*** Doctor Octopus (Otto Octavius) ***



  • Hannybal wrote:
    hhm, his green damage at max level is confirm not bug or some typo ? The damage is really very pathetic less, i feel.

    Oh ya... so his black passive only works if u match (i.e. min 3) the special tiles, instead of destroying 1 (for a whole vertical or horizontal line) ?
    Whenever you make a match that includes enemy special tiles, add a Black Attack tile to the board of strength 27.

    I don't see how that's even a little bit ambiguous.
  • It's ambiguous because of X-Force and Daredevil, which say the EXACT same thing, but work on match 4 lines.
  • Just for fun, (this is still a fun game isn't it?) I think I'm going to pair the two Dr's together, Victor and Otto, and then one more from the dark side of the pavement, oh say Eric (C Mags) or Parker Robbins (wears some sort of Hood on his head).

    Doom and Octo seem like they'll go really well together as black would work out to both their advantages, and can you imagine how many attack tiles they could create icon_e_biggrin.gif

    There are probably loads more combinations that will be fun like Daken/Falcon in for the mix, but I do like throwing characters from the same comics together, so Otto, Spidey and Venom would also be a fun mash up icon_e_wink.gif

    Any others worth considering?
  • JusticeB wrote:
    Just for fun, (this is still a fun game isn't it?) I think I'm going to pair the two Dr's together, Victor and Otto, and then one more from the dark side of the pavement, oh say Eric (C Mags) or Parker Robbins (wears some sort of Hood on his head).

    Doom and Octo seem like they'll go really well together as black would work out to both their advantages, and can you imagine how many attack tiles they could create icon_e_biggrin.gif

    There are probably loads more combinations that will be fun like Daken/Falcon in for the mix, but I do like throwing characters from the same comics together, so Otto, Spidey and Venom would also be a fun mash up icon_e_wink.gif

    Any others worth considering?

    Otto-Patch ~ berserker rage, then match away some enemy strike tiles while making attack tiles to double dip
  • loroku
    loroku Posts: 1,014 Chairperson of the Boards
    Some of you probably picked up on that long ago - like back when his powers were first announced. But he seems like an excellent counter to that character, especially once he really gets covered.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    loroku wrote:
    Some of you probably picked up on that long ago - like back when his powers were first announced. But he seems like an excellent counter to that character, especially once he really gets covered.

    I'm not so sure. Just from an ability standpoint:
    1. Doc Ock's blue costs 11 AP, which is significantly more than Sentry's WR of 7, so it's not even guaranteed that you can get the AP to cast blue by the time he gets WR off.
    2. Getting 2 attack tiles off of killing some WR tiles feels bad when, well, you are facing down WR tiles to begin with. This means that if Doc Ock's blue doesn't end up 1 shotting Sentry, your team is in for a world of hurt so it's not even a sure thing.
    3. Doc Ock's abilities are reactive, and thus get 0 value until Sentry does something. If you give Sentry the time to do something, then you're probably in a bad position. Compare this to say being more proactive with heroes that just try to burst down Sentry instead (X-Force!).

    Now from a format perspective,
    1. PvE - Time isn't that big of a deal here, so he's relevant here.
    2. PvP - Sentrys main use here is shield hopping and fast wins at high point totals. A Doc Ock has 0 chance against a boosted Sentry since he's never getting 11 blue AP on defense and then actually casting it only once Sentry WRs. Since he has low HP too, he's basically cannon fodder for the Sentry pushing team. You're much better off with a character that can at least threaten to something if they misplay, such as Hulk / C. Marvs.

    His release unfortunately will not change the current metagame in any way or form.
  • That's his main problem, he LOOKS like a sentry nerf, but Sentry will beat the **** out of him.
  • Sandmaker
    Sandmaker Posts: 208 Tile Toppler
    After thinking about it, I believe he's designed to be a counter to mass special tile generators in a future where Sentry's been nerfed and world rupture doesn't cost 7 ap.

    If you're willing to ignore WR for a moment and compare his blue to other mass special tile generators. Right now it cost 1 match more than Hailstorm, and cost the same number of matches as Coercive Field, Inferno, and Flock of birds.

    I don't know if it's the right philosophy, but I guess it makes sense to not design a new character to counter someone that's probably going to get nerfed.
  • Nellyson
    Nellyson Posts: 354 Mover and Shaker
    So, I was testing out my newly acquired 2/2/2 Dr. Ock and I have a question about his bluetile.png power....I was facing a Daken, had let a bunch of strike tiles purposely build up, then used his power of manipulation. Definitely destroyed those strike tiles, but isn't his blacktile.png supposed to activate as well?? I didn't earn any attack tiles from destroying the enemystrike.png tiles. Am I wrong about his powers?
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lerysh wrote:
    That's his main problem, he LOOKS like a sentry nerf, but Sentry will beat the **** out of him.
    To be fair, the only thing that could slow down a sentry while defending is the boosted hulk tourney
  • Any destroyed by blueflag.png do not activate blackflag.png . If you swap tiles that results in a match 3 of a special tile, then blackflag.png activates. The interview they did where they said blackflag.png could be triggered by blueflag.png was misleading, they meant by random swap matches.
  • OnesOwnGrief
    OnesOwnGrief Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sentry: "Where your AP at Doc?"
    Octavius: "Don't talk to me while you have Robbins over there robbing me and you matching my Green!"
    The Hood: "Blame Dormamu!!!"
  • Octopus would have been useful if you could clear all enemy tiles, like Cmarvel with the protection tiles.

    Otherwise, it should have been a 6 AP or less ability just for one tile.

    He is fun to play, I like the animations (like the Blue Beast), but I'm not sure I will play him much.
  • atomzed
    atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't get Oct blue. It's so... random. 8 pair tiles out of 64? What are the chances of hitting it? And if I don't hit it, there's absolutely no effect.

    I rather max green, which at least gives me 3 turns stun. True there are better green out there. But if I'm going to use doc oct, his blue is too random for my liking.

    Can someone explain why most people like 3/5/5 for doc oct?
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    atomzed wrote:
    I don't get Oct blue. It's so... random. 8 pair tiles out of 64? What are the chances of hitting it? And if I don't hit it, there's absolutely no effect.

    I rather max green, which at least gives me 3 turns stun. True there are better green out there. But if I'm going to use doc oct, his blue is too random for my liking.

    Can someone explain why most people like 3/5/5 for doc oct?
    I think you answered your own question. There are way too many better uses for 12 Green. He's unlikely to be your only green user. As for the blue, aside from the matches, it will also shake up the board, which is something you often need in a goon level.
  • The only sentry stopper is a **** board. icon_cool.gif
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    atomzed wrote:
    I don't get Oct blue. It's so... random. 8 pair tiles out of 64? What are the chances of hitting it? And if I don't hit it, there's absolutely no effect.

    I rather max green, which at least gives me 3 turns stun. True there are better green out there. But if I'm going to use doc oct, his blue is too random for my liking.

    Can someone explain why most people like 3/5/5 for doc oct?

    3->5 blue destroys chosen CD tiles on swap, which is a pretty big deal against goons. 3->5 green gives you 3 turns of a random stun in a color that has far better abilities. And if you thought blue is random, I'm surprised you don't think green is even more random. There are so many random effects on that ability, and probably only 1/3rd of them will be relevant any time you try to use it. At least you know blue is going to be a **** illusions every single time you cast it.
  • Seasick Pirate
    Seasick Pirate Posts: 280 Mover and Shaker
    Here's something I'm not sure has been brought up here or even exists. I think I've witnessed it a couple times but didn't realize it until it was all over.

    Doc's green says:
    "Deals 82 damage to all enemies, then stuns a random enemy for 1 turn..."
    But I think it actually stuns enemies before doing damage. I say this because I'm pretty sure I've used this with an enemy being killed off, leaving no one stunned. It also might just be me not paying attention enough to see what's really going on.

    I don't have the time to test this out myself at the moment, but maybe others have noticed this as well?
  • Here's something I'm not sure has been brought up here or even exists. I think I've witnessed it a couple times but didn't realize it until it was all over.

    Doc's green says:
    "Deals 82 damage to all enemies, then stuns a random enemy for 1 turn..."
    But I think it actually stuns enemies before doing damage. I say this because I'm pretty sure I've used this with an enemy being killed off, leaving no one stunned. It also might just be me not paying attention enough to see what's really going on.

    I don't have the time to test this out myself at the moment, but maybe others have noticed this as well?

    I had this happened to me a few times as well. Not sure if intended?
  • atomzed wrote:
    I don't get Oct blue. It's so... random. 8 pair tiles out of 64? What are the chances of hitting it? And if I don't hit it, there's absolutely no effect.

    I rather max green, which at least gives me 3 turns stun. True there are better green out there. But if I'm going to use doc oct, his blue is too random for my liking.

    Can someone explain why most people like 3/5/5 for doc oct?

    3->5 blue destroys chosen CD tiles on swap, which is a pretty big deal against goons. 3->5 green gives you 3 turns of a random stun in a color that has far better abilities. And if you thought blue is random, I'm surprised you don't think green is even more random. There are so many random effects on that ability, and probably only 1/3rd of them will be relevant any time you try to use it. At least you know blue is going to be a **** illusions every single time you cast it.
    Chosen, not random?