POLL: Team-Up Modifications (RESTARTED)
The Red Boat wrote:Sorry if this has been mentioned elsewhere, but there's a minor issue that should take a backseat to some of the major problems with TUs, but should be remembered for later. Powers with countdown tiles are overpowered as TUs.
Powers with countdowns can be extra powerful because they're balanced by being able to stop their effect(s) either matching them or killing the character. TU countdown tiles can only be destroyed by matching.
For example: I had a FlameJet get placed in a corner that was impossible to get to due to stagnant board organization. Normally if this was the case I could have shifted my kill order to take out Torch but in this case I just had to soak up the damage for the rest of the match.0 -
Proposal: The Team-Up tokens should be removed from the defense team arsenal once it's been used in a defense fight.
This is limited to the max 3 TU tokens tagged along in last fight. Once the 3 tokens are depleted. The defense team is on their own.
Reason: I used to put up my L94 Sentry for defense. Yup, I am the one providing L94 Supernova to everyone.
I have been picked on much more often as people tried to farm the TU tokens from me.
Soon almost every team I face hammered me with Supernova game after game.
The thing is, I am probably the only one who doesn't have Supernova in my TU roster, since I can't fight myself.
If I have it and it doesn't get taken away in defense. I'd just keep it in my TU roster so I can repeatedly use it for defense.
This would apply to other powerful TU tokens out there.0 -
OnesOwnGrief wrote:The Red Boat wrote:Sorry if this has been mentioned elsewhere, but there's a minor issue that should take a backseat to some of the major problems with TUs, but should be remembered for later. Powers with countdown tiles are overpowered as TUs.
Powers with countdowns can be extra powerful because they're balanced by being able to stop their effect(s) either matching them or killing the character. TU countdown tiles can only be destroyed by matching.
For example: I had a FlameJet get placed in a corner that was impossible to get to due to stagnant board organization. Normally if this was the case I could have shifted my kill order to take out Torch but in this case I just had to soak up the damage for the rest of the match.
My take from the other threads is that is it very ambiguous who owns any given powers, and I don't want to have to take several minutes each match studying the opponents stats just to figure it out each match. If I must I can, but I don't want to add extra tedious steps to my gaming experience, thanks.0 -
If they Insist on keeping TUs, I would ask that it be 1 TU power, not 3. One random TU power is bad but trying to plan for 3 additional random powers is silly. Also, will d3 please update the ai teamups bug. During patch LR, the teamsups available included another patch zerker rage, and Wolvie adamantinum slash. Can't wait to face a 166 sentry with a Wr and supernova team up behind him too. Weee...I feel so funbalanced right now.0
Can't wait for another "Balance of Power" event to get a L270 Juggernut TU token.0
Another idea:
20. Before a match, show the Team-Up power you'll win.
There will soon be 108 Team Up powers -- I could see a 9 by 12 block of all of them being offered. Clicking on the power you wanted would give you an opposing team containing that character.0 -
EvilSonGoku wrote:If they Insist on keeping TUs, I would ask that it be 1 TU power, not 3.
This is how they should have started it. Even a change to 1 TU and 1 Boost or something.0 -
Hahaha, every one I voted for has over 100.... and none of the ones I didn't vote for has over 100.
This confirms I am objectively correct in all things.0 -
I'm sure this has been mentioned before for the refuse/del/sell option,
But what the *&*& are you supposed to do when you have a fist-full of * IM Repulsor lvl 2-10, or * Storm Lightning Strike lvl 2-10? YOu have to gather all the TU points, then cast it, to remove it from your TU pool. So in other words, it's a hinderance to me. I can't get my needed R/G/Y for Ares, while I get TU, take more damage in the mean time, then to get rid of the Lvl 2 Repulsor. Oooooo, thanks a lot. /sarc
They need to be tweeked a little so that they aren't a hinderance. Because, I've never seen the AI have a "bad" TU power, only me...
And they don't need to be sold for much, like 5*lvl=iso8 or something.0 -
OnesOwnGrief wrote:This is incorrect and have been covered in other threads. You kill the person. Who activated the team-up. Pay closer attention to your enemy layout and their team up attribute score.
I'm not so sure about this. I just faced a team of 1 Yelena and 1 goon. I stunned Yelena for four turns. The next turn, a World Rupture TU is played. I immediately downed the goon. World Rupture still went off.
So either Yelena activated a power while stunned, or nobody owns these tiles.0 -
Expalphalog wrote:OnesOwnGrief wrote:This is incorrect and have been covered in other threads. You kill the person. Who activated the team-up. Pay closer attention to your enemy layout and their team up attribute score.
I'm not so sure about this. I just faced a team of 1 Yelena and 1 goon. I stunned Yelena for four turns. The next turn, a World Rupture TU is played. I immediately downed the goon. World Rupture still went off.
So either Yelena activated a power while stunned, or nobody owns these tiles.
It's also definitely not "whoever's at the front" or "whoever's the non-goon" because I've had a World Rupture activated and then killed whoever was at the front at the time and it did nothing. And I've killed whoever the non-goon was and it does nothing. Maybe it's completely random. I am yet to "stop" a countdown tile played from Team-Up AP, anyway, whether by stunning or by killing anyone (except for the ever-popular "play berseker rage and kill everyone and win the round before they pop) method. It would be nice to know how it is meant to work, so that we can test that.0 -
Zhirrzh wrote:Expalphalog wrote:OnesOwnGrief wrote:This is incorrect and have been covered in other threads. You kill the person. Who activated the team-up. Pay closer attention to your enemy layout and their team up attribute score.
I'm not so sure about this. I just faced a team of 1 Yelena and 1 goon. I stunned Yelena for four turns. The next turn, a World Rupture TU is played. I immediately downed the goon. World Rupture still went off.
So either Yelena activated a power while stunned, or nobody owns these tiles.
It's also definitely not "whoever's at the front" or "whoever's the non-goon" because I've had a World Rupture activated and then killed whoever was at the front at the time and it did nothing. And I've killed whoever the non-goon was and it does nothing. Maybe it's completely random. I am yet to "stop" a countdown tile played from Team-Up AP, anyway, whether by stunning or by killing anyone (except for the ever-popular "play berseker rage and kill everyone and win the round before they pop) method. It would be nice to know how it is meant to work, so that we can test that.
From what I noticed, if the person with the highest damage on Team-up is stunned at the time of activation of the count down power, it is activated by second in line with the highest damage. The problem is, when the second in line is Hulk with 8000 lives and the countdown is Hawkeye RED. The only way how to eliminate is by matching it, because in 2-3 rounds you can't take Hulk down in many cases.0 -
I'm not even going to pretend this is novel or that I've had time to read every post in the fifteen threads about team-ups, but this has been my experience.
Just like in the days before true-healing, I now go back to the sorry missions, not to heal mind you, but because that is the only place where I can safely amassed enough TUAP to ditch worthless, high AP 1-star cards (yep, looking at you Yelena and Bullseye. You too, 20AP Ballistic Salvo). If I tried to pull that off in a PvP is be dead before I was halfway there. Seriously, what are the odds I would happen to choose some ridiculous AP card, then just happen to cascade a couple dozen TU tiles? Effectively zero.
I've been fortunate to avoid the Sentry-spamming of many users, but I've noticed opponents have a surprising amount of him.
Team-ups are weirdly buggy. The one time an opponent did cast World Rupture, I happened to have Punisher's Molotov Cocktail TU. I used it, and while it didn't end the match or destroy tiles, or even down anyone, all the opponent's countdown tiles disappear. I did not complain...0 -
Maybe it's just me, but I'd like to be able to reverse the sorting direction when selecting TUs. I like to use the lowest-level TUs first, so I'm constantly scrolling to the end, then back past the locked TUs to find the ones I want. Is this a uniquely newbie problem?0
And I just downed several of my level 80's trying to discard, I think I managed four TUs, and had several of the characters get downed in the Prologue. I agree with the sentiment that's frustrating that True Healing was cited as partially not having people spend an insane amount in the Prologue and yet now we have to do it all over again.0
I also haven't read all the post but just want to share my experience. Alot of teams that don't "feel" as if they have deserved Sentry spam are doing it. I hate it! This change is worse then True healing removal. I like the concept, its fun to borrow powers i get that, but i doesn't feel truly representative of the competition i'm facing. There are teams that I should be wiping the floor with but then old Sentry turns up x2 and decimates my squad and it just feels cheap and meaningless. The AI is also not constrained to the same rules that we are with team active enemy team members bringing their own AP spenders to the table? What up with that? Its really disapointing. Points for innovation, big minus for implimentation.
Not happy Jan0 -
Sigh ... the Deadpool event will start today, against every character in the game. But my team up pool is choked with these useless and very expensive Team-ups. It would take hours of tedious play to get rid of them. D3, can we maybe get a reset on team-ups if deleting isn't possible? Could the most expensive ones be shuffled off instead of a "You Get NOTHING!" pop-up after each match?
15 - Yelena Belova 2 - Lethal Recon
16 - Black Widow (Modern) 5 - Aggressive Recon
16 - Bullseye 4 5 - Murderous Aim
16 - Yelena Belova 3 - Lethal Recon
17 - Bullseye 2 3 - Murderous Aim
17 - Moonstone - Control Shift
18 - Bullseye 1 - Murderous Aim
18 - Yelena Belova 4 - Lethal Recon
19 - Yelena Belova 5 - Lethal Recon
Because of these ridiculously expensive powers, I'm pretty much missing out half of the fun of the event. These bad, useless, hard-to-cast powers have my roster of viable Team-up powers down to 4 out of 20. Because of scaling, where each match is supposed to be a challenge, I can't afford to devote 6-7 full turns to collecting TU AP. Also, I have to keep the opposing team alive at least 8 turns or I can't cast the power.0 -
Nonce Equitaur 2 wrote:Sigh ... the Deadpool event will start today, against every character in the game. But my team up pool is choked with these useless and very expensive Team-ups. It would take hours of tedious play to get rid of them. D3, can we maybe get a reset on team-ups if deleting isn't possible? Could the most expensive ones be shuffled off instead of a "You Get NOTHING!" pop-up after each match?
15 - Yelena Belova 2 - Lethal Recon
16 - Black Widow (Modern) 5 - Aggressive Recon
16 - Bullseye 4 5 - Murderous Aim
16 - Yelena Belova 3 - Lethal Recon
17 - Bullseye 2 3 - Murderous Aim
17 - Moonstone - Control Shift
18 - Bullseye 1 - Murderous Aim
18 - Yelena Belova 4 - Lethal Recon
19 - Yelena Belova 5 - Lethal Recon
Because of these ridiculously expensive powers, I'm pretty much missing out half of the fun of the event. These bad, useless, hard-to-cast powers have my roster of viable Team-up powers down to 4 out of 20. Because of scaling, where each match is supposed to be a challenge, I can't afford to devote 6-7 full turns to collecting TU AP. Also, I have to keep the opposing team alive at least 8 turns or I can't cast the power.
This is easily the biggest issue I have with the TUs, I feel they're a chore to use. Most the matches I don't NEED to use one as we've been playing for months without them and winning games, but as the opponent has access to them, and as the one colour is ONLY useful for TUs (no strike tile damage) your at a disadvantage if you don't.
It's not like boosts which I used sparingly when I came up against a particularly hard match. The problem is these are unbalanced, you don't use or need them on the easy matches so you don't deplete your stock, but you get 1 more useless TU for your troubles. Then when you do want to use them in harder matches and can get the better reward, you're stuck with only the expensive ones in your inventory...
It's a chore to select 3 of them prior to starting - why can't we select multiple at the same time, or have them pre-selected if unused in the prior match
It's a chore to remember what each power does as there's no info prior to getting in a match
It's a chore to remember how many points you need to cast a power - I keep selecting 3 of the above powers as like Nonce I've got too many of them thanks to PVE and want to get rid of them and getting 18 TU points takes way too long when I can win with other powers quicker
It's a chore to collect TU to use these high priced powers - there's a reason the characters with these powers are un-favoured for regular play
To be fair the easy fixes are - add strike tile damage and add delete button. Then they'll work more like boosts and you'll be able to pick useful TUS that can be used when you want and need to.0 -
Getting rid of bad Team Up powers is now too much of a metagame. It's pure chorework. I can't focus on beating the opponent now ... no, I have to chuck away a useless team-up power. Ah, great, all that effort, and they gave me another bad one.
If they just recosted the bad ones to reasonable values, the Team-Up powers would be about 2000% more fun and less tedious.
Why is the selection screen 2 high and 10 wide for a portrait mode game? Why not 3, 4, or 5 high?0 -
1 Delete/refuse and 9 remember which ones were used are the most immediate issues imo. They're small QoL issues that make the whole system irritating.0
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