*** Doctor Octopus (Otto Octavius) ***



  • I once got a level 5 Manipulation TU from a lv200 Doc Oc. I was fighting Mohawk Storm, she cast a Hailstorm, I used Manipulation, and all it did was like 2k damage, which is very weak for 11AP.

    Reasons I don't use Doc Oc:
    -Wayyyyy too low health
    -Wayyyyy too expensive cost of powers
    -Wayyyyy too specialized and unflexible

    The character should just be entire redesigned because he's kinda useless.
  • Totally agree with all of you. And the rest of you, yes feel free to post why you ACTUALLY don't use him...you know other than the silly poll answers icon_e_biggrin.gif

    My main reason: skills are much too specialized and don't work in tons of situations.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    I voted "rain poncho," because that poncho looks like army-surplus apparel from a dystopian reimagining of M.A.S.H. Someone like Docock who clearly invested a nice chunk of change in custom active-lifestyle optics should be draping him with something that's not the color of clinically depressed crabgrass.

    But, I also don't use him because Falcon is my main man for dealing with goon CD tiles, and if enemy Daken has put out enough strike tiles for Docock blueflag.png to be reliable, you're already in trouble. I expected Docock blueflag.png to ramp up to swapping the entire board at five covers. If it did that, Docock would likely be worth playing against goons. For now, it's merely anti-Hailstorm, and the best way to counter Hailstorm is to simply murder squishy Storm before she pulls it off.

    That said, the black Docock is actually not too bad when used with big strike tiles against goons, like UDaken + Falcon. But, you'd likely be better served by bringing someone like Psylocke, who can cheaply lay down an attack tile, as well.
  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    With Bagman, Yelena, and Venom in my roster, why would I ever use Ock? icon_lol.gif . Seriously, he is, IMO, that bad. I do use him sometimes with Spidey because I think it's kinda funny to see Ock, Spidey, and Venom all 3 on the same team. But that's about all I use him for; the amusement.
  • Because I'm missing his best ability.

    No seriously. I'd use him more...if mine was something other than 2 blueflag.png 0 blackflag.png 1 greenflag.png , really I would.

    Remember when new characters would be an MPQ focus for like, 3 weeks? Nowadays is seems like you get 10 days to try to get the new hotness. Miss that little window, and go ahead and enjoy waiting 3 Months (+/- 3 weeks) for your next opportunity icon_evil.gificon_cry.gificon_eek.gificon_e_sad.gif
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
    Slicked hair, no mistake. Was it too much to ask to have one "uncool" villain for once? Classic Dr. Octopus, overweight, stocky-faced, $5-haircut, woolly-sweater-wearing was a refreshing sight amidst the sea of either "cool and tragic" or overdone demonic clowns that populate rogue galleries. What is next? An athletic, playboyish Kingpin?
  • Pylgrim wrote:
    overdone demonic clowns
    NOOOO you didn't!
  • FaustianDeal
    FaustianDeal Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    I have played him a bit, mostly in lightning rounds, and his powers are very rough. If you aren't playing against a tile-spammer all of his powers are basically garbage. The only semi-redeeming power in that context is green, which is way to expensive for as little as you get out of it.

    His black seemed like it would play like Daken's passive, but it doesn't because every board has green, and lots of boards aren't going to have special tiles. The black power is comically too situational to have meaningful value. Also attack tiles, to me feel less valuable than strike tiles... a strike tile boosts every attack and every match in a cascade where an attack is just a bonus hit (and they all fire in a block so its not like having 2 gets you more with strike tiles out there). Given the lower value of attack tiles relative to strikes, I feel like these passive attack tiles should have been bigger than daken's passively generated strikes - probably a lot better.

    In a lot of lightning rounds - his blue is basically the same as loki's purple, only it costs twice as much. Thanks for nothing on that one.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    This guy destroys any PvE that has Daken plus 2 Goons, he wrecks them. Short of that, he is a very niche character. When in that niche the's top tier, when not, ugh, watch out, although I found him pretty good against your standard Daken/Bullseye/Dark Ms.Marvel, you could really do some decent attack tile damage in that and nuke a guy sometimes with blue.
  • His powers just aren't reliable enough. When he was released I thought his blue at 5 was going to only affect special tiles. Maybe that would have been to effective against goons but I was very excited about the power. Once I realized this was not the case I forgot about him entirely. Thank you for posting this and reminding me he was an option.
  • Not exactly a reason I don't use him, but evidence of his terribleness. In the current PvE where he is paired with Loki and Human Torch I still bring Daken and Patch to devour his team quickly because they do the most single target direct damage the fastest. His powers do not scare me off the strike tile tactic, and often times he does jack all with his powers against my team. He makes 2 attack tiles occasionally and very rarely gets enough blue to use Manipulation. That his niche where he is supposed to thrive can easily take him down is evidence he is terrible.
  • babinro
    babinro Posts: 771 Critical Contributor
    His blue is completely useless.

    I've used it in matches with daken/sentry and it completely whiffs.
    This is THE skill that makes Doc Oct truly interesting and it's completely based on RNG with a high fail rate.

    Keeping the skill as is...you'd seriously have to lower the AP cost to something like 5. More importantly the skill should be modified in one of two ways.

    Option 1: The skill deals damage per tile swapped. Effectively, this is mags blue but with another benefit and costs one more AP as a result. The damage could be reduced slightly from mags but it should be close.

    Option 2 (my preferred choice): The skill should automatically target special tiles and swap them. Turn this skill into a hard counter similar to Loki's black. The major different here being that you aren't reverting them to your side but dealing damage. It's a weaker power but then again doc oct gets 3 skills and so we shouldn't expect it to be better.

    His black and green skills are designed well enough with the green just needing number adjustments to warrant it's AP cost. I'm not a pro at balancing damage vs other benefits but I'd say the AoE should be closer to 2000 damage to match Thors base AOE. Then doc trades off the additional damage for the other benefits built into the green skill.
  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,215 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm still short 5 covers, and I'm not spending HP on my last Thor cover, why would I use him when I have a few maxed 3*s?
  • So I'm wondering if the upcoming Sentry nerf/retooling will help Doc Ock become a better counter since there's a chance for reaching 11 blue before an enemy Sentry gets 12 green & more time for his passive to trigger while clearing rupture tiles. The few times I've used him, his blue hasn't done anything impressive but I'm willing to wait a bit before possibly respeccing from 5/5/3 to 3/5/5. His green sucks but at least I know what to expect if I ever use it. icon_e_confused.gif
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Red Panda wrote:
    So I'm wondering if the upcoming Sentry nerf/retooling will help Doc Ock become a better counter since there's a chance for reaching 11 blue before an enemy Sentry gets 12 green & more time for his passive to trigger while clearing rupture tiles. The few times I've used him, his blue hasn't done anything impressive but I'm willing to wait a bit before possibly respeccing from 5/5/3 to 3/5/5. His green sucks but at least I know what to expect if I ever use it. icon_e_confused.gif

    Nope, turns out that swapping 8 pairs of tiles is still pretty inconsistent / bad.
  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,215 Chairperson of the Boards
    Red Panda wrote:
    So I'm wondering if the upcoming Sentry nerf/retooling will help Doc Ock become a better counter since there's a chance for reaching 11 blue before an enemy Sentry gets 12 green & more time for his passive to trigger while clearing rupture tiles. The few times I've used him, his blue hasn't done anything impressive but I'm willing to wait a bit before possibly respeccing from 5/5/3 to 3/5/5. His green sucks but at least I know what to expect if I ever use it. icon_e_confused.gif

    Nope, turns out that swapping 8 pairs of tiles is still pretty inconsistent / bad.

    Oh, idea for a buff to Doc Ock. Set the positions of the tiles he swaps! I'd even go as far as to make it a set pattern that it always follows so it can be planned and known both which tiles will swap (making it apparent which tiles it will grab to destroy) but also making it possible to plan out cascades due to swaps!

    Perhaps make 3 of them tiles that World Rupture always affects, 3 of them tiles that Inferno always affects, and the last 2 some place near the bottom of the board.
  • himatako
    himatako Posts: 269 Mover and Shaker
    Pwuz_ wrote:
    Red Panda wrote:
    So I'm wondering if the upcoming Sentry nerf/retooling will help Doc Ock become a better counter since there's a chance for reaching 11 blue before an enemy Sentry gets 12 green & more time for his passive to trigger while clearing rupture tiles. The few times I've used him, his blue hasn't done anything impressive but I'm willing to wait a bit before possibly respeccing from 5/5/3 to 3/5/5. His green sucks but at least I know what to expect if I ever use it. icon_e_confused.gif

    Nope, turns out that swapping 8 pairs of tiles is still pretty inconsistent / bad.

    Oh, idea for a buff to Doc Ock. Set the positions of the tiles he swaps! I'd even go as far as to make it a set pattern that it always follows so it can be planned and known both which tiles will swap (making it apparent which tiles it will grab to destroy) but also making it possible to plan out cascades due to swaps!

    Perhaps make 3 of them tiles that World Rupture always affects, 3 of them tiles that Inferno always affects, and the last 2 some place near the bottom of the board.

    I think that's a bit confusing. Looking at the result of Loki's Illusions from the simulator by NorthernPolarity, adding the number of pairs swapped should be enough. Just increase the number from 8 pairs to something like 18 or 22 would be an easy fix, imo.

    Or rework the skill completely so that we can choose what to swap. They already made that interface for Bagman, but nobody really use Bagman so I think that's a waste raelly.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    Not that I plan leveling him soon but reading above posts, I wonder too if going 3/5/5 would be slightly better than 5/5/3.

    3/5/5 --Lose destroying every tile and can only destroy attack and strike you gain more damage, more stun, more AP destruction

    5/5/3--You gain destroying all tiles but lose somedmg, stun and Ap destruction

    Honestly the only reason to have him 5/5/3 is to destroy CD tiles, I don't care about protect tiles since that's only a problem against Falcon, Spidey or C.Mags. He still counters the snot out of Daken and Blade at 3/5/5. But when am I really ever going to use green? It lets me do an extra 261 AoE, destroy 2 more AP and stun 2 extra turns. That is the best upgrade is the extra stun, the 3-5 AP destruction is negligible and 261 extra AoE is laughable, but stunning 1 turn vs. 3 is nice, but an expensive way to do it.

    After writing this I will stick with 5/5/3 just because it could nuke someone after a Bird Strike or Coercive Force and possibly in PvE when CD tiles are everywhere.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phaserhawk wrote:
    Not that I plan leveling him soon but reading above posts, I wonder too if going 3/5/5 would be slightly better than 5/5/3.

    3/5/5 --Lose destroying every tile and can only destroy attack and strike you gain more damage, more stun, more AP destruction

    5/5/3--You gain destroying all tiles but lose somedmg, stun and Ap destruction

    Honestly the only reason to have him 5/5/3 is to destroy CD tiles, I don't care about protect tiles since that's only a problem against Falcon, Spidey or C.Mags. He still counters the snot out of Daken and Blade at 3/5/5. But when am I really ever going to use green? It lets me do an extra 261 AoE, destroy 2 more AP and stun 2 extra turns. That is the best upgrade is the extra stun, the 3-5 AP destruction is negligible and 261 extra AoE is laughable, but stunning 1 turn vs. 3 is nice, but an expensive way to do it.

    After writing this I will stick with 5/5/3 just because it could nuke someone after a Bird Strike or Coercive Force and possibly in PvE when CD tiles are everywhere.

    Green is so expensive that I would rather have the offchance of manipulation hitting CD tiles. Not to mention that there are so many better green abilities than blue abilities in the game.
  • So when matching enemy special tiles, if you match > 1 special tile Doctor Octopus only adds 1 Attack Tile. I would think that it should be 1 to 1, so if you smartly match 3 enemy Strike tiles you generate 3 Attack tiles.