*** Doctor Octopus (Otto Octavius) ***



  • Doc is awesome against the PVE NPC's, especially if you team him up with Falcon. I don't like him for PVP at all.

    To counter Sentry, use CMags and Falcon's defense tiles to negate Sentry's World Rupture. It's true that they are more expensive, but you can prioritize yellow or purple AP, whereas it feels like the AI picks colors randomly if there are no match 4's available.
  • Speaking of counter Spidy's purple is fast and works quite well against WR

    any hood

    Sentry is one of my main 3* cover characters. I fear if and when he does get nerfed, he will drop like cMag, while not completely useless but no longer top tier.

    I have been using Sentry in both PvE and PvP and majority of the time I never boost heading into every match. I still find it challenging to pull off Sentry's WR and sacrafice early. And often the AI is smart enough to compete for my green + yellow making it even harder to complete this combo. I have got my butt kicked when the board is completely unfavorable to me. The fact that Sentry is used for PvP and hence everyone thinks he is OP and a nerf is needed has been overblown, if PvP + boost is the problem then do something about that specifically. If you remove boost (which I think dev one day will remove it completely) Sentry isnt as over pwoer as most thinks.

    pulling off WR + sacrafice isnt as easy as most have you believe. Against a L200 AI opponent, throwing down WR was never enough to take out the opposing team unless you can pull off WR twice. And this is having LDaken and 5-6 strike tiles already on the table too.

    some boosted characters like OBW would be equally deadly heading in any match, so now do we say lets nerf OBW? of course not. Again boosted Sentry + shield hop is the problem, then I hope Dev will do something to the shield hoping mechanism first before touching Sentry's abilities. I have to use a health pack every time I use Sentry, to me everything feels right about him. I bet most people who complain against Sentry is mostly because they do not have a fully covered Sentry themselves to use, otherwise they will see how overblown his abilities are.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    ...people waste iso8.png and healthpack.png and maybe even imcoin.png on sentry bombing pve too? icon_e_surprised.gif
  • silverrex wrote:
    Speaking of counter Spidy's purple is fast and works quite well against WR

    Great point. I also just realized how incredible Doc is against Storm's black power. It's borderline unfair. Too bad no one uses Storm.
  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    If they had made DO's black drop strike tiles instead he would have been a serious Sentry stumbling block. Even on def it would be hard not to match up some countdowns giving you some strikes to eat away the attacking teams health during WR. In that case I would put money on DO being avoided worse than a red headed ebola/plague stepchild.
  • IFor his Green ability, Armed and Dangerous, the stun would probably be better if it was applied after damage is done.

    Bumping this, totally frustrating to use the ability, stun him, and THEN kill him. Would rather kill him and stun the next person, of have a caveat in the ability that states that if the character stays alive, he is stunned so it doesn't seem so nonsensical.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    MarvelMan wrote:
    If they had made DO's black drop strike tiles instead he would have been a serious Sentry stumbling block. Even on def it would be hard not to match up some countdowns giving you some strikes to eat away the attacking teams health during WR. In that case I would put money on DO being avoided worse than a red headed ebola/plague stepchild.
    How so? The activation mechanism is a lot more hit or miss than laken, who actually does have a usable 2nd ability unlike doc oc, and it's not like people actually try to avoid him.
  • I really think they ought to update his blackflag.png power to include special tiles destroyed by his blueflag.png power. It was mentioned to work this way in the interview and it seems like that was the original intent.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    Doc Ock I would like to officialy thank you and say goodbye as I banash you to my roster of under leveled 3* characters. Your blackflag.png Insult to injury has been a perfect match to Berserker Rage. Your attack tile has double dipped off of strike.png and have helped demolish high level goons. Unfortunatly you will no longer be buffed and without enough covers your health and attack tile are lacking. When you show up as a goon in PVE you will be respected, and annoying. I hope to see you in some lightning rounds, and that you are added to the token pool sooner rather than later. As it stands now you can hang out with Colossus, She-Hulk, Captain Marvel, and Deadpool waiting for more covers. Maybe in a month or 2 there will be another 8 is enough and we can get together for a drink. Just remember it's not you, it's my MMR that is making me breakup with you for now.

    Good luck and I know with a couple more covers you will definatly be more attractive to me again. Until then good luck.
  • wymtime wrote:
    Doc Ock I would like to officialy thank you and say goodbye as I banash you to my roster of under leveled 3* characters. Your blackflag.png Insult to injury has been a perfect match to Berserker Rage. Your attack tile has double dipped off of strike.png and have helped demolish high level goons. Unfortunatly you will no longer be buffed and without enough covers your health and attack tile are lacking. When you show up as a goon in PVE you will be respected, and annoying. I hope to see you in some lightning rounds, and that you are added to the token pool sooner rather than later. As it stands now you can hang out with Colossus, She-Hulk, Captain Marvel, and Deadpool waiting for more covers. Maybe in a month or 2 there will be another 8 is enough and we can get together for a drink. Just remember it's not you, it's my MMR that is making me breakup with you for now.

    Good luck and I know with a couple more covers you will definatly be more attractive to me again. Until then good luck.

    I would also like to add you to the bottom of my 3*/4* under/never level pile along with the above mentioned, and also to include: Beast, Lazy Storm, Iron Man 40, Spiderman, GSBW, Invisible Woman, Devil Dino (until I get enough covers to make him viable) and Falcon ... enjoy your time in my basement Doc! There always seems to be more room for more new, what seemed exciting but really suck 3*'s (i.e. Beast, Colossus, Doc)
  • I've got mine up to 5/4/3, and about 145th level (taking him up to 153), and I've used him a little in the PVE.

    Him and Falcon can be very, very effective together, especially against the thugs and dons, or anyone else who spams a lot of CD tiles (especially yellow ones). I'd keep matching yellow, knocking out a CD tile, and that would spawn an attack tile and boost all the other attack tiles. Eventually, those attack tile were doing an insane amount of damage. And this is only at four covers on black.

    His other powers are various degrees of garbage, though. Blue is a really weak shuffle that rarely triggers anything, and Green does enough stuff that I"m starting to think it may be more useful, assuming you're only using Doc Ock in PVEs - but it's overcosted. There's also the fact that there aren't really any good green anti-CD powers, whereas there are at least two good blue ones (Lazy Cap and OBW).
  • Ben Grimm wrote:
    I've got mine up to 5/4/3, and about 145th level (taking him up to 153), and I've used him a little in the PVE.

    Him and Falcon can be very, very effective together, especially against the thugs and dons, or anyone else who spams a lot of CD tiles (especially yellow ones). I'd keep matching yellow, knocking out a CD tile, and that would spawn an attack tile and boost all the other attack tiles. Eventually, those attack tile were doing an insane amount of damage. And this is only at four covers on black.

    His other powers are various degrees of garbage, though. Blue is a really weak shuffle that rarely triggers anything, and Green does enough stuff that I"m starting to think it may be more useful, assuming you're only using Doc Ock in PVEs - but it's overcosted. There's also the fact that there aren't really any good green anti-CD powers, whereas there are at least two good blue ones (Lazy Cap and OBW).

    I agree with you on the rest. But have you tried patch with doc? You CREATE enemy tiles instead of WAITING? I have rarely got nothing from blue that way. If you can somehow pull out multiple patch red or green even better. The cascades alone will cripple or kill
  • yogi_
    yogi_ Posts: 1,236 Chairperson of the Boards
    Not really paying much attention to the LR's this time, so only doing some here and there.

    Just now, enemy Doc Ock got 11 Blue and triggered Manipulation.

    Some tiles moved around, nothing else happened (I mean nothing whatsoever) and then it was my turn.

    That's the way it was designed, right?
  • It only destroy special tiles. If there are no special tiles then yes it is just a super expensive version of loki illusion.
  • yogi_
    yogi_ Posts: 1,236 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just had it go off again. Had a couple of special tiles on the board. Swapping caused one match 3 and no extra damage (I think). Nothing else.

    Amazingly designed ability...
  • Yea, it's terrible in most situations. It's why his green should really be better. Situational abilities are fine, but 3 of them on the same character is terrible.
  • Seed teams are weak and therefore the doc ock you are playing against has few blue covers and affects very few special tiles. When you start hitting doc ocks with more covers (he is still really new) when you are using say Daken, Blade, Psylocke, A Wolvie, etc., he will be a little more effective. When you have to play a scaled version of him in PVE (which is where he'll be the most dangerous with goons feeding him blue and green ap), I'm pretty sure your opinion of him might change slightly;)
  • It wont target special tiles to swap and destroy, will only destroy ones it happens upon randomly. I find using him with patch produces interesting results.
  • Pats0132
    Pats0132 Posts: 146 Tile Toppler
    It also depends on how many covers he has. You need 5 covers for him to get rid of attack, strike, protect or cd tile. If not then you have to see if the covers allow you to destroy the tile or not.
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    Yeah, I'm at a loss with some of the recent character designs. People complain about situational powers, but I want situational powers so that there is some strategy to character selection.

    But here's the thing. They should be low cost.

    Illusions is not situational and it costs 5 AP. That should be the benchmark. Manipulation seems way off the mark.