Maybe the one explanation can be that it is a permanent purchase. But again, you will need to buy more roster slots in the future and that is a fact. So it is not so permanent after all. To my opinion, it would be better if we had a flat out price for every roster slots and offer bundle purchases of slots with discounts in them. The current way of expanding your roster is very inefficient and non player friendly.
  • cg2912 wrote:
    HailMary wrote:
    Okin107 wrote:
    2* Cap is roundly considered on the forum to be completely outclassed by Thor, CStorm, AWolv, and OBW (and Ares, but he's far less relevant due to late release and past rarity).

    The fact that Cap is used significantly more than any of those characters tells you something about the difference between the forum and the playerbase at large.
    Is this the stat your referring to about how Cap is used "significanlty more"?

    Ice on 3/18/14:

    - Stripping out 1 stars the top 5 used in order are: Thor (Marvel NOW!), Storm (Classic), Black Widow (Original), Wolverine (Astonishing), Captain America. So Iron Man (Model 40) fell off and Black Widow (Original) stepped up.

    You messed up the quotes. I did not say that. HailMary said it lol icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • FaustianDeal
    FaustianDeal Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    This may seem non-sequitor given the other conversations going on in this thread, but:
    For all the earlier grumbling about how unreachable the 10-pack @ 3000 seemed for the overall PVP progression prize; it seems like the new, credible threat to people making 3000 is that Lightning Rounds are now running and the prizes are too good to pass up. Scores in my overall bracket have been very flat since LR started; save for the top 6 spots who are presumably duking it out for the extra 10-pack for top-5... I am maintaining a top-25 (admittedly very low top-25) overall rank with a sub-200 score in Balance.

    The pace of pulling down anniversary tokens and ISO possible in the lightning rounds is killing the turnout in Balance of Power.
    Others' mileage may be varying but my results are staggering to me. I have played 2 rounds start-to-finish, and farmed over 10k ISO from *each* of them (counting rewards, progression, placement, and sale of dropped/drawn cards). That number seems plain crazy for 90 minutes of play given the expectations I normally have. I have also done late starts in 3 rounds and managed to go 1/1/3 using largely seed teams. 20-person brackets are awesome.

    To all the posters who said that this reward structure was a gold-mine, and that top rewards would be attainable: You guys were dead-on. Prizes in Lightning Rounds have brought back the manic 'fun' the week had starting out.